The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Problem is these cowards are hiding in school hospitals but nobody wants to risk their men on a ground campain. I can understand that, so who wants to fight keep bombing instead.
Collateral deaths? Well I'm really sorry for them but I'm also sorry for the 130 people died in Paris because Western Countries allowed these criminal to grow and become a serious threat. They are like a virus and it's time of pest control.
That attitude seems just as bad as the attitude of the ISIS IMO.

I can hardly call us better than ISIS if we fight like you propose. No regard of other lifeforms and ideals, just senselessly killing people.
That attitude seems just as bad as the attitude of the ISIS IMO.

I can hardly call us better than ISIS if we fight like you propose. No regard of other lifeforms and ideals, just senselessly killing people.
Daily BS.
Yes, because they're casualties. Kind of tells itself.

The question you failed to answer was "do you think that's okay"? If you do think it's okay then who cares about the people in Paris, they were collateral in a war by Islamic State, right?
Even more BS.
Daily BS.
Your comment suggests that since ISIS senselessly killed people to reach their goal, we are allowed to do the same to reach our goal.

How in anyway shape or form, does this make us better than ISIS? We'd just be supporting 1 Evil against another Evil.
One of possible explanations for this is there are various Free Syrian Armies. ;)
Could be the opposition trying to discredit Russia's operation.

Propaganda is a powerful tool, is during ISIS's offensive on Syria the FSA were sided with them to combat Assad and the Russians, the real problem is that someone in the US gov ****ed up and supported FSA, months later trucks given by the US ended up in ISIS convoys, showing US security services (CIA or whatever) complete lack of capacity and competence when handling affairs in the region.

This particular screw up has been kept isolated and out of the spotlight (including also the fact that most ISIS's weapons come from former US bases in Iraq), so it is logical to blame such support to make it look like a big conspiracy.

Why US don't deal with their mess is beyond me, but I get the feeling that Russia will end up solving ISIS problem, while the US will likely suffer the consequences of indirectly creating such organization.
One of possible explanations for this is there are various Free Syrian Armies. ;)

It's because they have no idea for which group they are fighting.

Are we IS?
lol, I don't know.
Are we FSA?
Lol, I don't know.
Are we Assadi?
Your comment suggests that since ISIS senselessly killed people to reach their goal, we are allowed to do the same to reach our goal.

How in anyway shape or form, does this make us better than ISIS? We'd just be supporting 1 Evil against another Evil.
What a huge crying out of nothing. Your argument makes no sense you can't be serious.
Your comment suggests that your retoric attempt deraield in ridiculous laughable BS.
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Explained already. Read again.
No one target civils on purpose. If it happens when it happens they are called "casualties" for a reason.
No, what you're suggesting is that you do target civilians on purpose.

They may not be your primary target, but if they're in the cross hairs and you know they are there then you are indeed targeting civilians.

Civilian casualties, or collateral damage, is inevitable in an conflict that takes place within the civilian population. But there's a distinct difference between attacking a target you know will result in civilian casualties and attacking a target that you believe to be a clean strike. This can be due to poor intelligence, or just time of flight (bombs and missiles don't travel at the speed of light ).

Russia and "the west" have clearly varying opinions and rule a of engagement in Syria. Just the use of cluster munitions is enough to tell you that, and the fact that Russia has been using free fall bombs...
I talked about this during a bar visit with some friends last week as they were both against bombing Syria. When I asked them how they felt about bombing the German people during the Nazi era, they suddenly became less vocal with their opposition. The allies flattened whole cities during WW2 just to root them out, and it was a necessary evil wasn't it?

Luckily there are precision weapons now being dropped from planes, but the means to an end thing is still true sadly.
Russia and "the west" have clearly varying opinions and rule a of engagement in Syria. Just the use of cluster munitions is enough to tell you that, and the fact that Russia has been using free fall bombs...
Obama talked about surgical precision, ok so what about if America intelligence provide target coordinates updated in real time to Russian bombers?

Cooperation would be quite effective but I guess politics once again denies it.

So yes, I'm curious to see what this magic Obama precision is all about.
Facts or words.
Luckily there are precision weapons now being dropped from planes, but the means to an end thing is still true sadly.

Different means, different end. You can't accept that something is okay just because it's happened before, and in terms of the battlefield, there is no comparing what happened during WW2 to what needs to happen in Syria. Do you think it would be okay to go and drop a nuke on Damascus?
I talked about this during a bar visit with some friends last week as they were both against bombing Syria. When I asked them how they felt about bombing the German people during the Nazi era, they suddenly became less vocal with their opposition. The allies flattened whole cities during WW2 just to root them out, and it was a necessary evil wasn't it?

