The WTC 600 in Tokyo done without exploits is genuinely one of the hardest races in single player in gt7 - share your setups, tips, and cars

  • Thread starter The_It_Jojo
I revisited and retuned my Flyin' Miata. With all the physics changes, I am more confident in using this than ever before.

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Nice. Time to add another 300 hp and run 30 seconds faster.

So not really a challenge, but maybe, we will see.

Let’s post all the sub-25 minute builds we know of. Bring anything you want. Engine swaps, glitch builds, whatever. The ONLY stipulation is that it can’t be a wall ride build. It has to brake and corner like a normal car in this race would.

The cars I know that can do it are:
- ND Miata w/ LT1 engine swap:

I’m pretty sure the Cappuccino can do it too but I can’t find a non-wall riding time for it.

Can the Honda Beat do it? Maybe not. The Abarth has no chance. The DP-100 is super close, I believe. @Chikane_GTR would know best in that one.

So if you know of a sub-25 minute build or want to go on a quest to find one, start building your cars and post them up.
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Not even a sub 27 time, but I was able to win in a completely stock Mercedes Mclaren SLR today. It's not a great pick for the event, as it goes through tires and fuel pretty quickly and requires a lot of braking room, but I did run a mid 2:10 with it, which is pretty respectable for a totally stock car. It will hit 205mph on the straight. I even put it in automatic mode. :lol:
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Not even a sub 27 time, but I was able to win in a completely stock Mercedes Mclaren SLR today. It's not a great pick for the event, as it goes through tires and fuel pretty quickly and requires a lot of braking room, but I did run a mid 2:10 with it, which is pretty respectable for a totally stock car. It will hit 205mph on the straight. I even put it in automatic mode. :lol:
I think I ran a high 26 minute in that car. Like just barely below 27 minutes. Not a bad car overall. Kind of silly with the back end on the slow turns, but controllable. For a stock car it’s not bad. Not nearly as good as some of the Porsches in stock form, but the engine noise is much better in the SLR than any of the Porsches.
I’m pretty sure the Cappuccino can do it too but I can’t find a non-wall riding time for it.
For me
Cappucino I think I was 24.30 or propably 24.20
Audi Pikes Peak was 24.45 or so
both from memory, I would need to run them again to actually put it into screenshots.

I think the Honda beat with engine swap could propably also a surprise, but this can go both directions.
I added a supercharger on this thing. It did massively improve the total time, but...

...I was virtually clinging on for dear life. :lol:





I will try again with the NA tune, which I squeezed a bit more power but still remained under 600 pp to see if I can get more consistent runs without frustrating myself too much on wheelspins and rear tire wear.

I do aim for balance when I tune cars. I don't mind it being slower as long as it is enjoyable.
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Hey! So not really a challenge, but maybe, we will see.

Let’s post all the sub-25 minute builds we know of. Bring anything you want. Engine swaps, glitch builds, whatever. The ONLY stipulation is that it can’t be a wall ride build. It has to brake and corner like a normal car in this race would.

The cars I know that can do it are:
- ND Miata w/ LT1 engine swap:

I’m pretty sure the Cappuccino can do it too but I can’t find a non-wall riding time for it.

Can the Honda Beat do it? Maybe not. The Abarth has no chance. The DP-100 is super close, I believe. @Chikane_GTR would know best in that one.

So if you know of a sub-25 minute build or want to go on a quest to find one, start building your cars and post them up.
I got a swapped, maxed Honda Beat to 24:24.365 in May last year. It was on Racing Hards. I had to under-drive the car in the first 4 laps to make it work. Getting one wheel in the super wet parts of the track was death.

Fun car :lol:

I'll give the swapped Cappuccino another look. I haven't driven that one in a loooong time.

Yeah, the Abarth has no chance, and I love that car. High 25 minute runs at best.
I revisited the K20 Honda Beat. It's the fastest car I've driven in this event. Tire wear is terrible, as others have mentioned, but the car takes max power much better than I expected.

