The Un-official Petition (UPDATE: DEFINITELY READ OP)

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United States
Wasilla, AK
UPDATE: This is taking off hard and the number of suggestions is becoming overwhelming. So hold those thoughts guys, I'm closing suggestions for now until we get some of the existing issues cleared.

Moved to top because everybody seems to have missed it and is continuing to post suggestions.

The time is now. The opportunity is here. Kaz has officially announced updates. He also said he watches forums. We have the chance, right here right now, to give him ideas and to seal GTP's place in the history of the New GT.

So, basically what we do is argue over what we want, weigh that against how long we're willing to wait for GT6, put a bunch of legalese on the final request, and find a method of contacting PD.

The list so far:

-A livery editor. I mean Forza-style, not GRID's restrictive editor.
-Specific extra premiums, to be discussed later.
-Time-based, rather than laps-based, online and arcade mode racing
-Machine test. Added to master list with no debate - no idea how I missed this one.
-More precise control over the track maker
-Allow us to fully customize the full-customization gearbox.
-Hood view for standards.

Further suggestions for GT5 DLC:

-Online leaderboards
-Return of FPV (White & Nerdy adds: Hyundai Accent Rally Car too!)
-More cars eligible for RM
-Weather for all tracks (W&N says: time change too!)
-Remove the paint collecting method and just give us a bloody pallet (W&N: That or allow us to buy colors independently of cars)
-Option to review paint on your car before you actually use it.
-A confirmation for the restart button in the pause menu of a race, so that when you accidentally press it you won't have to restart all over
-Be able to upload cars and credits from Prologue
-Change rims on standard cars
-Full G25/G27 Support
-More rims and they must cycle (White & Nerdy: First part is fine, but in the second I don't quite understand where you're coming from)
-LAN mode?
-Add fast-forwarding in B-spec
-Potentially deactivate traction control for Sebastien Loeb challenge
-Allow use of PDI Kart in A-Spec, so you can check what car you need without having to switch.
-Fix the freeze while connecting to the server
-In tire restrictions Racing Soft is missing. This should be fixed. (???)
-Check the pad controller code for bugs
-Give advanced users more pad configuration options
-Adjust the G25/G27 clutch-gearshift debounce speed
-Allow permanent disabling of all driving aids so you don't have to turn them off before every race
-Show personal best time for all tracks
-Allow us to change our racing suit
-Reintroduce brake upgrades (W&N says: why was it taken out in the first place?)

Further suggestions for GT6:

-Fix jagged graphics
-More balanced car list - more American and less Japanese, especially duplicate Japanese (W&N says: Stay tuned for this one. Building and debating a hypotetical list should be lots of fun, but it'll have to wait until GT6 is officially announced). Porsche should be a feature of this list.
-Give the surfaces more imperfections more imperfections. Right now the asphalt and grass look brand new which is a little unrealistic. Also, more detailed smoke and graphics in general. (W&N: Heavily edited and reworded for grammar & spelling)
-Enable headtracking in all modes

Unknown/not yet parsed:

-Point to point option in course maker
-More world real life tracks (like Mexican "Rodríguez Brothers Racetrack" )
-More rims and they must cycle (White & Nerdy: Uh...)
-More course editor themes
-Kia C'd/Chevy Lacetti (complete the TG portion of the game)
-If you start a race, and you forgot i.e. to set-up your car, you have to go all back to Main-menu and start all-over again (???)
-Possibly change default brake bias settings, which currently default to 50/50 (unrealistic).
-Fix repetetive menu BGM (W&N: Does it really matter?)
-It should be easier to filter cars, like in GT4, the power-to-weight filter is missing (???)
-In online mode, it should be possible to set it so that only the room owner can start the race.
-Escort Cosworth, Sierra RS500, Fiesta RS, VW Scirocco, more M3s and Golfs, more significant American cars
-Make all cars available in arcade mode with a patch or a $10 special DLC (W&N: Really?????)
-Stronger FFB
-Enable custom soundtrack online
-Enable HP rather than KW power statistic in the Russian version
-Enable tuning to increase the value of the car
-A bit more in-depth customization, possibly including a return to GT3's list of racing tire compounds.

Remember, we can't ask for the moon, especially if we want GT6 in less than 10 years. So feel free to discuss/debate/argue over what should be DLC'd and what should wait.

UPDATE: This is taking off hard and the number of suggestions is becoming overwhelming. So hold those thoughts guys, I'm closing suggestions for now until we get some of the existing issues cleared.

