The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
Super Cheap Fix for Crunchy T500RS Realistic Brake Pedal!

I got this nylon hole plug from Home Depot... Drops right in the end of the spring and eliminates that metal-on-metal crunchy feeling. Costs less than one dollar for a bag of 2. The plug is shorter than the spring at coil bind.


EDIT: The picture got compressed and is illegible so here's the part number, etc:

Crown Bolt
3/8" (9.5mm)
CP-D / 40-D / 940
Dr# - 940 2 Pcs

The UPC code has 30699 14728 under it.

I found this in the hardware department in the big drawers full of nuts, bolts, etc.
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Nascar The Game 2011, list for the next Patch:
- ................
- ................
- Add support for the T500 wheel
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- ................

Official Link here (it's not a April Fools' Day :) )

Good to see a game dev showing some passion and updating their software to handle the latest wheels

I still wish Thrustmaster devs would update that emulation mode to fallback to the old thrustmaster f430 for games that do not directly support it. Atm, I still consider it mostly a PC wheel. But once it gets more support and that shifter I am confident it will reach it's full potential (plus by then price might even lower a little bit more hopefully which make it an even better deal)
Yeah gotta applaud those guys.
Might import that game if the reviews are decent.

Whats weird is that for an "Official PS3" product firmware updates are not done via PS3 Network or a game update.
Not every PS3 owner that buys a T500RS may have a PC/Laptop and can download and instal drivers.

That part just seems very strange. Regards past games, isnt the issue that the games need to detect the wheel not the wheel detect the games.
No, Vr. It's definately the fan. It sounds as though it is offcenter for about two and a half minutes after it initially turns on. Then it goes back to normal. This sound was not present during the first week of game play. The wierd thing about it is it goes back to normal after about 3 mins. I sent Thrustmaster a vid, They aknowledged they received it and said they would get back to me. I'll keep you posted if you're interested. I know other people have had this problem before I did. I' wondering what their outcome was.

I'm curious what other peoples resolution was too. I have had the wheel for a week and it just started doing the same thing a few days ago. As the fan starts up you get a loud grinding noise (for about 45 seconds in my case) before the fan spins up to speed and sounds normal.
I sent a video in to tech support today.

Its a pity its having these issues since its an incredible wheel.
I'm curious what other peoples resolution was too. I have had the wheel for a week and it just started doing the same thing a few days ago. As the fan starts up you get a loud grinding noise (for about 45 seconds in my case) before the fan spins up to speed and sounds normal.
I sent a video in to tech support today.

Its a pity its having these issues since its an incredible wheel.

Yea Dave it's really a pitty. They too, made me send in a video showing the noise, which was no problem since the noise occurs every time. After that, they requested proof of purchase for which i sent in my amazon invoice. They then aknowledged they received my email, and I'm waiting for a response. The issue I'm interested in is whether they fix the wheel or do they replace it. Do they take care of shipping. If so which carrier do they use. I'm also wondering, in case they don't pay for shipping costs, is there a simple fix to this fan noise.
A product under warrenty and arranged for RMA should be collected or costs for returning refunded to the original owner/buyer.

Most countries will have Id assume this kind of policy for online sales.
Some within a period of approx 30 days since purchase would require the place of purchase to handle the faulty item and replacement.

Support of course should advise you either way.
I'm just new on the GTP forums and ordered the Thrustmaster T500 RS Wheel last Thursday. It got delivered today and so far I'm really happy with it. Just fitted it up on my Playseat etc. :)

At the moment I'm not sure about the force feedback settings yet (put it to 5 at the moment). I normally used 8-10 with my G27. So what are you people using for force feedback settings with the Thrustmaster T500 RS? I actually do know it actually differs per person, but still curious.

Thank you.
So I decided to check online to see if my local Fry's had a t500RS and was shocked to see they did! I had been checking since early March

So I ran down there and just grabbed a wheel just now. I've only ever tried a Logitech DFP that a friend loaned me for a few days. So this will be a huge step up.

I pointed out to fry's that Amazon was selling the wheel for $569 right now so they quickly matched that deal. I did express doubts bout the purchase cause they didnt have a demo of the wheel setup or anything. But they assured me they will not charge me a restock if I'm not happy before the 30 day trial is up

Anyway I'm going to give this wheel a try and see how I like it. I hope it blows my socks off.
So I decided to check online to see if my local Fry's had a t500RS and was shocked to see they did! I had been checking since early March

So I ran down there and just grabbed a wheel just now. I've only ever tried a Logitech DFP that a friend loaned me for a few days. So this will be a huge step up.

I pointed out to fry's that Amazon was selling the wheel for $569 right now so they quickly matched that deal. I did express doubts bout the purchase cause they didnt have a demo of the wheel setup or anything. But they assured me they will not charge me a restock if I'm not happy before the 30 day trial is up

Anyway I'm going to give this wheel a try and see how I like it. I hope it blows my socks off.

By any chance was it the Austin location?

I just returned my T500RS before the 30 day trial was up....It's a great wheel but in the end I prefered my Fatanec PWTS since it is customizable and works with every racing game I have on PS3, XBOX and PC. 👍
By any chance was it the Austin location?