Best Time: 24:24.365
Fastest Lap: 1:55.540

Max power and ultimate upgrades
NO wall riding

  • 1 Stop on Racing Hard Tires only
  • Pit at the end of lap 7 for new tires and fuel
  • Stay on the dry line and don't push until around lap 4

I arrived at a similar conclusion. As much as I like the softer compounds, my lack of consistency with this build + lapped traffic + my learning the limits of the car, I wasn't fast enough to make up the time spent on multiple pit stops. That's also why I chose to suffer on racing tires in the wet. The Beat is way faster on Intermediate Tires on lap 1, but the extra pit stop and driving on worn tires half way through lap 2 + having to pass the leaders again made that strategy too frustrating for me.

Sports Softs are the much less frustrating strategy though. More time efficient for grinding because fewer restarts are needed, and lower risk of losing the CRB. My tune wasn't taking full advantage of the tires though. Also, I like the feel of racing tires near the end of the event.

Honda Beat beats the Competition.jpg

maxed Honda Beat to 24:24.365
I guess I will have a look at that out of curiosity.

Different story:
which Gr.1 is the fastest on this track? 🤣
Will it be the Nissan 92 for its power (or what is left of it after downtuning)
Will it be the Mazda 787 for its fuel consumption
Or something totally different.
Been buying extra cars to do engine swaps. Tried the MkIII Supra with a 2J swap. It’s not bad. The rear end is really light with my setup so I added extra rear downforce to help with the exits of the fast turns. That kept the back end more in line. Still hit 200mph on the straight. Hardest part about this car is managing the exit of the hairpin. An early upshift to 3rd and some traction control gets the back end more in control.

Ran a 26:50. Fastest laps were in the low 2:09’s.
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Initial impressions about the new cars we got:

R8: slippery, but very fast. Good tire wear and fuel economy (at least detuned). No surprises it's better than the first gen. In game we're talking about a 626,60pp vs 556.55pp difference.

I have a screenshot from January using the R8 07' where the race time was 27:37.566. No power upgrades, but using SM tires with MasterGT tune.
With the R8 16', using SH tires and detuned to 599pp (199kg of ballast + engine power 93%) I got this:

No need to change tires since they can last the whole race, although I think it's better to change for a new set because I was losing 1 second per lap in the final 3 laps. Fuel can last for 7 laps with FM1.
I swear the RX-7 is getting faster in each update :lol:

Urus: awful fuel efficiency, awful front tire wear. Good acceleration and good handling. It's a good car, but not for this race! :lol:
Best result I got was 3rd place, 3 seconds behind the RX7 and NSX using everything I could install except permanent upgrades: High RPM Turbo, Full ECU, racing intercooler, racing filter and sports silencer

Maybe it's possible to win because those 3 seconds didn't felt like a big gap. I did full 5 laps in FM6 which I don't think it's necessary. I think the right way is to use FM1 until the car hit ~290 km/h, switch to FM4 for the first 2 corners and then use FM6 until the last turn.

I'm still trying some setups, but so far no luck. Front SH tires barely last for 6 laps while Front SM tires only last 4 laps. Fuel economy is also really bad: 4 laps. Will try later a build with permanent upgrades.
Urus provides good challenge for this race.

Btw, that's on Hard difficulty.




Tire wear wasn't the issue (as long as you redistribute the weight to the rear) but the main beef here is the fuel economy.



And Kokubun ruined my CRB. :grumpy:
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The Urus is actually a very easy framework to win Tokyo. I bought it today, did a 1 min tune (tuned so many 4WD cars for this event that I kinda knew the lowest hanging fruits) and ran a sub-27 min CRB, no tyre change and stop for fuel on lap 7. Very stable but still a bit of fun in the tune, turns in quite eagerly and can be powered through even the fast turns with a nice slip angle. Plenty of faster and cheaper tunes available of course, but still a very capable ride. Especially the tyre wear is in fact very good, fronts down maybe a quarter after 12 laps! With the weight reduction, the stock brakes also surprisingly impressive.



