The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
As well I love that center ring. So much that this past week I added one to the G27. Medical tape FTW. I see this t500 has a screw holding the ring. Interesting, maybe I should make some metal centering rings.

If you do undertake such a project how would you feel about making an extra and painting it BRIGHT day glow neon high visibility retina burning yellow?

I'd be glad to pay whatever costs you might incur. I don't have any metal working ability. Drilling holes in my Obutto is a project! Can't refill holes drilled improperly!

1. It's amazing. If you can afford one, get one.
2. Mine is faulty. Could any owners confirm:

This video shows the wheel connected to a PC with the default settings. When turning slowly you can hear a kind of high pitched, stretchy, squeaky kind of noise which I'm pretty sure wasn't there originally. Anyone else hear this on their's?

This shows the same noise but when doing slight movements in GT5:

This video shows two other issues. First the wheel has started feeling ratchety a little bit driving force pro like, not smooth, but when you turn slowly, like you can feel the teeth on the belts. The second issue it shows is the vibration and noise when you hold the wheel in a fixed position. Again, I'm pretty sure neither issue was there to begin with:

Other than the issues, the wheel is incredible. It makes cars feel so much more realistic, having spent some time with my current and previous cars.

Mine was a v2 with v32 firmware which I updated to v35 before anything else.
Curious as to why nobody has done any mods for this wheel yet or dismantled the pedals to get a proper look at them?
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Mr Latte
Ok so why has nobody done any mods for this wheel yet or dismantled the pedals to get a proper look at them?

What do you mean "proper" look?

I'm using them inverted. Need to play with the pedal plate to get the feel right. After about 5 hours of use, I was not liking how my right foot felt from pushing the throttle forward. My toes and ball if my foot (wearing shoes too) were feeling stressed. Never had this feeling with DFP, G25, nor CSP.

I'm throwing out the challenge right now for you modding gurus. As with my G25, I want to swap the brake & clutch. Or just remove the clutch pedal. Despite moving pedal plates to the left, my "man region" is not too happy while left foot braking with the T500 pedals.
I may be wrong, but I don't think that will mount to the T500 or the CSP. Very curious, I forgot about that. The clutch wiring wi have to be unplugged though. Which is incredibly easy to do with the CSP.

Oops been a long week read it that you wanted to do this on the G25 not already having done so. I'd assume yes indeed all you have to do is swap the wiring over for the pedals and maybe these are simple plugs that can be swapped like Fanatec CS or are actual soldered cables.

Like I said though nobody has really done a proper look at the pedals from a mod keen perspective.
@shah @davets

It didn't start out like this right? Mine was smooth as butter and quiet as a mouse for the first few hours.

@latte @rc @anyone else who has one

any of you seeing the same issue?
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@shah @davets

It didn't start out like this right? Mine was smooth as butter and quiet as a mouse for the first few hours.

About the metallic whine, mine was like that from the onset. I just tested and it only does it when the unit has power. When it's not powered, it just makes the typical motor & gear noise.
For the good karma, contact Thrustmaster and offer the item that is not paid for back.

I myself have enough bad luck, try to get karma on my side whenever possible. As well this type of behavior helps keeps costs down. While you may have gotten it free. Someone somewhere will pay.

Not to sound goody goody cause I ain't no angel. Just honest. Brutally sometimes. Hehee

I did just that via e-mail. Got to thinking about it and I would bet they knew what they were doing. Probable just advise me to keep it or maybe sent me a shipping document.
For your convenience:

Well, I must say that I think that was the best episode so far from the ISR folks, it looks like the Thrustmaster T500 RS wheel is worth buying and I guess they didn’t run into any of the hardware issues that have plagued others.

And as they say timing is everything, the review says buy, the Stock is finally available, but I want to get the iPad 2 on the 11th, so I guess this will have to wait again!!!! :-(
Just got my last night, V2 aswell.

Well, it´s everything i said it would be long before anyone thought anything about this wheel.

It´s so powerful, it´s so exact, it has so much fidelity, it´s just ****in insane.

This wheel is in my opinion not comparable to Fanatecs wheels. Not even close o should say. I had a V2 and it felt sloppy and slow compared to this.

Quality feel is the same story. I mean this feels like it really costs $600.
You guys that have the v2, would you mind posting a picture of the side of the box where "v2" is indicated? It may be useful when trying to set up an exchange with the retailers.
@shah @davets

It didn't start out like this right? Mine was smooth as butter and quiet as a mouse for the first few hours.

@latte @rc @anyone else who has one

any of you seeing the same issue?

I just got mine today from Amazon. It doesn't say v2. However, on the box it said December 30, 2010. So I'm assuming that this is one of the much older stock. This is very strange because I've been checking Amazon since the last time that they had them in stock and sold out. So I don't know why the ones that they just sold out now are old as well.
As for the sounds coming from the inside of the wheel/motor, I'm pretty sure its normal because right out of the box, mine sound just like what everyone has been describing. But after you turn the power off, it does go away. This I'm not worried about.
However, after about an hour of play though, the fan had already come on.
I fear that the belt on the motor may not last long or that the wheel may over heat some how.
Just got my last night, V2 aswell.

