The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
I think people get a little too worked up over version numbers and thinking they are an indication of the quality of the unit. Mine is V.3, torsion spring throttle and clutch and original fan. I've had it for over 3 years and haven't had anything go wrong with it so far and it gets a good amount of use. Still works as good as it did when I bought it. Just remember that for everyone who reports having a problem, there are many more like me who have been fortunate enough not to have that experience.
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Is there a disassembly guide somewhere for the TX somewhere like for the T500RS?

I need to check if the how to say it the adapter I fix the rims to that is connected to the wheel base if the 4 bolts is connected okay since that "steering column" is a bit loose.
Finally got my wheel yesterday for only $460 and it was the new GT6 version! But sadly there isn't any racing games on PS4 to try it out yet so I'll have to wait till October for #DRIVECLUB to come out. Also I'm hoping Project Cars on PS4 supports it, it would be a shame if a sim like this doesn't support it.
Used the wheel 5 hours ago (haven't used it in a long time).
It worked great, just bough AC.

Now, when I connected it again, NOTHING.
I'm devastated. The warranty is probably out and I don't know what to do.

I cannot remember if the light on the wheel is supposed to come on?!
The light on the power adapter comes on.
Blue light on power brick, red or green light bottom left of the wheel (color depends on pedals orientation).
Blue light on power brick, red or green light bottom left of the wheel (color depends on pedals orientation).

The light on wheel won't come on.
I'm so screwed.
Was so happy I got AC 50% off and now I have a dead 500 Euro wheel :(
Also I'm hoping Project Cars on PS4 supports it, it would be a shame if a sim like this doesn't support it.

I have seen in-game banners that show both the Thrustmaster logo and the T500RS itself, and the it is PS4 compatible as confirmed by Driveclub.
As PLazarou posted in this forum if you keep the wheel rim sitting in one place for a long time you can feel a little lump when you spin the wheel. I haven't noticed this before but after I read his post and a few other's I checked my wheel and found that I have this too. I just got it yesterday with the new blue GT6 packaging but haven't got much time to use it.
Don't worry about the lump in the belt from sitting in one position, just use the wheel and the kink will work itself out. Also leave it sitting in a different position from the one that created the kink when not in use.
Don't worry about the lump in the belt from sitting in one position, just use the wheel and the kink will work itself out. Also leave it sitting in a different position from the one that created the kink when not in use.
I won't be using it until Driveclub, Project Cars and The crew comes out so it's going to be in the same position for a few months and I'll be leaving for vacation next week so I'll just open the box tomorrow change the position and close it. It fades away after some use so not a big deal for me, just a little concern.
Why buy it long before you need it :)

It´s not that big of a deal. I also had it it´s better to have it when having the wheel centered then having it in another spot so I am not sure I would turn it. Turn a full 360 perhaps. Or you return it and when you come back from the vacation and get the T300RS with T500RS pedals.
Why buy it long before you need it :)

It´s not that big of a deal. I also had it it´s better to have it when having the wheel centered then having it in another spot so I am not sure I would turn it. Turn a full 360 perhaps. Or you return it and when you come back from the vacation and get the T300RS with T500RS pedals.
Good question lol, the reason I bought it so early is because I got it super cheap, it was only $460 on ebay and this wheel is hard to find with this price. It's $612 on Amazon with tax and shipping even with 30% off. I'm not sure about the T300 RS's quality though and don't know if you can buy the T500 RS pedals separately. Also this was a great idea to turn it 360 and leave it so I have it in the center rather than a random spot so thanks.
@ Abeer Hasan

If your not going to use it for a while, then I'd leave the wheel where it is. Turning the wheel to a different position for a couple of months will just create a new lump. I meant leave the wheel sitting in a different position between uses of the wheel after you had started to use it until the lump is gone.
I located the problem.
My wheel will turn off when I have the pedals connected :(.

I e-mailed Thrustmaster, hope they can help me.

I guess the biggest problem is if it's the connector in the wheel that is broken?
How hard would it be to change that?

I know this is a REALLY long shot, but is there ANYONE in the Lund/Malmö area that could help me out so that I could see if it's the pedals or the wheel itself?
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@ Abeer Hasan

If your not going to use it for a while, then I'd leave the wheel where it is. Turning the wheel to a different position for a couple of months will just create a new lump. I meant leave the wheel sitting in a different position between uses of the wheel after you had started to use it until the lump is gone.
Hmm so that seems like the right thing to do after all.
I updated to latest firmware, 4.1
The wheel no longer turns off but the brake pedal is broken :(.
It shows full brake without touching it and nothing happens when pressing it down.
Anyone else had this problem?

I want to do the following: replacing my standard T500 wheel for a Sam maxwell's wheel. But i want to get rid of the standard T500 "quick release" and replace it with the Holger Buchfink Q1R Quick release. To be able to do that i have made this in sketchup with a total diameter of 80mm. I also want to work with a USB cable instead of the T500 power connector.

T500 adapter.png

Now have a look at this picture:
The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

The three holes for bolts are "A" on my drawing. I measured 51 mm heart to heart. If correctly measured (?) this aluminium plate will be bolted onto the T500. On that i mount Holger Buchfink quick release Part 1.
Onto the Sam Maxwell steering wheel i mount the other Holger Buchfink part 2 et voila...

Is this an idea? By the way, if someone is interested in the sketup drawing pm me and i'll send you the sketchup format.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to post a few pictures of my T500RS. This is what mine looks like after years of daily abuse. Surprisingly it has been functional for this whole while. However, it does show signs of age now, and may need to retire soon...

This is the setup. Simple stuff. Would not recommend playseat. Obutto is a lot better. I've tried.

Here's the damned thing. Sorry about the huge picture size.

Dat corrosion.

Fade, corrode, rust

Vanishing GT logo...

The flappy paddles got so corroded I cut myself on them. So, I taped over them. The same thing was done to the pedals...

...Which the tape promptly got worn off. Check dat rust where my right heel rests.

...and the wording on the pedals are totally gone.

So yeah. Oh, and when I finished taking pictures this thing fell off.
It amazes me too. But it seems it is time to see this old friend go. It wheezes and whines and overheats. Not to mention it's ugly as all hell.

But damn will it be a sad day.

Future do you live in the jungle? That is astounding its in that bad of shape. I've been using my Turbo S wheel for 5 years and it still looks pretty new except for the leather being worn down. That is pretty crazy lol. Looks like it also has paint spackle on it.