The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
A while back, I asked if I should have either the GTE or F1 rim. I ended up going with the GTE rim, but now I have purchased the F1 rim.

I had also removed the static paddles, would it be necessary to put them back on?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just found out that both the GTE and F1 rims both have 13 buttons, but I can have 29 in the advanced PC mode if I put the paddles back on and use the other D-pad.
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There is that, but I would LOVE to have something like that to work for PS3, kind of like the wheels that Fanatec has. (I only have a PS3, but I am looking to get a dedicated PC so that I can do iRacing, rfactor, maybe Assetto Corsa in the future.)
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This is offered with absolutely zero warranty whatsovever... but, you could try reflashing the firmware to the wheel. This should likely reset all values, like center, to the defaults. Worth a shot. Short of that you might try contacting thrustmaster. :(

MrBasher, I have been trying to contact you for quite a while now. Sent you PM and email on your website. I need some paddle shifter switches badly. Would you be able to supply some? Thanks.
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MrBasher, I have been trying to contact you for quite a while now. Sent you PM and email on your website. I need some paddle shifter switches badly. Would you be able to supply some? Thanks.

I am very sorry for the delay. I will make you some tonight and send them out tomorrow morning at no charge. Send me another PM with your shipping address and I will take care of the rest.
I am very sorry for the delay. I will make you some tonight and send them out tomorrow morning at no charge. Send me another PM with your shipping address and I will take care of the rest.

It's ok, I heard of the new addition to your family, so congrats for your bundle of joy. :-) I just sent you a PM as instructed.
The v1.09 patch has totally utterly changed T500RS feel in game!

I noticed much more centering spring, less difference in strength between FWD, RWD, race and road cars. Road car suspension soaks up almost all bumps now, race car suspension doesn't. But the most clear change is how much the wheel now helps you when the car starts sliding, while at the same time becoming much looser than before.

For me it now seems like FFB=3 is good for almost everything, but still lots of testing to do.

What do you guys think?
I just tried it out little this morning with the 370z the FF feels too strong when recovering from oversteer correction, its as if the FF is going from light to strong and not much in between. You guys experiencing the samething?
Tried the VW Vision, which felt really loose (did not think of the possibility it was the steering wheel), though the effect was less in Madrid compared to the Nürburg 24'.

The Toyota hybrid indeed felt violent on the new RB circuit and Nürburg 24'. Some curbs made the car really unstable and the wheel was really kicking back (thought it was the car).
When I crossed the line and let go of the wheel, it started shaking left-right. Never saw that before.

The new Lexus was really terrible on the Nürburg 24', but I am sure that really was the car itself...

My FFB is on 5.
Have to try other cars which I am more familiar with.
Had this wheel for about 6 months now, the problem is when I hit a curb the wheel rattles a lot (noisy shake), this wasn't too bad, but now with the GT6 1.09 update it's got much worse.
Is this normal for this wheel.
I only play GT6.
Had this wheel for about 6 months now, the problem is when I hit a curb the wheel rattles a lot (noisy shake), this wasn't too bad, but now with the GT6 1.09 update it's got much worse.
Is this normal for this wheel.
I only play GT6.
1.09 have made the FFB a lot stronger in my opinion, so yes I think it's as normal as can be. 👍
Had this wheel for about 6 months now, the problem is when I hit a curb the wheel rattles a lot (noisy shake), this wasn't too bad, but now with the GT6 1.09 update it's got much worse.
Is this normal for this wheel.
I only play GT6.

Actual noise coming from it, like rattling, is not normal with the exception of the fan which often has issues.
Something about T500 RS that I disliked since day one is how the plastic bits on the rim itself creaks, its as if its not stiff enough. G25(which has very little on rim parts) does not do that. GTE feels worse than stock GT wheel in that respect. Might just be because you are using more force handling the T500 vs the G25...
1.09 have made the FFB a lot stronger in my opinion, so yes I think it's as normal as can be. 👍
Is it as strong as 1.01 or stronger/weaker?