I added a supercharger on this thing. It did massively improve the total time, but...

...I was virtually clinging on for dear life. :lol:

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I will try again with the NA tune, which I squeezed a bit more power but still remained under 600 pp to see if I can get more consistent runs without frustrating myself too much on wheelspins and rear tire wear.

I do aim for balance when I tune cars. I don't mind it being slower as long as it is enjoyable.
I feel like something is broken with the PP calculation on the MX5 - or just swapped cars generally. 630hp, 2119lbs on SM tires and it's only 600pp?
I feel like something is broken with the PP calculation on the MX5 - or just swapped cars generally. 630hp, 2119lbs on SM tires and it's only 600pp?
Well, the more uncontrollable the car becomes from such high horsepower, the lower the PP level. The MX-5 just happens to be a car that handles the power surprisingly well. It is a white knuckle ride but still controllable.
Since the latest update, I've observed some odd behavior from the AI in this race. Typically...basically every race I've run the Viper starts in last and stays in last. However, I did a race tonight where the Viper actually moved up to 12th place. But then it ran out of fuel on lap 8. But instead of pitting, it just kept running laps at 50mph. I lapped it twice. Watching the replay, it ran until the end of the race without attempting to pit. So bizarre. In the same race, the NSX pitted on lap 6, rather than the more typical lap 3 or 4 I'm used to, meaning it was able to one stop the race for the first time that I've seen. The RX-7, on the other hand, burned up its tires and ended up pitting at the start of lap 12 which put the NSX in second at the end. Weird race. I'm not sure if the update changed any AI behavior, but I've never seen a WTC 600 at Tokyo end up quite like this.
I'm not sure if the update changed any AI behavior, but I've never seen a WTC 600 at Tokyo end up quite like this.
Someone else said in the Sardegna thread, that the AI seemingly can get worse the more often in repetition (without doing something else) you run Sardegna.
I guess this isnt simply an error to the track but something that propably affects the whole game.
Also I think this isnt something that only this game suffers from but either something to do with the hardware (PS5?) or the way the games try to access the hardware - because I have a similar (objectively) error with a different game where strange things occure the more often I enter the same map (which also are quite beneficial).

Ran the engine swapped BRZ STi Sport ‘18 with 978hp. Not a bad car, all things considered. I ran a 26:03 but I know it can probably go 15 or more seconds faster in other people’s hands. My fastest lap was a 2:03.8 but most of them were 2:05’s once the track dried out enough. One stop for fuel and tires. I stopped after lap 6 but you may find it to be slightly faster stretching your fuel out one more lap. This should give you better tires for your last couple laps of the race.

FM1 down the straight, FM4 after the hill past the tunnel and up to turn 1. You may need to go to FM5 for a lap or two to get 7 laps on a tank. Or if you are good at short shifting to save fuel, try that. I needed TC4 to keep the tires from spinning so much on acceleration.

Here is the tune: Engine swap, wide body, 18” wide/wide wheels, Type A/A/A/B aero, Roll Cage C (don’t think this effects pp on this car)


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Bought up all the Chiron swap cars and all the Maverick swap cars. When fully detuned (pretty much have to do that when you start with over 1000hp) they all drive fairly normal. The Chiron engine swapped cars are all fairly nose heavy and have poor corner entry response. If you plan for it and take a "slow in/fast out" approach they aren't too bad. So far the Maverick swapped Porsche GT4 is a dream to drive. I haven't spent much time tuning the transmission, but it runs easy 2:07's and with the engine fully detuned could probably run the race on a no stop run. If the SH tires can hold up it should likely be a low 26, maybe high 25 minute car. The Ford Raptor turns 2:08 lap times but will need a refueling. Probably a high 26 minute truck.