The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
reattaching them to the back of the wheel is a relatively simply task. figuring out how to route the 2 paddle micro switch plugs and wires is the challenge.

I agree, when I saw this I was thinking this is pretty silly because I didn’t think they were functional anymore, I don’t see the point.
T500RS and GT5 reign supreme of the driving simulation world.


In industry, science, and education, a research or teaching technique that reproduces actual events and processes under test conditions. Developing a simulation is often a highly complex mathematical process. Initially a set of rules, relationships, and operating procedures are specified, along with other variables. The interaction of these phenomena create new situations, even new rules, which further evolve as the simulation proceeds. Simulation implements range from paper-and-pencil and board-game reproductions of situations to complex computer-aided interactive systems

Where is the damage in GT5 my friend?

In industry, science, and education, a research or teaching technique that reproduces actual events and processes under test conditions. Developing a simulation is often a highly complex mathematical process. Initially a set of rules, relationships, and operating procedures are specified, along with other variables. The interaction of these phenomena create new situations, even new rules, which further evolve as the simulation proceeds. Simulation implements range from paper-and-pencil and board-game reproductions of situations to complex computer-aided interactive systems

Where is the damage in GT5 my friend?

Where's the damage in Driver's Ed Simulation days? Where's the damage in flight simulations? Such as birds or people misbehaving? ;)

Yeah, we got screwed!!!
Pretty much the point is to not wreck. So really what kind of damage you want? Full Damage online will gimp your car pretty hard. Some people driving and wall smashing would kill their driver. Maybe they should add that. Where you crash hard enough you die and your game quits working. Start new account. Hahahaha seriously. You really are missing the point if you bought the game for Simulated damage.
So installed the brake mod and think Im liking it, although not in the strongest position. Who plays GT5 with the brake mod on the firm setting?

Also why has no review Ive read questioned why all 3 pedals can accept the same type of adapter. Why make it like that if only a "Brake" adjuster is included?

Does this leave the door wide open, well I believe Thrustmaster may introduce additional "Pedal Upgrade" kit like Fanatec offers. They seem designed to offer the ability to add one which makes me curious as to if they will and how simple their design makes them to install.
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God this wheel is amazing. 👍

Damn the manufacturing issues 👎

I´ve received mine today, and I´m agree with you.

Mine don´t sound like yours at startup, but after 20 min. playing (not hardcore) the fan take fast speed and sound.

In any case, yours sounds so much like mine (mine produces noise levels typical of a fast fan speed). Yours appears to be defective.

¿Have you tried to update the firmware?. Mine is labeled as V2, and comes with the V32 of firmware, and I´ve updated it to V35 (... I hope the fan not start to turn fast late with the V32 version... ¬_¬).
I´ve received mine today, and I´m agree with you.

Mine don´t sound like yours at startup, but after 20 min. playing (not hardcore) the fan take fast speed and sound.

In any case, yours sounds so much like mine (mine produces noise levels typical of a fast fan speed). Yours appears to be defective.

¿Have you tried to update the firmware?. Mine is labeled as V2, and comes with the V32 of firmware, and I´ve updated it to V35 (... I hope the fan not start to turn fast late with the V32 version... ¬_¬).

Take a video and give TM a call, they have been vey helpful 👍

Sounds like they are going to replace mine - they've asked for a postal address and serial details.

Mine is labeled as a v2 and came with v32 firmware which I upgraded to v35 before I started.
Take a video and give TM a call, they have been vey helpful 👍

Sounds like they are going to replace mine - they've asked for a postal address and serial details.

Mine is labeled as a v2 and came with v32 firmware which I upgraded to v35 before I started.

