The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
I'd written a few rebuttals, but @TenEightyOne moves fast. The whole thing is rubbish. The citations all lead to other rants by the author, and when you follow those back to their original sources, i.e.: the same media he claims are ignoring the truth, you find that he's taken a whole lot of the news items out of context.

The first one about Charlie Hebdo is laughable. All the original source showed was that CH was in debt (hey, what print rag isn't, nowadays?) and that the editor-in-chief went out to do some fund-raising. extrapolates wild thirdhand speculation based on secondhand speculation about who or what had contributed to the funds.

And such funds often come with strings. Advertising contracts. Expectations of returns on investment. If you've never heard of an EIC wooing potential, anonymous investors for a magazine... well, you've never been in the magazine business.

I have... errh... I still am. And it's something that happens all the time.

The second one had me laughing my head off. The proof that the French Intelligence Services were involved in the operation is that the trainer is a defector to Al Quaeda. Following that logic, the US Government created Al Quaeda directly, created WikiLeaks and sold its own military secrets to China and Russia. Let's reflect on that for a minute...


None of us will ever claim that the French, British or US government are completely innocent or blameless of any acts of violence, coercion, or skullduggery in the arena of international politics... but this, frankly, is just complete bull.
No different from @Shidapu , it's a video posted without any synopsis or indication as to what we are supposed to be watching and why and what the poster is attempting to communicate by throwing it up. If all we all get into the habit of just spamming videos as a response then it's not going to be much of an opinion or discussion forum.

Did you read any of the last few posts directed at you? Did you understand them?
Well i got a question to you. Do you have any thoughts to support or against it? I can say i agreed with the video based on many sources ive seen. Im busy so you may search for yourself. Yours maybe different, so provide the argumentations.

And dont think i forgot that you didnt answer the three questions about refugees deliberately. I dont need the answer anymore. Too late and Im already expected what answer you have.
No different from @Shidapu , it's a video posted without any synopsis or indication as to what we are supposed to be watching and why and what the poster is attempting to communicate by throwing it up. If all we all get into the habit of just spamming videos as a response then it's not going to be much of an opinion or discussion forum.

To be fair, at least that video is relatively short and properly formatted, in that you can watch the first thirty-odd seconds and get a general overview and then watch the rest for the specifics that they use to establish their claims. It's a properly written news piece. As far as such things go, it's pretty fine. Between the title and the video thumbnail you kind of know what you're getting.

As opposed to Shidapu's video which started off as an unstructured, opinionated rant, so you probably have to watch the whole 24 minutes to even get the gist of the thing.
Well i got a question to you. Do you have any thoughts to support or against it? I can say i agreed with the video based on many sources ive seen. Im busy so you may search for yourself. Yours maybe different, so provide the argumentations.

And dont think i forgot that you didnt answer the three questions about refugees deliberately. I dont need the answer anymore. Too late and Im already expected what answer you have.
For or against what? I don't watch any videos unless the poster puts some effort into telling me why I should watch the video, what I'm supposed to see in the video and what his personal thoughts are on it. You are doing the same thing. You're agreeing with a video that has no explanation without giving an explanation as to what you agree with and why. How does one respond to that? I have no idea what three questions you're talking about and if you're too lazy to post a simple link it can't be all that important can it?
To be fair, at least that video is relatively short and properly formatted, in that you can watch the first thirty-odd seconds and get a general overview and then watch the rest for the specifics that they use to establish their claims. It's a properly written news piece. As far as such things go, it's pretty fine. Between the title and the video thumbnail you kind of know what you're getting.

As opposed to Shidapu's video which started off as an unstructured, opinionated rant, so you probably have to watch the whole 24 minutes to even get the gist of the thing.
All well and good, it's just my personal policy that if someone doesn't put at least a minimal effort into explaining a video I won't put a minimal effort into watching it.
The Generalissimus broke through the time and space and shifted into a body of an Iranian general. Will he carry out the industrialization, collectivizasion and Great Purge in the Ayatollah state and defeat the ISISS?
I thought the point of the Generalissimus was that it was a rank that Stalin refused to decree? Or it's my age and I don't get the joke :D
Generalissimus was Stalin's title. All of the next Soviet leaders were General Secretaries. (Except for Gorbachov, who was the first and the last President of the Soviet Union.)

