The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Typical left winged laughable hypocrisy, based on the "everygreen" Nazism cliche while at the at the same time obviously burying their heads in the sand like ostriches
Typical right-wing fear mongering, trying to characterise anyone who doesn't share your convictions as an enemy.

This issue can only be resolved with bipartisan support. Unfortunately, the political right see it as a points-scoring opportunity and figure that if they can turn it into a left-vs.-right political battleground, then they can stay in power.
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Typical right-wing fear mongering, trying to characterise anyone who doesn't share your convictions as an enemy.

This issue can only be resolved with bipartisan support. Unfortunately, the political right see it as a points-scoring opportunity and figure that if they can turn it into a left-vs.-right political battleground, then they can stay in power.
What left is doing in Uk? They are paying subsidies to pakistan people with uk passport so they are free to go fighting for isis, this made possible by Cameron only because of a couple of votes. Is it ok for you? Why they are not arresting these criminals as soon as they realize who they are? Oh and did I say right wing elitism is good?

Cameron troll said they'll have a couple of years in a jail and they are free to go, are you kidding me?
Why they are not arresting these criminals as soon as they realize who they are?
It's called the burden of proof. You cannot arrest someone without being able to demonstrate that they are guilty of something.

Oh and did I say right wing elitism is good?
That's a ridiculous assertion, given that right-wing governments created the conditions under which people are radicalised. They didn't just wake up one day and say "o hai, i is terrorist now", and nor were they born radicalised. It's an idea that develops over time, and it is fuelled in many cases by political and social attitudes that leave impressionable and at-risk youth feeling marginalised and put in a position where they cannot practice their faith if they want to contribute to society.

There are some right-wing governments that would happily deport every Muslim from their country and claim that they were doing it in the name of safety. It's precisely that attitude that fuels radicalisation - and sometimes the cynic in me wonders if those right-wing governments are well aware of this and let it brew a little so that they can get re-elected.
At least 50 civilians likely killed in a recent US airstrike in Syria.

"The issue of civilian deaths in U.S. strikes is a critical one as the United States hopes to win support from average Syrians for its campaign against the Islamic State. The deaths are seen by U.S.-allied moderate rebel commanders as one reason support for their movement has eroded in northern Syria while support for radical forces such as al Qaida’s Nusra Front and the Islamic State has gained."
Yay! USAF's back at their old thing, recruiting terrorists for the ISIL by killing their relatives with airstrikes!

For the love of all that's holy, can't we get someone competent to deal with the Syrian problem, if we can't let the Syrians solve it themselves? Maybe the French?
If you throw bombs these things are bound to happen sadly. Considering the coalition did more than a thousand airstrikes so far their ratio hatebeards killed vs civilians has been very good.
"As he (Obama) was wrapping up his speech, the official Twitter account for US Central Command starting spilling out propaganda from IS. On YouTube, pro-IS videos were being posted on Centcom's official channel."

According to at least two reports today on CNBC, IS has obtained a list of addresses of retired US generals from the hacked accounts.
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ISIS have apparently hacked the Twitter account of the US central command.

Oh no, what will they ever do without their Twitter account? :P:D
In a CNBC interview yesterday with a talking head security expert, it was said that even though the US rules the world in terms of military hardware and fighting force, in the realm of cyber warfare "we are dealing with peers".
The Twitter account published a list of generals and addresses associated with them, titled "Army General Officer Public Roster (by rank) 2 January 2014."

Subsequent posts read, "Pentagon Networks Hacked! China Scenarios" and "Pentagon Networks Hacked. Korean Scenarios."

Central Command said it was notifying Pentagon and law enforcement authorities about the potential release of "personally identifiable information" and work to make sure the people "potentially affected" are notified quickly.
After the hacking, the heading of the Central Command Twitter account showed a figure in a black-and-white head scarf and the words "CyberCaliphate" and "I love you ISIS."

Central Command's YouTube account featured videos posted by the U.S. military of air strikes on Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq. It was hacked to add two videos titled "Flames of War ISIS Video" and "O Soldiers of Truth Go Forth."

Some of the slides posted on the Twitter account by the hackers apparently were created by Lincoln Laboratory, a federally funded research center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that studies national security problems.

