The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Wrong my friend,that was Ford! Spain,Italy,and a few other Facist regimes also help Hitler.
Please don't try to give me a history lesson,wrong guy. Very,deep,deep waters.
Oh by the way,ISIS is about to get their Virgins,go ask Mr.Putin.

I'm not in favor of Putin,Russia is just another capitalist country...

And if it was GM or Ford has a litlle meaning,you get my point...
To get over with a small recent history lesson...

May 2013 The American Senator John McCain meets with the ... Syrian opposition Al-Baghdadi, leader later "Islamic State"
The jihadists of the "Islamic State" is a well "worked" tool of imperialism, which, in various versions, for decades, used to promote the interests of monopolies at the expense of peoples. M.East.
The relationship of such organizations with European and American monopolies is too old. It starts even from the support provided by French interests in the Suez Canal management company to establish and strengthen the "Muslim Brotherhood" in Egypt in 1928!
The most famous, oldest version fanatical mercenaries who use Islam as a cover for terrorist activities, to promote American interests and other Western monopolies, located in Afghanistan, in the early 1980s, the name of the supposed "freedom" through "combat "Communism! The Zigkmpniou Brzezinski, then National Security Advisor to the US President, Jimmy Carter and since then protoklasatos factor in US foreign for decades, appears as the main "instigator" of the then "Mujahideen" (SS "holy warriors", among which appears since the then very young Saudi immensely wealthy family scion Osama bin Laden, later leader of Al Qaeda) who launch "jihad" (SS "holy war") against the popular forces that had the support of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Once trained and equipped by the CIA, the "Mujahideen" of Brzezinski 'evolve', about a half decade later, in today's "Taliban", who terrorize as today the Afghan people - Pakistan, helping the Western imperialists to promote the region for new designs oil and gas pipelines. It is no coincidence that the action of the "Taliban" in Afghanistan and the cooperation with "Al Qaeda" Osama bin Laden used in 2001, shortly after the attacks of September 11 as a pretext for there imperialist intervention NATO and other forces.
The effectiveness of the "Taliban" in terms of repression and intimidation of the people exploited a decade later and in the West African region, which exacerbated the competition between oil monopolies from Western and Asian countries. The organization there version Islamist mercenaries hear the name "Boca Haram." Initially meets acceptance in some of the poorest and impoverished lower strata of northeastern Nigeria, but disaffected bourgeois seeking a larger share in the pie of bourgeois power. The monstrosity jihadists of "Boca haram" over the years has evolved into carcinoma who terrorizes not only the Nigerian people and the peoples of neighboring countries such as Niger, Chad and the Central African Republic, creating triggers for construction regional military force, supposedly acting in favor of the peoples of the region, but actually intensify the grip of oppression and opens the way, on the "scorched earth" for the strengthening of foreign monopolies and local plutocrats.
At the beginning of this decade appears the so-called 'Arab Spring', causing chain endoastikes power changes in countries of North Africa and the Middle East, the most characteristic cases of Libya and overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi by fanatical Islamists in Egypt and the overthrow of former President Hosni Mubarak and the case of West African Mali, where the action separatist Tuareg and Islamic fundamentalist threat to the country with partition and creates the pretext for imperialist interventions of France and the EU (in order to promote the interests of French energy giant AREVA).
Short breaks in the spring of 2011 and the war in Syria, where he first Western imperialists believe that the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar Assad will be the same "easy and quick affair" as happened in Libya and Egypt. When their expectations are frustrated, the secret services Americans, Europeans, Turks, and Arabs imperialists (raw Qatar and Saudi Arabia) leading to the creation of today's jihadists of the "Islamic State". The American senator and former presidential contender gown US the Republican nomination, John McCain, is playing a very active role in their creation, and does not hesitate even to be photographed with the subsequent leader of the "Islamic State", Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The dirty role of jihadist the "Islamic State" in Syria and Iraq are known, as known and the crimes committed daily against the peoples of the region, causing massive flows of refugees to Europe. After the mercenaries attacked the "Islamic State" last January at the offices of the French satirical magazine "Charles Empnto" and the terrorist attacks of November 13 in Paris, it is obvious that it will promote new stiflingly repressive measures, not only refugees from North Africa and the Middle East, but also against the peoples of Europe who continue to count new sacrifices to support the recovery of the capitalist economy, which has failed to back on track from the 2009 economic crisis.
In such circumstances, it is obvious that with the latest bogeyman or new jihadist terrorist attacks in Paris or other European capitals, will not hesitate to curtail even more freedoms and rights. In the hand of the people to shake off, with their struggle, the yoke of capitalist exploitation, imperialist plans to give birth and exploit such phenomena as the jihadists.
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Dude soviets lost 20 million in the war against fascism...and guess what who funded the Nazis...american and european corporations like Krupp and GM...and many others.

Do a litlle research...

Your own research sucks, I think. Krupp was a German, for starters. Your comment suggests to me that you actually know very little of the last century of our economic/political development.

