The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Ohoho, that's what they all say. "The religion is misunderstood. People misinterpreted wrongly." Isn't religion convenient?

I do not consider myself an expert but I know the facts. Tell me Islam =/= Sharia. Or are the Saudis doing things wrong? You have laws that are not only unfair to women and minorities, it violates human rights and have no place in the modern world. Stoning of the gays (only if caught during intercourse IIRC), women can only be considered to have been raped if there are 4 Muslim male witnesses(?!!), death to apostates (I'll get back to you in the other thread soon, sorry), amputation for theft and so on.

Sharia is the same as any legal system, how its implemented and interpreted is stupidly selective and subjective Much of it is stupid and no legal system should be anything but secular, but to then link all Muslims to it and presume that no such thing as secular Islamic states can exist is a nonsense.

Take for example the largest Muslim country (by population) and compare it to the largest Christian country by population, can you guess which one has had a female president? Clue its not the Christian one.

As far as I know, all holy books are just story books, and should only be used as that. Nothing more. What makes me sad is that it's the 21st century and people still believe in sky fairies. And it greatly depresses me that the people who are progressing to a future without one is being held back by the people with one of the greatest sky fairies of all.
I quite agree, but that doesn't mean that everyone who believes in a sky fairy is trying to kill everyone else becasue of it.

So great that you can't question, criticize or insult at all without politically correct people calling you out as a racist.
Of course you can, but just the same as with everything it doesn't automatically mean you are right or that others can't call you out on it and when they do it doesn't automatically mean they are being PC.

I'm not sure which Western politician is a Muslim. Yes, I've read the letter written to IS by a bunch of scholars condemning their actions. But wait, what they've said is only to 'not be so harsh' in their actions. The only thing that's extreme is in their implementation, according to them. Sharia is still sharia.
Let me quote the letter to IS from the council of British Muslims and politicians....

We, the undersigned British Muslim Imams, organisations and individuals, wish to express our horror and revulsion at the senseless murder of David Haines and the threat to the life of our fellow British citizen, Alan Henning.

Mr Henning was a volunteer who travelled to Syria to help innocent civilians.

Acts of humanitarianism are an essential element of religious practice for all Muslims, and of course they are just as significant to other people too. Islamic teachings call for charity and selflessness. Most importantly, acts of beneficence do not, and cannot, exclude non-Muslims.

In Islam, concern for fellow humans and the duty to help everyone is a religious obligation. Anyone undertaking a humanitarian act is paving his or her way to receive help from heaven, should be commended and held in the highest esteem.

In contrast, the senseless kidnapping, murder and now the despicable threats to Mr Henning at the hands of so-called ‘Muslims’ cannot be justified anywhere in the Quran and the Sunnah (Prophetic traditions).

The un-Islamic fanatics are not acting as Muslims, but as the Prime Minister has said, they are acting as monsters. They are perpetrating the worst crimes against humanity. This is not Jihad - it is a war against all humanity.

The Holy Quran says that:

"Whosoever kills a human being... it is as if killing the entire human race; and whosoever saves a life, saves the entire human race."

We plead with those holding Alan Henning to see the errors of their ways. To embrace the word of the Quran and accept that what they are now doing constitutes the worst condemnable sin.

We appeal to them to release Mr Henning immediately. The Quran states that “repentance is not accepted from those who continue to do evil deeds”.

In the name of the Almighty All Merciful God, we beseech Mr Henning's kidnappers with the words of our Prophet Muhammad - "Show mercy to those on earth, the One in the Heavens will have mercy on you.

British Muslim communities have done a great deal to speak out over the evils of terrorism over many years. We will continue to do everything within our power to prevent any other young man or woman getting caught up in this poisonous ideology.
Source - it would seem to me that terms like "the evils of terrorism", "poisonous ideology", "repentance is not accepted from those who continue to do evil deeds", "what they (IS) are now doing constitutes the worst condemnable sin" and "They (IS) are perpetrating the worst crimes against humanity. This is not Jihad - it is a war against all humanity".

Now that would seem to be directly counter to your claim that they only said 'not to be so harsh'.

*Brainwashing and out of fear of being killed.

I have a properly functioning brain, btw. I am able to consume information, weed out the propaganda and come up with a logical answer, thank you.
It would seem not given the baseless nature of your above claim.
Sorry, prisonermonkeys. I got carried away. My attitude the other day was that of the stereotypical 'Arrogant Atheist'. I'll reserve that for the God thread.
That's not what I said. I said you were wrong to judge an entire religion based on single, obviously-biased "source". I'll bet you never so much as considered a single alternative source.
Can you explain to me and Carbonox what makes that VICE video biased?

The past month or so, I've been wasting spending my time reading up on religion, something I don't normally do because of my stand on the debate of religion. It's pointless, but I do so anyways, because curiosity. Ahh! :dopey: I've read some sites clearly aimed at fear mongering, some more mainstream sites to hopefully get a neutral perspective. I've even looked up (don't tell me that's propaganda as well :scared:). Not that telling you about anything I do matters.