Is it normal for the fan to kick in and stay on continuously throughout play? Mine seems to be doing just that, fan staying on after only 10mins of play! :nervous:
Is it normal for the fan to kick in and stay on continuously throughout play? Mine seems to be doing just that, fan staying on after only 10mins of play! :nervous:

yes, that is fine, why are you so worried about the fan being on? It is doing what it is supposed to do.
There seems to be another issue with the wheel.
I completed the Grand Valley 60 laps endurance race.
Towards the end of the race, I noticed that the motor, or something inside the wheel has developed a knocking noise. When I turn hard/fast the knocking noise is very noticeable. It seems to be coming more from the left side. But even after the race. while in the menus and turning the wheel a couple of degrees past center, the knocking noise is still there. It feels like something in the motor is loose. Only after I turn the power off that the knocking noise disappears. A couple of hours later I decided to test the wheel again and found that the knocking noise is still there. I don't know if its normal, is anyone else having the same experience?
Take a video and give TM a call, they have been vey helpful 👍

Sounds like they are going to replace mine - they've asked for a postal address and serial details.

Mine is labeled as a v2 and came with v32 firmware which I upgraded to v35 before I started.
Thanks papaspurs.

I will record a video and post it here before to call to the Trustmaster´s customize service, because I´m not sure this is a working problem.

Is it normal for the fan to kick in and stay on continuously throughout play? Mine seems to be doing just that, fan staying on after only 10mins of play! :nervous:

After my last post I have started another race in arcade mode, and the fan has started to make noise at the second race.

I suposse that it is a firmware issue implemented in the V35 to prevent electrical motor breaks. May have changed the temperature sensor threshold.

Another users having the wheel before us could confirm whether the fans of their steering wheels are turned to the fastest speed so quickly.
There seems to be another issue with the wheel.
I completed the Grand Valley 60 laps endurance race.
Towards the end of the race, I noticed that the motor, or something inside the wheel has developed a knocking noise. When I turn hard/fast the knocking noise is very noticeable. It seems to be coming more from the left side. But even after the race. while in the menus and turning the wheel a couple of degrees past center, the knocking noise is still there. It feels like something in the motor is loose. Only after I turn the power off that the knocking noise disappears. A couple of hours later I decided to test the wheel again and found that the knocking noise is still there. I don't know if its normal, is anyone else having the same experience?

on the other hand, that does not sound normal to me at all.
Glad to see more people getting their hands on the wheel, but am saddened that so many are having these hardware issues out of the gate.

Here I had sort of hoped my issues where because it was one of th very first wheels, yet here we have newer 2nd edition shipment wheels showing issues.
Pretty much the point is to not wreck. So really what kind of damage you want? Full Damage online will gimp your car pretty hard. You really are missing the point if you bought the game for Simulated damage.

I figured I would catch some slack by saying something negative about GT5 here. I am not bashing or downing the sim at all. I am really having a good time with it in fact! I was just surprised that someone said it reigned supreme in the driving simulation world without having damage which is a BIG part of racing.

A blown tire, or aero problems that would effect your lap times for example. Also with damage people would be less likely to drive you into a wall or drive dirty because if he or she screws up there would be consequences for it like wreaking there car and not finishing the race. Also longer pit stops to fix damaged parts. IMO damage is in every way just as important as having the right amount of fuel, gear ratios and everything else that comes along with racing and trying to get around the track with the fastest time UNSCAVED!

Damage promotes clean racing as well.

By your own definition, graphically mangled 3D cars are not necessary for it to be a simulation.

No not necessary. Graphically is one thing. But after I take a turn to wide or get bumped of the track and side swipe the rail and have to pit for repairs I would think that is definitely a better simulation of real world events. I am in the hobby for the closest to real as I can get! That's all. When your a father getting in a real race car is risky business so doing it at home works best for me.

Sorry everyone, didn't mean to get of topic here. I may be giving some of my own input here on the T500 in the near future! 👍
To all T500 owners. Always use slightly lower FFB then what you have from the beginning.
Slightly less FFB still gives you the forces but enhances the details that sometimes get lost in very strong FFB.

