The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
Yes as 8 is clearly better than 1, ha ha.

1x BK Advance 300
3x BK Mini LFE
2x Clarke Tactile TS209
2x Aura Pro Tactile

They will be used on seperate channels not all using the LFE. Basically you feel effects transfering from surround to front or left to right as you hear them. The centre channel is great for feeling the engine/throttle and cars in front. Its pretty awesome sensation.

Some of us have experimented a bit with this as its not the norm with "greeze" being one other thats taken a liking to it.

that is cool about the "stereo feeling effects" thing!
Hmmmm, I wonder what might be in there? Now I have to get it away from "The Keeper of The Boxes"

cute cat!
try teh neverfail "opening the cat food tin" sound to lure the beast away from your T500RS!
Just got home and opened mine. No version 2 on the side of mine either. Won't know anything until I check the firmware but right now I'm trying to install a garage door opener.
Thrustmaster T500RS - PC & PS3 Force Feedback Wheel Reviewed

Edit:why the youtube video did not show up?
what im doing wrong?
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Have you seen how easy it detaches the wheel. It will not take long before someone starts to do incredible alternatives, perhaps even with the gear changer attached to the wheel.Alcantera, leather, various buttons, larger and smaller diameters, etc.
The key is to be problem free for me. :)
Hands stink...

I really wish this was wrapped in Alcantera ;)

Alcantera would be nice.. But I found the rubber has a nice feel.. And grippy too. Didn't notice any smell tbh. Maybe its you. ;)
Mine arrived this morning, just had a quick look and smell (lol) before work but all seems okay. It is labelled V2 on the underside.

Will do a nice pictorial with good detailed photos. Want to show it against other wheels and include a mini review at some point.
However currently finishing my "GT5 Multiscreen Guide" on the main forum section.

Check it out if you want to see loads of GT5 multiscreen shots!!!
Mine arrived this morning, just had a quick look and smell (lol) before work but all seems okay. It is labelled V2 on the underside.

Will do a nice pictorial with good detailed photos. Want to show it against other wheels and include a mini review at some point.
However currently finishing my "GT5 Multiscreen Guide" on the main forum section.

Check it out if you want to see loads of GT5 multiscreen shots!!!

Where did you buy yours from? are packing mine now. Can't remember being this excited about a piece of hardware.

Even more so now I've seen the ISR review. I hope I don't have any problems as it's been a long wait.
I said it far earlier in this thread, but now after a couple months of use, I still like the rubberized grip -- and actually prefer it to leather.

The ISR review pretty much mirrors my impressions, with the exception being that I have my wheel mounted to the Obutto with the clamp and it is very very stable, so much so that I haven't bothered to hard mount it even after a couple of months of daily use.

I have the pedals mounted to the Obutto plate with industrial velcro, but on occasion I can still move them when I get over-excited. So I'm going to have to hard mount those, I think.

A very impressive wheel and pedal set. I have the realistic brake mod on mine -- and I like it -- but I might try removing the spring to gauge how that feels.
Mine came. V1. Bottom of wheel has V1. Box had nothing on it stating V1 or V2.

Now do I return it for a V2? I don't want to pay for old stock or previous versions. I bought the newest wheel new. Or so I thought.
Well, the ISR Review was nothing we didnt already find out about the wheel for ourselves here at GTPlanet.
Mine came. V1. Bottom of wheel has V1. Box had nothing on it stating V1 or V2.

Now do I return it for a V2? I don't want to pay for old stock or previous versions. I bought the newest wheel new. Or so I thought.

Good question. I wonder how Amazon or Fry's would feel about repeated returns until the "correct" unit was shipped?
Mine came. V1. Bottom of wheel has V1. Box had nothing on it stating V1 or V2.

Now do I return it for a V2? I don't want to pay for old stock or previous versions. I bought the newest wheel new. Or so I thought.

Why don't you just try it? If you're happy with it and the wheel doesn't develop any issues, keep it. Otherwise return.
Well, the ISR Review was nothing we didnt already find out about the wheel for ourselves here at GTPlanet.