And Allied cities were flattened too. Does that mean we need to fight the same way nowadays? I hope not.

BREAKING NEWS: I'm not actually bombing in Syria or Libia.

No need to shout, dear. You're not carrying out the bombing but you're advocating indiscriminate collateral damage as a means to an end. You still haven't answered why the Parisienne victims were unacceptable collateral while 130 innocent neighbours of a US airstrike would be acceptable.

Lolwut. People on the internet.

Hey, guess what? You're one of them ;)
Obama talked about surgical precision, ok so what about if America intelligence provide target coordinates updated in real time to Russian bombers?

Cooperation would be quite effective but I guess politics once again denies it.

So yes, I'm curious to see what this magic Obama precision is all about.
Facts or words.
Politics is certainly an issue, for example if intelligence is incorrect or the targeting is incorrect, it'll turn into an exercise of pointing fingers to blame.

There's also a technical aspect, not only is there a language barrier but also an issue of interoperability in datalinks and command structure.
No need to shout, dear. You're not carrying out the bombing but you're advocating indiscriminate collateral damage as a means to an end. You still haven't answered why the Parisienne victims were unacceptable collateral while 130 innocent neighbours of a US airstrike would be acceptable.
When you'll turn your "unlimited-rethoric-derailing-in-borderline-trolling-mimicking-the-worst-journalists-in-the-worst-and-most-time-wasting-talk-shows-ever" mode off, I'll reply, eventually. :)
Since you probably won't, then I really don't feel the need to point out the obvious.
Hey, guess what? You're one of them ;)
I'm not alone then. :)
Politics is certainly an issue, for example if intelligence is incorrect or the targeting is incorrect, it'll turn into an exercise of pointing fingers to blame.

There's also a technical aspect, not only is there a language barrier but also an issue of interoperability in datalinks and command structure.
Finally a post worth reading.

Thank you.
Different means, different end. You can't accept that something is okay just because it's happened before, and in terms of the battlefield, there is no comparing what happened during WW2 to what needs to happen in Syria. Do you think it would be okay to go and drop a nuke on Damascus?
It was okay in public opinion to do so back then, luckily this conflict hasn't escalated to that worldwide scale or it might just happen again.

This is mostly directed towards those who are against us going over there and hold bombing campaigns, not against those who are in favor of avoiding civilian casualties (which i'm part of). All i'm saying is let's not be hypocrites about it war is basically just killing each other, and both the US and its allies or Russia will kill a lot of innocents in the process.
PROXY WAR: Recently declassified Department of Defense documents from 2012 suggests that the civil war in Syria is one large proxy war being fought between the USA and Russia (with their respective allies). Judicial Watch obtained these documents (two of the image scans provided on this post). Relevant parts in yellow.

The documents answer four important questions:

1. Why was a Russian jet shot down over Turkish Air space, even though it encroached the area over a period of less than 90 seconds and ultimately crashed in Syrian territory with the pilot killed as he was parachuting down? Consequently, why did Syrian rebels, armed with a TOW missile, shot the rescue helicopter that was on the mission to rescue the other pilot?

2. Why does Turkey, and everywhere else in the Middle East, allow ISIS to continue selling oil at below market costs?

3. Why Obama's top priority is to "Contain" ISIS, but never to destroy ISIS.


Before the Syrian Civil War blew up into what has happened today with the rise of ISIS, the DOD predicted that Islamist Extremists would drive the efforts to oust Assad for regime change. The move is supported by the West, the Gulf countries (like Saudi Arabia) and Turkey. Whereas Assad is supported by Russia, China, and Iran. Obviously, this move was originated by the fact that Muslim Brotherhood had success in Egypt (before consequently being thrown out of the country.) The Muslim Brotherhood's ultimate goal is a caliphate, much like ISIS is, but instead of trying it politically, like in Egypt where that tactic failed, their tactics in Syria is a lot more forceful. Obama's not so best kept secret is a Muslim Brotherhood supporter on a political level, so any crimes that is committed by the group will get whitewashed before it hits the news cycle.

Does the fact that I am an American speak for the fact that Obama gets a blank check on his activities in this coverage? No. As you are about to see, his war crimes, if any are to be prosecuted, are about to get a lot worse.


