The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Although there is no hard and fast rule, we don't generally use memes in the Opinions Forum as a response. It's a bit disrespectful in the midst of a serious conversation, at least when not accompanied by some of your personal thoughts.

My opinions you can read it in the above posts
So explain more fully why that's so, preferably without a textless meme. Also, for our collective sanity, please try to avoid dump-translating large tracts of Greek, it really didn't work before ;)

You keep asking me for proofs why I'm saying NATO are just Killers,do you have any that proves it otherwise...
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You're not alone...

0:49 Not too many people get to see that flash and get to live another day, only to scream and run around in the desert.
1:34 That sound should be an immediate reason to lay down their weapons and run.
6:52 That jet's only orange because of the position of the sun, right?
I can't because this is what it is...
I just about something while in the shower :

Wouldn't it be great if one of these (if not all of) suicide bombers would/could:
- write a letter and denounce exactly where, who, how we can find the head of ISIS
- mail that letter to the public at large
- go to an EMPTY public place
And detonate him or herself up without causing any casualty

He or she would truly go to heaven...
I just about something while in the shower :

Wouldn't it be great if one of these (if not all of) suicide bombers would/could:
- write a letter and denounce exactly where, who, how we can find the head of ISIS
- mail that letter to the public at large
- go to an EMPTY public place
And detonate him or herself up without causing any casualty

He or she would truly go to heaven...
I just about something while in the shower :

Wouldn't it be great if one of these (if not all of) suicide bombers would/could:
- write a letter and denounce exactly where, who, how we can find the head of ISIS
- mail that letter to the public at large
- go to an EMPTY public place
And detonate him or herself up without causing any casualty

He or she would truly go to heaven...
They are moral guardians. They must pick up other people to heaven, right?
I just about something while in the shower :

Wouldn't it be great if one of these (if not all of) suicide bombers would/could:
- write a letter and denounce exactly where, who, how we can find the head of ISIS
- mail that letter to the public at large
- go to an EMPTY public place
And detonate him or herself up without causing any casualty

He or she would truly go to heaven...

Unfortunately ISIS is not like a colony of bees. If you kill the "head", another one (or several ones) will pop up. This has been happening with all the other terrorist organizations and ISIS is not different. The problem is that they have more "heads" to chose another leader from.
You keep asking me for proofs why I'm saying NATO are just Killers,do you have any that proves it otherwise...
That's not how it works here on GTP. If you make a claim, the onus is on you to back it up with facts and evidence. It's not up to us to prove you right by not being willing to prove you wrong.

I will post this video,sorry if it against the AUP but explains it better in your language than me.

You can watch the other two videos...
Posting videos as a response is just a small (think 1-2mm) step above posting a meme as a response to a question. It forces us to do the legwork of watching the video and then attempting to decipher what you think it means so we can guess at what you are trying to say. Post the video if you like, but if you don't explain your point in your own words and just spam videos (and memes) as responses, no one will pay much attention to you.
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That's not how it works here on GTP. If you make a claim, the onus is on you to back it up with facts and evidence. It's not up to us to prove you right by not being willing to prove you wrong.

Posting videos as a response is just a small (think 1-2mm) step above posting a meme as a response to a question. It forces us to do the legwork of watching the video and then attempting to decipher what you think it means so we can guess at what you are trying to say. Post the video if you like, but if you don't explain your point in your own words and just spam videos (and memes) as responses, no one will pay much attention to you.

Isn't the video pretty much self explanatory of what i'm trying to say...

did you actually measured the "distance" 1-2mm Wow! pretty amazing...

You know what i was 18 years old when NATO bombed yugoslavia in '99,some refugees came to my country...US said that they were trying to save the people from Milosevic...and they saved them alright by...bombing them!!!

One friend earlier said that NATO is for defence purposes and amongst their members,well guess what greece and turkey was both members of NATO,that didn't stop turkey invasion to cyprus..!!occuping half of the island up to this day....Guess again NATO didn't say anything...!

So don't give me that bullcrap about NATO being for just an imperialistic tool.
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I will post this video,sorry if it against the AUP but explains it better in your language than me.

A video showing dead children? It's not the general forum members you'll be answering to for that, at least that's my guess. You need to start writing your own answers instead of hoping that people will sit and watch full videos to try and figure out what you mean. If you have something to say then say it.

How could we know if the video is saying what you're saying? You're not saying anything.
A video showing dead children? It's not the general forum members you'll be answering to for that, at least that's my guess. You need to start writing your own answers instead of hoping that people will sit and watch full videos to try and figure out what you mean. If you have something to say then say it.

