The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
I saw this on the news yesterday... or I did if they're the gunmen who were pursued by traffic police? I understand the police were then shot and the gunmen went on to hole up in a TV station?
The gunmen stole three cars, the traffic police tried to stop them and faced fire, killing, reportedly, seven officers. Then, some insurgents were blocked in the press building, some entered a school (no civilian casualties reported).
Reportedly, they were planning some serious terrorist acts.

Edit: a nice screenshot from that vid :D
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IS claims to have shot down a coalition fighter jet. A Jordanian one. And this guy is supposed to be the pilot.


That guy is screwed if it's true.
IS have executed more of their own fighters, and best of all, that's 100 more who won't come back to Europe to enjoy the welfare payments. :D
This is good news but I fail to understand how in the World those all around Europe retarded left wingers insist in giving them welfare payments, even if you know they are terrorist. I mean if you know this when they come back you just expropriate everything they have and arrest them.
This is good news but I fail to understand how in the World those all around Europe retarded left wingers insist in giving them welfare payments, even if you know they are terrorist. I mean if you know this when they come back you just expropriate everything they have and arrest them.
Their governments generally supported regime change in Syria, which was the original reason why these folks departed as idealists, but are returning either dead or as terrorists. To arrest and take everything they have would require Draconian new laws, never an easy thing for left wing cultures to do.

The more Europe fights the tar baby, the more covered in tar it becomes.
Their governments generally supported regime change in Syria, which was the original reason why these folks departed as idealists, but are returning either dead or as terrorists. To arrest and take everything they have would require Draconian new laws, never an easy thing for left wing cultures to do.

The more Europe fights the tar baby, the more covered in tar it becomes.
I think radical left wingers on the long run are way more dangerous than rich right wing elitists.
Hidden hypocrisy that exploit the thoughts of Western middle class selling us fake humanitarian ideals, when their real goal is to allow wild immigration in order to get more votes. Since immigrants notoriously votes left.

This alone shows their reckless attitude but it's when they keep welfare payments and passports to these terrorists that Western middle class should really wake the 🤬 up, before it's too late.
What I find astounding is that they are allowed to return. They'll serve a couple of years in jail and they are free to continue their anti west campaign.

Take away their European passports and send them back. Or even better, bomb the crap out of them while they are there.
What I find astounding is that they are allowed to return. They'll serve a couple of years in jail and they are free to continue their anti west campaign.

Take away their European passports and send them back. Or even better, bomb the crap out of them while they are there.

Should we treat them as prisoners of war? Keep them here till all is over and then send them back.
<...>I fail to understand how in the World those all around Europe retarded left wingers insist in giving them welfare payments<...>

Lolwut. Please pass whatever you're smoking, seems to be some really good stuff. If those guys will ever come back to Europe they will be arrested on so many charges I can't even be bothered listing, and unless they're going to pass through the highly-inefficient and frankly quite moronic Italian justice, they will be serving quite lengthy sentences.

And what I'm quite sure of is that they won't be receiving any welfare check - if they ever did. Many of those European jihadists left decent-paying jobs to enroll in the ISIS.

<...>would require Draconian new laws, never an easy thing for left wing cultures to do.

Maybe because those so-called "left wing" cultures realize that when you give the State certain tools, there's no telling what they will be used for. Today they will serve to stop Islamist terrorists, tomorrow they will be used to curb political dissent. And trust me, here in Europe, we know quite well what goes into a totalitarian regime, unfortunately from experience.

But back on track: I'd wish good luck to the downed Jordanian pilot, but I guess luck is in a short supply when you're in the hands of the Caliphate's goons. I wouldn't have bailed out of the plane, tbh. A Viking funeral would be by a wide margin better than whatever waits groundside.
Maybe because those so-called "left wing" cultures realize that when you give the State certain tools, there's no telling what they will be used for. Today they will serve to stop Islamist terrorists, tomorrow they will be used to curb political dissent.
The same can be said of any right-wing state. Give them the tools, and they will be used to oppress. They might do it differently to the political left, but they will still be used for oppression.
The same can be said of any right-wing state. Give them the tools, and they will be used to oppress. They might do it differently to the political left, but they will still be used for oppression.

Of course. But it doesn't make much sense to talk about right or left-wing politics when the opposition is crushed, right? All becomes dependant on the whim of the dictator - be it another Mussolini or another Stalin or what-have-you. As a matter of fact, the former started as a leader of the Italian Socialist Party and ended up on the right side of the spectrum.