Really, but at least the "non-users" of this wheel can see in video some aspects, as how the pedal modifications can be made.
Why don't you just try it? If you're happy with it and the wheel doesn't develop any issues, keep it. Otherwise return.

Biggest reason being the fans problems that others have had. This to says why the V2 have been dispatched.

As well I am a league racer. Missing a race over a broken 600 dollar wheel is completely unacceptable.

Is it sad I don't want to sell my G27 for fear of this breaking and being sidelined missing championship points?

Wish someone at Thrustmaster would speak up in this V1 / V2 issue. Again personally think it's a fan issue fix resulting in V2 units being released.
As well I am a league racer. Missing a race over a broken 600 dollar wheel is completely unacceptable.

Is it sad I don't want to sell my G27 for fear of this breaking and being sidelined missing championship points?

I wouldn't assume that G25/7's don't suffer their own problems.. I went through 2 G25's and a G27 already. :ouch:
Got home a little while ago and my wife tells me I have a package on the porch. It is my replacement wheel from Canada. Open the box and them SOB's sent me a whole new wheel and pedal set. I just got the e-mail conformation/tracking number yesterday too. Talk about outstanding customer support. I can't be happy enough.

Now I have two sets of T500 pedal's! So if anybody has a problem with theirs give me shout. Never know if a set may go out and need to wait on new ones.
Biggest reason being the fans problems that others have had. This to says why the V2 have been dispatched.

As well I am a league racer. Missing a race over a broken 600 dollar wheel is completely unacceptable.

Is it sad I don't want to sell my G27 for fear of this breaking and being sidelined missing championship points?

Wish someone at Thrustmaster would speak up in this V1 / V2 issue. Again personally think it's a fan issue fix resulting in V2 units being released.

DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT...get rid of your backup wheel. If it is indeed a V1 issue then you may have issues, you may not. But, trust me on this don't sell your trusty backup.
I had mine on Craigslist and I had to take it off from all the calls. It was only a DFGT but it is obviously a hot item. Keep the G27!!
The G27 has about 10k miles on it so far. Used daily since January first. No issues, so far.

I do have a DFGT in the house too. However it is in the front room hooked up to the kids PS3. So I guess I could call that the back up plan. Boy would my youngest be livid if I took his wheel. Hehehe

Oh well be a few weeks before the T500 gets used. (building new rig, the anticipation makes me want to do another steel rig. Faster fab time) So maybe by then the V1/V2 confusion will be sorted.

FWIW I am impressed by the Thrustmaster upon opening. It feels so nice. The wheel has two spots where I can see holding it will be supreme over the G27. Many dislike the static paddles. I myself hated rotating paddles. I found myself pulling concentration off the track and race to think which side my down shift was on mid turn. Had tendencies to go for the left side to down shift. Even before the release I had said I wished they was static. I mean left is down and right is up. No matter what. Simple. Others mention F1 and chasing. My hands are big enough I don't ever see this being an issue as well being a shifter league racer I have gotten used to one hand on the wheel. Just thinking out loud here.

As well I love that center ring. So much that this past week I added one to the G27. Medical tape FTW. I see this t500 has a screw holding the ring. Interesting, maybe I should make some metal centering rings. Also this ring I added has improved my over steer where I was scuffing tires. The scuffing tires is what led me to add a ring really. Helps a bunch to know you are not over turning and scuffing tires hard.
Got home a little while ago and my wife tells me I have a package on the porch. It is my replacement wheel from Canada. Open the box and them SOB's sent me a whole new wheel and pedal set. I just got the e-mail conformation/tracking number yesterday too. Talk about outstanding customer support. I can't be happy enough.

Now I have two sets of T500 pedal's! So if anybody has a problem with theirs give me shout. Never know if a set may go out and need to wait on new ones.

For the good karma, contact Thrustmaster and offer the item that is not paid for back.

I myself have enough bad luck, try to get karma on my side whenever possible. As well this type of behavior helps keeps costs down. While you may have gotten it free. Someone somewhere will pay.

Not to sound goody goody cause I ain't no angel. Just honest. Brutally sometimes. Hehee