Something about T500 RS that I disliked since day one is how the plastic bits on the rim itself creaks, its as if its not stiff enough. G25(which has very little on rim parts) does not do that. GTE feels worse than stock GT wheel in that respect. Might just be because you are using more force handling the T500 vs the G25...
Can't say I've ever encountered any creaking. My cockpit makes noises, not the wheels.
To me FF seems stronger than it ever was in GT6.
No rattling here, even on FF9 (I tried that some updates ago).

I noticed creaks before,solved that by tightening the screws on the back of the steering wheel, which hold the plastic cover.
Hope that helps.

I have the T500 mounted on a RaceRoom rigg, FF on 5
The GTE wheel had one of its screw pre-stripped, which was awesome....I actually retighten all the screws and applied loctite on the GT wheel.
All cars I tried today felt much more "loose".
On the Nurburg straight you could easily let go of the wheel, after the last update the wheel starts shaking and you can lose the car.
Don't now if I'm really happy with these changes...
All cars I tried today felt much more "loose".
On the Nurburg straight you could easily let go of the wheel, after the last update the wheel starts shaking and you can lose the car.
Don't now if I'm really happy with these changes...

I'm with you on this, happens with all three rims too (GT, GTE458, F1).
Speaking of the F1 rim, I now have mine! :D

It arrived yesterday, but I didn't have time to see it as it arrived at my house just a few minutes before I left for work. Once I got back back, I opened the box and saw it for the first time.

First impressions from just looking at it, it looks very cool. I took it by the grips to find that they are different than the one on the GT and GTE rim, which was a surprise, but not exactly a pleasant one, I prefer the grip on those than this one. I also found it to be so much lighter than the GTE rim, which was nice. I put it on the base and stared at it for a few minutes while pressing all of the buttons, they felt good.

I fired up GT6 and checked to see if the button mappings needed to be adjusted, they didn't. I took the TS030 for a spin (again), and I thought that it felt no different than the GTE rim. I think that the base actually turns up the FFB when the GTE rim isn't being used. I do love the push-pull paddle shifter on it.

Is it worth the extra over the GTE rim? Not all that much when you think about it. You're really paying for a rim that looks exactly like a Ferrari F1 wheel, so it can be a little complicated looking if you not used to seeing such a thing.

Screw it, I like it more than the GTE rim, but I will keep it, I paid good money for that one as well.
The v1.09 patch has totally utterly changed T500RS feel in game!

I noticed much more centering spring, less difference in strength between FWD, RWD, race and road cars. Road car suspension soaks up almost all bumps now, race car suspension doesn't. But the most clear change is how much the wheel now helps you when the car starts sliding, while at the same time becoming much looser than before.

For me it now seems like FFB=3 is good for almost everything, but still lots of testing to do.

What do you guys think?

I just re-did the Red Bull standard championship for the first time since 1.09 and it feels like there is no force feedback apart from a few seemingly random bangs and crashes. I used to win it easily, but I couldn't do better than 6th and my lap times were 5-10 seconds slower than normal.

The force feedback generally seems much weaker - I used to run it at 5 - I've now tried it at 10 which has restored some resistance to the steering, but it is now excessively light. There are also bangs through the wheel when on the straight at Trial Mountain which weren't there before - in short the feel of the game with a T500 has been ruined by 1.09 in my opinion.
in short the feel of the game with a T500 has been ruined by 1.09 in my opinion.
Agree !
But as I feel it, the FF is stronger than before as far as bumps and rattles go, but all cars feel lighter, as if the front has some kind of "upforce" !

Most of my favourite cars are close to undriveable now.
Wheel is shaking as if all bolts in the steering systeem came loose, especially with the Toyota TS030.
Best example is the Audi R8 LMS Phoenix which suddenly does 5 to 7 seconds/lap slower in the Nürburg 24' race. Yesterday it was even 12" slower, but I had the body rigidity restored and now it's each time 5 to 7"

Really hate this update as far as the part of our T500RS goes.

Golded the La Sarthe seasonal with the Toyota (barely) on the second lap today. Will leave and don 't come back as long as this issue is not fixed. Don't think I could have done more laps, just because I got so tired trying to keep the car under control on the fast straights.

Agree !
But as I feel it, the FF is stronger than before as far as bumps and rattles go, but all cars feel lighter, as if the front has some kind of "upforce" !

