Things in GT6 you want "fixed". (Please read bold first)

  • Thread starter FRoSTeD
You can't change the level of map zoom - only the rotation, and whether it's whole track or zoomed in.

Also, if I want to take some photos during a Replay, I can't do it during the auto-replay that comes up immediately after the race. I have to quit out of the auto-replay, then re-select Replay from the race menu.!?!

Bizarrely, by default I couldn't use the right-hand thumbstick to look around the cockpit, I had to map it myself from the options.
I'd like to add that bumper cam doesn't represent the extremities of the car - the edge isn't the edge. I'm always hitting walls (particularly at goodwood) because of this. It's not precise! Also makes Kart Space difficult to drive because you only have to glance the wall and it magnetises you nose-in.
All I want is two things
1. Fix texture pop up on cars and buildings and on some tracks tire marks, with shadows flickering I can live
2. Used car dealearship only because car collcting isn't fUN without it, still leaving all cars in the Standard dealership just used Means cheaper and random
2, 3, and 6 bug me. The others I have not encountered yet or enough times to bug me. Another thing I don't like is that you must "enter" a car to view it in the gallery mode in your garage. Idk why, but that really irritated me. Sometimes I just want to look at the car, not drive it.
Bring back everything GT 5 had just make it better, the garage sux, hard to recall every car you have, should have the view options to see which care you have besides the little online view they brought in to the actual game.

Hate to always back out and view the damn car again or just put a decent pic of the car when one is at the car settings, this game sux bad, every time they fix something they end up breaking something else sheesh, c'mon on PD you been in the business for 15 yrs.
A few little things.

A "next race button". At the moment only the championships have it. In regular races it takes you back to the race you've just done and you have to exit back a screen to choose the next race.

Get rid of the terrible 90's Video effects. Its Presentation 101, never use the fade in effects, or at least keep them very very very simple and fast. And the stupid glitter explosion things when you win. So far the best win screen I've seen is the one with your avatar holding a trophy in front of his car on the winners podium. Use that one or nothing.

The gift cars in big white boxes is lame. Rather have them roll into the screen or something, not come out of a giant polystyrene box...

Trim editor. The option to make all the chrome trim on your car black, including the badges.

When reducint your PP to enter a race, you should be able to enter the PP and the horsepower should be reduced to the maximum amount for the specified PP.
I really wish I could change different gravel/snow wheels..and also paint them as well. I can't stand having my Subaru wrc cars' wheels not being gold. Also, the Peugeot 206 and the Hyundai Accent rally car does not change to gravel rims.
Lack of rally. Please fix it!

We have 3 "meh" races on dirt, and one "meh" race on snow. I would really like it if I could have online leaderboards for snow/dirt/gravel events. That's what I'm best at. I'm a bit slow (1000-2000th fastest) on tarmac, but I'd love to make it into the top 50 on the gravel time trial leaderboards again, as I did in GT5!

I've been practicing. :mischievous: :)
TLDR. But the engine noise sometimes bugs out and doesn't you all the layers of noise, making some cars quieter until either heavy breaking or crashing which kicks in full engine noise.
It is aesthetics thing, but I hate the fact that some circuits' grandstands are uninhabited. See Autumn Ring and Bathurst. :grumpy:

Lack of rally. Please fix it!

We have 3 "meh" races on dirt, and one "meh" race on snow. I would really like it if I could have online leaderboards for snow/dirt/gravel events. That's what I'm best at. I'm a bit slow (1000-2000th fastest) on tarmac, but I'd love to make it into the top 50 on the gravel time trial leaderboards again, as I did in GT5!

I've been practicing. :mischievous: :)

I've voicing for return of classic rally tracks such as Swiss Alps and Tahiti, dude. ;)
Cars carried forward from GT4 (e.g. Weds Celica) still have PS2 level graphics on them. The paintwork is pixelated and in 2013 looks absolutely dreadful. Why aren't the old cars spruced up for HD? Never noticed so much on GT5 but guess it must have been the same..

Oh yeah I agree! Especially the underside of the wheel arch is the worst. The only way to 'hide' it is to paint the cars really dark colors. The T.K. ZZII is really bad for this one. :(

🤬 A.I.

