The "war on police" in America

What do those thugs hope to accomplish by destroying their neighbourhoods? They should be rioting about hockey games, football games, or baseball games like us!
They hope to accomplish a new tv, iPod, some nice pillow cases, perhaps a few dollars in coins. The riots have nothing to do with the Mr. Grey and everything to do with the usual groups of thugs, thieves and criminals turning a serious issue into an excuse to pillage and burn up the town for their own nefarious purposes.
They don't care.

They don't care = Black people don't care?

They see it as a free night to not listen to rules and do whatever they want.

They see it as a free night to not listen to rules and do whatever they want`= Black people see it as a free night to not listen to rules and do whatever they want.

I mean, I'm just assuming, however, you can strike me down and prove my assumptions as
wrong.. Do as you feel.

So, tonight's a free night for me to do whatever I want? Excuse me, I'll just grab myself a plane ticket and head out to Baltimore to see my sister and we'll use our combined blackness to part seas of white people and burn down CVS pharmacies just by stepping near them.
They don't care = Black people don't care?

Please don't tell me you're one of those people that try finding racism in everything no matter what.:rolleyes:

It seems pretty damned clear he was referencing those actually doing the rioting.
No, I'm not one of those people and actually, I was kind-of joking.

Though, I'm fairly sure that around 99% of the rioters are black.. just saying. Baltimore is basically a Saint Louis 2.0.. how do I know this? Well, I'm from Saint Louis, and I've seen the inner city of Baltimore.. there isn't much different. I also have a sis who lives there which I visit from time to time.

Also, if you want to say black people... just say it.. it's not forbidden in discussion, is it?
It's not forbidden, but it does reinforce what Northstar was saying b/c you ended your post by telling him to just to say black people if he wants. Why would anyone want to say it now if your previous post was nothing more than mockery & jumping to the conclusion that you had been clumped in with all the rioters after it wasn't said at all? So that your post had merit in its assumptions?

How about if that's not what he wants at all because he isn't talking about black people in the first place? What if "they" is actually referring to the people rioting?

It's exactly why black people get the reputation of pulling the race card at any instance.
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It's not forbidden, but it does reinforce what Northstar was saying b/c you ended your post by telling him to just to say black people instead of "they" if he wants. Why? So your previous post suddenly has merit for jumping the gun & mocking him?

What if that's not what he wants at all because he isn't talking about black people in the first place? What if "they" is actually referring to the people rioting?

It's exactly why black people get the reputation of pulling the race card at any instance.
You mean "some black people"?. Surely not all black people as the phrase "black people" would imply? See how tricky words are on the internet? Let's not pick apart each other with semantics and lose sight of the bigger issues here.
No, I'm not one of those people and actually, I was kind-of joking.

Though, I'm fairly sure that around 99% of the rioters are black.. just saying. Baltimore is basically a Saint Louis 2.0.. how do I know this? Well, I'm from Saint Louis, and I've seen the inner city of Baltimore.. there isn't much different. I also have a sis who lives there which I visit from time to time.

Also, if you want to say black people... just say it.. it's not forbidden in discussion, is it?
Can't anyone mention a plural word when describing people that are majority black?
You mean "some black people"?. Surely not all black people as the phrase "black people" would imply? See how tricky words are on the internet? Let's not pick apart each other with semantics and lose sight of the bigger issues here.
I'm referencing the stereotype which does assume all, not some. I'm not actually entertaining the thought that all black people pull the race card or that Phil is one of those folks. I know only some pull it, but the "they=black" post & then following it up with "you can say black if you want" (even after Blitz was just berated for saying "they" in place of "black") doesn't do anything to curb said stereotype.

Did you have fun looking through my history?

That was mainly a reaction to the things I was experiencing at the time.

I have a whole deck of black cards, though I haven't used them in a while.

Just sitting here and thinking about who came up with the stupid phrase "black card".

@McLaren I just want people to say what they truly mean sometimes. It's annoying seeing people try to go around their true intentions/words. Just say what you have to say and leave it at that.
@McLaren I just want people to say what they truly mean sometimes. It's annoying seeing people try to go around their true intentions/words. Just say what you have to say and leave it at that.
But, how do you know that's what Blitz meant initially? What if "they" really did mean rioters? You say it's annoying to see people go around their true intentions, but your assumption wasn't exactly any less annoying itself.
But, how do you know that's what Blitz meant initially? What if "they" really did mean rioters? You say it's annoying to see people go around their true intentions, but your assumption wasn't exactly any less annoying itself.

I mean, I'm just assuming, however, you can strike me down and prove my assumptions as
wrong.. Do as you feel.

Never said what I did say originally wasn't an assumption. I openly admitted that it was an assumption. Vaguely saying "They" :confused::confused: leaves a-lot unanswered when it comes to who exactly they're talking about.

These they people seem pretty bad, especially considering what they did in Ferguson. Who the hell are they?
Never said what I did say originally wasn't an assumption. I openly admitted that it was an assumption. Vaguely saying "They" :confused::confused: leaves a-lot unanswered when it comes to who exactly they're talking about.

These they people seem pretty bad, especially considering what they did in Ferguson. Who the hell are they?
If it's not clear to you what "they" is referring to, why did you automatically assume they=black & it was a personal attack against you?
So, tonight's a free night for me to do whatever I want? Excuse me, I'll just grab myself a plane ticket and head out to Baltimore to see my sister and we'll use our combined blackness to part seas of white people and burn down CVS pharmacies just by stepping near them.

Why not assume otherwise? Why not actually ask Blitz to elaborate first?