I just returned my T500RS before the 30 day trial was up....It's a great wheel but in the end I prefered my Fatanec PWTS since it is customizable and works with every racing game I have on PS3, XBOX and PC. 👍

Yep, they have a lot of them in stock now. Guess they just got a new shipment. I did see 1 wheel get returned I guess that one was yours.
Tested the T500 RS now with the PC version of Shift 2 Unleashed.
It works great! Force Feedback is strong, nearly as strong as in iRacing imo. (Configured the wheel with these settings: FFb effects 100, steering deadzone 0, steering sensitivity 60, throttle deadzone 0, throttle sensitivity 80, brake deadzone 0, brake sensitivity 60, clutch deadzone 0, clutch sensitivity 100, speed sensitivity 0, speed sensitivity drift 0, steering lock 50 % (450° - in the thrustmaster setting menu wheel is set to 900 °), steering lock drift 100 %. I took the Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S wheel configuration with H-Pattern.
I am very happy with it, the game has by far the best graphics I have ever seen in a racing game!

For me shift2 - pc + t500rs seems bugged / unplayable. For some reason shift2 swaps my brake pedal and gas. Plus my paddle shifters dont work. I made sure I choose the fanatec profile. Currently using latest firmware v35 if that makes any difference

Bloody odd issue cause in gt5 it works perfect plus in the profiler on the PC i can clearly see its registering my foot presses proper-- brake is brake, gas is gas. But in shift2 who knows what config its using on me atm. odd!

[edit] Ah I just had to remap the brake / gas / gear shifts, etc after picking that profile.
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Mr Latte
Yeah gotta applaud those guys.
Might import that game if the reviews are decent.

Whats weird is that for an "Official PS3" product firmware updates are not done via PS3 Network or a game update.
Not every PS3 owner that buys a T500RS may have a PC/Laptop and can download and instal drivers.

That part just seems very strange. Regards past games, isnt the issue that the games need to detect the wheel not the wheel detect the games.

I mentioned that earlier in the thread, I know that we live in a time when lots of people have computers and laptops, but for a product that supposed to be the official Gran Turismo 5 Wheel it seems that the PC gets the most support, I was shocked to read that NFS Shift 2 was not supported on the PS3.

It's not a good practice to assume, but I would have bet money that a new racing game on the PS3 would automatically be supported.
For me shift2 - pc + t500rs seems bugged / unplayable. For some reason shift2 swaps my brake pedal and gas. Plus my paddle shifters dont work. I made sure I choose the fanatec profile. Currently using latest firmware v35 if that makes any difference

Bloody odd issue cause in gt5 it works perfect plus in the profiler on the PC i can clearly see its registering my foot presses proper-- brake is brake, gas is gas. But in shift2 who knows what config its using on me atm. odd!

[edit] Ah I just had to remap the brake / gas / gear shifts, etc after picking that profile.

Getting the T500 and Shift2 working on the PC is a real pain in the rear. With some mods the game is 100% better (still could use some tweaks). I'd post a link to my tutorial but the last time I tried to do that they banned my last account.

"Shift 2 Unleashed PC – Thrustmaster T500 RS Settings":

I will try this tomorrow 👍

Ah, someone already found it. Please use the updated settings article with the mods you need and the settings to get this working really well. Link is at the top of the old article (don't want to post a link and get banned again).

One more thing, with the T500 and Shift2 on the PC, is it imperative that you reduce the wheel's rotation to 540 degrees (or less, depending on your taste). Failure to do so will produce all kinds of strange physical behavior with the game. It's almost as if the game is not using a fixed clock cycle to update the car, but waiting for input from the user to do so.
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Well I am now having a different issue with my t500rs + shift2-pc. Sometimes when I turn the wheel to turn into a corner, the game stutters and I see my t500rs recalibrate mid-game. From that point forward the gas pedal is jacked and it doesnt fix itself until I disconnect the wheel :crazy:

[edit] it appears I fixed the issue. Not sure which specific thing I did fix it though. I changed out my profile for a thrustmaster f430 and binded all my buttons + make sure my brakes were fully calibrated before starting the game. Was worth the struggle this game is all kinds of awesome :D
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Well I am now having a different issue with my t500rs + shift2-pc. Sometimes when I turn the wheel to turn into a corner, the game stutters and I see my t500rs recalibrate mid-game. From that point forward the gas pedal is jacked and it doesnt fix itself until I disconnect the wheel :crazy:

[edit] it appears I fixed the issue. Not sure which specific thing I did fix it though. I changed out my profile for a thrustmaster f430 and binded all my buttons + make sure my brakes were fully calibrated before starting the game. Was worth the struggle this game is all kinds of awesome :D

How exactly did you fixed that? I have the same problem and it is very disappointing :( in nearly every race my wheel recalibrates and then I have to restart the game.. -.-
How exactly did you fixed that? I have the same problem and it is very disappointing :( in nearly every race my wheel recalibrates and then I have to restart the game.. -.-

Let me see my setup is this:

1) Thrustmaster F430 FFB + Combined pedals, Gears: Manual + Automatic Clutch
2) I made sure I left Clutch button Unassigned (I suspected this might have been causing the issue but wasn't sure)

That's pretty much all I did. I've been playing the game for hours non-stop and haven't seen that issue again I am so happy.... That issue SUCKS!

