Things in GT6 you want "fixed". (Please read bold first)

  • Thread starter FRoSTeD
brake balance has already been discussed- totally wrong. try extreme settings, you'll see that even at 0/10 balance you can only lock front never rear.
As was explained in the FITT reverse engineering thread, affects controller response- front or rear brakes effective earlier while braking. Unrealistic and silly
24 hours instead of 24 minutes in Super level endurance races, this is very disappoitend. The championships its only 5 races without pit stop, what a shame! in gt3 professional level champions have 10 races with 15 laps each race! I want this exciting races back in gt6! Kaz you must read this! lol
True but don't forget about the ones with kids and families who can't always find the time to sit and play for that period of time, there has to be a happy medium for everyone, the endurance races were my hardest ones to complete it took forever, I still have some uncompleted because of the gt5 set up.
@FRoSTeD - Engine noise gets quieter after hitting something or skidding, then slowly rises to normal after several seconds.

This is some stupid feature that PD included in an update to GT5, & has been carried over to GT6. I have no idea what they are trying to accomplish, but it's annoying me no end.

Regarding number 56 on your list; it doesn't if you go to options & turn off logo. 👍
While there are many improvements in GT6, there are also some shortcomings.

I'd like this thread to stay on the topic of things that are in the game that you feel are either bugged, glitched, broken, changed in a negative way from a previous game, etc. with the hopes that Polyphony will recognize some of the issues and resolve them.

This is NOT for the obvious things that have been stated a million times (I want more premiums, a livery editor, better car sounds, etc.). This is NOT a whining/wish list.

These things come to the top of my head. I will add more as I continue playing the game.
(Hopefully not too many more :irked:)

