The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
Mine came. V1. Bottom of wheel has V1. Box had nothing on it stating V1 or V2.

Now do I return it for a V2? I don't want to pay for old stock or previous versions. I bought the newest wheel new. Or so I thought.

Good question. I wonder how Amazon or Fry's would feel about repeated returns until the "correct" unit was shipped?

Why don't you just try it? If you're happy with it and the wheel doesn't develop any issues, keep it. Otherwise return.

Biggest reason being the fans problems that others have had. This to says why the V2 have been dispatched.

As well I am a league racer. Missing a race over a broken 600 dollar wheel is completely unacceptable.

Is it sad I don't want to sell my G27 for fear of this breaking and being sidelined missing championship points?

Wish someone at Thrustmaster would speak up in this V1 / V2 issue. Again personally think it's a fan issue fix resulting in V2 units being released.

Any word on V1 to V2 unit differences? I thought everyone was speculating that the two were identical but the V2 had the latest firmware?
- Vidéo 1 & 2: It's natural motor & belt noise = it's normal and will decrease with time:tup:
- Vidéo 3: It's motor resistance = it's normal:tup:
- Vidéo 1 & 2: It's natural motor & belt noise = it's normal and will decrease with time:tup:
- Vidéo 3: It's motor resistance = it's normal:tup:

💡 I agree with this opinion 👍
Just listen to any electric car engine to understand that the impossible work completely silently.
Any other left foot brakers? How's this for a mod?

Be gentile but firm with these screws. As RC demonstrated months ago, they are soft. I use both hands just to make sure the tip isn't going anywhere while doing final tightening.

Note: Only one of the screws can actually go through the block.

PM Sent. ;)
Any other left foot brakers? How's this for a mod?


Be gentile but firm with these screws. As RC demonstrated months ago, they are soft. I use both hands just to make sure the tip isn't going anywhere while doing final tightening.

Note: Only one of the screws can actually go through the block.


Sorry Dave, but that is just wrong. I would have that thing torn off in one lap around Suzuka.
I mean in regards seeing how to adapt or modify the springs. Perhaps using alternative springs and mounts? Having a look at least to see what or how something could be considered.

Playseats used to sell a G25 clutch and brake in one pedal plate might be handy for you.

I have taken the pedals apart quite extensively at this point so I can add some info. The main reason for dis-assembly was to lube the brake pedal hinge as it felt like it had a lot of static friction when I pressed it. That helped a lot. There was a lot of grease in there around the srpings, but not on the hinge. The pedals use torsion springs right around the hinge. The brake and gas both have 2 of these torsion springs. The brake also has an additional coil spring that sits under the pedal arm, sort of similar to how the spring is in a G25 pedal. This spring as it comes from the factory does not contact the arm until you press it part way down. You could change all 3 springs quite easily. I removed one of the brake torsion springs and changed the coil spring to a slightly longer & stiffer one I had laying around to get a more progressive brake feel.

Also, compared to the G25 pedals, the T5000rs pedals have one fairly major flaw for this price in my opinion. They do not have a spring on the pot to take out the gear backlash between the pot and pedal. This means that very small movements get lost, although its not nearly as bad as before the firmware upgrade that improved the pedal reading architecture in the wheel. The real down side to the gear backlash is that they had to add significant amount of dead zone to insure the backlash was not an issue with the pedal sticking on. So you have to press the pedal quite a bit before it registers anything- its like this after it does its auto cal by pressing each pedal the full range. So I made a small addition with a pot and a switch to remove the dead zone by changing the low side voltage of all 3 pots after the cal is done. Next I would like to try to add a spring to the pot to remove the backlash and then the pedals will be very good. Problem is it is hard to spring load the pot without causing it to wear faster. Torsion springs are good for that but it till be hard to get one in there as it is fairly a tight space.

The pedals are all connected by a common rod on each end. The black cover plate provodes the spacing of the pedals on the rod. If you take the rod out they all become free to mount as you'd like for DIY.
However, after about an hour of play though, the fan had already come on.
I fear that the belt on the motor may not last long or that the wheel may over heat some how.