Most of my favourite cars are close to undriveable now.
Wheel is shaking as if all bolts in the steering systeem came loose, especially with the Toyota TS030.
Best example is the Audi R8 LMS Phoenix which suddenly does 5 to 7 seconds/lap slower in the Nürburg 24' race. Yesterday it was even 12" slower, but I had the body rigidity restored and now it's each time 5 to 7"

Really hate this update as far as the part of our T500RS goes.

Golded the La Sarthe seasonal with the Toyota (barely) on the second lap today. Will leave and don 't come back as long as this issue is not fixed. Don't think I could have done more laps, just because I got so tired trying to keep the car under control on the fast straights.


Agreed - the cars are now excessively light - there is hardly any resistance or force feedback when turning the wheel, which makes it feel very unrealistic. The bangs or crashes through the wheel have been exaggerated which is unpleasant - they now dominate the driving experience, when previously those effects didn't intrude except when doing off road.

A disastrous update - I will test a friends DFGT and may have to get a different wheel for GT6 if this isn't corrected soon. I don't do any drifting so I can't comment on that - I only do circuit racing, normally with historic cars - but this update has ruined the driving experience for me.
Something about T500 RS that I disliked since day one is how the plastic bits on the rim itself creaks, its as if its not stiff enough. G25(which has very little on rim parts) does not do that. GTE feels worse than stock GT wheel in that respect. Might just be because you are using more force handling the T500 vs the G25...

I don't hear anything on my T500 creaking. The stock GT rim itself is almost all metal so what plastic bits are you referring to? The GTE rim is all metal too other than the plastic buttons attached to the backside of the rim.
Actual noise coming from it, like rattling, is not normal with the exception of the fan which often has issues.

Which makes me sad. Because the T500 a bought from Amazon 1.5 years ago made noise from the get go. I though this was normal. Until it deteriorated into a broken shaft. I realized how defective it was (from day one) when I started using the replacement I got in the Microcenter deal. It was so smooth and quiet. Now that wheel, after moderate use like the first, is really getting rough. I was getting mad at AC and rf2 for having such rough FFB (and being worried it might damage my wheel), when it re-dawned on me it was probably because my wheel is damaged that's why it's making these type noises again. If I have a Todd Bettenhausen situation on my hands, I'm not going to be happy. At all. Nor will I accept Thrustmaster illegally voiding the warranty on grounds Microcenter sold it too cheaply (when the warranty simply states its void if purchased through public auction).
Which makes me sad. Because the T500 a bought from Amazon 1.5 years ago made noise from the get go. I though this was normal. Until it deteriorated into a broken shaft. I realized how defective it was (from day one) when I started using the replacement I got in the Microcenter deal. It was so smooth and quiet. Now that wheel, after moderate use like the first, is really getting rough. I was getting mad at AC and rf2 for having such rough FFB (and being worried it might damage my wheel), when it re-dawned on me it was probably because my wheel is damaged that's why it's making these type noises again. If I have a Todd Bettenhausen situation on my hands, I'm not going to be happy. At all. Nor will I accept Thrustmaster illegally voiding the warranty on grounds Microcenter sold it too cheaply (when the warranty simply states its void if purchased through public auction).

Considering he is the ONLY one I've ever seen or heard of with that issue, I wouldn't panic all that much nor start beating the drums that its an epidimic.

Thrustmaster couldn't possibly hide behind the price it was sold for as long as the retailer was an authorized dealer. That is all that matters.
I don't hear anything on my T500 creaking. The stock GT rim itself is almost all metal so what plastic bits are you referring to? The GTE rim is all metal too other than the plastic buttons attached to the backside of the rim.

Back side of the GT wheel and the buttons on the GTE are all installed on these plastic assemblies on the metal rim itself. The rim itself flexes enough though they cause the plastic to creak. When it was new, as noted, a lot of bolts are not tighten properly so that made it worse. But I have since retighten all the bolts but it still does it if you really crank on the wheel.
Back side of the GT wheel and the buttons on the GTE are all installed on these plastic assemblies on the metal rim itself. The rim itself flexes enough though they cause the plastic to creak. When it was new, as noted, a lot of bolts are not tighten properly so that made it worse. But I have since retighten all the bolts but it still does it if you really crank on the wheel.

As I stated then.