The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
I should be getting my T500 this Friday. You guyz have me nervous now about the fan. I hope I didn't make a $561 mistake.:scared:

dunno why ppl are paranoid about fan noise, it's a small sized fan and those make noise unlike 140mm fans
-> the wheel has 2yr warranty
-> fan noise means fans are working and thus cooling the wheel, which is good since heat is the enemy of many electrical goods. although i can hear the noise, it is nothing compared to my xbox 360 or gpu on my pc when playing demanding games
Just to clarify my point about the fan noise...I think the fan noise is normal but it's a bit on the loud side with my taste. We all have different opinion on things like these. I'm just trying to see how hard it would be to replace the fan. People who are looking into buying T500RS or have already ordered it don't have to worry about the fan noise at all. I have very sensitive ears and have a thing or two about noisy fans. So guys, you will love this wheel for GT5. I know I love it.

Of course, I know opening up the wheel case would void the warranty. I bet all the T500RS owners know that.
Since I am either going to crank the volume on my receiver or use headphones while playing, the fan noise is going to have to be freaking loud to bother me.
Since I am either going to crank the volume on my receiver or use headphones while playing, the fan noise is going to have to be freaking loud to bother me.

If it wasn't for my Surround system - my PSU and GPU fans in high gear would drown out any minimal fan noise that the T500RS puts out :sly:
I had lot's of hours on my T500RS V1 and I could hear the fan speed up, but it was just a smooth airflow volume increase sound, not noisy like that of bad bearings or unbalanced vibration like I have seen with some PC case fans.

When I first tried the wheel it was perfectly smooth in both directions, however I did start to feel / hear the belt grind a bit when turning the wheel left as others had noted at idle. When under power and racing it was barely noticeable and did not negatively impact my experience.

I really liked the wheel, but the lack of support for PS3 titles (Shift 2 for example) and customization of settings is what was the deal breaker for me - it's a shame that TM didn't include a mode to emulate Logitech wheels, so at least all PS3 titles that didn't have direct support would have worked properly with FFB (similar to how Fanatec wheels work on PS3). If there is more support in the future for PS3 titles I would re-consider another purchase ;)

That is exactly what my fan sounds like after a few minutes - "noisy LIKE that of bad bearings or unbalanced vibration like I have seen with some PC case fans".

I have no doubt it will fail sooner or later.
I bought the T500 a couple of days ago with only playing on a friends microsoft FFB wheel (bit daft i know). I wasnt expecting it to be sooo noisy.
If i move the steering wheel I get what I can only describe as a high pitched electrical hum and the wheel doesnt feel very smooth when i turn it. in-game after 20 mins or so the loud fan kicks in which I believe is normal by reading some posts on here but it doesnt turn off, seem to stay on all the time and the FFB feel eratic in-game and doesnt seem to match whats happens on-screen. Kinda regretting purchasing it now, maybe i were better off buying a Fanatec or G27 instead :(

Is all this normal for a high priced FFB steering wheel or do i have a dud one?

Something is definitely wrong with the unit you have. FFB is so define on my T500 compared to my G27 and compared to the G27 the T500 is quieter( if there's such a word) with no clunking sound or high pitch noise. If you can get a good working replacement then you are fine getting the T500.
Very easy to verify:
1) Just download "DIView Direct Input software" here:
2) When done launch the software and choose "Axis/View Raw Data".

Result for T500 RS:
Wheel Axis = 16 Bits resolution (65536 values)
Pedals Axis = 10 Bits resolution (1024 values on each pedals)
Result for Porshe Wheel with CSP plugged on the wheel:
Wheel Axis = 14 Bits resolution (16384 values)
Pedals Axis = 8 Bits resolution (256 values on each pedals)

Thanks I gave this program a try just now. The pedals make fairly big jumps across the board (however perhaps this was tweaked by engineering to arrive at a good feel)

Throttle (65535 max) 57503 -> 57825 -> 58788

However the wheel is insanely precise like I expected and the deltas between the values are really small.

Too bad I don't have the DFP laying around I wouldn't mind comparing this too that.