I don't believe it is unusual for the fan to turn on after an hour, or even a half hour.

z06fun- thank you that is some super informative observation, it explains exactly the idiosyncrasies of the pedal action I noticed a while ago.

If you are ever inclined to illustrate your mod steps in more detail so others can do it I think it would be of great benefit to everybody:tup:
For the good karma, contact Thrustmaster and offer the item that is not paid for back.

I myself have enough bad luck, try to get karma on my side whenever possible. As well this type of behavior helps keeps costs down. While you may have gotten it free. Someone somewhere will pay.

Not to sound goody goody cause I ain't no angel. Just honest. Brutally sometimes. Hehee

Good Karma has paid off. After contacting TM support about the extra pedals, they said it was their mistake and to keep the pedals. Finally I get something good on my behalf. Yesss!
Z06, is there enough wiring to rearrange the brake and clutch positions without having to do any electrical work?

If you could shoot a video of the disassembly process that would be excellent.

G25 wiring structure
I have a question about the firmware updates:
Do I need to update the wheel if I'm just using it to play GT5?
And will the firmware updates have any good/bad/neutral effects while playing GT5?
I got the wheel and it's basically like the GT3RS by Fanatec. It's basically the same feel and everything just more powerful.

As for the pedals I think they are better than the Clubsport Fanatec offers. The brake pedal is so hard. When inthe upright position slamming the brakes to the floor is hard.

This wheel isn't 50x or even 20x better than the Fanatec I would say it's up to 10x better overall.

I've played iRacing, GT5, and Live for Speed so far and the oscillation and FFB or weight and automatic steering is 10x better the Fanatec GT3RS. The GT3RS has the same mechanical hardware as the GT2 just without the new outside look and electronics to modify settings on itself.

Is it worth upgrading from the GT3RS? If you can spend it yeah. The whole "it makes GT3RS look like an expensive toy" by some post is not true. For the sound, the GT3RS is quieter. As for the feel the T500RS has parts that are far stronger so FFB strength and automatic steering is greater. Let go of the wheel in a tail out situation (drift) and it spins incredibly fast which is more realistic.

Also the difference with the GT3RS and the G25, which is the same as the G27, is like comparing a Toyota to a BMW or a BMW to a Ferrari where the G25/G27 is the inferior. The G25/G27 pedals are not as good as Fanatecs Clubsport. The wheel feel and sound is not as good as the GT3RS.

Is it worth upgrading from the G25/G27? No doubt. The difference overall to me is at least 20x.

Driving Force GT, I got the Driving Force GT because my GT3RS was V1 and the V2 kits they were selling stopped due to bad PCBs. It's so much worse than the GT3RS in Live for Speed. It's like 20x worst at the least. The G25 was good in Live for Speed. It's where I learned how to drift. There was no Fanatec back then. The DFGT in GT5 is definitely unrealistic. I switched back to the GT3RS and it was like night and day. The DFGT is a pretty expensive toy. Not realistic, but a toy.

The difference between the DFGT and the T500RS is like at least 50x.

The first wheel I ever used was some cheap wheel for like $50 bucks at CompUSA. I don't remember what it was but it wasn't good in games for me. I was thinking perhaps the $150 dollar Momo would be better. I used that on Toca 3 and it was amazing. In todays games it isn't good at all. I would say the DFGT is up to 5x better than the Momo.

The difference between the Momo and the T500RS is like 100x.

Difference between the T500RS and:
GT3RS/GT2: 10x
G25/G27: at least 20x
DFGT: at least 50x
Momo: 100x
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I have a question about the firmware updates:
Do I need to update the wheel if I'm just using it to play GT5?
And will the firmware updates have any good/bad/neutral effects while playing GT5?

The updating procedure to flash only took like 10 seconds max. It goes to around 40% and shoots up to 100% in less than 2 seconds.

