The Update 1.12 Discussion Thread: Believe the Hype

The game is complete. All of the advertised features that were advertised to come post launch date are still coming post launch date. All of the advertised features that were announced to be in the launch-day release, are in the game.

Only after the very last version update, will it be complete.
It is incomplete because it does not have all of its advertised features nearly a year after release.

There is no defending that fact.

Yes it's incomplete - but they were true saying the features will come later. They told us the features were not yet in the game. They have not given any deadline.. it might as well be September 18th 2016. Everything else is in one's own head as imagination.

I would love to give few words for these black and white minded people, but that would probably get me banned. So I just wish one the best of luck handling the sad feelings within..:mischievous:
Well let's hope that he is right, and things will go as planned.

I've heard he's got contacts with PD or Sony, so wouldn't doubt it. :)

After all, he did say last week the update was planned for Monday evening. :)

Again,No disrespect to this guy, but until I see something stated by Sony/PD officially stating such, it is just pure speculation. Or, if there is an update that pops up without any kind of announcement, that'll work too. ;) But until one of those two scenarios play out, I'll just continue on, business as usual and not worry about it. Those that choose to ride the hype train, well, have a nice ride, enjoy your journey and hope you all find the Gold at the end of the rainbow. :)
Ok, it clearly seems you dont like anything about GT6, so why do you play or even bother writing in an GT6 forum.
Why dont you just play anothet game which fit your expections?
Play a pc sim for your sooo much better physics, play another game with hundrets of cars with interior view, play another game with endurance races, fuel/tire wear and whatever, JUST PLAY ANOTHER GAME!!
Why do you guys which disline GT6 sooooo much have to be always in a GT6 forum to write down how massivle bad, disapointing and incomplete is?!?!!

And again, nothing on GT6 is incomplete.
Do i say that a forza is incomplete because it doenst have a track creator?
Do i say a shift is incomplete because it doesnt have endurance races?
Do i say all those pc sims are incomplete because they only have a small amount of cars and mostly only race cars?

NO - because thats the way those games are!

I cant buy a Ferrari and say its incomplete because it has a small trunk. Or that its incomplete because it isnt durable. Or that its incomplete because it drinks 4 times as much of gas as a VW Golf.

I used to say the same thing friend. I literally did something on GT5 almost everyday from release day until the day GT6 came out. I've organized hundreds of online races through this site and been the creator of over a half dozen leagues/clubs. I still turn on GT6 almost everyday and even invested in a triple screen setup.

But here's the thing, if none of my friends are online to race with there's nothing for me to do. The career mode is a scaled down version of the rabbit chasing in GT5, using the same tracks and cars (for the most part) and quite frankly I'm beyond bored with that. GT is certainly the best racer on a console and since I can't afford a proper PC I'm stuck with it for now. I want to love GT, but there really isn't much to love anymore. I'm not bashing people for loving it, I used to love it, but I can't ignore the glaring faults any longer. I still enjoy it and will continue to play it until I can afford a PC, but it could have been so much more than it was and the direction they've taken the series is disappointing and doesn't bode well for the future.

Now let's stop bickering and get back on topic before this thread gets the banhammer too. :cheers:
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I'm not believing anything until the update is on my system or there's a 1.12 update thread on here with a link and information of the update.
Oh??? another highly trusted source that knows what's going on at PD but doesnt work there nor has any official affiliation with GT???

Does waiting for updates cause sudden amnesia? Because we were just talking about not trusting any sources besides PD or Sony themselves no?

Lets look at the evidence:

- Nissan said that the Nismo GT-R would be launched today, a car that will likely come with Zahara. They corrected this and made a second post confirming it was tomorrow, what this means is that PD have likely alerted them about it due to the inside connections between both companies.

PlayStation MVP has confirmed that an update should be launched tonight.
At the moment, everything is on schedule for release tonight.

- It is also a Tuesday, a time when updates are generally launched on most Playstation titles should they be ready.
Oh??? another highly trusted source that knows what's going on at PD but doesnt work there nor has any official affiliation with GT???

Does waiting for updates cause sudden amnesia? Because we were just talking about not trusting any sources besides PD or Sony themselves no?
The guy has 4k posts, he seems to be legit.
But then again if you look at the logical side of all this, why would he leak info like that? Let's actually believe he is a Sony worker, why would he do such thing? Isn't there any regulations against leaking information, can't he lose his job by doing such thing?
As far I know most of jobs related to that sort of stuff have strict rules for this sort of thing. But what do I know, I'm just a guy posting on the internet.
It is incomplete because it does not have all of its advertised features nearly a year after release.

There is no defending that fact.
We all admitted GT6 is incomplete.

We talking about today, where PD just says September but anyone suddenly added unnecessary details on top of it. Look at the past Famine's posts for more details.
In the context of what you're complaining about, which was in regards to this post about the Sierra track, no where in that link you posted mentions anything about the DLC tracks or even DLC cars coming "soon." It was already known the track creator would take time and never had a definitive release date.
Yeah, it just mentioned the features that were advertised when the game was launched. Still waiting for most of them 9 months after the release. And actually, on Amazon (and other retailers) they kinda don't even mention the fact that these features are not in the game yet.

The Red Bull Challange along with the new red bull cars, the data logger, the gps visualizer, and 3D compatibility have already been released. And not only that, they've even released plenty of great content outside of what was mentioned in that thread, including the Senna update and cars, Red Bull Ring track, addition of customizeable brake colors, customizeable spoilers, a number decal editor, fixes to the camber issue, various adjustments to the physics, not to mention all of the Vision GT cars that's been released.
Don't forget the the reset buttons on the setup menu. Truly astounding efforts by PD. It's almost as if it's their job.

But regardless of all that, PD should have really released the Sierra track earlier right? Because you obviously already payed for it, which you didn't, and it was promised to be coming soon, which it wasn't.
I actually thought all the hype was because of the track creator (the thing coming "in future updates"), which I sure as hell did pay for already. But I guess I should be more patient because some people (or geniuses) here regularly remind me that the "future" refers to anything between 1 nanosecond to infinity.

The game is complete. All of the advertised features that were advertised to come post launch date are still coming post launch date. All of the advertised features that were announced to be in the launch-day release, are in the game.
Are you doing this for free?
GTPlanet: Believing some ramdom dude on the internet who doesn't work for PD. What's next?

GTPlanet: Believing everything they find on the internet.

Than people wonder why disappointments and complaints always rises, time and time again.
Why can't PD just be like every damn developer and freakin talk? God, they don't have to do it 24/7 but just confirm something...