The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
You really should use a custom profile for the T500 until they patch in support for it. Using a different wheel's profile could produce all kinds of issues.

Disagree.. When using a custom wheel profile then there is sooo weak FFB.. That is more horrible than the F430 profile.. Nooot good to drive you have no feedback in the wheel.
Do you own a t500 rs and shift 2 for pc? Drive a few races with a custom profile and then drive a few races with the g27 profile after remapping some buttons.. You will never go back to custom.. ;)

Btw g27 profile seems to work without an issue with the t500 rs. I drove now 3 hours with the profile and had no disconnect in that time :)
Same here g27 profile is working wonderfully. Not sure how one can even use the custom profile? I cannot figure out how to map JoY +X/-X (turning the wheel). I'm sure there's some way but I haven't figured it out. But I'm fine with this profile I'm using now
Hi sandboxgod, I will try to get back to the GT2 and test it out for you. But for what I remember, if you let go your hands on the GT2, the wheel doesn't remain perfectly flushed like the T500RS does. I'm not 100% sure on this since I don't think I've ever let go my hands while I'm racing. Also, the GT2 will snap back to the centre but definitely not as quick as the T500RS. Give me a day or two, I will put back the GT2 to confirm it for you. I'm loving this T500RS. The wheel is so good!

Picture of my rig...

Nice rig. Where did you get the seat? Looking to replace the one on my playseat evo. Think it would fit? Im sure i could make it fit.
I bought this Apiga AP1 to replace my old Playseat Evolution. Been using Playseat Evo for many years. The AP1 is much more sturdy and the seat gives more support on the back. Basically, it's a much more comfortable and more stable than the Playseat Evo. I thought about getting a Recaro seat for this AP1 but Recaro is much more expensive than the Apiga option.

One more picture...
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Hi sandboxgod, I will try to get back to the GT2 and test it out for you. But for what I remember, if you let go your hands on the GT2, the wheel doesn't remain perfectly flushed like the T500RS does. I'm not 100% sure on this since I don't think I've ever let go my hands while I'm racing. Also, the GT2 will snap back to the centre but definitely not as quick as the T500RS. Give me a day or two, I will put back the GT2 to confirm it for you. I'm loving this T500RS. The wheel is so good!

Picture of my rig...

That's a sweet rig! Oh by all means continue playing with the T500RS! :)

I watched some vids and they game me a pretty good idea of how it works. I'm still getting my fanatec as well (I need it for the xbox compat).
How exactly did you fixed that? I have the same problem and it is very disappointing :( in nearly every race my wheel recalibrates and then I have to restart the game.. -.-

I had the same problem. Updating to latest firmware and drivers fixed it for me. It races like a dream now with those recommended settings with no recalibration.

EDIT: BTW, I use the G27 profile and make sure I turn the spring down to 15% in the T500 Control Panel. Otherwise you get a nasty buzzing vibration at center.
Nice to see more owners enjoying their wheels, but lads come on time to remove those "noobie" hideous safety stickers! :)

I too can vouch for the Fanatec Wheelstand working well with this wheel.

Agree with one poster that its annoying having no power switch for this.
But with the PS button you can disable the wheel if you dont want it being used.

Im currently working on some possible upgrades for the pedals using proper dampers. Might be something that can be done their.

Has anyone ever seen a photo of the internals for the "Pedal Cable Connections?" Id love to know if its possible to get these working with Fanatec on X360.
Yeah, it doesn't work in Shift 2 on the PC for me. Screen goes white and that's it. I have the latest firmware and drivers. It just doesn't work.

Man thats so weird I've been playing the game for a few days now without any further trouble using the g27 profile and tips from everyone here.

Nice to see more owners enjoying their wheels, but lads come on time to remove those "noobie" hideous safety stickers! :)

I too can vouch for the Fanatec Wheelstand working well with this wheel.

Agree with one poster that its annoying having no power switch for this.
But with the PS button you can disable the wheel if you dont want it being used.

Im currently working on some possible upgrades for the pedals using proper dampers. Might be something that can be done their.

Has anyone ever seen a photo of the internals for the "Pedal Cable Connections?" Id love to know if its possible to get these working with Fanatec on X360.

I am misreading this message are you trying to get the Thrustmaster pedals working with a Fanatec gt2 wheel?

Yeah it's pretty strange not having a power switch. But Kinect xbox360 works just like that as well. Not trying to make excuses for them or anything though I still have very little experience with racing wheels.
I am misreading this message are you trying to get the Thrustmaster pedals working with a Fanatec gt2 wheel?

