Hi, I have found several bugs, they dont affect to gameplay, but I think that they're easily fixable. I would like to know if this thread is followed by PD to detect bugs and fix them, or if there is any way to put in contact with PD and comunicate the bugs to them.
The bugs are the following:
Garaiya GT300 base Model: I can't pain the rims. I can do it with the rest of Base Models, so it seems a bug. Easily fixable indeed!!
Lexus SC430 GT500 base Model: I put a number on its plates, the numbers appear in all the plates at the garage lounge, but when I enter to track, the rear plate appears empty. Front, left and right plates show the number, but the rear one is empty. Another easily fixable bug.
In nuburgring GP/F (for example), if I run in daylight but I flash my car lights, the fences are illuminated like hell. This happens in another tracks, but there are other tracks were I cant see my lights reflexions.
PD: other terrible bug is the pit stop at Ascari, with the car crashing with a invisible front wall at the exit. I suppose that this has been fixed in today patch, we'll see if I'm right.