What if you are refusing instructions not to return to your vehicle, you return to your vehicle, reach into your pocket when you get there and then try to reach into the vehicle, all the while apparently high on something? We now know there was no gun but this all happens within a few seconds in real time and many officers have been shot by people disobeying instructions and subsequently reaching into their vehicles.
I've seen past videos where this has happened and the officer was killed. Those videos were used as training exercises to prevent this from happening. The factor in most of those videos, was due to inexperience of the officer.
However, this particular officer, with her experience, if she supposedly had training for this presumedly "type" of perp, should have waited for back up to arrive instead of following the peep back to his vehicle.
There are many factors, her nerves, the time of day, the real world versus her training. It's tough, but it doesn't matter what the peep has done.
Some perps have been found eating a human's face and have not been shot. Something was clearly wrong with that person.
Some people have been shot for non compliance due to "not looking right" as something was clearly wrong with the individual.
I've seen perps carrying weapons, aiming at police, firing at choppers and taken down without a shot fired.
Supposedly, in the North Carolina shooting, thebcip that did the shooting was called out to be black. Eyewitnesses say the cop was white. I don't care about the skin color anymore.
In Boston, a man was detained by police for fleeing due to a partial description of a suspect. That man wasn't shot even though cops say a gun was around the area they were. The man was not guilty.
The female officer has to be accountable, any officer has to be accountable for that bullet that leaves the chamber. It's also believed she cleared the car of any threats. So, we'll have to see what happens when everything comes to light.