Takes some load of the engine aswell during longer races.
OH MY GOSH, my FFB motor went and got stupid!!!11!1!!1! It was sweet as chocolate covered honey glazed raisins on the Loeb Eiger challenge!!! Felt every little rock. Then I did the snow event and the FFB felt like the power cord was pulled out!!!!
Driving what car on what track at what FFB level(s)?

Cars under 350 hp. in any case, in various real and city tracks, with force feedback set to 3 (if really with the 1.07 ver. of the game it changes, because the T500RS gift don´t seens in this option... ).

That sounds pretty normal to me. Somewhere between the noise levels of the PS3 Fat and Slim.

Certainly not the grinding sound coming from my fan.

It sound similar (or a little less) than my PS3 slim fan "in charge" (at the top fan speed).
Looking forward to buying a used T 500 RS :lol:

YOu might be able to get new ones at dicsount price soon. The Fry's where I bought my 2 wheels (they only got 2) now has 7 on the shelf - and the floor manager says they havent even had a bite since I got mine.

If TM dont have a buyback deal with Fry's expect the wheels to be discounted within 60 days to move them.

That is aweful lot of money to have tied up in "steering wheels" that dont sell :lol:
YOu might be able to get new ones at dicsount price soon. The Fry's where I bought my 2 wheels (they only got 2) now has 7 on the shelf - and the floor manager says they havent even had a bite since I got mine.

If TM dont have a buyback deal with Fry's expect the wheels to be discounted within 60 days to move them.

That is aweful lot of money to have tied up in "steering wheels" that dont sell :lol:

A couple of weeks before Amazon finally stocked the T500, Fry's was willing to knock off $70 to offset tax compared to Amazon not charging tax. Considering gas would have cost me $30. Or Amazon charging me $3.99 to ship it next day. Then finding s good window to make the one way trip 2 1/2 HR (on a RARE clear I-80/94 & I-294). In the event of a return, that 5-6 hours + gas would have to be made again. Add the crazy weather my area is prone to. I decided to wait for Amazon.

So, unlike some consumer electronics, retailers have flexibility with the T500.

That Fry's store is the Downers Grove location. I'm in Michigan.

Papaspurs, that 2nd video really tells the story!

My comment: Yeah that is much louder than it should be. Noisy or annoying is one thing, but that is a defect! Sounds like a loose screw or a bearing or something. Reminds me of my EHDD's fan when it spazzes out.
Last edited: are still packing my order since last Thursday. They also have the T500RS at two different price points £399 and £459.

I won't be ordering from them again if it takes a week just to pack an item. This is the first and last time..

AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHH are still packing my order since last Thursday. They also have the T500RS at two different price points £399 and £459.

I won't be ordering from them again if it takes a week just to pack an item. This is the first and last time..


Mate it is on offer and instock at OCUK.
Also Play may have an odd offshore returns policy, possibly cant be sure, think I read that once but just read into it though.

This Week Only Offer
was £399.98 inc VAT
£389.99 inc VAT
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Mr Latte
Mate it is onoffer at OCUK.

This Week Only Offer
was £399.98 inc VAT
£389.99 inc VAT

Thanks for letting me know, but...

They have just posted it and I can expect it in 3-5 days if all goes well. Which knowing my luck will be more like 10.

Just want it in time for a friends visit on the 18th as he is a fellow GT nut but has no chance of convincing his wife to get the T500RS and we only get together once a year.
Thanks for letting me know, but...

They have just posted it and I can expect it in 3-5 days if all goes well. Which knowing my luck will be more like 10.

Just want it in time for a friends visit on the 18th as he is a fellow GT nut but has no chance of convincing his wife to get the T500RS and we only get together once a year.

Nice one...
Well believe all you read good about the wheel.
Your gonna love it.

Ive V2 with no fan issues or odd noises (30 hours + usage) upgraded to latest firmware.
TM customer service though seems much better than Fanatecs which is reassuring and although a pity thats an area they dont seem to of improved on in 2 years.

Shame as I like their stuff and Thomas too but your only as good as your service.