Last thing first. With the establishment of ISIS, and the radical expansion of its territory in the last two or so years has spoken for, it is the fact that these terror groups that the US has lied in bed with to fight this proxy war with has established a territory in these two years that has granted them a respectable amount of land and resources, including oil. That oil, currently sold according to some sources at $20 a barrel, is allowing a cheap undercut of the market, and its futures for as long as the activity is allowed to continue to exist. The US policy of containment allows the cheap oil to cripple Russia's economy as they rely on oil and natural gas trades with Europe. Turkey allows the activity because it can claim that it is the cheaper alternative to Russia for European fuels, thus crippling the economy even more. And with ISIS making as much a $50 Million a month on oil sales alone (source), they have enough money to finance their brand of terror for a long time, and have enough oil to do the same.
I don't care what they think and what they are angry for. They are just a group of neo nazi criminals hidden under a religion flag. Enough reasons to keep bombing until the last of them is sent to hell.
The point was you're going to make more aggressors with a strategy like the one you propose. They'd be a lot more justified in defending themselves too. This is actually at the heart of the current problem as nations like the US didn't really care about who they were supporting as long they got to give their enemies a bloody nose. It later turned out that handing out weapons freely and removing other people's freedoms backfired.

As for what happened in France, it was truly sad, and would be equally sad anywhere else in the world no matter who the victims were.
The point was you're going to make more aggressors with a strategy like the one you propose. They'd be a lot more justified in defending themselves too. This is actually at the heart of the current problem as nations like the US didn't really care about who they were supporting as long they got to give their enemies a bloody nose. It later turned out that handing out weapons freely and removing other people's freedoms backfired.

As for what happened in France, it was truly sad, and would be equally sad anywhere else in the world no matter who the victims were.
Obama tried to make a coup in Syria through rebels, jihadist groups and various criminal organizations Isis is the biggest one. All these "backfires" are organized by US, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Are you actually aware where your tax-dollars go? The situation is WAY more complex than your cute-moderate-western-middle-class-point-of-view-heavily-influenced-by-western-media-and-talkshows-that-tell-what-to-think.

Putin has one civil plane and a war plane dawn. So following a formal request by the Syrian government for military help against rebel and jihadist groups he stepped in with Russian Army.
Obama tried to make a coup in Syria through rebels, jihadist groups and various criminal organizations Isis is the biggest one. All these "backfires" are organized by US, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Are you actually aware where your tax-dollars go? The situation is WAY more complex than your cute-moderate-western-middle-class-point-of-view-heavily-influenced-by-western-media-and-talkshows-that-tell-what-to-think.
I wouldn't know what that point of view is given I don't really read/watch those sources. Though if you know what's going on, feel free to explain.

Putin has one civil plane and a war plane dawn. So following a formal request by the Syrian government for military help against rebel and jihadist groups he stepped in with Russian Army.
First red flag, why was a 2012 DoD document already declassified? That's not generally my understanding of his the system works.
Documents get declassified every day. When it was written is irrelevant. The best of my understanding of all of this is that the document is part of an intelligence briefing, the same kind that the President reportedly refuses to read, and was written around the time that Benghazi happened (judging from the language).

Though it absolutely destroys the narrative that it was a video that caused the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three others if you read between the lines because it suggests that our government was, as a popular theory goes, gunrunning for the Syrian rebels.
Flailing in the face of common sense?
Be honest you enjoyed that part. :)
Saw that on liveleak yesterday but thought it was a joke. Could be a very welcome development in the fight against terrorism. Let's hope it's not just political posturing and that it doesn't evolve into a more nefarious purpose.
We can just wait and see but to me it seems like an official mask for the western masses.
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Here is some really, really good news, and it makes me feel ever so much better:

MOSCOW (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday accepted Russia's long-standing demand that President Bashar Assad's future be determined by his own people, as Washington and Moscow edged toward putting aside years of disagreement over how to end Syria's civil war.

"The United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change," Kerry told reporters in the Russian capital after meeting President Vladimir Putin.


President Barack Obama first called on Assad to leave power in the summer of 2011, with "Assad must go" being a consistent rallying cry. Later, American officials allowed that he wouldn't have to resign on "Day One" of a transition. Now, no one can say when Assad might step down.

Russia, by contrast, has remained consistent in its view that no foreign government could demand Assad's departure and that Syrians would have to negotiate matters of leadership among themselves.

On Ukraine:

US Secretary of State John Kerry, left, speaks with Russia's President Vladimir Putin during a m...

"We don't seek to isolate Russia as a matter of policy, no," Kerry said. The sooner Russia implements a February cease-fire that calls for withdrawal of Russian forces and materiel and a release of all prisoners, he said, the sooner that "sanctions can be rolled back."

The world is better off when Russia and the U.S. work together, he added, calling Obama and Putin's current cooperation a "sign of maturity."

"There is no policy of the United States, per se, to isolate Russia," Kerry stressed.
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