The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
Meanwhile, in a place that actually gets cold... a high of -8°C with a low of -14°C, Friday is even better with a low of -21°C, and that is with it only being partly cloudy.

Humidity of 70% makes sure you notice it too. Oh yeah thank god I have tons of scarves :lol:
The last 3 days have been warm (IN FRICKIN' DECEMBER!!!), and its predicted that an ice storm will hit on Friday.

Let me explain why that will be worse than it sounds if it were to actually happen, hot air + cold air = tornados.

I hope it just gradually gets colder over the next few days...
The last 3 days have been warm (IN FRICKIN' DECEMBER!!!), and its predicted that an ice storm will hit on Friday.

Let me explain why that will be worse than it sounds if it were to actually happen, hot air + cold air = tornados.

I hope it just gradually gets colder over the next few days...
No such luck. The Midwest is screwed. I expect to be chiseling out my door handle so I can get in my car (and pick up GT6) after work tomorrow. And then snow and/or ice for the rest of the weekend. Knowing my luck, the power will go out and I'll not get to play any GT6.
The Midwest is screwed.
That cell passed through fairly uneventfully for me. We had a few inches of snow and ~40mph winds but that's not terribly out of the ordinary for here.
No such luck. The Midwest is screwed. I expect to be chiseling out my door handle so I can get in my car (and pick up GT6) after work tomorrow. And then snow and/or ice for the rest of the weekend. Knowing my luck, the power will go out and I'll not get to play any GT6.
I got up to a half foot of snow expected and icy roads maybe... Great....
Rain and stormy winds at the moment.

Nice weather to enjoy indoors if I had a fireplace and a girlfriend. (doesn't sound right but you know what I mean, don't you).
It's been just below freezing for the past few days. It looks like it'll be the same for another few days.

It's been all dry though and sunny. Dammit, if it freezes, I want it to snow.
Yesterday the forecast called for 3"-5" of snow, we ended up with about 7". Seems it will be sticking around for at least a week as well(Temps. are Fahrenheit).

@Justin - I hate to think about it but your temps are ever so slightly warmer than mine are supposed to be.
The low tonight is supposed to be -21F with a windchill of -43F. Hot damn that's cold.
It's snowing!

And I had this conversation tonight:

GameStop Guy: How can I help you.
Me: I need to pick up my GT6 preorder.
GG: You drove here in this for that?
Me: Yeah. I want to race 12-year-olds that know how to drive better than the idiots out there.
GG: Good point.
COLD!!! So damn cold here the past few days with temps around low 50's for the high and high 30's for the low.

Right now, at 11:30PM, it's a very, very cold strong wind night and temps in the low 40's. Feels like mid 20's!

Temps are getting lower! Also, rain! That means snow in the mountains and maybe here in the hills. Temps in the high 40's for the high, and temps in the mid-high 20's for the low. I got plenty of blankets.
Not so cold here. It should be cold this time of year but it isn't. The earth must have shifted or nature is out of whack.

Overcast and moist and not cold. Did I mention that it isn't really that cold?
The rain is gone, but the cold is still here. Very, very cold again. Coldest day so far. Low 30's and high 40's for today! It's a good 17-20° cooler than normal!!!
Now, 4F, feels like -8F
Tonight, -10F, feels like -14F
Tomorrow, high of -1, feels like -25F

There's something very wrong with that.
It's still not cold. About 5° C. It should be snowing and freezing. It's better this way, I don't like the cold.
Went for a run/jog in the Belse Bossen and it was absolutely perfect. No wind, a lot of sun and an amazing 10°C.

As I said before, nature must be out of wack because is should be barely above freezing this time of year.
Freezing! The coldest morning in a very long time. The ground, plants and grass all have ice! Burrrrr!!! The sky is clear and the sun is out. So, the ice will be gone soon, if not already!
It's somewhat nice here compared to the weather at some of you peoples' locations.

Right now, it is 22F, with a high of 25F and a low of 14F. Wind chill is 12F. 68% humidity and 8mph wind speed, but it's clear - visibility is 10 miles.

9°C, feels like 5°C and it's only 5:45 pm...:lol:... Oh, and it's windy, too, dry and cold wind... I curse those Canadian cold fronts :ouch:

A few days ago, a thin layer of ice covered the windshields of every parked car I saw, a rarity here :ill:

Hopefully, if the forecast is right, these temps will be gone by the next week :D
Florida in December is awesome.

It's 25C+, it's warm in the evenings (like eat outside warm), and it's barely going to rain.

It's a shame I'll barely be outside the office all week.