"Has anyone got any jump leads - this thing keeps stalin'..."
"Daesh is opium of the people. Take them to Gulag!"
While the Paris attacks were happening, ISIL took a huge loss - coalition-backed forces took a huge swarthe of territory from them, including a major highway linking Raqqa and Mosul. They haven't cut the supply lines completely, but they were in a good position to take Raqqa even before the French bombed it. The strategy appears to be the same as Kobane: draw ISIS into an extended fight, wear them down, and then overrun it when ISIS over-extend themselves. It appears to be working, since there are reports that senior ISIS figures are evacuating Raqqa.
ISIS has unfettered access to state-of-the-art urban warfare weaponry, including Apple and Google cryptography apps which enable their commandos to "go dark" at will. The NSA, CIA, FBI etc are helpless against this technology, they say.

In today's raids in Paris, authorities reportedly used phone taps and over 5000 rounds of ammunition and other explosives in a 7 hour gunfight ending in the near-demolition of an entire apartment building which involved blowing out all the windows and pancaking internal floors.

Tensions between the French establishment and the internal Muslim community in France are currently in a delicate condition.
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The Generalissimus broke through the time and space and shifted into a body of an Iranian general. Will he carry out the industrialization, collectivizasion and Great Purge in the Ayatollah state and defeat the ISISS?
Cut about 6" off his height and the resemblence would be uncanny:sly:
ISIS has released a video threatening New York City holiday shoppers with suicide vest attack. Fear spreads.

Fox news are reporting interviews of Molenbeek residents justifying the Paris attacks as revenge for French aerial bombing in Syria.
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Obama,Oland,Cameron and some other world leaders attending an art gallery,suddenly a painting catches their attention and they go close to look,in front of that painting a man is standing,he is the creator of that painting,....Obama stands next to him he takes a good look of that painting, then he turns to that man and asks him...very nice did you made it..? Then the man turns around he takes a good look to the world leaders and he answers you did...

Yeah, that's ... not what Guernica is all about.

Oh really ?

Picasso wanted to codemned the bombings of Guernica made by german and italian pilots killing 1.650 people and destroying 70% of the town..when do you justify "war"

I have lived the NATO bombings in Yugoslavia in 99 in my skin,what is your experience..?
Oh really ?

Picasso wanted to codemned the bombings of Guernica made by german and italian pilots killing 1.650 people and destroying 70% of the town..when do you justify "war"

I have lived the NATO bombings in Yugoslavia in 99 in my skin,what is your experience..?
NATO bombings during the Kosovo war was completely justified.
Picasso wanted to codemned the bombings of Guernica made by german and italian pilots killing 1.650 people and destroying 70% of the town
No, Picasso wanted to condemn the ongoing war between the Republicans and Nationalists, both of whom claimed to be acting in the interests of Spain, and both of whom committed atrocities against the innocent in the process. The bombing of Guernica was just one of these incidents. Picasso was particularly critical of the Nationalists, who were claiming to be fighting the tyranny of Francisco Franco and the Republicans; the Germans and the Italians bombed Guernica at the behest of the Nationalists.

I have lived the NATO bombings in Yugoslavia in 99 in my skin,what is your experience..?
I don't see how living through a war makes you the most qualified to interpret abstract art.
NATO bombings during the Kosovo war was completely justified.

How you justify when you bomb hospitals schools trains full of civilians,i've been there i have seen with my own eyes...

You know What NATO officials was saying when some of their smart bombs droped on a hospital..?oops sorry it was a mistake...!
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No, Picasso wanted to condemn the ongoing war between the Republicans and Nationalists, both of whom claimed to be acting in the interests of Spain, and both of whom committed atrocities against the innocent in the process. The bombing of Guernica was just one of these incidents. Picasso was particularly critical of the Nationalists, who were claiming to be fighting the tyranny of Francisco Franco and the Republicans; the Germans and the Italians bombed Guernica at the behest of the Nationalists.