I went from 31 to 35. I don't know the difference. I had used firmware 31 for like an hour or 2 then went 35.
lol first it's basically the same as a gt3rs then it's 10x better or 20x better...

i strongly disagree with it being the same as a gt3rs. the don't even play in tye same league. the gap between g27 and gt3 is the same from gt3 to t500rs.

imo almost bigger. you get way more feedback then other wheels and way stronger of course.

only tried Iracing because games like lfs etc is not impressive in terms of ffb etc.

felt line i was reading a review from a 10 year old.
lol first it's basically the same as a gt3rs then it's 10x better or 20x better...

i strongly disagree with it being the same as a gt3rs. the don't even play in tye same league. the gap between g27 and gt3 is the same from gt3 to t500rs.

imo almost bigger. you get way more feedback then other wheels and way stronger of course.

only tried Iracing because games like lfs etc is not impressive in terms of ffb etc.

felt line i was reading a review from a 10 year old.

Yes werid he said it like that.

The T500RS to me after initial playing of GT5 only however, feels unique and not like other wheels at all that I have used. For me it has distinctive characteristics

You instantly feel the accuracy and turning precision the wheel can offer. However the wheel feels very solid, smooth, powerful yet also subtle at times too. The rumble effects also feel clearer to me on this wheel than any other making it easier to distinguish track variations in the road surface.

Early yet for me to give more detail but certainly I can see things in this wheel that make it more enjoyable to use and more satisfying when using it.
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Mine has been delivered across the world by Amazon in 3 days. Will check out and post. Power supply is universal and no V2 sticker on the box.
Yes werid he said it like that.

The T500RS to me after initial playing of GT5 only feels unique and not like other wheels at all that I have used. For me it has distinctive characteristics

You instantly feel the accuracy and turning precision the wheel can offer. However the wheel feels very solid, smooth, powerful yet also subtle at times too. The rumble effects also feel clearer to me on this wheel than any other making it easier to distinguish track variations in the road surface.

Early yet for me to give more detail but certainly I can see things in this wheel that make it more enjoyable to use and more satisfying when using it.

because I think you guys block out the fact they are the same, just as you can't compare BMW to Toyota when they are both cars

the only thing you can't compare stat for stat is an airplane to a car even though they are both methods of transportation

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lol first it's basically the same as a gt3rs then it's 10x better or 20x better...

i strongly disagree with it being the same as a gt3rs. the don't even play in tye same league. the gap between g27 and gt3 is the same from gt3 to t500rs.

imo almost bigger. you get way more feedback then other wheels and way stronger of course.

only tried Iracing because games like lfs etc is not impressive in terms of ffb etc.

felt line i was reading a review from a 10 year old.

I have to say the T500RS performed identical to the GT3RS in that game. You saying my review is stupid is like saying a review of a function in quantum mechanics is stupid because you only know a small part of it when the reviewer knows Far more than you do, [removed by moderator]
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I have to say the T500RS performed identical to the GT3RS in that game. You saying my review is stupid is like saying a review of a function in quantum mechanics is stupid because you only know a small part of it when the reviewer knows Far more than you do,

Hey, I never said your review/comments were stupid at all.
The point I was making was that you said they are almost identical but then later you refer to it being 10x better.
Thats why I said that it is a bit weird....

Your saying completely different things and your own comments are not clear as to what your really saying at all.
Their the same but ones 10x better, lol.

For me the FFB is not as strong as I expected it to be at 10 in GT5, better yes but not crazy strong. Paddles are really nice but yes they do feel weird on the wheel base. The rubber rim is much better than I expected and the pedals are closer to the CSP than some maybe make out to be. Just as Nixim modded G27 or G25 feel pretty damn good so do T500's.
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After around 5hrs of racing with the T500RS I must say the wheel is very good. I however can't stand the pedals. Having that small deadzone at the start makes it unpredictable to know where the throttle is. I've tried F1 style and GT style and in both configurations (and both angle block modes) the pedals angles don't fit well with my wheel stand. I have to say I'm disappointed by them. I was expecting them to be alot better.

For this reason I'm currently using my nixim G25 pedals and G27 shifter with T500RS Wheels. I'll add-in the Fanatec sequential shifter as handbrake.

I played mostly RBR all week and it's fantastic. The speed at which the wheel turns to catch the tail of the car when it steps out of line feels very natural.

I also like how stiff the edges of the rotation zones are. It's like hitting a wall.