Germany was seen as a growing economic power and rather than being "funded" traded with other established economic powers, the USA amongst them. When you get to Russia you have to consider the time-old argument; was Stalin (a totalitarian communist) the creater of a fascist regime? Far clever people than I continue to be split on the split-hairs of the definition.

To spin all that up to the 'Cus NATO stage seems to me, in itself, to be bonkers. I half wonder if you'll claim Illuminati/Icke/Lizards next.

he most famous, oldest version fanatical mercenaries who use Islam as a cover for terrorist activities, to promote American interests and other Western monopolies, located in Afghanistan, in the early 1980s, the name of the supposed "freedom" through "combat "Communism!

You mean 1780s, surely? 1980s was barely 40 years ago... you can't possibly be naming the oldest/most famous anything in terrorism there.

The relationship of such organizations with European and American monopolies is too old. It starts even from the support provided by French interests in the Suez Canal management company to establish and strengthen the "Muslim Brotherhood" in Egypt in 1928!

And there we see the problem with your view of history... it's of things that aren't that old.

To go to the creation of Boko Haram you should look at British history a couple of hundred years ago, you might learn something about Nigeria...
Your own research sucks, I think. Krupp was a German, for starters. Your comment suggests to me that you actually know very little of the last century of our economic/political development.

Germany was seen as a growing economic power and rather than being "funded" traded with other established economic powers, the USA amongst them. When you get to Russia you have to consider the time-old argument; was Stalin (a totalitarian communist) the creater of a fascist regime? Far clever people than I continue to be split on the split-hairs of the definition.

To spin all that up to the 'Cus NATO stage seems to me, in itself, to be bonkers. I half wonder if you'll claim Illuminati/Icke/Lizards next.

You mean 1780s, surely? 1980s was barely 40 years ago... you can't possibly be naming the oldest/most famous anything in terrorism there.

And there we see the problem with your view of history... it's of things that aren't that old.

To go to the creation of Boko Haram you should look at British history a couple of hundred years ago, you might learn something about Nigeria...

Well we are reading different history books then..

Oh i didn't know there was monopolies all over the world 200 years ago...
Well we are reading different history books then.

If you're reading history books that say Krupp wasn't German then... yes. Your other comments seem equally misinformed so you might consider a wider spread of historical documents and perhaps research your own sources rather than take somebody else's biblio at face value.

Oh i didn't know there was monopolies all over the world 200 years ago...

Happy to help. World economic history's fascinating and tied to political/strategic development. As you seem to be realising, monopolies go back two-or-three-thousand years.
If you're reading history books that say Krupp wasn't German then... yes. Your other comments seem equally misinformed so you might consider a wider spread of historical documents and perhaps research your own sources rather than take somebody else's biblio at face value.

Happy to help. World economic history's fascinating and tied to political/strategic development. As you seem to be realising, monopolies go back two-or-three-thousand years.

My sources are very well researched and i trust them,how about yours...

And i never said Krupps wasn't point that Nazis was funded by the the "capital"
from varius countries...

We can go like this all day...
My sources are very well researched and i trust them,how about yours...

And i never said Krupps wasn't point that Nazis was funded by the the "capital"
from varius countries...

We can go like this all day...

Let's see some of your sources then.

Add to that why capital investment in states is a bad thing. Then let's keep it on topic by having your sources and your argument draw a line to Da'esh.
Let's see some of your sources then.

Add to that why capital investment in states is a bad thing. Then let's keep it on topic by having your sources and your argument draw a line to Da'esh.

Ask what you want to know and will i give you my sources...

About capital ask "Marx" and he will give all the answers you want..althought i don't think you will agree.

We have different perspectives how things should work in economy.
Ask what you want to know and will i give you my sources...

About capital ask "Marx" and he will give all the answers you want..althought i don't think you will agree.

We have different perspectives how things should work in economy.

This is a thread about ISIS, so far to back up your diversion that "NATO Is Evil" you've posted one against-the-rules YouTube video. Now you're telling me to go and look for sources. If you can keep this thread on topic then how about some concrete sources for the accusations you make in this (mostly nonsensical) textlump?