Well a PWTS but yes its mainly for FM4.

If possible Id like to use them in the cockpit rather than having to swap with the CSP back n forth.
Changing the wheel is easy and quick the pedals just more awkward.

The T500Rs uses an RJ11 I think but the cable end connection is unique.
Just curious if a switch and possible pinout is doable to the PS2 style or the G27 layout, then use the Fanatec Logitec adapter cable.
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New Firmware V37 available:


BOOTLOADER: Added protection and recovery procedure to avoid any risk of definitive firmware loss

This firmware includes the previous changes:

- FLASH MEMORY: Added protection to avoid potential flash corruption = V35

- PEDALS: Improved Precision = V33

- “MODE” BUTTON: Now necessary to press this button for one second to invert the pedal set position (to avoid unintended inversion during gameplay). = V33

- Wheel’s calibration optimization + Wheel’s central value detection optimization = V32

Works fine on my wheel 👍
NB: Apparently necessary to uninstall previous driver before installing the new one.
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Talked to Thrustmaster teck support today, They told me I needed to ship my wheel back to Miami. Cost me almost $200 dollars to get it shpped here. Now they want me to pay for the shipping because their wheel is defective? From Bogota to Miami, $200, back from Miami to Bogota $200. Absurd, might as well buy a new one. When my Logitech wheel went off center, they let me keep the shifter and the peddals. They payed for all shipping costs for the defective wheel and then they sent me a new one. Free of charge. Looks like Thrustmaster has a ting or two to learn about warranties. Because as a consumer I am not requiered to pay extra for any fix. I am not happy with this wheel
@Mitch that sucks.... $200 for shipping, ugh....

---rFactor vs GTR Evo Demo

So far I think GTR Evo Demo has way better FFB than anything ive ever seen. You can set it up so your Engine and brakes have FFB, etc. Just naughty yo! Note- didnt try iRacing....

rFactor doesn't appear to have as many options for FFB. Hm, think I read about some sort of FFB mod for it tho. So I'll look into that
Talked to Thrustmaster teck support today, They told me I needed to ship my wheel back to Miami. Cost me almost $200 dollars to get it shpped here. Now they want me to pay for the shipping because their wheel is defective? From Bogota to Miami, $200, back from Miami to Bogota $200. Absurd, might as well buy a new one. When my Logitech wheel went off center, they let me keep the shifter and the peddals. They payed for all shipping costs for the defective wheel and then they sent me a new one. Free of charge. Looks like Thrustmaster has a ting or two to learn about warranties. Because as a consumer I am not requiered to pay extra for any fix. I am not happy with this wheel

Um, I'm considering buying one but your report is disturbing. Well, if Latin America doesn't get decent support to cover the absurd prices we already pay for imported goods, then they're not worth buying.
T500RS owners: Do you guys notice that the gas pedal ( GT style ) is alittle soft ( less resistance) than the clutch due to ( constant usage ).
T500RS owners: Do you guys notice that the gas pedal ( GT style ) is alittle soft ( less resistance) than the clutch due to ( constant usage ).

Too bad it's not adjustable and even changeable like Fanatec's ClubSport Pedals. Another check mark for Fanatec.
Talked to Thrustmaster teck support today, They told me I needed to ship my wheel back to Miami. Cost me almost $200 dollars to get it shpped here. Now they want me to pay for the shipping because their wheel is defective? From Bogota to Miami, $200, back from Miami to Bogota $200.
Is the problem to buy import hardware & electronics.
Too bad it's not adjustable and even changeable like Fanatec's ClubSport Pedals. Another check mark for Fanatec.

I've also a CPS but prefer playing with T500 Pedals for several reasons:
* I love suspended position
* More stable
* More adjustable positions (and very easy to install)
* Lot of next mods possibilities (real paddles, loadcell, etc...)
* Very easy to disassemble
* Better accuracy on PS3 with 10 bits resolution = 1024 values on each pedals
(on PS3, CSP have a poor 8 bits resolution = only 255 values on each pedals)
I've also a CPS but prefer playing with T500 Pedals for several reasons:
* I love suspended position
* More stable
* More adjustable positions (and very easy to install)
* Lot of next mods possibilities (real paddles, loadcell, etc...)
* Very easy to disassemble
* Better accuracy on PS3 with 10 bits resolution = 1024 values on each pedals
(on PS3, CSP have a poor 8 bits resolution = only 255 values on each pedals)

Yes good points and I now prefer them too.
Think the load cell is overrated a little particulary with console usage in mind.
Been able to match and beat some of my own personal times done previously using Fanatec & CSP on games I play.