I realized I had gone slightly off-topic so I'll address the other points in the Islam thread.
This is why community involvement is needed to thwart ISIS. We need to identify at-risk youths before they are at risk and respond to them individually. We need to demonstrate that they are not just valued and respected, but that they can contribute to society at large. The more successful we are, the less likely they will fall in line with ISIS. But when your attitude amounts to "anyone who joins ISIS is stupid" and "Islam is a barbaric religion", you're creating more problems that you're solving.
I don't have much empathy for people gullible enough into joining a terrorist gang, even more so willing to travel overseas for it. Want to hear something evil? Population control, lol. Ah sorry, I don't hold back with humor. I should just let you good Samaritans handle religion and politics while I stay out of it and get back to the things I value the most in life; arts and science.
Like I said, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Sorry, I'll read up more next time.
No. It's a commercial organization hidden behind Islam. They sell oil from the captured sites, their leaders gain billions of dollars and use brainwashed people as their personnel. Islam is just to unify those mobs and keep them loyal. It's a special kind of religious sect.
Like any other religious sects. essentially, born out of religion.
Belgian F16's bombed their first targets today in Iraq, that's one less Jihadi jeep making the desert unsafe boys 👍
Here is how to react to danger.
I seen that story on Reddit, I saw the title and immediately thought of Ron Burgundy jumping into the bear enclosure. :lol:
A minute of humour. :)
Stupidity of the Russian TV: "ISIS makes games to manipulate kids and recruit them!"
(English subs included)

Actually, as you probably realize, it's just a video made with Garry's Mod. :lol:
When you have a religion forged out of middle eastern politics of the time of its creation you can be sure it will be manipulated to suit the political agendas of our time.
A survey was held amongst young muslims in the Netherlands about IS.

80% of the Turks are supportive towards IS and their jihad.

18% of the Moroccans are supportive.

Now, that high percentage amongst the Turks pretty much came as an absolute shock for our politicians, seeing that Turks normally are quite moderate about their religion.
A survey was held amongst young muslims in the Netherlands about IS.

80% of the Turks are supportive towards IS and their jihad.

18% of the Moroccans are supportive.

Now, that high percentage amongst the Turks pretty much came as an absolute shock for our politicians, seeing that Turks normally are quite moderate about their religion.
Can you link to they survey, as the main one I know of actually asked a different question. Which was about supporting the uprising against Assad. Which had then been turning into support for IS
The AP is reporting that Peter Kassig, a US aid worker captured by ISIS in Syria, has been beheaded this morning. The video featured the same British accented man, though unlike the previous videos used a voice disrupter to disguise his voice, and the background featured ISIS fighters beheading captured Syrian and Iraqi troops. Kassig, converted to Islam to try to avoid being beheaded, but that was the fate given to him anyways.
The AP is reporting that Peter Kassig, a US aid worker captured by ISIS in Syria, has been beheaded this morning. The video featured the same British accented man, though unlike the previous videos used a voice disrupter to disguise his voice, and the background featured ISIS fighters beheading captured Syrian and Iraqi troops. Kassig, converted to Islam to try to avoid being beheaded, but that was the fate given to him anyways.
I hope Jihadi John receives his one way ticket to hell soon. And that counts for all these nutjobs that are currently killing and raping over there in the name of god.
I hope Jihadi John receives his one way ticket to hell soon. And that counts for all these nutjobs that are currently killing and raping over there in the name of god.
You almost got your wish. There was an airstrike last Saturday on a meeting between ISIS leadership. 10 leaders were killed, 40 were injured including Jihad John and ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. An unidentified nurse identified the two men as part of ISIS.
A survey was held amongst young muslims in the Netherlands about IS.

80% of the Turks are supportive towards IS and their jihad.

18% of the Moroccans are supportive.

Now, that high percentage amongst the Turks pretty much came as an absolute shock for our politicians, seeing that Turks normally are quite moderate about their religion.
Netherlands might start having even more problems than that.
Ooh scary. A group of people in a country with freedom of speech are exercising their freedom of speech and accomplishing nothing politically. Truly terrifying stuff.

Honestly how is that any different than the BNP starting to get more support in the UK?
Meanwhile: some activity of Islamic insurgents in Grozny, Chechen Republic, RF. About seven militants have been eliminated, the law enforcers have casualties, too.

The operation is still going. Kadyrov's forces (the media says, the CR president command the operation personally) fighting the insurgents (no graphic content here, just shooting action):
Meanwhile: some activity of Islamic insurgents in Grozny, Chechen Republic, RF. About seven militants have been eliminated, the law enforcers have casualties, too.

I saw this on the news yesterday... or I did if they're the gunmen who were pursued by traffic police? I understand the police were then shot and the gunmen went on to hole up in a TV station?