The control panel and how every setting is an instant change is good. You can drag the degrees slider and it's instantly applied to the wheel. You can also key-in values which is nice. I would love it if they added some way of saving profiles in the drivers that would make it even better. I can't imagine it being that hard.

It's also the first wheel for me where the centre seems to always be exactly at the same location after each start. My GT3RS always wanders a bit (1-3 degrees), my G25 and G27 were a bit better but I still had to kind of check every now and then to make sure it was zero'd (not that it really matters).

My one complaint at the moment is the fan. My problem is not when it starts... it's that even 30 minutes after playing it still runs.... this to me makes no sense at all. If I'm not playing a game with the wheel then there should be no new heat output from the motor... so 5-10 minutes after gaming there is no reason for the fan to still be spinning. Even if it's still "hot" the temperature can't possibly rise...
Also the difference with the GT3RS and the G25, which is the same as the G27, is like comparing a Toyota to a BMW or a BMW to a Ferrari where the G25/G27 is the inferior.

With all due respect, the Logitech G25 and the G27 are not the same.
When I see people make the statement that they are the same, I have to think that either they have never actually compared the two are they are being extremely lazy and reference them as G25/G27.
Just for your reference, here are the major difference between the two:

The G27 has Helical Gears (It is Much quieter than the G25)
The G27 Shifter is stiffer with more positive feel and quieter and has leather on the grip
The G27 Paddle shifters have more positive click
The G27 Gas Pedal is recessed from the brake and clutch
The G27 Pedals can be adjusted side to sideThe G27 Pedals come with thicker spacers
The G27 has the Led Rev indicators
The G27 More Programmable buttons

Of course I don’t think either one would hold a candle next to a Thrustmaster T500 RS, I just want to point out that the G25 and G27 are NOT the same!!!!
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Thanks Im glad I read this post, theres alot of youtube videos with the descritption to this G27 problem.

I was going to buy one but now Ill just stick to my DFGT - fanatec has also alot of problems described on the internet (more than the G27) and the thrustmaster is way too expensive for me...

My DFGT works very well but I really wanted to upgrade - too bad

thanks again
I am pretty thrilled with my wheel. No issues for now, Driving an F1 is a new learning curve though (fixed pedals). I had a DFGT .
I am pretty thrilled with my wheel. No issues for now, Driving an F1 is a new learning curve though (fixed pedals). I had a DFGT .

I had been grinding Suzuka Ferrari F2007 style, with my DFGT whilst my T500 was away being repaired/replaced. After I got it back and started the grind again, it was a whole new learning curve. Took about 6 turns (the 1st right hander, the ess's and the 2 hard rights) oh and the hairpin left after hard braking, to get the feel. Now I am about 1.5 secs average faster with the non-stinking T500. You really have to learn to sling them F1 cars into corners. I just have the braking mod added and it is great for being able to rest your foot without unwillingly applying braking. It is a bit of a pisser to not realize your pedals aren't calibrated till the first turn. Easy fix though, just lose a few seconds. (for those that care, my den still reeks of burnt wiring) lol
I had been grinding Suzuka Ferrari F2007 style, with my DFGT whilst my T500 was away being repaired/replaced. After I got it back and started the grind again, it was a whole new learning curve. Took about 6 turns (the 1st right hander, the ess's and the 2 hard rights) oh and the hairpin left after hard braking, to get the feel. Now I am about 1.5 secs average faster with the non-stinking T500. You really have to learn to sling them F1 cars into corners. I just have the braking mod added and it is great for being able to rest your foot without unwillingly applying braking. It is a bit of a pisser to not realize your pedals aren't calibrated till the first turn. Easy fix though, just lose a few seconds. (for those that care, my den still reeks of burnt wiring) lol

Just installed the Brake Mod! The best I got in the nurburgring F1 challenge with the DFGT was 2nd, so I'm not that good, That's what I want to remedy :), I can feel the power of the Thrustmaster T500Rs in some corners, But the table on which I've temporarily mounted the wheel rotates to my right each time I yank the wheel around and I am going into the sand when that happens. I think I will be able to get a honest assessment of my driving skill after I get my Playseat GT5 by the 16th.
This wheel is too strong for a poor coffee table. Will be great if you can upload some videos of your laps on nurburgring.
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