I bought the T500 a couple of days ago with only playing on a friends microsoft FFB wheel (bit daft i know). I wasnt expecting it to be sooo noisy.
If i move the steering wheel I get what I can only describe as a high pitched electrical hum and the wheel doesnt feel very smooth when i turn it. in-game after 20 mins or so the loud fan kicks in which I believe is normal by reading some posts on here but it doesnt turn off, seem to stay on all the time and the FFB feel eratic in-game and doesnt seem to match whats happens on-screen. Kinda regretting purchasing it now, maybe i were better off buying a Fanatec or G27 instead :(

Is all this normal for a high priced FFB steering wheel or do i have a dud one?

Which fanatec? I've been waiting on my Fanatec GT2 for a month now (edit- not months, although it feels like months). I sometimes wonder how does Fanatec make money (sorry Thomas I know, I know you explained this too me already lol). I need the GT2 for all my old xbox games & Forza

Anyway its a dud for sure. My T500rs is silent. Maybe I heard the fan once? And the FFB is on point. You try flashing the wheel to latest firmware? Although the FFB issue concerns me it sounds broken :(
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Since I am either going to crank the volume on my receiver or use headphones while playing, the fan noise is going to have to be freaking loud to bother me.

Hm, I'm rocking surround sound as well or switch to headphones. So yeah maybe I wouldnt hear the fan. I'm a fairly new owner as well tho. [edit- ah now I can hear it a little after an hour+ of running]

Believe half of what you see and less of what you hear. ;)

Sure hope the shifter makes it's way to market this summer. One big reason why I have not used my T500. Still rowing gears on the G27.

Hopefully get some work done on the new cockpit soon. Busy busy. And a week worth of being sick recently. I am ready to get to using the new wheel.

Check out this custom cockpit I made for my two boys. Fully adjustable as well the pedals and wheel can be removed for standard gaming chair.


Note the orange and green. 787b coloring. When it warms up some more. Plan to do the seat up with some more livery like seen on a 787b. My kids love that car. 4 rotor Rotary FTW.

Been meaning to give you props. You got mad skillz. I love that car (787B). Disappointing to hear the t500rs is in a closet? Ouch....
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Which fanatec? I've been waiting on my Fanatec GT2 for a month now (edit- not months, although it feels like months). I sometimes wonder how does Fanatec make money (sorry Thomas I know, I know you explained this too me already lol). I need the GT2 for all my old xbox games & Forza

Anyway its a dud for sure. My T500rs is silent. Maybe I heard the fan once? And the FFB is on point. You try flashing the wheel to latest firmware? Although the FFB issue concerns me it sounds broken :(

I were going to purchase the GT3RS and CSP, I managed to sort out the FFB and it doesnt feel as bad as it did, the only problem I'm having with it is the fan not turning off. The fan kicks in after around 20 mins and never turns off unless I pull the plug out. I tried it on dirt 2 on PC yesterday and I quit the game and returned back to desktop and the wheel fan was still on after being on desktop for over an hour. I think it might be the temp sensor thats faulty.

The place where I bought it from are really funny about returns/refunds so If I can get a full refund back I dont know if I should chance it and get another T500RS and hope it doesnt have the same problem or just buy a GT3RS with CSP?
I were going to purchase the GT3RS and CSP, I managed to sort out the FFB and it doesnt feel as bad as it did, the only problem I'm having with it is the fan not turning off. The fan kicks in after around 20 mins and never turns off unless I pull the plug out. I tried it on dirt 2 on PC yesterday and I quit the game and returned back to desktop and the wheel fan was still on after being on desktop for over an hour. I think it might be the temp sensor thats faulty.

My T500RS acts just the same. Like I said on my previous message...the fan will turn on after a min or two after I go into a race on GT5 and it will stay on even I return to the main menu after the race. And the fan will stay on for a period of time. I think this is normal because the fan needs to be on to draw out the heat. I dont' think there is any concern about this. It's just the way it should work.
My T500RS acts just the same. Like I said on my previous message...the fan will turn on after a min or two after I go into a race on GT5 and it will stay on even I return to the main menu after the race. And the fan will stay on for a period of time. I think this is normal because the fan needs to be on to draw out the heat. I dont' think there is any concern about this. It's just the way it should work.