How could we know if the video is saying what you're saying? You're not saying anything.

You have a problem with the video showing dead children,but you don't have a problem with those who kill them...?
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I got three minutes in and the video hasn't said anything of substance yet. Convince me why I should waste the other 21 minutes of my life continuing.

It explains very well why i'm saying that NATO is bunch of criminals...and it's not the solution you are looking for ISIS,it's the problem who created ISIS.
You have a problem with the video showing dead children,but you don't have a problem with those who kill them...

Not just me who has a problem with content like that on GTPlanet, and, in fact, it's not up to me to choose. The AUP is very clear.

You followed that video post (the second of its kind from you) with the accusation that I don't have a problem with people who kill children. Wow.

Try writing about your views on NATO rather than hoping we'll sit through some YouTurd on the subject. You'll need to address all the genuine peacekeeping undertaken by NATO and why that's so bad. You'll need to demonstrate that you understand that NATO isn't an army or military force in its own right, rather a collection of the armies of different countries. I suspect some of those facts might be lost on you.

You should stop double-posting too, that's also against the AUP.
NATO isn't clean, but they are far from the filthiest around the world. To put the blame solely on NATO would be to ignore the barbarity of dogmatic religions, as well as the use of oil as a chess piece.
It explains very well why i'm saying that NATO is bunch of criminals...and it's not the solution you are looking for ISIS,it's the problem who created ISIS.

You've not convincing me that if the video can't at least summarise it's points in the first three minutes that it will do any better in the next 21.

I suspect that it will be more repetition of the first three minutes, namely "people die in war" and "innocent people die in war".

Like I said, convince me. Give me the basic summary of the points the video makes, and if I'm interested I'll watch the video for the specifics. "NATO is a bunch of criminals" isn't a summary, it's the topic header.

Here, this is how you do it. Complete this sentence, "NATO is a bunch of criminals because..."

One sentence preferred, but if you have to use multiple sentences then you should be able to say them all in one breath. Give us a concise description of your reasoning, not a link to someone else's half hour rant.
You followed that video post (the second of its kind from you) with the accusation that I don't have a problem with people who kill children. Wow.

It wasn't my intention to accuse anybody i just forgot to put the question mark at the end..

I've taken down the video because of the AUP

Continue with your life people nothing happened...
The situation summarised about as eloquently as it could ever be:

This is so true. Firstly, I have noticed ISIS seem to claim responsibility for everything, but you never really hear much else other than: "This was inspired by God on [Insert country/city here], we will destroy the disbelievers of [Insert country/city/rest of the world here]". We never know if they planned it or not. Sure, they are to blame yes but for more reasons than just the attacks. They are to blame for the attacks, for the motivation behind the attacks, for the contorting of religion for their own evil purposes, for the increase in tension between communities. They do want us to all turn on each other (and maybe they are not the only group that want to do so), but we cannot give in to that. Because if they are looking at the war between those of faith and those of not, then 99% of people who call themselves Muslim are those who are not of faith in their eyes. And we never will be, because ISIS are truly the ones without any faith in anything but the bloodthirsty faith in power and greed.
This is so true.
Not according to the ultra-conservatives. Aly is the spearhead of the political left and the socially conscious, and in addition to being one of the most prominent Muslims in the country, is probably one of the most journalists out there. Don't let the youth-friendly soft-news format of "The Project" fool you; he's a senior lecturer in political science at a Melbourne university to boot. What his editorial does is not simply deconstruct ISIS using nothing more than their own words, but it's also exactly what our politicians should have been saying for some time now. It's exactly what the political right want and insist is the best way forward: a prominent Muslim leading the charge against radicalisation. But within forty-eight hours, the hard right commentators are openly mocking him for his "kill them with compassion" approach - Andrew Bolt has never forgiven him for utterly destroying him on the air - because they believe that the only way to stop them is to blow them back to the Stone Age, and if it just so happens that some innocents are killed, then that can only be a good thing because it's less people to become radicalised - because to the hard right, Our Way Is The Only Way.
Not according to the ultra-conservatives. Aly is the spearhead of the political left and the socially conscious, and in addition to being one of the most prominent Muslims in the country, is probably one of the most journalists out there. Don't let the youth-friendly soft-news format of "The Project" fool you; he's a senior lecturer in political science at a Melbourne university to boot. What his editorial does is not simply deconstruct ISIS using nothing more than their own words, but it's also exactly what our politicians should have been saying for some time now. It's exactly what the political right want and insist is the best way forward: a prominent Muslim leading the charge against radicalisation. But within forty-eight hours, the hard right commentators are openly mocking him for his "kill them with compassion" approach - Andrew Bolt has never forgiven him for utterly destroying him on the air - because they believe that the only way to stop them is to blow them back to the Stone Age, and if it just so happens that some innocents are killed, then that can only be a good thing because it's less people to become radicalised - because to the hard right, Our Way Is The Only Way.

