The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
I don't plan on sleeping tonight due to this warmth... It's simply not possible to survive without a fan on and if I keep it on, It'll be too loud to sleep :mad:

...I should add I'm from VIC as well.
I don't plan on sleeping tonight due to this warmth... It's simply not possible to survive without a fan on and if I keep it on, It'll be too loud to sleep :mad:

...I should add I'm from VIC as well.

45.1C here today, I was cycling right in the thick of it, didn't seem that bad.
What's with weather here this "winter"?

It is a normal winter, if temps are from around 5 (sometimes below zero) and 13 C around the day, but right now it is 10C and we had 29C at the day...

I don't even... :grumpy:

But it is dry, so it's not that bad :)
46C today, tomorrow's forecast is 47. For those over in the (frozen) states, that's 117F! Northern parts of the state topped 49C or around 120F over New Years.

Friday will be the 5th straight day over 40C, if the mercury beats the cool change. Working under cars in the garage this week has not been fun! :(
didn't seem that bad.
Are you cold blooded? :lol: I love the summer time and, while I can bare this heat quite well, you wont catch me riding a bike in it! When I was younger, though, I probably would've been out skateboarding all day! It's supposed to be a bit hotter tomorrow, up to 46ºc (114.8ºF) tomorrow!
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Remind me that I will never visit Upsidedownia during summertime. I don't mind some warm weather but the temps you guys have are just wrong.
Agreed but the weather - in general - we have were we live is nothing to write home about either. Don't you agree? :D
To be fair, heat waves this hot are pretty short lived (a week, at most) and only come every year or two. You'll get the odd day at ~40ºC (104ºF) but the summer weather is fantastic, other than that. I don't actually recall it getting this hot last year or the year before (I might be wrong), the last one like this was 2010, I believe. That year I made the mistake of going into the city by train which took well over an hour (as opposed to 40 minutes) due to the railway warping from the heat and by the time I was ready to leave the trains had been shut down and I had to return home on a crowded bus with no air-conditioning! So as long as you're not relying on public transport and have good air-conditioning, it's not too bad here. :P
Agreed but the weather - in general - we have were we live is nothing to write home about either. Don't you agree? :D

Well, this weather sure as hell beats having slushy snow melting everywhere.
Just to follow up my earlier post; Adelaide will be the hottest city in the world today. It's only 10:30 and it's already close to 40ºC (104ºF)!
Are you cold blooded? :lol: I love the summer time and, while I can bare this heat quite well, you wont catch me riding a bike in it! When I was younger, though, I probably would've been out skateboarding all day! It's supposed to be a bit hotter tomorrow, up to 46ºc (114.8ºF) tomorrow!

Haha I actually rode my bike it in a again yesterday and intend to today as well. Heat is bothering me while trying to sleep (had a bad sleep last night) or sit around but when on my bicycle with the airflow it doesn't seem so bad unless I stop and stand around. Strange though.... when out on my bike I notice I am the only one outside.... :boggled: :lol:

I've been dipping in a small pool and going to the beach to fight it (sitting in front of the a/c gets boring).
Keeping the theme going, though not as hot as those who are in SA & VIC at the moment. :crazy:Forecast here for the next four days. Should add I'm in NSW.

download (1).png
Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, my kids have the day off from school tomorrow and me from work because of a blizzard.

Thank you for the lovely anniversary present, Mother Nature! :lol:
Haha I actually rode my bike it in a again yesterday and intend to today as well. Heat is bothering me while trying to sleep (had a bad sleep last night) or sit around but when on my bicycle with the airflow it doesn't seem so bad unless I stop and stand around. Strange though.... when out on my bike I notice I am the only one outside.... :boggled: :lol:

Just make sure you're carrying plenty of water and you'll be fine. 👍
Likewise I was out on my bike this morning, when I left at about 8:30 it was around 30C and within half an hour or so it felt like it rose to about 35c. By the time I got home it was just under 40 I think.

I've been dipping in a small pool and going to the beach to fight it (sitting in front of the a/c gets boring).

Yeah you can only sit around inside for so long, I've already taken the kids to the pool twice this week and going again tomorrow as it's supposed to be around 45 I think which makes it the 5th day in a row over 40.
Oh well it is summer I suppose, just glad I'm not working and still on leave.
Well I understand how you aussies feel. We have 38C right now. Forecast for tomorrow says 40C no rain or relief until saturday...
I see what you did there. You strategically took photos of expensive European cars in the snow instead Volgas and Ladas!

Nope. You can see a bit of Lada in front of the Panamera. :)
I just took these pics for the DYSAGT thread. Ladas aren't good, and no good Volgas were spotted.
Here's a Lada for you then, to the left of the STi. ;)
An earlier photo, not so much snow.