MUST :mad:

GET FIXED!!!!! :banghead:

"I'm getting real sick of your sheight AI"

I mean seriously, it's artificial but by no means inteligent. Unless it's artificial intelligent in the same way guided missiles are: find a target, lock on and crash into it. I'm really getting tired of being spun out because I'm in the line an AI driver wants.

My biggest hates:

Not able to adjust brake bias in the RA menu but everything else can be adjusted (with DFGT)

The only driving aid that doesn't stay the same after each race is TCS, WHY WHY WHY!! this is the most annoying thing ever, having to turn it off after every, single, race, makes me wanna snap the disk. Everything else stays how you left it though.... (i think GT5 had that issue too), i would do anything to have this fixed.

I agree with the licenses being far to easy to gold, i golded every single one on my first attempt, i know its supposed to be more accessible to the less experienced players but i guess having leaderboards makes up for it, although it would be nice to have a world ranking for the licenses, not just friend rankings.

The PP doesn't auto adjust when tuning, tuning can end up being more time consuming that it needs to be

The AI are shocking, a 2 year old can drive better than them. But, trying to race AI like this can make it a challenge as they brake in random places such as down a long straight when you draft them or braking on the apex when you are right behind them (it does kinda keep you on edge in a weird and annoying kind of way).

Other than my listed issues, i love the game :-)
  1. Karts cannot be used on tracks that have weather making some of the best tracks for karting unusable.
this has got to be one of the worst decisions yet. we have faster karts now so why cant we race on any track we want? weather change or not we should stil have the choice. please PD open up all tracks so we can use all karts online and offline.
-A.I. jumping infront of you when you're obviously going way faster.
-A.I. jumping infront of you just before corners.
-A.I. random hard braking.
-A.I. slamming into my rear.

Also, i don't know what it's supposed to be like since there are no deserts where i live but i can't see **** on Willow Springs at night even with my headlights on full beam.

Night Racing I turn the exposure up to +10 and if needed adjust the picture and brightness on my TV to make the screen brighter. Also keeping the driving line on helps at night.
Where is the test track PD? we need to make money on this game AND that is way to hard for someone that don't have experience with GT. I’ve been playing this game since 1997 and don’t know why you can apply feedback PD. we need a drag strip, you had one on GT4 and we NEED a test track with 1/4 mile...

When I'm racing at Mt. Panorama (and only this track) I get broken up (stuttering) audio after a lap or two, then after a half lap of that, the audio cuts out completely and never comes back on. Doesn't happen on any other track so it's not a hardware issue.

I drive in chase view when I'm online so that I can better see cars near and around me. As soon as any car gets anywhere near me, all I can hear is their car and tire noise. I can't hear my car at all.
I hate the tuning sliders. Give us a 1-10 dropdown for each digit. That would be so much faster. This crop with the slider moving faster and slower always takes too much time.

Did you try setting the car in the first or second Gran Turismo games?
It was soo good and quick to tune anything (especially transmission is now pain in the ass).
You could go one by one by holding directional button, or go fast by holding L1/R1 or go superfast by holding R1/L1 + directional button.

Never understood why they removed that!
AI I never complain about, there is only so much that can be done, real action is online racing.

That being said, the AI's nose wheelies (they even turn doing it) on courses with abrupt
transitions like entry to Monaco's Casino turn, Matterhorn have to go.

We're talking extreme angles here, not a few inches lift off on back end.

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Online regulation options are a joke! :banghead:

If you filter by Catagory you cannot filter Performance and vice-versa. Set the room to a JGTC or GT500 lobby and you cannot disable vehicle tuning nor regulate the amount of HP and weight.

Glad I have to choose either: 493HP/1100kg and hope ppl dont use modern GT500 cars (or any race car for that matter) instead of just the older JGTC. Or filter by JGTC and hope people don't max their HP settings.

Also, why can't I filter by make AND model, instead of just make? What's the point of choosing Honda and BMW as your filter when you know people will just use the NSX Type R and M3 CSL? Either that or they'll try and use an NSX race car or BMW McLaren race car because you cannot filter performance!

Imagine being able to spec/shuffle race where you cherry-pick the cars to be used from the entire list of 1200, regulate PP or HP/weight, and save the settings so you can easily load them later! :)

Camaro vs. Mustang rooms, '90s JDM Best Motoring rooms, Lambo vs Ferrari, Era-Specific cars, ability to exclude OP cars etc. Just like the in-game A-Spec and Seasonal events! The possiblities would be endless.