I could tell he was definitely a very well read man, reminded me a little of Mehdi Hassan. I mean, I must admit, I do not completely agree with him. I think that ISIS are somewhat stronger than he made them out to be, but I do not thing they are anywhere near as strong as what the media (and they themselves) make them out to be. It is nice to have a Muslim like him taking charge, because of his political knowledge he stands to have more credit in the political world and on the news, as opposed to many Imams who are not as well versed in politics but are in religion. Ideally, a combination of Imams and leaders/those very knowledgable in other fields would put quite a good message across.
I can understand some of the hard right ideas, but to feel that they tend towards an extreme (forgive me, I am not political at all, so if anything you'll have to explain things to me). I don't think we should trade the lives of a single innocent (intentionally that is) to solve our problems. The reason I believe this is because the moment we justify the killing of an innocent to attain our goals, surely we take the first step towards terroristic nature ourselves, right?
What I would like to see is Aly, Hassan and there is an Imam here named "Abdul Hameed" (who is actually of mixed sunni and shia Islamic origin) to come together on some show and really show the world the difference between Islam and ISIS, and how the Muslims stand against the terrorists.
Now, can we stop feeding tinfoil rubbish and appreciate @prisonermonkeys for the video, and also give a thoughts?
No different from @Shidapu , it's a video posted without any synopsis or indication as to what we are supposed to be watching and why and what the poster is attempting to communicate by throwing it up. If all we all get into the habit of just spamming videos as a response then it's not going to be much of an opinion or discussion forum.

Did you read any of the last few posts directed at you? Did you understand them?

Read it. It was rubbish, all of it.

The "sources" for the article are, for the most part, contributions written elsewhere by the same author. It says things like...

For the last five years, the French people have been hearing about distant wars, but without ever understanding what they meant.

...which is patently rubbish, it simply hopes that we'll believe the French people are stupid so that we suck the rest of the article in. It continues that...

The French Press interprets these acts of war by linking them to the attack made on Charlie Hebdo, although the operational modes were completely different.

...which we also know to be rubbish, all we have to do is read the French press. Which a good number of us do, daily.

It also notes that...

We know today that just before the January attack, the editor-in-chief of Charlie Hebdo had received a « gift » of 200,000 Euros from the Near East in order to continue his anti-Muslim campaign [1]

Hebdo receives funding from anywhere, nowhere in his self-written and self-linked article does it state anything other than an opinion that Hebdo's funding has been to "continue an anti-Muslim campaign". If you knew what CH was you'd know it's anti-everything.

that the killers were linked to the French intelligence services [2]

Another self-linked Voltaire article, this one claims (based on a Fox news story) that a French intelligence agency worked for Al Qaueda in the same region where the killers were recruited. 2+2 clearly equals 5 here, even if the French connection were true.

And that the origin of their weapons is covered by the Official Secrets Act [3].

Another self-linked source. And, as with many countries, certain parts of terrorist activities are not publicised - a sensible move as the alternative is to issue an instruction manual on terror preparation. There's no mention of the Official Secrets Act (a British device) in that article, even though there claims to be one.

I have already demonstrated that the attack was not an Islamist operation [4]

Wow, guess what? He links to his own article. This is rather like you linking your own posts as proof of what you're saying. The gist of this one is that the CH attack method didn't match his interpretation of jihadi methodology despite, as he admits, jihadist behaviour during the attack and a subsequent claim of jihadic responsibility. This guy can't be for real.

that it was immediately recuperated by a state [5], and that this recuperation had raised echoes in populations hostile to the Republic [6]

It's hard to say what the translation "recuperates" is meant to mean in this self-written self-linked article (spotting a theme here yet?), this is another rant about it being an inside and/or preconceived job. Seeing lizards yet?

an idea which was brilliantly developed a few months later by the demographer Emmanuel Todd [7].

Only the back-of-the-book blurb is available here but it's refreshing to see a link to someone other than the primary author even if it's hard to see why this book supports a "recuperation" theory.

Seriously, if this is your idea of sourced evidence then I'd imagine you have a lot to learn.