But I feel the need to clarify: Dotini was implying "left-wing cultures" (by which I think it's quite safe to assume he meant, "Western European countries") are reticent to implement extreme laws, and I tried to provide my insight as to why we aren't so fond of them (that is - because they're a two-edged sword that often ends up only doing harm to the wielder). My response doesn't have much to do with the accusations that European countries are stil paying welfare to jihadists - which are, frankly, quite ridiculous and outlandish because if any known jihadist was to return to his home country here in Europe he'd probably be arrested on arrival and receive a lengthy sentence for a number of crimes that varies by country, but is always quite impressive.

(Curiously enough, countries that were actually ruled by self-styled Communist dictatorships until the 90s and could, effectively, be described as "left-wing cultures" are quite happy to adopt laws that give the judiciary apparatus discretionary powers and to limit individual and collective freedoms.)
Love the hypocrisy of these Islamists. Use rights given by Western freedom, to denounce western freedom. :lol:

I look at that Jordanian Pilot. The dude is a freaking kid practically. Probably a year or two older than I am! He looks like a high schooler. The fact this kid will be tortured mercilessly before being killed makes me angrier than all the others.

Sometimes I wonder, if there were a massive ground offensive, would I fight?
Lolwut. Please pass whatever you're smoking, seems to be some really good stuff. If those guys will ever come back to Europe they will be arrested on so many charges I can't even be bothered listing, and unless they're going to pass through the highly-inefficient and frankly quite moronic Italian justice, they will be serving quite lengthy sentences.

And what I'm quite sure of is that they won't be receiving any welfare check - if they ever did. Many of those European jihadists left decent-paying jobs to enroll in the ISIS.
That's the typical Italian attitude right there. Since our country is basically ruled by mafia and lobbies we think (or probably hope) every other country in Europe except Greece Portugal and Spain works perfectly. Well I'm sorry to break your dreams but that's not the case. So yes there you go. ->
Maybe because those so-called "left wing" cultures realize that when you give the State certain tools, there's no telling what they will be used for. Today they will serve to stop Islamist terrorists, tomorrow they will be used to curb political dissent. And trust me, here in Europe, we know quite well what goes into a totalitarian regime, unfortunately from experience.
So your point is let's not do anything against radical islam terrorists because one day another Hitler may eventually rise and hunt us down. Typical left winged laughable hypocrisy, based on the "everygreen" Nazism cliche while at the at the same time obviously burying their heads in the sand like ostriches while these terrorists GETS PAID from EU. Brilliant!

If with harsh laws you are scared another Hitler may rise what about simply kicking terrorists out of Europe so we resolve the problem to the roots?

Ah, no I know, without them you wil not have many people voting left, that's the real problem, that's why they are allowed to stay here and that's why left wing keep vomit their hypocrisy on human rights, while the terrorists voting them are.. surprise surprise, radically against these human rights.
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Sometimes I wonder, if there were a massive ground offensive, would I fight?
That's the ultimate long term goal of those hatebeards, they want to expand reconquer Andalucia and beyond, until ultimately they have the empire they always wished they had.

That's why it's so important we cut out this cancer before it spreads even further. Airstrikes alone won't win it for us as they don't travel in convoys anymore and spread amongst the locals, it was good at stopping their advance so that's phase 1 of this war, phase 2 being a spring offensive (rumored) to retake Mosul and other big cities under their control, and this will have to be a ground offensive but with Iraqi soldiers (who have a track record so far of running away from battle like the french)...
Love the hypocrisy of these Islamists. Use rights given by Western freedom, to denounce western freedom. :lol:

I look at that Jordanian Pilot. The dude is a freaking kid practically. Probably a year or two older than I am! He looks like a high schooler. The fact this kid will be tortured mercilessly before being killed makes me angrier than all the others.

Sometimes I wonder, if there were a massive ground offensive, would I fight?

Just a bit older but still young. Not much older than many IS fighters though I assume..

And in this photo, the person in the middle of the photo looks like a girl to me.
That's the ultimate long term goal of those hatebeards, they want to expand reconquer Andalucia and beyond, until ultimately they have the empire they always wished they had.

That's why it's so important we cut out this cancer before it spreads even further. Airstrikes alone won't win it for us as they don't travel in convoys anymore and spread amongst the locals, it was good at stopping their advance so that's phase 1 of this war, phase 2 being a spring offensive (rumored) to retake Mosul and other big cities under their control, and this will have to be a ground offensive but with Iraqi soldiers (who have a track record so far of running away from battle like the french)...
That's why we do this.