I'm really banking (nervously) off the future community update listed below. :nervous:


Needless to say, it's not inspiring confidence considering this second pic below from GT's website shows 10 online tabs, when in reality the game skips over 3 of them, giving you a total of just 7 tabs.

While there are many improvements in GT6, there are also some shortcomings.

I'd like this thread to stay on the topic of things that are in the game that you feel are either bugged, glitched, broken, changed in a negative way from a previous game, etc. with the hopes that Polyphony will recognize some of the issues and resolve them.

This is NOT for the obvious things that have been stated a million times (I want more premiums, a livery editor, better car sounds, etc.). This is NOT a whining/wish list.

These things come to the top of my head. I will add more as I continue playing the game.
(Hopefully not too many more :irked:)

These are in no particular order and is more of a personal list, however, if a user posts an issue that is quite bothersome, I may add it to the list. If issues on this list are fixed in an update, I will cross them out.
  1. Cannot copy vehicle settings from one tab to another.
  2. Power limiter does not update PP/HP figures while adjusting making it time consuming and difficult to judge amount needed. (Edit: same situation with ballast.)
  3. Tire screech on comfort tires is horrendous.
  4. Cannot remove wings from some cars (e.g. Supra RZ, no reason you shouldn't be able to).
  5. There is automatic traction control, regardless of grip settings, in areas off the course, making it impossible to drift some of the best sections in the game.
  6. Power curve graph is somehow worse than in GT5. How do you expect us to tune accurately PD?
  7. "Reset to default" option seems to be gone from adjustable parts (transmission, suspension, etc.).
  8. The RA function for adjusting vehicle aids during a race is gone, why? (Edit: Seems to be enabled for DFGT wheels only).
  9. Cannot, from what I can tell, disable specific tracks from the in-game soundtrack (Like in GT5). Individual track options are under the gallery function.
  10. Using your real name online should be optional (it kinda is, you can put a fake name, regardless the option should still be there). Your PSN Name is now used online as of v1.02.
  11. Auto replay after race is annoying.
  12. There's no shuffle racing... wow
  13. The top speed value no longer changes when adjusting final gear (like in GT5).
  14. Nitrous doesn't give relative power increase value. What does "x"% nitrous add to the HP/TQ?. (it's probably a percentage of overall power)
  15. A regular fully customizable transmission (not dog clutch) seems to be removed from quite a few MANY too many cars, making it impossible to use H-Pattern shifter.
  16. Karts cannot be used on tracks that have weather making some of the best tracks for karting unusable.
  17. Having to hit the "cancel entry" every time you leave track to edit your tune/change car is tedious.
  18. While looking at car stats in an online lobby, it does not tell you what rev your max HP/Torque is at. This is compounded by the terrible transmission editor and power curve graph.
  19. The "Next" option while doing license tests is gone. Bring it back. (Would also be useful for Goodwood/events with same regulations)
  20. Cannot re-size map.
  21. You can apparently use any word for your first/last name. I've seen some interesting names online. Fixed v1.02
  22. Cannot customize on screen HUD to the same extent as in GT5 e.g. remove time from HUD. (Would like even more options as well, movable time/map/gauges/etc.)
  23. You can no longer see to what extent a lobby is restricted anymore. No PP value, no HP limit, no tire restriction, only the highlight where it indicates it has been restricted.
  24. Having to change driver aids after every event is very tedious. (There should be a global default option menu)
  25. Driving aids shouldn't be forced on, like SRF with Goodwood events/license tests.
  26. E-brake now has some input delay. (Whether or not this is intentional I do not know.)
