The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I hated those Animaniacs, but I loved Jurassic Park!

I agree in the Jurassic Park! As for Animaniacs, that was why I said the "success or fail" part, it was so stupidly random, that some liked it (i.e.: Me) and some just thought it was stupid (like you, or my dad).

Well, we still have "Pinkazoid" and "Pinkie and The Brain: Domination is Magic". :D
Pinkie and The Brain was not bad actually =)

But we are getting off-topic here!

I'll repost this .gif, because it's awesome =)

And "MUSIC"!
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It's the youtube account that Racedude made. If you guys have anything pony related, feel free to log in and upload stuff. The full episodes in HD would be nice.

130531151099.png, who is GTPBronies? I am sorry, I am confused. How can I upload videos to his channel. (derp) (6_9)

I have no idea what to upload
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The full episodes in HD would be nice.

Seriously? Because if you're serious I'll get right on that as soon as I find ep.26 in HD.
EDIT: I found 26 in HD, so if anyone really want's me to upload all 9.25 GB is 1080p I'll do it.

Also, I was not aware this channel existed, I usually view this forums while tired, so I guess I completely forgot to check the group messages.
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Thanks for the instructiones!

Edit: I get this message, am I awesome now?
Invalid Social Group Discussion specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
So....this is going to take a while.
There's a chance I might not be able to finish tonight because I need to go to Best Buy to get my laptop's screen fixed, but I'll finish uploading them all ASAP.

EDIT: Nevermind, I've got all night, I'll try to get all of them up.
Also, if anyone want's to add descriptions when the uploads are done you can go ahead and do that, my sister has some loud friends over and I can't concentrate on anything right now.

EDIT: And just because I'm bored, I'll update this post with the status of the videos once in a while. And the "Finished" uploads are linked to the video.
Ep.1 is currently at Finished
Ep.2 is currently at 42% with 16 minutes left to go.
Ep.3 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.
Ep.4 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.
Ep.5 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.
Ep.6 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.

EDIT: The videos are too long apparently.

EDIT: Damn, this may take a lot more effort and time than I had originally thought. I'll just add the the ones uploaded by others to a playlist on the GTPBronies channel for now, I'll see what I can do as far as uploading them myself, but I might not be able to.
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So....this is going to take a while.
There's a chance I might not be able to finish tonight because I need to go to Best Buy to get my laptop's screen fixed, but I'll finish uploading them all ASAP.

Ep.1 is currently at 18% with 28 minutes left to go.

Do not rush, we have time till autumn ´=)


EDIT: Nevermind, I've got all night, I'll try to get all of them up.
Also, if anyone want's to add descriptions when the uploads are done you can go ahead and do that, my sister has some loud friends over and I can't concentrate on anything right now.

EDIT: And just because I'm bored, I'll update this post with the status of the videos once in a while.
Ep.1 is currently at 80% with 6 minutes left to go.
Ep.2 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.
Ep.3 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.
Ep.4 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.
Ep.5 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.
Ep.6 is currently at 0% with -- minutes left to go.

I'll be here...watching.
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Okay bronies. Since season one's end, what's your favorite song out of all of them?

Cutie Mark Crusaders and Evil Enchantress ftw! I've had those stuck in my head for weeks and I love it! Grand Galloping Gala and Winter Wrap Up tie for a close second. 👍
I wish for a OST album.
Also there are great background musics too.
First episode - party music
Photo Finish theme (Pony GaGa as MercilessOne prefers to call her)
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Alright, since I couldn't upload full length, there's a playlist with all of the episodes, most of them are HD, but the ones that are SD are still good quality, just lower res.

Also, it was probably my fault, but, Racedude, I may have deleted your video.
The reason I don't know is because YouTube was acting weird, I had a lot of tabs open, and I may have accidentally clicked one more box than I had intended.
So, if it was me, I apologize.

Direct Link to Playlist
Also, it was probably my fault, but, Racedude, I may have deleted your video.

It's O.K., I'll love and tolerate you...
FFFUUUU! :mad: My 512 KB connection took 7.5 hours on uploading that! :ouch: Guess I'll have to try again. :(

Re-upload... About 430 minutes remaining. (Like 7:15 hours.)
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Well, if you don't want to wait you could just start the upload right before you go to sleep.

Again, sorry about that though.

I always make stupid mistakes like that when I'm working with a lot of similar looking tabs open at once:dunce:
It's O.K., I'll love and tolerate you...
FFFUUUU! :mad: My 512 KB connection took 7.5 hours on uploading that! :ouch: Guess I'll have to try again. :(

Re-upload... About 430 minutes remaining. (Like 7:15 hours.)

I didn't know this kind of speed still existed... I FEEL Your pain.

Here's something to cheer You up.
(oldie, but a goodie)
Well, if you don't want to wait you could just start the upload right before you go to sleep.

Again, sorry about that though.

I always make stupid mistakes like that when I'm working with a lot of similar looking tabs open at once:dunce:

Don't worry, what frustrates me is my Internet connection, I sometimes have to wait 5 minutes in order to see a 30 second video in HD. Like if we couldn't afford $120 MEX Pesos ($10.43 US Dollars) more a month to have twice that speed.