With so issues and returns, I´m starting to doubt about the shifter launch...

I hope Thrustmaster not leave us hanging.

Well at my Fry's I've only seen one returned box (was probably Raudi's since he already had a Fanatec). They dont even bother putting the boxes out on the showroom floor. I guess everyone just checks online inventory and show up at the store
Let me see my setup is this:

1) Thrustmaster F430 FFB + Combined pedals, Gears: Manual + Automatic Clutch
2) I made sure I left Clutch button Unassigned (I suspected this might have been causing the issue but wasn't sure)

That's pretty much all I did. I've been playing the game for hours non-stop and haven't seen that issue again I am so happy.... That issue SUCKS!

Well at my Fry's I've only seen one returned box (was probably Raudi's since he already had a Fanatec). They dont even bother putting the boxes out on the showroom floor. I guess everyone just checks online inventory and show up at the store

Hey. I changed to the F430 profile BUT it is undriveable!! Nearly no FFB.. Horrible! Now I took the G27 profile for my T500 RS and that profile is nearly as good as the fanatec profile.. I drove now 5 races and till now the wheel didnt recalibrated.. I hope that was really an issue with the fanatec profile.. When the issue appears with the g27 profile I will write it here.. Till now the profile change solves the issue .. But dont take the f430 profile, it has absolute nearly no ffb!!
Ah wanted to tone down the FFB for now til I get better with the tracks. I did notice the FFB got really weak. I'll try switching the profile out because this might be a little too weak heh, thanks!
You really should use a custom profile for the T500 until they patch in support for it. Using a different wheel's profile could produce all kinds of issues.
Just got my T500RS today. Did few races on GT5 and my first impression was..damn, the wheel has really strong force feedback. The feel of the wheel with GT5 is so much nicer than any Logitech wheels I'd owned(Driving Force Pro, G25, G27) and Fanatec GT2. The one thing I have noticed is that the fan inside the wheel seems to be a bit too loud for my taste. It's definitely louder than my GT2.

I'm going to spend some time with the T500RS and see how it compares to the Fanatec GT2.

Here is a picture on GT2 and T500RS...

Hey dumchi (or any other lucky owner that has both of the superb T500RS & Fanatec GT2/GT3 wheels) ---

Can you tell me how Fanatec GT2 wheels compare in these areas:

1) Does the Fanatec GT wheels remain straight when you are driving straight? You know, if you let go of the wheel on a straightway- does the wheel remain perfectly flushed like the T500RS does. This is the one thing i hated bout the DFP wheel, it would wobble and fight some internal war with itself if a let go of the wheel on a striaght. so i returned the wheel to my friend immediately and decided to wait for a high end wheel (no offense to logitech owners beyond that I liked the wheel)

2) Does the Fanatec GT2/GT3 wheels quickly return to center if you let go of the wheel after the wheel has been turned? For instance, with the T500RS, when I have the wheel turned 200 degrees or whatever and I let go of the wheel, it will snap back to center asap which really helps me out a lot.

Initially when i was trying to decide on which wheel to purchase, I didnt have too much luck on getting concrete, technical comparisons to the 2 wheels. So I am hoping someone can respond

So far I am totally loving this wheel. I now face a terrible dilemma tho. I had a Fanatec GT2 wheel on order. I am thinking bout canceling it cause I am really impressed by Thrustmaster's ability to make a great high end wheel and deliver it to stores, etc. It was so easy to pick it up at a retailer. The only bad thing i am sacrificing though is the clubsports (but I can always add that on later for PC sims) & Forza compatibility (but might not be such a big deal since most top drivers in forza use a pad anyway due to the arcade-y simulations is my guess*). Anyway, I will probably still get the GT2 just for xbox 360 later on for forza 4

* Btw dumchi that is an awesome pic. I think like you- I will just pony up and buy both wheels. But anyway would still appreciate some answers to my questions thanks!

[edit] ok this film answered my questions-
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I am also a Fanatec GT2/CLUBSPORT Pedals user that decided to give the T500 a try so today I found one at a local microcenter and picked it up. Already did a couple of laps in rFactor and I noticed the smoothness of the wheel compared to the GT2 with the LEOFFB file. The pedals are good but not as good as clubsports with the tuning kit.
What I do not like is that there isn't a power button, I have to unplug it. I do love how the wheel feels, tomorrow I will spend some time with GT5 and see what that does for me.
Here are some pictures I just took after swapping all the thrustmaster stuff onto the rennsport stand. I didn't redrill, I used the clamp and boy does it work well, wish fanatec would use a similar design.

Looks awesome. This is the 1st pic I've seen of a thrustmaster on a rennsport wheel stand. I'm thinking I'm going to have to order this...