  27. There are some very noticeable dips in performance, frame rate needs improved, especially for cockpit view. Drift lobbies are typically very laggy, often suffering from non-stop screen tearing due to the smoke.
  28. Lobby music still apparently has it's own playlist from what I can tell, and I can't edit it. (Same thing in GT5, still extremely frustrating, at least for me.)
  29. Light dispersion, both headlight and tail lights, is quite poor for AI cars. (Haven't checked online races yet) Online is quite poor as well.
  30. There's no online/friends leaderboards for A-Spec events/mission races/coffee break challenges/one make/Goodwood/Lunar Rover. Why not? In fact, why not make all A-Spec events a type of playlist online as well?
  31. Still cannot do vehicle maintenance online. (At least let us change the oil.)
  32. Cannot filter online lobbies by other useful parameters like other driver aids/tire restriction/pp limit/hp limit/weight limit/NASCAR/gt300/gt500/rally/stock/karts/one make/drag etc, etc, etc. SHUFFLE (IF WE HAD IT) There should also be a "race type" option for each of these, or at the very least rally/drag/kart, instead of only having "race for fun, race for real, drift and free run."
  33. Driving line seems to randomly turn on while online. (Seems to be due to changing some settings on your car)
  34. Frame rate stutters when somebody enters course.
  35. FFB response for wheel users disappears for a second when somebody enters course. (Might be caused by #34)
  36. Tires/wheels can glitch at slow speeds, looking like they're spinning or burning out.
  37. Cannot see what track others have voted for while you're deciding.
  38. Unlike in single player, during online lobbies, if you have on different tires/aids than what the host designated, it does NOT switch them automatically for you.
  39. Some variations of Silverstone do not produce tire smoke.
  40. Players get removed from track even if the host looks at the settings without changing them, or changes a setting that does not affect the physics (number of laps for instance).
  41. PP system seems more arbitrary now. Aerodynamic changes do not affect the PP value, and adding/decreasing weight only slightly affects it. Tires/suspension/drivetrain/nos still don't affect the value.
  42. While solo qualifying, the blindside indicator still registers the other opponents.
  43. The clutch is still terrible.
  44. The stockyard seems to be bugged, which can result in deleted cars.
  45. Considering you can use paint chips infinitely, it would be useful to know which paint chips you've already obtained, while buying a car.
  46. It's much more difficult going through your garage of cars and tuning them. Now you need to go through about 5 menus and must switch to a car before you tune it.
  47. NOS indicator continuously and erratically flashes after the first button press.
  48. Replay view options for roof forward/reverse do not work while spectating live, or while watching a replay. Seems to be fixed.
  49. Cars that have been de-winged still produce a shadow as if they still have a wing.
  50. Your best time is no longer saved into track history during a free run. (Like in GT5)
  51. Give us an option for standing/rolling start in every mode.
  52. The credit payout curve is indeed terrible. It seems like credit payouts have been altered in some way to make microtransactions more appealing. :yuck: (May have been fixed with login bonuses introduced with patch v1.02)
  53. There are no sign in bonuses anymore. As of patch v1.02 we now have login bonuses. (I still miss the free paint chips)
  54. PP values for opponents is not shown in any single player events (arcade, a-spec).
  55. Change oil and engine rebuild options no longer tell you how much power you gain.
  56. During a replay, live or saved, it still shows what song is currently playing even if you have music disabled.
  57. Smoke seems to be more dense and lingers longer than in GT5 even with low hp/tq cars.
  58. Saved replays do not work in some cases, freezing the system.
  59. Player names are now forced on at all times during a replay.
  60. Rewind function during a replay does not seem to work properly.
  61. Can no longer use L1 and R1 with a DS3 to navigate menus if you have a wheel plugged in. (At least with a G27)