Well, it´s everything i said it would be long before anyone thought anything about this wheel.

It´s so powerful, it´s so exact, it has so much fidelity, it´s just ****in insane.

This wheel is in my opinion not comparable to Fanatecs wheels. Not even close o should say. I had a V2 and it felt sloppy and slow compared to this.

Quality feel is the same story. I mean this feels like it really costs $600.

Do you hear any noise when turning the wheel with the power on?
Where did you order from?
And did you pay extra for the v2??
Because some of the t500 rs wheels I saw on Amazon where selling for more than $700.00.
Do you hear any noise when turning the wheel with the power on?
Where did you order from?
And did you pay extra for the v2??
Because some of the t500 rs wheels I saw on Amazon where selling for more than $700.00.

Nope just the normal sound from the belt etc.
Swedish site.
Nope same price or lower infact since it came out.
Ok, since i bought mine in SEK i can't just convert it to USD but i think it's around 6-700 dollars.

EDIT: 760 Dollars if converted.
Any other left foot brakers? How's this for a mod?


Be gentile but firm with these screws. As RC demonstrated months ago, they are soft. I use both hands just to make sure the tip isn't going anywhere while doing final tightening.

Note: Only one of the screws can actually go through the block.


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this is the same raspping sound I was referring to yesterday! Although the wheel is working fine, I too can feel the belt moving when applying very little pressure to the wheel. Not happy so having it replaced by the company I purchased it from and its only been a day!!! :grumpy:
According to my reasoning, all these sounds that are normal for a mechanism which has been used.
On the first page you'll see two rather broad toothed belts. It has a little noise, rubber+plastics+metal=noise.
Note the timing belts used in this design are from Gates, the famous brand of automotive parts manufacturing.
Hopefully these little details do not spoil our fun.
sorry for poor English
I did some searching but I haven't quite found an official answer yet but does anyone know which wheelstand propperly supports the t500 rs?
According to my reasoning, all these sounds that are normal for a mechanism which has been used.
On the first page you'll see two rather broad toothed belts. It has a little noise, rubber+plastics+metal=noise.
Note the timing belts used in this design are from Gates, the famous brand of automotive parts manufacturing.
Hopefully these little details do not spoil our fun.
sorry for poor English

Hi thanks for the reply, I completely understand what your saying, the wheel has been working just fine but just wanted to double check with you guys that it was a normal occurrence of sounds/noises. However, my wheel is due to be picked up on Monday for a replacement.
As already explain previously:
I've this wheel since now around 2 months. At beginning sound is not exactly the same on left & right direction. Apparently comes from powerful big motor & very large dual belt system. So it's normal with no incidence in gameplay. In addition this noise decreases with time 👍
NB: On your videos everything looks like normal.
Hi thanks for the reply, I completely understand what your saying, the wheel has been working just fine but just wanted to double check with you guys that it was a normal occurrence of sounds/noises. However, my wheel is due to be picked up on Monday for a replacement.

Did I understand well? Your steering wheel works absolutely fine, you still want to replace it. I'm sorry but this is not correct behavior.
This can cause anesthesia manufacturer for future problems as well as unnecessary panic among the new owners.
I recommend a bit of restraint in making any rash decisions. Especially as we're not sure if something is damaged, or just behaves differently than any other of the steering wheel of a different design.
G27 & dfp are doing a lot of noise, yet people somehow live with that.
Did I understand well? Your steering wheel works absolutely fine, you still want to replace it. I'm sorry but this is not correct behavior.
This can cause anesthesia manufacturer for future problems as well as unnecessary panic among the new owners.
I recommend a bit of restraint in making any rash decisions. Especially as we're not sure if something is damaged, or just behaves differently than any other of the steering wheel of a different design.
G27 & dfp are doing a lot of noise, yet people somehow live with that.

Well the problem is that the T500 starts out real quiet and then seems to get louder. Like a slight screeching noise. I also have some crackling going on that seems to come from the housing when the wheel moves. No biggie I guess, I don't hear it when I play at decent volume. But I'm still not sure if it's a problem with the wheel or if it's normal.

I'll keep it for now and see what happens in the future. The fan noise that I had sometimes when it increased speed doesn't seem to happen anymore.

Thrustmaster did get back to me about the issue. They first recommended to connect it to PC and upgrade to newest firmware, which I had already done. The second response was to try it on a different PC. I found that one a rather unproffessional response. Why would the wheel fan behave any different on another PC...
Three new videos, I'm about to call TM to get their opinion.

Edit: Just got off the phone with TM and a very nice lady called Andrea asked if I had upgraded to v35, tried to get as much information as possible and is going to mail me, so I can reply with links to the videos.

Off. Grind on turn

On. PC Control Panel. Fishing line noise on minor movement

On. PC Control Panel. Grind on turn, vibrate on hold turn

Are they all like this?
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