Hmm if it is normal for the fan to stay on even after you've exited the game and not actually using the steering wheel for hours then I think I'm going to return it and ask for a refund. I dont mind the fan noise but with it being on all the time it gets a bit too excessive. I would of thought thrustmaster would of designed the temp sensor to turn off the fan once the components had cooled down. :crazy:
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Hmm if it is normal for the fan to stay on even after you've exited the game and not actually using the steering wheel for hours then I think I'm going to return it and ask for a refund. I dont mind the fan noise but with it being on all the time it gets a bit too excessive. I would of thought thrustmaster would of designed the temp sensor to turn off the fan once the components had are cooled down. :crazy:

That's exactly what it does. I turns off after 40 mins or so once the motor is cool. Not sure if that a little over the top or not. Sometimes I just disconnect the power when I'm done, don't think that's much of an issue.
Well, I am sorry to say that my T500 just died, all of a sudden the power went off and could not be turned on again.... only about 2 weeks old.
makimak22, I'm sorry to hear that your T500RS died. But you do have warranty for it, right?

Kind of curious, what version is your T500RS? V3?

2 weeks old and you already got the wheel rim modded...that's nice!
makimak22, I'm sorry to hear that your T500RS died. But you do have warranty for it, right?

Kind of curious, what version is your T500RS? V3?

2 weeks old and you already got the wheel rim modded...that's nice!

I have, but maybe they would void it coz I modded the wheel....:grumpy:
So, it's not possible to remove the suede and return the wheel rim to the original state?

I think they would not be that strict...yours is covered by Sony HK, right?

You know you can always swap your modded wheel with your friend's original wheel and return the whole thing...once you get the replacement, you can then swap it back with your friend.
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So, it's not possible to remove the suede and return the wheel rim to the original state?

I think they would not be that strict...yours is covered by Sony HK, right?

Just like any decent wheel (momo, sparco etc), the suede is contact-glued on and wraps around tightly to prevent slippage.

Maybe I will detach the wheel and just bring the main unit in.
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Ouch, what a coincident! Well, if you think modding the wheel rim would void the warranty, I can do the swap with you. PM me if you're interested.
Hmm if it is normal for the fan to stay on even after you've exited the game and not actually using the steering wheel for hours then I think I'm going to return it and ask for a refund. I dont mind the fan noise but with it being on all the time it gets a bit too excessive. I would of thought thrustmaster would of designed the temp sensor to turn off the fan once the components had cooled down. :crazy:

Yeah I was afk and came back to the wheel after an hour or so and heard the fan when I put my ear up to it (all I heard was a soft hum). Usually I always unplug it though when it's not in use and stow it away

Well, I am sorry to say that my T500 just died, all of a sudden the power went off and could not be turned on again.... only about 2 weeks old.

That sucks I thought your wheel looked really pimp with the trimmings on it. The wheel is supposed to be detachable though. Maybe you could detach it before sending it off? Oh wait- only 2 weeks.... So that means going back to the retailer.... I get it now. Ugh.....
That sucks I thought your wheel looked really pimp with the trimmings on it. The wheel is supposed to be detachable though. Maybe you could detach it before sending it off? Oh wait- only 2 weeks.... So that means going back to the retailer.... I get it now. Ugh.....

Actually in HK the retailer doesn`t handle any warranty claims. I have to go directly to the local authorized distributor, Playstation HK (SCEH)
I think Sony Playstaion HK would let you replace the broken wheel. I mean putting suede around the wheel rim would not cause the wheel to not power up. I am sure they are reasonable people.
Lets work something out.:sly:
would love that suede wheel.

Please read my message carefully...this is what I meant.

"You know you can always swap your modded wheel with your friend's original wheel and return the whole thing...once you get the replacement, you can then swap it back with your friend. "
I think Sony Playstaion HK would let you replace the broken wheel. I mean putting suede around the wheel rim would not cause the wheel to not power up. I am sure they are reasonable people.

Yes then my next worry is the repairman would do damage to the rim. Or if they decided to swap me a new unit, they wouldn`t bother give me the suede one back.

Maybe I would take your offer, pls check PM. Thanks in advance....

I think GORDATA2NICE meant he wants to do a pay`n`swap for my suede wheel....
I did two back to back 30 minute sessions in rFactor with feedback at 70% in wheels properties panel and 100% in game and I did not hear anything weird from the fans inside the wheel. I have a version 2. my wheel is about 2 weeks old, I have used it about 20 hours in total. I really like this wheel, purchased at microcenter.

Makimak22- that's exactly what I mean.
Had my T500 since March 1st. It is a V2.
Have had 0 problems with it, the fan is not loud at all.. I can just hear it over the TV when it first starts up, but not once it's running at normal speed. 👍