The "war on police" in America

Sgt. Michael Smith’s was murdered by a piece of 🤬, along with 4 other officers, in Dallas. His wife, Heidi, shared her story about a recent interaction with the SMU volleyball program on Facebook. Her 14-year-old daughter, Victoria, had been invited to give the honorary first at a volleyball match on Saturday. The event was to honor Smith, a Dallas police officer who was shot and killed in the Downtown Dallas ambush on July 7. This is the email Victoria received from SMU on Thursday, after the election:

Hello again Heidi,

I regret to inform you that we will not be able to go through with the honorary first serve. In the switch between staff members and the handling of volleyball promotions, some information was not forwarded on correctly from (name omitted) to myself and I deeply apologize for that.

The volleyball program was not correctly informed that this would be taking place at the game, and feels that in light of recent events and diversity within the SMU community, that the demonstration could be deemed insensitive.

However, the coaching staff would like to still do something for Victoria and the team. They are invited to stay after the game for an autograph session with the players, if you would like.

Again, they apologize for the inconvenience and late notice, especially in regards to the sensitivity of this matter.

I do hope that you all will still join us on Saturday. If you would like to discuss this further, you can reach me at (name and # omitted).”

A former Army Ranger and 25 year veteran of the force is to be honoured and it's cancelled because it might be insensitive? She can stay after the game for an autograph session? This can't be real.

A Stanislaus County sheriff's deputy was shot and killed Sunday in “an execution” carried out by a wanted man who was caught hours later after he carjacked one motorist, robbed a liquor store and tried to snatch a purse from a woman in Tulare County, authorities said. Deputy Dennis Wallace, a 20-year department veteran, was shot twice in the head shortly after coming across a stolen van in Fox Grove Park, just outside the city of Hughson, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson told reporters at a news conference.
“We know for a fact that the gun used in this crime was in direct contact with his head when the trigger was pulled -- twice,” Christianson said, according to a video posted by news station KCR3. “This was an execution.”
Pre-meditation in the case of NYPD Sergeants Paul Tuozzolo (deceased) and Emanuelle Kwo (shot but survived).
[The murderer] — who killed NYPD Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo before being shot dead by police on Nov. 4 — had told Tia Giattino hours earlier that he was going to kill her and predicted he would die “in a blaze of glory” at the hands of cops, according to the friend, who was letting Giattino stay with her in her Van Nest building. [The murderer] was gunned down by police in his SUV after shooting Tuozzolo and another sergeant, Emmanuel Kwo, who survived.
Now that the officer cam footage is available I'm adding this to the thread:
Police Officer Dan Webster succumbed to gunshot wounds sustained on October 21st, 2015, while making a traffic stop. He had stopped a motorcycle that was displaying a stolen license plate near the intersection of Central Avenue and Eubank Boulevard at approximately 8:00 pm. Officer Webster had placed one handcuff on the subject's left wrist when the man pretended to be injured by complaining that his right shoulder was hurt. The subject then reached for a concealed handgun and opened fire on him at close range. Officer Webster was struck in the face, chest, and arm.
The man, a felon with a prior manslaughter conviction, was arrested a short time later by responding officers who had contained him within a perimeter. Officer Webster was transported to a local hospital where he remained on life support until succumbing to his wounds one week later. Officer Webster was a U.S. Army veteran and had served with the Albuquerque Police Department for eight years.
Death by gunfire was, once again, the leading cause of death for officers who were killed on duty. A total of 64 officers were killed by gunfire – up from 39 in 2015, according to statistics obtained by Breitbart Texas from the Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP). This represents an increase of over 60 percent over the prior year.
“The 61 percent increase in law enforcement officers shot and killed in 2016 versus 2015 and a 53 percent overall increase in officers murdered in the performance of duty are deeply troubling statistics,” ODMP Director of Research Steven Weiss told Breitbart Texas. “Included in that statistic is a disturbing increase in officers killed in ‘ambush-style’ murders, such as the incidents in Dallas and Des Moines.”
The 61 percent increase in law enforcement officers shot and killed in 2016 versus 2015 and a 53 percent overall increase in officers murdered in the performance of duty are deeply troubling statistics

"Deeply troubling" only if one ignores the historical statistics. Those numbers are still below ten-year averages, and less than half the rate seen in the 1970s.
"Deeply troubling" only if one ignores the historical statistics. Those numbers are still below ten-year averages, and less than half the rate seen in the 1970s.