@Famine: My intention in changing the topic title to "The official un-official petition" was somewhat humorous, but it's hard to explain. Whatever, it's not worth talking about.
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-Option to remove all or some of the HUD.
-More precise control over the track maker.
-Credits/XP for online races.
-More tracks, alot of great tracks missing from GT4.
-Some sort of decals we can apply to our cars.
-Online leaderboards.
-Full G25/G27 support (fully customizable buttons)
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How about we all appreciate the game for what it is, go deep into it, come back in one month with suggestions..
I'm happy with the content. I just want some jaggy graphics polished.
-Option to remove all or some of the HUD.
-More precise control over the track maker.
-I haven't tried online yet so I don't know if the removal of the PP points is a good or bad thing.
-More tracks, alot of great tracks missing from GT4.
-Some sort of decals we can apply to our cars.
-Online leaderboards.

Duly noted.
I would like the FPV's Back, I got prompted with a message stating both cars could not be imported .... which sucks because I wanted to race the F6 typhoon

so count me as signed
customization of cars, meaning decals, vinyls, like in GT2

more tracks that we love ... Amalfi ... grand canyon .... citta di aria ...

rally tracks like pikes peak !!

cough cough faster loading times ..

besides that .. KAZ you did an amazing job
Allow G25/G27 users to flat shift or rev match properly.

Either scarp the used cars or make them in to premium or at minimum allow the wheels to be changed...such a disappointment especially after waiting 5 years
I'm happy with the content. I just want some jaggy graphics polished.

yeah ... i remember one time in replay, the antenna on the rally subaru was all blurry and making the image behind it all pixelated .. it was weird
Allow G25/G27 users to flat shift or rev match properly.

Either scarp the used cars or make them in to premium or at minimum allow the wheels to be changed...such a disappointment especially after waiting 5 years

thats not a big deal dude ..
-More cars eligible for RM
-More customization options
-Remove the Car delivery system from SP
-Remove the paint collecting method and just give us a bloody pallet
-Of course more cars and more premium cars
-bring back old GT tracks missing from the game
What exactly is a "Hood View," because the one standard car I have in the game has what I would consider a "hood view" like that we were given in GT5P.

Edit: Also, I kind of like the Paint Collecting method implemented in GT5. It would be cool if you could sell paint colors to your friends, but it's just one more thing you can do that makes it more of a game than just a standard simulator.
-Option to review paint on your car before you actually use it.
-A confirmation for the restart button in the pause menu of a race, so that when you accidentally press it you won't have to restart all over.

Oh and a premium Fiat Panda '90 :D
How about we all appreciate the game for what it is, go deep into it, come back in one month with suggestions..

I totally have to agree with you:tup:
... i'm still in the discovery process .... it's too early to criticize ....
I totally have to agree with you:tup:
... i'm still in the discovery process .... it's too early to criticize ....

I'm enjoying the game quite a bit. It's about what I expected.

But the missing full support of G25/G27 wheels is nuts. Those wheels are marketed as basically the most realistic wheels for the GT5 experience, they cost literally hundreds of dollars, and then they release the game and don't even fully support them. Kind of insane. I'm surprised Logitech isn't on their ass because such negligence hurts their brand.

Be able to upload cars and credits from Prologue.
End copy protection on save game files.

I say keep copy protection. People should be forced to earn the cars and play the game. That's the GT experience.
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I say keep copy protection. People should be forced to earn the cars and play the game. That's the GT experience.

I want to race in GTP events but I've had my Anesthesia account for too long to throw away. Now I can't transfer my save game to a GTP_ account...
I say keep copy protection. People should be forced to earn the cars and play the game. That's the GT experience.

People should also be able to back up their save game file in case their PS3 dies, they don't have to replay hours, and hours just to get where they were...
Lots of good ideas.....but lets not jump too far ahead of ourselves so we can avoid the first patch shocker. Likely the first patch will be just bug fixes only and if we are lucky maybe a little misc content stuff that was left out. however dont expect tons of new content for the first few patches.
People should also be able to back up their save game file in case their PS3 dies, they don't have to replay hours, and hours just to get where they were...

You don't think PS3 backup will copy the save file? It should or that renders the whole function pointless.

Edit: I mean, I guess technically I don't care about copy protection. But you know that is their reasoning for having it. They don't want people just skipping all the licenses and stuff by downloading a generic save file off the internet that already has all the cars and licenses.
You don't think PS3 backup will copy the save file? It should or that renders the whole function pointless.

Edit: I mean, I guess technically I don't care about copy protection. But you know that is their reasoning for having it. They don't want people just skipping all the licenses and stuff by downloading a generic save file off the internet that already has all the cars and licenses.

Full system backup doesn't copy protected files... Or it does, but they can only be used on the same PS3 again. Which is a problem if anything but your HDD dies...
Full system backup doesn't copy protected files... Or it does, but they can only be used on the same PS3 again. Which is a problem if anything but your HDD dies...

Wow that's really stupid. Yea then I'm all with you. Get rid of the copy protection.
We need point to point option for course maker, and some how change wheels on standard cars. Also why doesn't headtracking work in A-spec and most race modes?
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