The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Your opinion is an utter crock of my opinion....

What you think NATO is,a philanthropy organization..?

No, facetiousness aside. In real terms the STANAGs created therein allow central specification of hardware and budgets which allow countries to operate interchangeable military specifications with a common defensive goal. Furthermore membership can be seen as a deterrent to an attack (Art. 5).

The purpose of NATO isn't to make war, and it isn't to make war nice and safe; it will never be either.
No, facetiousness aside. In real terms the STANAGs created therein allow central specification of hardware and budgets which allow countries to operate interchangeable military specifications with a common defensive goal. Furthermore membership can be seen as a deterrent to an attack (Art. 5).

The purpose of NATO isn't to make war, and it isn't to make war nice and safe; it will never be either.

I don't want you to say to me what NATO say it is....tell me what really is...
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Maaan... Y'know, I have a bit similar feelings about NATO expansion and US foreign policy, but could you be more polite? :D

Or follow the AUP

You will not post or link to content that is obscene or sexually oriented.

I do believe a video showing burnt corpses would be considered obscene.
What is it in your view? How does that picture fit in the current situation?
Not a bad question. Personally, I think it highly unlikely NATO fits at all into the current situation. But if France were to invoke certain sections of the NATO treaty, it could oblige the other members to actively come to her defense from an attack. Hollande has called the attack an act of war and declared a 90 day emergency police state, so he may be in a mind to go all the way.
Just a little bit of common sense here by the way. I'm sure at least 85% of this thread are with me on this one. (not my screencap)

Wouldn't it be more, "we don't blame white people for the KKK"?

I would think the same, but nevertheless, point stands. I have detected in the media after Paris events more of an understanding that ISIS & Muslims are different, which is quite refreshing. Less examples of the cesspool of idiocy that the internet can offer for once.
I wouldn't say it is 99%, as it's still an evolution of it, just taking Jihad way out of context.

If that wasn't there, then the world would be different.
What is it in your view? How does that picture fit in the current situation?

Imperialistic know imperialism ? going to other countries and looting their natural resourses for the behave of their don't know anything about that???

NATO is the can't be solution...

They funded ISIS so they can start a war against assad,because assad didn't wanted to play the americans game...they have done this all over the world...especially in the midlle east,iraq
,afganistan libya after 9/11.

Saudis are also involved..and you know how good relations they have with the US.

France also gave to ISIS weapons to overthrown assad for its own purposes...Olant himself said it..but he claimed that he thought it was the free liberating army of syria...a bunch bullcrap offcourse.
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Imperialistic know imperialism ? going to other countries and looting their natural resourses for the behave of their don't know anything about that???

NATO is the can't be solution...

They funded ISIS so they can start a war against assad,because assad didn't wanted to play the americans game...they have done this all over the world...especially in the midlle east,iraq
,afganistan libya after 9/11.

France also gave to ISIS weapons to overthrown assad for its own purposes...Olant himself said it..but he claimed that he thought it was the free liberating army of syria...a bunch bullcrap offcourse.
Uhm have you forgot Saudi Arabia,Iran,Turkey and Syria et all,they have no vested interest in all this?Muslim sect's killing each other and these 4 countries arent involved.I'm sure if Saddam and Kadaffi were still alive slaughtering any opposition to them and sponsoring world wide terrorist plot's the world would be a better place? Please!
Uhm have you forgot Saudi Arabia,Iran,Turkey and Syria et all,they have no vested interest in all this?Muslim sect's killing each other and these 4 countries arent involved.I'm sure if Saddam and Kadaffi were still alive slaughtering any opposition to them and sponsoring world wide terrorist plot's the world would be a better place? Please!

Saddam and Kadaffi were puppets of the US up to a point,when they decided not to play their game anymore they all of sudden became terrorists...offcourse other countries in the area and their rulling class of each country wants a piece of the pie...the thing is that always simple people are paying the price of their games.

Terrorist are manufactured by the US to have a reason to do what they do...

EU has the same role for it's own purposes offcourse.
Saddam and Kadaffi were puppets of the US up to a point,when they decided not to play their game anymore they all of sudden became terrorists...offcourse other countries in the area and their rulling class of each country wants a piece of the pie...the thing is that always simple people are paying the price of their games.

Terrorist are manufactured by the US to have a reason to do what they do...
Really? So gassing the Kurds was the US's fault! Torturing people and blowing up planes was the US's fault.
I guess you can blame Boko Harem on them too.
Yes Western Civilization is always a plaugue on the rest of the world.
Innocent people die at the hands of extremists. Ask the 90% percent of Germans who were not Nazis.
Ask the 90% of Russians who didn't follow Stallanizm.
Ask the 90% of Muslims who are not extremists.
Yet those 30% have killed far to many in the name of what?
I leave you with that,think about it!
Just to get it clear i have nothing against the american people or any other nation,they are just so misinformationed and manipulated by the media of their countries...capitalism and imperialism has to die it's destroying the human race....
Really? So gassing the Kurds was the US's fault! Torturing people and blowing up planes was the US's fault.
I guess you can blame Boko Harem on them too.
Yes Western Civilization is always a plaugue on the rest of the world.
Innocent people die at the hands of extremists. Ask the 90% percent of Germans who were not Nazis.
Ask the 90% of Russians who didn't follow Stallanizm.
Ask the 90% of Muslims who are not extremists.
Yet those 30% have killed far to many in the name of what?
I leave you with that,think about it!

You over simplify things dude..we will need 100 pages to take it one by one.

Oh and in a recent question they asked the russians and 60% they replied that they were better when it was the soviet union.
You over simplify things dude..we will need 100 pages to take it one by one.

Oh and in a recent question they asked the russians and 60% they replied that they were better when it was the soviet union.
How is killing 10's of millions of people,do to extremism, over simplifying it? I could throw in Pol Pot, and other dictators too if you want me too.
The Russians liked the old way,because it was a "Communist State" They had food,housing and work,how did that end up!
Most totalarian, dictatorships collapse upon them self.
Look at history.
How is killing 10's of millions of people,do to extremism, over simplifying it? I could throw in Pol Pot, and other dictators too if you want me too.
The Russians liked the old way,because it was a "Communist State" They had food,housing and work,how did that end up!
Most totalarian, dictatorships collapse upon them self.
Look at history.

What history i have to look the real one or the one writed by the winners...e?

You entering deep waters...
What history i have to look the real one or the one writed by the winners...e?

You entering deep waters...
Winners,yeah I lost a grandfather and 2 uncles, so you and I can have a constructive debate.
Deep waters,yes that's were my fighter pilot,grandfather,ended up fighting the Nazis.
He and my uncles gave so we can speak.
Winners,yeah I lost a grandfather and 2 uncles, so you and I can have a constructive debate.
Deep waters,yes that's were my fighter pilot,grandfather,ended up fighting the Nazis.
He and my uncles gave so we can speak.

Dude soviets lost 20 million in the war against fascism...and guess what who funded the Nazis...american and european corporations like Krupp and GM...and many others.

Do a litlle research...

Fascism is the other side of the same coin in capitalism...
Dude soviets lost 20 million in the war against fascism...and guess what who funded the Nazis...american and european corporations like Krupp and GM...and many others.

Do a litlle research...

Fascism is the other side of the same coin in capitalism...
Wrong my friend,that was Ford! Spain,Italy,and a few other Facist regimes also help Hitler.
Please don't try to give me a history lesson,wrong guy. Very,deep,deep waters.
Oh by the way,ISIS is about to get their Virgins,go ask Mr.Putin.