The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
for those owners who have gotten the rough startup noise from the fans, how have you guys fixed the noise? I think it would be a relatively easy fix just swapping out the fan yourself with a premium fan from computer cases but I don't want to void my warranty :(
I agree 100%, that was a complete waste of time and effort, I don’t think there is really a single person that cares about anything that they said in that video, I wish they would just cut the crap and put out the full Thrustmaster T500 RS review and stop playing stupid games with their viewers. [/B]

I agree the episode could have been more effective and many on this forum will find it very basic. At the same time, there are people who are new to simulations and, particularly, games like GT5 bring in new sim gamers and ISR viewers. So the concept, though not particularly well done this time, probably fits some of their audience well.

That being said, the tone of some of these comments would make someone think you had to pay to watch the episode. This stuff is free and done by a group of enthusiasts, not professional journalists. Cut them a little slack
That episode may not have been what WE wanted. But it accomplished what THEY set out to do. Give a preview of various wheels for the new comer to sim racing.

May not have been what I wanted. But seriously, I'm not the owner of their site nor am I financially invested into their site.
I have felt the failure of 1 or 2 HP BIOS failures before, possibly why I am a little gun-shy to just rush in and patch something unless I experience the issues it addresses.

I don't blame you, the old saying if it isn't broken, don't fix it.

I found the lack of precision in the pedals to be annoying, my wheel shipped with V32 and the inputs were course at best, TM made it clear in their notes that V33 corrected this, which it did in a massive way.

It also seemed to bring on an issue of the wheel loosing it's centre position randomly during it's self test/calibration upon powering it on and connecting it up, be it to the PS3 or to the PC. I have not had the issue re-appear since going to V35, but I have not used the wheel that much since patching it, time will tell if it's resolved it.
for those owners who have gotten the rough startup noise from the fans, how have you guys fixed the noise? I think it would be a relatively easy fix just swapping out the fan yourself with a premium fan from computer cases but I don't want to void my warranty :(

That shouldn't be a problem to do. But I don't want to void my warranty (yet).
So probably have to ship it back to TM.
Recommended setting from iRacing team

"For the T500 RS use the following:

- Master Gain set to 100%
- Constant set to 100%
- Periodic and Spring are not used (set to 100% anyway)
- Damper set to 0% or more by feel if the wheel is too loose
- Auto centering spring turned off (by the game)
- Rotation/Angle set to 900 or 1080 as desired."
shopto is better tnt next day delivery. I don't like asda service.
Being playing at my friends as my pre-orders kept falling through like Mr Latte.
I've ordered from Asda and it looks as though they have stock too. And a poor web editor who has left the Mar 4 date in despite adding text to say they are in stock.

Also ordered from Asda. Did you get any discount off that price?
also placed an order in asda over a month ago. I see that Asda does not have any in stock. how to receive a 10% discount?

Asda do have them in stock, spoke to a lady this morning in sales. Will be shipped on Mon!
I got an email with a 10% discount code just before placing an order which helped make up my mind about the purchase. At that price, it's cheaper than any of the Fanatec packages (GT3rs or GT2) with the CSP!

Can't wait to get the wheel :)
Thank you for your prompt reply, agrees T500 rs was sent to me. unfortunately I could not get a 10% discount or delivery the next day. I'm still excited about this new toy. I will be able to register a complaint about my fanatec PWTS that it causes me some time a lot of problems.
I got an email from Shopto to say that it's in stock now and my order is processing. :D

I hope it will be despatched Monday and I will have it on Tuesday. 👍
Hi might sound odd but I don't suppose anyone has the dimensions of the clamp for the T500. Really would love to get this wheel but I have limited space under the desk and I'm a bit worried the clamp is too wide....

Any help would be great :-)
Well, just ordered one from Fry's Electronics. Hope it comes this week. Site said they was in stock.
Hope the wheel is going to be worth the money! Sold my DFGT after just 1 week of use and opted for this baby : )

Back to playing with a controller, it just ain't the same!!
Hope the wheel is going to be worth the money! Sold my DFGT after just 1 week of use and opted for this baby : )

Back to playing with a controller, it just ain't the same!!

You should have hung on to that DFGT. When you have to send that T500 back, you will wish you still had it. Just saying...
For those living in the bay area, I picked one up at frys electronics in fremont. Supposedly they got 3 in on Thursday, i went there yeseterday and they had 2 and i picked one up and they should have one left. I also noticed that frys matches any internet prices. Just wondering if anyone has been able to pricematch with frys. It was regular retail for 599 and with tax came out to be 657.
You should have hung on to that DFGT. When you have to send that T500 back, you will wish you still had it. Just saying...

I'm hoping I don't have to send it back. The T500 is meant to be a lot better than most of the wheels out there atm! We shall see...
My local Fry's had 3 sitting on the shelves last night... I picked up one of the boxes... HEAVY!

Honestly, if they had XBOX support, I'd drop the $600, I'm pretty sure.
My local Fry's had 3 sitting on the shelves last night... I picked up one of the boxes... HEAVY!

Honestly, if they had XBOX support, I'd drop the $600, I'm pretty sure.

M$ not supporting common wheels is one of the reasons I loath them. They forced so many of you xbox people to buy that POS excuse for a wheel
G27 looks like tiny compared to T500 RS :eek: :


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