No, I haven't ignored the historical statistics, as someone out there in uniform 5 days a week I still find the increase this past year deeply troubling. I couldn't care less if the number is still less than ten year averages or what the rate was in the 1970's (and it could be argued that better medical care has resulted in fewer deaths, I haven't checked on the number of actual shootings) it is deeply troubling to me as an Officer that we have seen this increase.
No, I haven't ignored the historical statistics, as someone out there in uniform 5 days a week I still find the increase this past year deeply troubling. I couldn't care less if the number is still less than ten year averages or what the rate was in the 1970's (and it could be argued that better medical care has resulted in fewer deaths, I haven't checked on the number of actual shootings) it is deeply troubling to me as an Officer that we have seen this increase.

Hey, that's fine. You're out there in that line of work, you're free to feel however you want to feel.

My objections lie with "news" organizations who intentionally misrepresent statistics in a effort to cultivate fear and keep their readers in a constant state of paranoia.
Hey, that's fine. You're out there in that line of work, you're free to feel however you want to feel.

My objections lie with "news" organizations who intentionally misrepresent statistics in a effort to cultivate fear and keep their readers in a constant state of paranoia.

I agree with you and I think this election has shown just how ridiculous and deceitful the media is, on both sides of the political spectrum. The increase in violence all around is troubling, not just Officer's being murdered but multiple cities experiencing record high murder rates, and most of those victims being black men. Something needs to be done before this really gets out of hand and becomes even more difficult to fix. We need to come together as communities in order to fix our problems but part of that has to include recognizing and taking responsibility for actions, and for that to take place people need to be able to speak about issues and facts without being called racist. I sincerely hope that happens before the violence gets even worse than it was in 2016.
A man who shot and wounded an Arizona state trooper Thursday along a remote highway and then started slamming the helpless officer's head into the pavement as the two struggled was shot to death by passing driver, authorities said.
Trooper Edward Andersson, a 27-year veteran of the Department of Public Safety, was shot in the right shoulder and chest in what authorities called an ambush and was in serious but stable condition after surgery at a Goodyear hospital.
"My trooper would not be alive without his assistance," DPS Director Frank Milstead said of the driver who stopped.
Andersson was putting out flares when the suspect opened fire and then physically attacked the wounded trooper, Milstead said. Both Milstead and Cecil said was ambushed. The man was on top of the officer and "getting the better of him," slamming Andersson's head against the pavement, Milstead said. That's when the passing driver showed up and asked if the trooper needed help. Andersson said yes, and the passer-by went back to his vehicle, got his gun and told the suspect to stop the attack, Milstead said. When he didn't, the driver shot him.
Those racist cops at it again, amirite? What were they thinking, firing upon this 20-year-old black kid who had only murdered shot and robbed someone, rammed their cars and jumped out with a gun at the ready? all seriousness, what an absolute trash heap of a community. Rioting and attacking the cops over someone like that? I've seen examples of some pretty horrid morals in my day, but the collective mentality here might just take the cake.

Fun fact, I initially learned about this because it actually made a Finnish newspaper. The crook's description? "A 20-year-old father". It's mind boggling that such sympathy farming nonsense could be publicized over here.

EDIT: Taking one thing back real quick, the man that this sack of 🤬 shot 5 times over a car is actually alive and expected to survive. Doesn't lessen my contempt any, though.
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Those racist cops at it again, amirite? What were they thinking, firing upon this 20-year-old black kid who had only murdered someone, rammed their cars and jumped out with a gun at the ready?

Just a bit of a correction here. The responders weren't cops but rather US Marshals who typically serve warrants across state borders. This makes it a slightly bigger deal since it puts the spotlight at the federal level instead of the state level. This is especially true if it's found that they didn't act in accordance with policy and procedure.

And while my personal take on the incident makes me think the Marshals acted correctly, without a video it's hard to say. Unfortunately, we're at a point now where any form of law enforcement is suspect because a few law enforcement officers acted stupidly.
Unfortunately, we're at a point now where any form of law enforcement is suspect because a few law enforcement officers acted stupidly.
Public servants should always be suspect - it's not just a matter of policy, but a moral dilemma that public servants must do their jobs correctly and should be scrutinized every step of the way.
“video footage emerged showing police officers pointing their guns and threatening to shoot a father and his pregnant partner after their four-year-old daughter allegedly took a Barbie doll from a store without paying.”

And police wonder why they’re so mistrusted :lol:
I'm glad the mayor took full responsibility for the incident, apologised profusely and sped up the institution of her bodycam wearing regime for officers. It shows that the policemen acted wrongly.
Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams used to be the chief the next town over where I live and left for Phoenix when the PD here started getting real gun happy. She sucks as a leader and both departments are a bunch of cowboys.