The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
G27 looks like tiny compared to T500 RS :eek: :


Is it a good thing having the wheel this big, compared to the G27 and Fanatec wheels??

according to GT5 patch 1.06 notes; there are new options for adjusting FFB for the T500 - i couldn't find any changes. i looked through options and was excatly the same - where are the supposed setting changes?
My local Fry's had 3 sitting on the shelves last night... I picked up one of the boxes... HEAVY!

Honestly, if they had XBOX support, I'd drop the $600, I'm pretty sure.

Two problems to fix very easily. First go buy a real console, then go get the T500. Simple.
Anyone would say it is only 2 cm. larger...

RC45: you have a T500 and a 911GT2. Could you measure the diameter of both and tell us the exact size of each one?.


From what I know both Trustmaster and Fanatec are 30cm, which is just below 12".
Logitech G25/G27 are 11", but if you ask me the the T500 RS is closer to the camera in that photo and that's why it looks so much bigger than G27 ;) It's the only explanation. I compared them in Photoshop and if you measure pixels of both wheels, you find out that the ratio G27:T500RS is 1:1,19. So if G27 measures 11", T500 RS looks like it measures 13" because of position relative to the camera :)
I have every console. :yuck:

I just can't drop $600 on a racing wheel. Not yet.

Sorry dude, I just now noticed the psn id. lol. In due time. Maybe by then TM will have all the bugs worked out. I wish they would get off the pot and get my wheel to me. I am starting to get used to the DFGT again. A new learning curve doesn't sound too good at the moment.
Amazon finally has them in stock to be sold by Amazon. Just updated my order and will get my second T500 on Wednesday, the 2nd.

according to GT5 patch 1.06 notes; there are new options for adjusting FFB for the T500 - i couldn't find any changes. i looked through options and was excatly the same - where are the supposed setting changes?

There isn't a new place for the options or any new options, it is just that the difference between the FFB strength settings (1-10) is now noticeable for the T500.
Arrived! :):):)

and you thought it looked big compered to the G27!


(Nb. JJ Abrams was not involved in the taking of this photo) ;)

Thoughts in about 8 hours when I've finished work and spent a couple of hours playing around.

Damn, how to concentrate on work when it's sitting just there, in front of me, waiting to be played with? :drool:
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Anyone would say it is only 2 cm. larger...

RC45: you have a T500 and a 911GT2. Could you measure the diameter of both and tell us the exact size of each one?.



The GT2 is 11.75", the T500 is 11.75" and the G25 is 10.5" in diameter. I don't know if the G27 is 10.5" or 11" in diameter.
Damn, how to concentrate on work when it's sitting just there, in front of me, waiting to be played with? :drool:

That must be torture! lol... I am looking forward to hearing your personal thoughts about this wheel.

I can only imagine how excited you are to get started with it!

I am a little put off by the size of the housing for it. It's so big I'm not sure it would fit properly on my pod. I like the monitor to be right in front of the wheel and leaning towards me.

Still that wouldn't persude me to not buy it. I would have to actually get my hands on one and see how things line up in my rig.

By the time I could splurge for this puppy there might be somthing new out anyway! Although this wheel sounds pretty bad a##.
Fry's sent an email, shipped wheel yesterday.

So anyone know of a cheap source for Carbon Fiber. I got sources for good no question quality stuff. But for a gaming rig, I could use blemmished or lesser quality beings it dont move at all. :)

Alloy and CF is the plan. Someone at one point made a comment about my G27 steel cockpit that I built in quick order to get to using my wheel. That piece could of been a little more in the looks department, but it was time and function as factors. This go round I got the G27 to use while I work out a new rig.
So anyone know of a cheap source for Carbon Fiber. ;)

each to their own, my rig (currently an old, tired playseat v1, but the obutto is looking very tempting) has to be bought as any DIY = danger for those less able, like me :)
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