The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
To be fair, @Sanji Himura didn't say anything about this guy being free of responsibility under law......

As a raised Christian, I was taught to hate the sin, not the man. Even if Jihad John killed in the name of his religion, if the man repented tomorrow for all of his crimes and became a Christian, I would accept him as a Christian because even when he killed, he did so as a lost man, and when he repented, he became a new man.

....... or that anyone else should think the same way.
To be fair, @Sanji Himura didn't say anything about this guy being free of responsibility under law......
....... or that anyone else should think the same way.
Tree'd. I was about to say the same thing. Sanji said he'd accept him as a Christian and forgive him (presumably), he never said he'd let him off the hook as a murderer.

So Anjem Choudary's been arrested for inviting support for IS. Would this be grounds for treason?
UK is a bit different from US jurisprudence. In the US, Treason is defined by waging war [against the US], or giving the enemy aid and comfort. The overt act must presented by two witnesses, or in open confession in court. [Article 3, Section 3]

Anjem Choudary, had he been arrested in the US, would certainly fit the bill for treason as he is giving ISIS aid by drafting "terrorists" for their cause, and (this is something that I can't really prove) providing monetary support for the group, not akin to CAIR being linked to Hamas (the link is proven years ago in the US, but never prosecuted like Choudary was in the UK).
We can slowly add Turkey to the list of countries in turmoil. Last night a bomb killed 3 people in Istanbul, and an attack on a police station injured another 10. Another bomb killed 4 police officers in the mainly Kurdish city of Silopi, near the border with Syria and Iraq. In that area a helicopter was fired at, killing one soldier and injuring another 7.

This all seems to be the work of the Kurdish PKK.


There was also an attack on the American embassy, but this was most likely done by an extreme left organisation.

So, again, the West has found itself sponsoring 2 sides fighting each other.
We can slowly add Turkey to the list of countries in turmoil. Last night a bomb killed 3 people in Istanbul, and an attack on a police station injured another 10. Another bomb killed 4 police officers in the mainly Kurdish city of Silopi, near the border with Syria and Iraq. In that area a helicopter was fired at, killing one soldier and injuring another 7.

This all seems to be the work of the Kurdish PKK.


There was also an attack on the American embassy, but this was most likely done by an extreme left organisation.

So, again, the West has found itself sponsoring 2 sides fighting each other.
On the surface of it, our mission has been to sow conflict, civil war and failed states upon the middle east. Now Turkey comes into the crosshairs.
We can slowly add Turkey to the list of countries in turmoil. Last night a bomb killed 3 people in Istanbul, and an attack on a police station injured another 10. Another bomb killed 4 police officers in the mainly Kurdish city of Silopi, near the border with Syria and Iraq. In that area a helicopter was fired at, killing one soldier and injuring another 7.

This all seems to be the work of the Kurdish PKK.


There was also an attack on the American embassy, but this was most likely done by an extreme left organisation.

So, again, the West has found itself sponsoring 2 sides fighting each other.
The longer our governments stand by and hold of a real offensive against ISIS, the more this will spread and the worse it will get. Now they are hesitating to spend the money on a conflict of this scale, and are afraid of public opinion to send more 'boots on the ground', but eventually they will have to and it will cost a lot more money and lives too.
I think Turkey is strong enough to at least keep IS out of their country. You're right that there now has to be some decisive action against IS in Syria and Iraq.

But as history teaches us, take out one set of fighting imbeciles, another five groups will stand up.
I think Turkey is strong enough to at least keep IS out of their country. You're right that there now has to be some decisive action against IS in Syria and Iraq.

But as history teaches us, take out one set of fighting imbeciles, another five groups will stand up.
There's a lot of voices saying Turkey isn't that bothered with fighting ISIS, and just uses it as an excuse to battle the Kurds.
There's a lot of voices saying Turkey isn't that bothered with fighting ISIS, and just uses it as an excuse to battle the Kurds.

Seeing that the Kurds have ramped up their actions against Turkey I can't really blame them.
Quran 33:50
O Prophet! We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have paid their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses of those whom Allah has given you as spoils of war.

Quran 23:1-6
The believers must win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or those whom their right hands possess, for they are free from blame.

American hostage Kayla Muller, who was executed earlier this year by the hands of ISIS, was reportedly sexually assaulted by the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi while in custody.
Raise your hand if that surprises you...
Given the fact that it was Time magazine that is reporting this, and not a site like The Blaze or Jihad Watch that would have had a 6-month lead on it, yeah, I would find it pretty surprising that it was even reported by them in the first place, even if it had the attitude of an afterthought.

Let's face it, a woman was killed, despite being al-Baghdadi's personal sex toy, for motives unknown but him, and blamed the whole thing on Jordan.

I know that we live under a constitution, but in a idealist society, this is what appeasement will buy you.
and there are something like 42 million of them now.
All I know is, no one can kill at will and die at an old age, and not pay the price.
You're going to need a better source than FOX News for that claim.
To be completely honest here, that number may include Jihadis that are "stationed" (for lack of a better term) in another country, not just in ISIS proper. One Jihadi claimed at one point that there were 73 muslims here in America preparing for a terrorist attack on American shores. Two weeks later, Pamela Geller's "Draw Muhammad" event here in Garland was attacked by a pair of Jihadis that was later claimed by ISIS to be their doing.
And we had a mebtally unstable man who committed a crime declared to be a supporter of ISIS because it was politically convenient for our government to do so.

What's your point?
Lot of deception out there.
We can't do much sitting in our little space at home daily.
What's true is, there are people killing at will, and this is supposed to be the modern age.

Truth is not information. I believe it's a Person.