Ive checked and it is possible for a modification of the T500RS pedals to utilise quality "RC Car" oil filled dampers. Thats my plans anyways.
The pedals have a drilled hole on each stem (remove the plastic protector) and also a hole already drilled for a damper to go through the back of the pedals when in GT mode. The main issue is just working on a suitable mounting bracket solution and having an appropiate size of damper.


Still curious and wouldnt be surprised to find Thrustmaster announcing their own upgrade though.
The pedals seem to been designed with an upgrade as a possibility.
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Ive checked and it is possible for a modification of the T500RS pedals to utilise quality "RC Car" oil filled dampers. Thats my plans anyways.
The pedals have a drilled hole on each stem (remove the plastic protector) and also a hole already drilled for a damper to go through the back of the pedals when in GT mode. The main issue is just working on a suitable mounting bracket solution and having an appropiate size of damper.


Still curious and wouldnt be surprised to find Thrustmaster announcing their own upgrade though.
The pedals seem to been designed with an upgrade as a possibility.

I'm also thinking about it and should not be a problem ;)

Can use something like this and u can change hardness with different color of spring (like in real car) I now because 6-7 years I drive RC Cars :)
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I've also a CPS but prefer playing with T500 Pedals for several reasons:
* I love suspended position
* More stable
* More adjustable positions (and very easy to install)
* Lot of next mods possibilities (real paddles, loadcell, etc...)
* Very easy to disassemble
* Better accuracy on PS3 with 10 bits resolution = 1024 values on each pedals
(on PS3, CSP have a poor 8 bits resolution = only 255 values on each pedals)

All very valid points!

You've taken it apart. How do I go about switching the brake and clutch pedal? If you could give a "how to" (with pictures) that would be great!

What I don't like about the t500 pedals is the phone cord like connector plug.
I've also a CPS but prefer playing with T500 Pedals for several reasons:
* I love suspended position
* More stable
* More adjustable positions (and very easy to install)
* Lot of next mods possibilities (real paddles, loadcell, etc...)
* Very easy to disassemble
* Better accuracy on PS3 with 10 bits resolution = 1024 values on each pedals
(on PS3, CSP have a poor 8 bits resolution = only 255 values on each pedals

Wow that's a really huge discovery you made there I had no idea 👍
Yes good points and I now prefer them too.
Think the load cell is overrated a little particulary with console usage in mind.
Been able to match and beat some of my own personal times done previously using Fanatec & CSP on games I play.

Ive checked and it is possible for a modification of the T500RS pedals to utilise quality "RC Car" oil filled dampers. Thats my plans anyways.
The pedals have a drilled hole on each stem (remove the plastic protector) and also a hole already drilled for a damper to go through the back of the pedals when in GT mode. The main issue is just working on a suitable mounting bracket solution and having an appropiate size of damper.


Still curious and wouldnt be surprised to find Thrustmaster announcing their own upgrade though.
The pedals seem to been designed with an upgrade as a possibility.
I think by the looks of those dampers I would destroy them the first time out.
The oil filled shocks that will be best are something from a 1/5th scale IMO. HPI or MCD, with the latter prob being the better.
One thing about the T500 I can't understand is the standard rubber wheel. It's not even a good quality one, I got scratch marks on it after only a few hours of use. Is real leather too expensive in that particular part of China where the OEM factory is located? Maybe Yamauchi San forgot to tick the "Optional Leather Wheel" box on the pre-production check list? My guess is TM will release a leather wheel upgrade kit bundled with the gear shift (if and when it actually materialized...).

Meanwhile, I've sent mine to the local auto trimmer for a "skin graft":



One thing about the T500 I can't understand is the standard rubber wheel. It's not even a good quality one, I got scratch marks on it after only a few hours of use. Is real leather too expensive in that particular part of China where the OEM factory is located? Maybe Yamauchi San forgot to tick the "Optional Leather Wheel" box on the pre-production check list? My guess is TM will release a leather wheel upgrade kit bundled with the gear shift (if and when it actually materialized...).

Meanwhile, I've sent mine to the local auto trimmer for a "skin graft":




Very nice. Who would do this type of work in the US. Speed shops, clothing shops, tailors maybe?