That's the typical Italian attitude right there. Since our country is basically ruled by mafia and lobbies we think (or probably hope) every other country in Europe except Greece Portugal and Spain works perfectly.

Nope. Of course, no country is perfect, and every legal system will do blunders. But despite our long history with domestic terrorism it seems that we are the ones having more problems dealing with Islamist terrorism. We started the so-called War on Terror by straight-out inventing terrorist cells to dismantle just to impress the Americans and convicting several persons who had nothing to do with Jihadi terrorism, and then after that we let several high-profile Jihadi recruiters go away scot-free.

And besides, our courts are some of the worst in Europe - a reality substantiated by several studies on the matter, and that jingoistic patriotism won't change.

So your point is let's not do anything against radical islam terrorists because one day another Hitler may eventually rise and hunt us down. Typical left winged laughable hypocrisy, based on the "everygreen" Nazism cliche while at the at the same time obviously burying their heads in the sand like ostriches while these terrorists GETS PAID from EU. Brilliant!

If with harsh laws you are scared another Hitler may rise what about simply kicking terrorists out of Europe so we resolve the problem to the roots?

No, my point is that we can't give discretionary powers to those in charge of prosecution of Islamist - we can't treat them as a special class of criminals for which the right to a fair prosecution is suspended. Why you got that I was talking about Hitler and not about totalitarian governments in general - an idea that as the existence of ISIS proves is quite actual - is beyond me.

Also, where do you suggest we send those terrorists? "Back from where they came from" is not a valid answer when many European Jihadists are European citizens, either of foreign origin or converts. Where are we going to send those people? To Syria, so they can bolster the ISIS ranks?

Finally, it seems that you think it's possible to strike preemptively - how do you plan to do that? Oh, let me guess - by treating all Muslims as possible terrorists?

Ah, no I know, without them you wil not have many people voting left, that's the real problem, that's why they are allowed to stay here and that's why left wing keep vomit their hypocrisy on human rights, while the terrorists voting them are.. surprise surprise, radically against these human rights.

How can you think that a)Jihadists are all European citizens - while also arguing that they are not; b)they vote and c)they vote the democratic left is beyond me. It's a nice story you are dreaming up, but even if all Muslims in any European country were citizens and all voted left they wouldn't be enough to make an even faint difference. So, I am quite sure they are not a concern of the parlamentary left wing which you automatically thought I support. And by the way, here's a protip: I don't. However, in my branch of study I simply can't afford a worldview as simplicistic as yours. I have to consider every possible consequence of the changes you seek - although I have to admit I quite don't understand what, exactly, you'd want legislators to do.

(It should also be worth mentioning that I advocate strong solutions against Islamist terrorism. However, we should never lose sight of the complexity of the world we live in, and of the consequences of our actions)
That's why we do this.


I wish you posted this when these 'moderate rebbels' were on a killing spree in syria with western backing. Sharia law was not a problem to the west when you believed they were just fighting assad:)

This crap would not have happend if the west would not have backed these fantasy moderates.
I wish you posted this when these 'moderate rebbels' were on a killing spree in syria with western backing. Sharia law was not a problem to the west when you believed they were just fighting assad:)

This crap would not have happend if the west would not have backed these fantasy moderates.

This crap wouldn't happen at all if they all just believe in the same goddamn version of their fairytale.
I wish you posted this when these 'moderate rebbels' were on a killing spree in syria with western backing. Sharia law was not a problem to the west when you believed they were just fighting assad:)

This crap would not have happend if the west would not have backed these fantasy moderates.

Heh. I guess this was the FSA's gravest mistake. By allying themselves with al-Nusra (a choice that I can't say wasn't dictated by necessity - but come on, don't you realize it's going to bite you in the *** soon?) they led Western medias and, as a consequence, policy-makers to believe that those were "freedom fighters" and not hardcore Islamists waving black flags and executing people for not respecting the Salafi Jihadist demented version of Shari'a. And now they have a four-way civil war on their hands - al-Nusra v. the ISIL v. the Free Syrian Army v. Assad's troops - although the FSA and al-Nusra are still fighting together in the Quneitra and Deera Governorates and in Aleppo.

It's however worth keeping in mind that - as I said above - al-Nusra is fighting the ISIL. I guess their nationalist nature doesn't go well with the design of a global jihad of the ISIL. Mind you, both are technically al-Qaeda spin-offs... I guess they just went different ways at some point.
There isn't much information available but it might belong in this thread.

In the old center of Istanbul there has been a suicide bombing by a woman on a police station. 2 officers are injured, one critical.