Did you have fun looking through my history?

I didn't need to look through your history. My mind has quite extensive files on a lot of GTP members. It's not the first time since your "Walking......" thread that you've weighed in on a race conversation. Generally your tone comes across as more deliberately but uncomfortably playful though. You seem torn about what your outlook should be - defensive and combative or flippant and dismissive.
I didn't need to look through your history. My mind has quite extensive files on a lot of GTP members. It's not the first time since your "Walking......" thread that you've weighed in on a race conversation. Generally your tone comes across as more deliberately but uncomfortably playful though. You seem torn about what your outlook should be - defensive and combative or flippant and dismissive.
Describes me well, though I'm not sure about the uncomfortably playful part. Maybe just playful?
Doesn't answer the "why" you assumed in the first place, unfortunately....
You want me to answer.

Well, having spoke to many people about the Ferguson stuff, they either referred to the blacks protesting as "thugs" or "they". I feel like I'm done giving people the benefit of the doubt when those words are used to describe people when there's a racially charged protest/riot. I will say that a few of the people that I spoke to about the Ferguson stuff were somewhat prejudice and uncomfortable discussing race around people of minorital backgrounds.

One of my reasons.
You want me to answer.

Well, having spoke to many people about the Ferguson stuff, they either referred to the blacks protesting as "thugs" or "they". I feel like I'm done giving people the benefit of the doubt when those words are used to describe people when there's a racially charged protest/riot. I will say that a few of the people that I spoke to about the Ferguson stuff were somewhat prejudice and uncomfortable discussing race around people of minorital backgrounds.

One of my reasons.
How would you refer to the people involved?

With any other race im pretty certain you would involve the people in question as ''they'' in most cases(just like the people you asked about the situation).

The problem is there is probably a wide range of people involved in the Riot/Protest, from genuine protesters to Thugs taking advantage of a Situation via Looting.

However, ''They'' can still be referred to as those on a certain side of the Situation regardless of their different actions.
Sooooo...... daaaaaamn....... racist.
This is what I was getting at earlier. White sports fans burn things and loot stores after a game, and they get called maybe idiots at best. When white people burn and destroy stuff over sports it's celebrating, reveling, "rowdy", and it doesn't get appllied to the entirely of white people.

Black people riot about police brutality and they're thugs, savages, the worst is "animals". It's all very thinly veiled.
This is what I was getting at earlier. White sports fans burn things and loot stores after a game, and they get called maybe idiots at best. When white people burn and destroy stuff over sports it's celebrating, reveling, "rowdy", and it doesn't get appllied to the entirely of white people.

Black people riot about police brutality and they're thugs, savages, the worst is "animals". It's all very thinly veiled.
Uh oh, there's no retract like function.

That wasn't the point I was making. @phillkillv2 used the exact same word as was deemed an issue. The word that I bolded, and phillkill previously bolded.
They don't care = Black people don't care?

They see it as a free night to not listen to rules and do whatever they want`= Black people see it as a free night to not listen to rules and do whatever they want.

It applied in the thread I linked above, and I think it applies here.......
Offense is taken, not given.

I think that @Blitz24 is owed an apology.
Uh oh, there's no retract like function.
There is but I also like your post anyway as is. I don't think "they" is inherently a problem but I do find it frustrating the way words like "thugs" get used when taking about protests and riots/looting.
It is racism when the brutality is motivated by fear because of race.
People is plural.
Which has been shown to be the case when? Do you know of any cases where race was proven as a motivating factor in a police killing?
This is what I was getting at earlier. White sports fans burn things and loot stores after a game, and they get called maybe idiots at best. When white people burn and destroy stuff over sports it's celebrating, reveling, "rowdy", and it doesn't get appllied to the entirely of white people.

Black people riot about police brutality and they're thugs, savages, the worst is "animals". It's all very thinly veiled.
You sure? The most famous sports riot in recent Canadian History is the Vancouver hockey riot of 2011. The crowd was mostly white with some Asian mixed in for good measure, reflecting the Vancouver population.
"Prosecute the thugs," wrote Lorraine Bennett on the site. "Clearly they hate the Canucks, they hate Vancouver."
“We have to remember those weren't hockey fans trashing the most beautiful city in the world last night; they were thugs and thieves and lunatics,” [Winnipeg Member of Parliament] Mr. Martin said.
Vancouver police say the wanton rioting and looting that broke out in the aftermath of the Canucks' Game 7 loss in the Stanley Cup final was caused by a small contingent of "criminals, anarchists and thugs."
And he [Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson] said the lack of forewarning about “anarchists and thugs” planning to bring hammers and Molotov cocktails to a public party may mean police will have to adopt new methods of intelligence-gathering.

That's an ordinary Canadian, the city's Mayor and Police Chief, and a Member of Parliament. Kinda blows that theory out of the water eh?
Thug: a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire

I would say both apply, rather then one or none.
Basically anyone involved in a Riot could be Classed as a thug by definition.
That's an ordinary Canadian, the city's Mayor and Police Chief, and a Member of Parliament. Kinda blows that theory out of the water eh?
See all the excuses made when white people riot? Are you and I expected to apologize for "our" people rioting? Do Vancouver rioters reflect on "white culture"? Are we expected to stand up and denounce the whites rioting and looting?

That's exactly the point, a few people in ski masks with Molotov cocktails induced tens of thousands of Canucks fans into rioting and looting. Those people get the benefit of the doubt, they're not "real fans", but riots and looting in Ferguson and Baltimore get lumped in with the protests.
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