The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
Same here

Heaviest rain in years, and there are lightning and thunder, too

I attached two photos I took when I was waiting for the bus, there was a lot of lighting and thunder at that moment, the quality is poor, and the clouds were more dark than shown in the photos

Photos taken at around 4:50 pm

Heavy rain over there also??? Yikes!!! :scared:

It's also been raining here in Mexico City. @ Afternoons most of the time...

Right now it's very sunny and the weather is perfect... let's see how it unfolds as time passes by...
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Right now it's very sunny and the weather is perfect... let's see how it unfolds as time passes by...

Enjoy the sun, I don't know how it is at Mexico City, but here, you can't see the sun after 4:50pm, and it's actually night after 5:20pm, and it's not that north here :indiff:

It's sunny right here, too, but were getting the last hour and a half of sun for today, 15°C right now
Reporting in:

First day of snow. Everything's gone white. My car in the drive is frozen in shock. Only pretending, though, because I know my baby's old reliable. But this means now the hunt for snow-brushes and so on . . .

I guess I'm not really complaining - the changes are nice, keeps us on our toes. To see everything covered in white this morning was a pleasant surprise, though; not everything is under our control, but what was was good - a most beautiful scene to look at.
Enjoy the sun, I don't know how it is at Mexico City, but here, you can't see the sun after 4:50pm, and it's actually night after 5:20pm, and it's not that north here :indiff:

It's sunny right here, too, but were getting the last hour and a half of sun for today, 15°C right now

WAT???? 5:20??????? :eek:

That's crazy... and I thought days were pretty short here already...

Well, the sun didn't stay for long today, it was pretty dark by 6:00pm and temperature dropped to 10-11°C...
The Sun! I can see the Sun!

Basically rained non-stop from Thursday night through Saturday morning, then we got a break until last night and it started raining again. That's realistically the most rain we've had all year in one sitting.

Now it's cold. :nervous:
We got snow and cold temps all weekend. Saturday the high was 34 degrees!!
And I live in the desert :P
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Snowing, but not very cold.
It was really quick. I was going to my university this morning and there were only rare snowflakes. But when I was coming back home, everything was covered in snow, parked cars had ~5 cm layer of snow on them.
We are supposed to get 6-12, we have 6 so far and it's still going to snow the rest of today and tonight.
We were supposed to have rain, but it didn't and wont happen. It was bright blue skies with a few bright white clouds and 70° outside.
We had quite a lot of sun today. It was very windy however, so it felt very cold.
We had a sunny, 70 degree Thanksgiving today.

inb4 jealousy from the east coast. :P
I'll trade you some sun for a few clouds and a little bit of rain. Deal?

This morning, again no sun and overcast.
I'll trade you some sun for a few clouds and a little bit of rain. Deal?

This morning, again no sun and overcast.
Deal! :lol:

Today seems to be overcast as well. There's a medium-high possibility of rain, while the temperatures seems to end around 3-5°C.
We did get a little rain on Friday. But, Sat and Sun were very warm and clear. High 70's low 80's. But, rain is coming soon and low temps.
That was NY a week ago. But much worse.

I has gotten much worse since I took that video. YAY!!! We haven't had a "winter" in a few years now. It will do the area some good to weed out weak! :D
We have about an inch or snow so far this morning. It's truly amazing how many people move to Colorado every year before winter, then upon the first measurable snow fall people are running around buying canned goods in bulk, wrecking their cars, screaming BLIZZARD!!, and all around freaking out. We get a true blizzard about every other year. So this year we're due for an actual blizzard and I wonder what peoples' reactions will be when we get 6ft of snow in one night, if they're already hysterical over one inch. Same thing every year; they move from the south, freak out over a typical Colorado winter, move back in the spring lol.
Right now, we're at 5°C, but it feels like -10°C because of 40-60 km/h winds. Later today, we'll probably get a beast of a storm with winds up to 250 km/h and possibly snow at the same time.

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