Opinions (There is some whining here):

I miss some of the old community features, uploading pictures, uploading custom courses, (obviously we couldn't do that yet anyway) message board, friends stats/cars, car sharing, etc. I have a strong feeling however that some of these features will be returning in a future update.

I also have a strong dislike towards auto viewer after buying a vehicle (I know it's tradition) and the "completing work" after vehicle maintenance. I simply would like an option to skip those animations. I wont put that on my list because I know PD would never remove them and it's more of a wish than anything.

It makes NO sense to me when game developers take out fully functional, working, useful, sometimes critical elements of a game from a sequel. This absolutely infuriates me. I realize PD are under deadlines/stretched thin, but come on. Some of these things are elementary to the genre. How can I efficiently tune my my car when I can't tell the values? What am I supposed to do, eyeball it?
I don't know if anyone has noticed but there are some cars from the previous generations that have the paddle shifters when it shoud be the H shifter.

For instead the Mercedes "92 road car 190 EVO it should have the stick shift, as well as the RUF BTR, CTR etc. wished they would fix those issues keep it to the car specific specs.
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***Gear ratios jumbled bug!!***

This is a major glitch/bug I'm sure has been added to list- though I've asked several friends who aren't having this problem-

in online lobby, my gear ratios scramble randomly- as in, I set gear ratios for a track. enter lobby join race, and go to settings- and 6th will be allllll the way long and 3rd all the way against 2nd or something like this.
re-set gears and race one race ok.
next race switch cars, do same to new car-
next race switch back to 1st car, THEY'RE ALL OVER THE PLACE AGAIN!
This has been regular at least since 1.02 and reeeeealy aggravating.
Edit: confirmed this happens (at least to me, am I the only one?) in offline mode as well- doing time trials, even without changing car.
Worst yet- setting up ONE car- I just had this happen. set gears, moved down to set power and ballast, went back up towards suspension and noticed MY GEARS ARE ALL OUT OF WACK..
Seriously somebody tell me they've noticed this too???:ouch:

@FRoSTeD if anyone else has reported this should it go on the list?
I'd also add to #20/22(?) about map/HUD that along with re-sizing map, the "tilted map" available as locked on car view, not being the true top-down map showing actual layout/corner angles- is deceiving, confusing, useless.
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There is a bug when you change wheels on cars that have wider tires on the back then the front. The rear tires change to the same width as the front tires. This in turn on some cars greatly throws off the balance of the handling.
***Gear ratios jumbled bug!!***

This is a major glitch/bug I'm sure has been added to list- though I've asked several friends who aren't having this problem-

in online lobby, my gear ratios scramble randomly- as in, I set gear ratios for a track. enter lobby join race, and go to settings- and 6th will be allllll the way long and 3rd all the way against 2nd or something like this.
re-set gears and race one race ok.
next race switch cars, do same to new car-
next race switch back to 1st car, THEY'RE ALL OVER THE PLACE AGAIN!
This has been regular at least since 1.02 and reeeeealy aggravating.
Edit: confirmed this happens (at least to me, am I the only one?) in offline mode as well- doing time trials, even without changing car.
Worst yet- setting up ONE car- I just had this happen. set gears, moved down to set power and ballast, went back up towards suspension and noticed MY GEARS ARE ALL OUT OF WACK..
Seriously somebody tell me they've noticed this too???:ouch:

@FRoSTeD if anyone else has reported this should it go on the list?
I'd also add to #20/22(?) about map/HUD that along with re-sizing map, the "tilted map" available as locked on car view, not being the true top-down map showing actual layout/corner angles- is deceiving, confusing, useless.

I have seen this bug for the past 2 days even on close ratio 5 and 6 speed transmissions. You have to go back to stock then back to the 5 or 6 speed to fix it. This bug was also showing itself after the last patch on GT5.
Something to add to the list, we should be able to delete paint chips we do not want. There is no need to have 35 different shades of white.
Stuff i personally want changed in GT6.
  1. Power limiter does not update PP/HP figures while adjusting making it time consuming and difficult to judge amount needed.
  2. Cannot remove wings from some cars.
  3. SRF is STILL being forced on.... Really PD?! *sigh*
  4. There is automatic traction control regardless of grip settings in areas off the course, making it impossible to drift some of the best sections in the game.
  5. A.I still sucks, i want Forza-like A.I (more of a challenge).
  6. Power curve graph is somehow worse than in GT5. How do you expect us to tune accurately PD?
  7. "Reset to default" option has vanished.
  8. The RA function is gone... Why?
  9. Auto replay after race is annoying.
  10. Get rid of the damn 20 million credit cap!
  11. The top speed value no longer changes when adjusting final gear.
  12. Nitrous... Just why is this on the game -.-
  13. Why is there no mode for shuffle racing.
  14. Give the option to change view in the car garage.
  15. Having to hit the "cancel entry" every time you leave track to edit your tune/change car is rather stupid.
  16. You can no longer see to what extent a lobby is restricted anymore.
  17. Having to change driver aids after every event is very tedious.
  18. E-brake now has some input delay.
  19. Poor frame rate is getting annoying (especially because i use cockpit view).
  20. Frame rate stutters when somebody enters course.
  21. Give us an option for standing/rolling start.
  22. Take out some MX5's and GTR's etc... There's no need for so many!
  23. Make all cars premium! Don't put the cars in the game if you can't be bothered to finish them!
  24. Change oil and engine rebuild options no longer tell you how much power you gain.
  25. Filters for online lobbies are now terrible.