The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

It's great when you're small enough to take a nap in a basket of apples. Though, they'll be getting a good washing when she's done. XD
Was watching Fall Weather Friends, and I noticed something. See if you can notice it too:

For me it looks like RD is farting while asleep. A lot. Besides, can't we take that rainbow as just another mane color and stop throwing weird theories about something that's animated with Flash 8? I'm not saying that is entirely because of 8's fault, but as the interviews said, it is very glitchy and stuff.
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Was watching Fall Weather Friends, and I noticed something. See if you can notice it too:

It seems that Pinkie Pie isn't the only Pony who can be in two places at once.

In other words there are two Rainbow Dash's, which has already been mentioned. There's a few YouTube videos showing a number of animation errors and bad continuity in some MLP episodes.
It actually happens twice in the episode (I caught the first instance, and then decided to check similar scenes to see if it popped up again), but I thought that one was by far the funnier of the two occurrences.

It seems that Pinkie Pie isn't the only Pony who can be in two places at once.
Don't forget the 3 Derpys in Sonic Rainboom (one of them competing, the other two sitting in the stands within feet of each other). Though Derpy = Homsar makes this make perfect sense.
I've seen a few humanizations of the characters, but this is a first.
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I forgot that one of those Derpys was competing. Did the creators think they could get away with having three Ponies that looked exactly the same in one episode without anyone noticing?

No, I believe they were aware of all the Derpy fuzz by the time and decided to troll us. ;)
Okay bronies. Since season one's end, what's your favorite song out of all of them?

I gotta go with Winter Wrap Up. Because tomorrow spring is here (it already is though, trolololo).
I like the Cutie Mark Crusaders song, Winter Wrap Up and, Pinkies share and care song.

I've listened to Winter Wrap Up the most. I wanted to listen to songs from the show on a long drive but I only had Winter Wrap Up to listen to, so I listened to it for 1 hour and 20 minutes. :lol:
great GT5 menu music, there^ :3

EDIT: Oh, m'lord...the Homsar = derpy caused me to search for this...and I found...


When Flash Cartoons Collide...

Must admit, Strong-Badnie's flesh-colored fur is...disturbing.
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Oh and anyone see these? Check this site out:
I'm thinking about picking up one of these bad boys, but I'm not sure which... it's for a good cause, at least.

The black one!

Found something interesting... and a good prank for anyone who cares enough. If anyone remembers that creepy picture of Applebloom I posted a couple of pages back, it seems as though it's part of a game. It's called 'Luna game' and looks like a harmless platformer with Luna (duh), but after around half a minute... it goes creepy. It also spams your folder with pics of the background.

If you want to try it... download and play at your own risk. The game is below...


For those who want to get freaked without the annoyance of have to manually shut down in order to exit the game (yeah it's those kinds of pranks), here's a video of it being played. Scared the @#$% out of me.

It isn't just Applebloom. There's also another screen of a zalgofied Pinkie Pie and four different eerie tracks that play. All random at times.

I'll send it to my frieend!

Normally I wouldn't post anything like this, and if I personally knew any of you I might hesitate a little more, but this is unbearably adorable.

I mean, you would have to be dead inside to not find this adorable, even if you're not a Brony.

Yup, I am alive. :D

Who else thinks Steven Spielberg and Lauren Faust should work together in some Ponymaniacs proyect? 💡

no, just no.

Okay bronies. Since season one's end, what's your favorite song out of all of them?

I gotta go with Winter Wrap Up. Because tomorrow spring is here (it already is though, trolololo).

Winter Wrap Up! I have a summer house with a garden and apple trees and stuff like that! spoiler*...damn mosquitoes. spoiler*

I also like some remixed songs from the Super Ponybeat and work of infinitydash.
I see you don't know any of Spielberg's cartoons. But yes, the today's Spielberg is not that funny anymore, and a series like Animaniacs with ponies could be so random and out-of-context it could either be a stupidly huge success or an epic fail.

And I like Pinkie's share and care song, Evil Enchantress (both singers) and the CMC theme (though I like the 8-bit of that the most).
I see you don't know any of Spielberg's cartoons. But yes, the today's Spielberg is not that funny anymore, and a series like Animaniacs with ponies could be so random and out-of-context it could either be a stupidly huge success or an epic fail.

I hated those Animaniacs, but I loved Jurassic Park!

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