I don't see how living through a war makes you the most qualified to interpret abstract art.

When do you justify war....?
I have lived the NATO bombings in Yugoslavia in 99 in my skin,what is your experience..?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you stated you were 18 when Yugoslavian refugees came to your country.

How did you live through the bombings if you were in another country?


Also, I've lived through martial law under a fascist dictator, one revolution, several coup d'etats, and have had guns, pipes and tear gas aimed in my general direction (though only the pipes connected). I've also been near the scenes of several bombings, but thankfully not close enough to get hailed with shrapnel, though the patter of bullets falling on your rooftop is never a pretty sound.

There are wars of conquest and then there are justified wars. The Yugoslavian campaign was in direct response to the killing and displacement of civilians by Milosevic's campaign of ethnic cleansing and military expansion. If your argument is that nothing should have been done because people would die in the fighting... what then? Just let people die without fighting back?

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How you justify when you bomb hospitals schools trains full of civilians,i've been there i have seen with my own eyes...

You know What NATO officials was saying when some of their smart bombs droped on a hospital..?oops sorry it was a mistake...!
War crimes were being committed. A middle man needed to come in and force the two sides to stop. They wouldn't less to talks, they violated the treaty both of them and one side was massacring people.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you stated you were 18 when Yugoslavian refugees came to your country.

How did you live through the bombings if you were in another country?


Also, I've lived through martial law under a fascist dictator, one revolution, several coup d'etats, and have had guns, pipes and tear gas aimed in my general direction (though only the pipes connected). I've also been near the scenes of several bombings, but thankfully not close enough to get hailed with shrapnel, though the patter of bullets falling on your rooftop is never a pretty sound.

There are wars of conquest and then there are justified war. The Yugoslavian campaign was in direct response to the killing and displacement of civilians by Milosevic's campaign of ethnic cleansing and military expansion. If your argument is that nothing should have been done because people would die in the fighting... what then? Just let people die without fighting back?


I had family friends in novisad i have visited them four times i left before the bombings i went back after two years when i finished military working in company fixing mostly water supply pipes.
Obama,Oland,Cameron and some other world leaders attending an art gallery,suddenly a painting catches their attention and they go close to look,in front of that painting a man is standing,he is the creator of that painting,....Obama stands next to him he takes a good look of that painting, then he turns to that man and asks him...very nice did you made it..? Then the man turns around he takes a good look to the world leaders and he answers you did...

Wow, they were already attending exhibitions in 1937? You know, it could well be that some of the themes or suggestions in Guernica go to the kind of point you want to make... you're just shooting very wide of the target.

How you justify when you bomb hospitals schools trains full of civilians,i've been there i have seen with my own eyes...

You know What NATO officials was saying when some of their smart bombs droped on a hospital..?oops sorry it was a mistake...!

Tragic accidents happen in war - the Serbian war was a very difficult sphere of operations but, as already noted by @HELLAFLUSH240SX, the alternative was to allow the war crimes to continue. Bear in mind that it wasn't NATO who named war criminals or tried them, it was The Hague.

Another tinfoil discussion again? Really? What we will get from this at this point honestly?

I know what you mean. To me it looks like @Shidapu has digested as many teenage "What If OMG Conspiracy" forums as one can eat and is now regurgitating half-chewed lumps of them :D

I had family friends in novisad i have visited them four times i left before the bombings i went back after two years when i finished military working in company fixing mostly water supply pipes.

So you left before the bombings.

I have a Bosnian friend who was there before the bombings who stayed there. NATO saved his life and those of many others, believe it or not.
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Obama,Oland,Cameron and some other world leaders attending an art gallery,suddenly a painting catches their attention and they go close to look,in front of that painting a man is standing,he is the creator of that painting,....Obama stands next to him he takes a good look of that painting, then he turns to that man and asks him...very nice did you made it..? Then the man turns around he takes a good look to the world leaders and he answers you did...
Why do you have to make this kind of crap up? That "event" is a complete fabrication.