Lincoln Lab did not immediately respond to questions about the background and sensitivity of the slides, some of which dealt with intelligence and reconnaissance that might be needed in a conflict scenario involving China.
Foreign Policy is reporting another execution video from ISIS. This time it is two alleged Russian spies who infiltrated ISIS some time ago, but were compromised. The first man infiltrated ISIS from Kazakhstan to gather intelligence on the terror group while forming a close relationship with a senior member, while the other was sent to kill a ISIS senior leader.

Since the beheading of their Chief Executioner in recent weeks for smoking a cigarette, ISIS turned to a 10-year old boy named Abdullah in the video to perform the execution. He was quoted in saying, "I will be the one who slaughters you, O kuffar [nonbeliever]. I will be a mujahid, inshallah," before shooting the two men in the back of the head.
ISIS turned to a 10-year old boy named Abdullah in the video to perform the execution. He was quoted in saying, "I will be the one who slaughters you, O kuffar [nonbeliever]. I will be a mujahid, inshallah," before shooting the two men in the back of the head.
Appalling but not surprising. Jihadists have used children as suicide bombers before, and sadly there are many other such groups/paramilitary organizations that force children to fight.

Since the beheading of their Chief Executioner in recent weeks for smoking a cigarette
Sorry, but I'm trying my hardest not to laugh at that.
Perhaps Al-Baghdadi must have had bad experiences with ex-employees dossing off under the guise of "smoke breaks".
Perhaps Al-Baghdadi must have had bad experiences with ex-employees dossing off under the guise of "smoke breaks".
Since Al-Baghdadi includes ex-Baathists (known to shave, smoke and drink) in his inner cadre, it is unlikely the executioner was executed for merely smoking.
Since Al-Baghdadi includes ex-Baathists (known to shave, smoke and drink) in his inner cadre, it is unlikely the executioner was executed for merely smoking.
Sometimes even the unlikely is true:

Islamic State’s (formerly known as Isis) ban on cigarettes is one of its signature polices. It has imposed a strict set of Sharia laws barring the use of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes in the territories it has conquered across a swathe of Iraq and Syria.
IS has declared smoking “slow suicide” and demands that “every smoker should be aware that with every cigarette he smokes in a state of trance and vanity is disobeying God”.
Slow suicide is a no-no, but a quickie, with massive dismemberment is allowed.

You have to understand that blowing yourself up and taking others with you for the sky fairy is cool with the sky fairy (well according the idiots who are incapable of seeing the difference between suicide and martyr), but doing it for yourself is selfish as the sky fairy doesn't benefit.

Oh and the part about vanity, the issue is quite clearly that smoking makes you look cool, and god says cool is a no-no.

(Complete with topical cartoon joke)
Slow suicide is a no-no, but a quickie, with massive dismemberment is allowed.

Beheading is enjoying a revival in popularity. First in the middle east, laterly in Mexico and the US. The French - ever a thoughtful people - invented the guillotine as a safe, civilized, humane, efficient form of execution.
Beheading is enjoying a revival in popularity. First in the middle east, laterly in Mexico and the US. The French - ever a thoughtful people - invented the guillotine as a safe, civilized, humane, efficient form of execution.

The French last used it in 1977. I wonder if they would bring it back if they reinstate the death penalty.
The French last used it in 1977. I wonder if they would bring it back if they reinstate the death penalty.
It's far, far more humane than death by injection of drugs or the electric chair. Firing squad is not bad - but not as good as the guillotine, IMO.
Daesh is now exporting. Islamic State group reaches for Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Disenchanted extremists from the Taliban and other organizations, impressed by the Islamic State group's territorial gains and slick online propaganda, have begun raising its black flag in extremist-dominated areas of both countries.

Jihadists groups, e.g., Daesh, wage high-tech war to win Western recruits
"Thirty years ago it took a long time to get everyone to Afghanistan" where jihadists were fighting Soviet troops, he said.

"Now they propagate through social media, that's why it can happen so quickly, they can rapidly ramp up recruitment."

Why we should be concerned.

Though jihadist propaganda is primarily intended to encourage Western recruits to join them in battle, it also urges sympathisers to carry out attacks at home.
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^ Only one way to prevent their doomsday wet dream, and that's to wipe these nutjobs out. Big surprise it will be when they meet our maker only to receive a one way ticket to hell because of their atrocities.

Did I sounded hateful there, why yes I did :)