May 2013 The American Senator John McCain meets with the ... Syrian opposition Al-Baghdadi, leader later "Islamic State"
The jihadists of the "Islamic State" is a well "worked" tool of imperialism, which, in various versions, for decades, used to promote the interests of monopolies at the expense of peoples. M.East.
The relationship of such organizations with European and American monopolies is too old. It starts even from the support provided by French interests in the Suez Canal management company to establish and strengthen the "Muslim Brotherhood" in Egypt in 1928!
The most famous, oldest version fanatical mercenaries who use Islam as a cover for terrorist activities, to promote American interests and other Western monopolies, located in Afghanistan, in the early 1980s, the name of the supposed "freedom" through "combat "Communism! The Zigkmpniou Brzezinski, then National Security Advisor to the US President, Jimmy Carter and since then protoklasatos factor in US foreign for decades, appears as the main "instigator" of the then "Mujahideen" (SS "holy warriors", among which appears since the then very young Saudi immensely wealthy family scion Osama bin Laden, later leader of Al Qaeda) who launch "jihad" (SS "holy war") against the popular forces that had the support of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Once trained and equipped by the CIA, the "Mujahideen" of Brzezinski 'evolve', about a half decade later, in today's "Taliban", who terrorize as today the Afghan people - Pakistan, helping the Western imperialists to promote the region for new designs oil and gas pipelines. It is no coincidence that the action of the "Taliban" in Afghanistan and the cooperation with "Al Qaeda" Osama bin Laden used in 2001, shortly after the attacks of September 11 as a pretext for there imperialist intervention NATO and other forces.
The effectiveness of the "Taliban" in terms of repression and intimidation of the people exploited a decade later and in the West African region, which exacerbated the competition between oil monopolies from Western and Asian countries. The organization there version Islamist mercenaries hear the name "Boca Haram." Initially meets acceptance in some of the poorest and impoverished lower strata of northeastern Nigeria, but disaffected bourgeois seeking a larger share in the pie of bourgeois power. The monstrosity jihadists of "Boca haram" over the years has evolved into carcinoma who terrorizes not only the Nigerian people and the peoples of neighboring countries such as Niger, Chad and the Central African Republic, creating triggers for construction regional military force, supposedly acting in favor of the peoples of the region, but actually intensify the grip of oppression and opens the way, on the "scorched earth" for the strengthening of foreign monopolies and local plutocrats.
At the beginning of this decade appears the so-called 'Arab Spring', causing chain endoastikes power changes in countries of North Africa and the Middle East, the most characteristic cases of Libya and overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi by fanatical Islamists in Egypt and the overthrow of former President Hosni Mubarak and the case of West African Mali, where the action separatist Tuareg and Islamic fundamentalist threat to the country with partition and creates the pretext for imperialist interventions of France and the EU (in order to promote the interests of French energy giant AREVA).
Short breaks in the spring of 2011 and the war in Syria, where he first Western imperialists believe that the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar Assad will be the same "easy and quick affair" as happened in Libya and Egypt. When their expectations are frustrated, the secret services Americans, Europeans, Turks, and Arabs imperialists (raw Qatar and Saudi Arabia) leading to the creation of today's jihadists of the "Islamic State". The American senator and former presidential contender gown US the Republican nomination, John McCain, is playing a very active role in their creation, and does not hesitate even to be photographed with the subsequent leader of the "Islamic State", Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The dirty role of jihadist the "Islamic State" in Syria and Iraq are known, as known and the crimes committed daily against the peoples of the region, causing massive flows of refugees to Europe. After the mercenaries attacked the "Islamic State" last January at the offices of the French satirical magazine "Charles Empnto" and the terrorist attacks of November 13 in Paris, it is obvious that it will promote new stiflingly repressive measures, not only refugees from North Africa and the Middle East, but also against the peoples of Europe who continue to count new sacrifices to support the recovery of the capitalist economy, which has failed to back on track from the 2009 economic crisis.
In such circumstances, it is obvious that with the latest bogeyman or new jihadist terrorist attacks in Paris or other European capitals, will not hesitate to curtail even more freedoms and rights. In the hand of the people to shake off, with their struggle, the yoke of capitalist exploitation, imperialist plans to give birth and exploit such phenomena as the jihadists.
This for starters...

May 2013 The American Senator John McCain meets with the ... Syrian opposition Al-Baghdadi, later leader "Islamic State"
This is a thread about ISIS, so far to back up your diversion that "NATO Is Evil" you've posted one against-the-rules YouTube video. Now you're telling me to go and look for sources. If you can keep this thread on topic then how about some concrete sources for the accusations you make in this (mostly nonsensical) textlump?

Mostly nonsensical..????

I told you we have different perspectives.
You over simplify things dude..we will need 100 pages to take it one by one.

Oh and in a recent question they asked the russians and 60% they replied that they were better when it was the soviet union.
My sources are very well researched and i trust them,how about yours...
You might trust your sources but you don't know how to read them. It wasn't 60% of people said things were better when it was Soviet Union, it was:

About 60 percent of Russians believe there were more positive than negative aspects to life in the former Soviet Union, an opinion poll suggests.

Moreover, 43 percent would have welcomed Russia's re-adopting the communist ideology,
Is interesting to see how people think other people is inherently evil.

NATO is just a defense mechanism from the cold war, to make sure their members don't attack each other.

Russian were not good at war overseas either, they learned how to do it after two Chechen wars, which are by far worse that anything NATO has ever done.

One thing that bothers me about NATO is their lack of capacity to admit that they don't know how to fight radical islamists.

Russia learned how to deal with such a problem after two Chechen wars and the afgan campaign during the cold war, since basically 30 years ago they are trying to shield themselves from that, and NATO does not recognise this combat experience necessary to destroy ISIS.

If the Russians say they need help to destroy ISIS and keep stability, is because a solution is far away from their own capacity, and they better listen to them because they have been fighting this problem longer that anyone else.
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The French and Russians will combine their forces to take on IS. Good ****. Now the rest needs to follow.


Raqqa is now being bombarded by the French, the US and the Russians.
The French again dropped bombs on Raqqa. The Russians have been shooting Cruise missiles that way.

I wonder how much of that city will be left standing.