These are in no particular order and is more of a personal list, however, if a user posts an issue that is quite bothersome, I may add it to the list. If issues on this list are fixed in an update, I will cross them out.
  1. Cannot copy vehicle settings from one tab to another.
  2. Power limiter does not update PP/HP figures while adjusting making it time consuming and difficult to judge amount needed. (Edit: same situation with ballast.)
  3. Tire screech on comfort tires is horrendous.
  4. Cannot remove wings from some cars (e.g. Supra RZ, no reason you shouldn't be able to).
  5. There is automatic traction control, regardless of grip settings, in areas off the course, making it impossible to drift some of the best sections in the game.
  6. Power curve graph is somehow worse than in GT5. How do you expect us to tune accurately PD?
  7. "Reset to default" option seems to be gone from adjustable parts (transmission, suspension, etc.).
  8. The RA function for adjusting vehicle aids during a race is gone, why? (Edit: Seems to be enabled for DFGT wheels only).
  9. Cannot, from what I can tell, disable specific tracks from the in-game soundtrack (Like in GT5). Individual track options are under the gallery function.
  10. Using your real name online should be optional (it kinda is, you can put a fake name, regardless the option should still be there). Your PSN Name is now used online as of v1.02.
  11. Auto replay after race is annoying.
  12. There's no shuffle racing... wow
  13. The top speed value no longer changes when adjusting final gear (like in GT5).
  14. Nitrous doesn't give relative power increase value. What does "x"% nitrous add to the HP/TQ?. (it's probably a percentage of overall power)
  15. A regular fully customizable transmission (not dog clutch) seems to be removed from quite a few MANY too many cars, making it impossible to use H-Pattern shifter.
  16. Karts cannot be used on tracks that have weather making some of the best tracks for karting unusable.
  17. Having to hit the "cancel entry" every time you leave track to edit your tune/change car is tedious.
  18. While looking at car stats in an online lobby, it does not tell you what rev your max HP/Torque is at. This is compounded by the terrible transmission editor and power curve graph.
  19. The "Next" option while doing license tests is gone. Bring it back. (Would also be useful for Goodwood/events with same regulations)
  20. Cannot re-size map.
  21. You can apparently use any word for your first/last name. I've seen some interesting names online. Fixed v1.02
  22. Cannot customize on screen HUD to the same extent as in GT5 e.g. remove time from HUD. (Would like even more options as well, movable time/map/gauges/etc.)
  23. You can no longer see to what extent a lobby is restricted anymore. No PP value, no HP limit, no tire restriction, only the highlight where it indicates it has been restricted.
  24. Having to change driver aids after every event is very tedious. (There should be a global default option menu)
  25. Driving aids shouldn't be forced on, like SRF with Goodwood events/license tests.
  26. E-brake now has some input delay. (Whether or not this is intentional I do not know.)
  27. There are some very noticeable dips in performance, frame rate needs improved, especially for cockpit view. Drift lobbies are typically very laggy, often suffering from non-stop screen tearing due to the smoke.
  28. Lobby music still apparently has it's own playlist from what I can tell, and I can't edit it. (Same thing in GT5, still extremely frustrating, at least for me.)
  29. Light dispersion, both headlight and tail lights, is quite poor for AI cars. (Haven't checked online races yet) Online is quite poor as well.
  30. There's no online/friends leaderboards for A-Spec events/mission races/coffee break challenges/one make/Goodwood/Lunar Rover. Why not? In fact, why not make all A-Spec events a type of playlist online as well?
  31. Still cannot do vehicle maintenance online. (At least let us change the oil.)
  32. Cannot filter online lobbies by other useful parameters like other driver aids/tire restriction/pp limit/hp limit/weight limit/NASCAR/gt300/gt500/rally/stock/karts/one make/drag etc, etc, etc. SHUFFLE (IF WE HAD IT) There should also be a "race type" option for each of these, or at the very least rally/drag/kart, instead of only having "race for fun, race for real, drift and free run."
  33. Driving line seems to randomly turn on while online. (Seems to be due to changing some settings on your car)
  34. Frame rate stutters when somebody enters course.
  35. FFB response for wheel users disappears for a second when somebody enters course. (Might be caused by #34)
  36. Tires/wheels can glitch at slow speeds, looking like they're spinning or burning out.
  37. Cannot see what track others have voted for while you're deciding.
  38. Unlike in single player, during online lobbies, if you have on different tires/aids than what the host designated, it does NOT switch them automatically for you.
  39. Some variations of Silverstone do not produce tire smoke.
  40. Players get removed from track even if the host looks at the settings without changing them, or changes a setting that does not affect the physics (number of laps for instance).
  41. PP system seems more arbitrary now. Aerodynamic changes do not affect the PP value, and adding/decreasing weight only slightly affects it. Tires/suspension/drivetrain/nos still don't affect the value.
  42. While solo qualifying, the blindside indicator still registers the other opponents.
  43. The clutch is still terrible.
  44. The stockyard seems to be bugged, which can result in deleted cars.
  45. Considering you can use paint chips infinitely, it would be useful to know which paint chips you've already obtained, while buying a car.
  46. It's much more difficult going through your garage of cars and tuning them. Now you need to go through about 5 menus and must switch to a car before you tune it.
  47. NOS indicator continuously and erratically flashes after the first button press.
  48. Replay view options for roof forward/reverse do not work while spectating live, or while watching a replay. Seems to be fixed.
  49. Cars that have been de-winged still produce a shadow as if they still have a wing.
  50. Your best time is no longer saved into track history during a free run. (Like in GT5)
  51. Give us an option for standing/rolling start in every mode.
  52. The credit payout curve is indeed terrible. It seems like credit payouts have been altered in some way to make microtransactions more appealing. :yuck: (May have been fixed with login bonuses introduced with patch v1.02)
  53. There are no sign in bonuses anymore. As of patch v1.02 we now have login bonuses. (I still miss the free paint chips)
  54. PP values for opponents is not shown in any single player events (arcade, a-spec).
  55. Change oil and engine rebuild options no longer tell you how much power you gain.
  56. During a replay, live or saved, it still shows what song is currently playing even if you have music disabled.
  57. Smoke seems to be more dense and lingers longer than in GT5 even with low hp/tq cars.
  58. Saved replays do not work in some cases, freezing the system.
  59. Player names are now forced on at all times during a replay.
  60. Rewind function during a replay does not seem to work properly.
  61. Can no longer use L1 and R1 with a DS3 to navigate menus if you have a wheel plugged in. (At least with a G27)

Opinions (There is some whining here):

I miss some of the old community features, uploading pictures, uploading custom courses, (obviously we couldn't do that yet anyway) message board, friends stats/cars, car sharing, etc. I have a strong feeling however that some of these features will be returning in a future update.

I also have a strong dislike towards auto viewer after buying a vehicle (I know it's tradition) and the "completing work" after vehicle maintenance. I simply would like an option to skip those animations. I wont put that on my list because I know PD would never remove them and it's more of a wish than anything.

It makes NO sense to me when game developers take out fully functional, working, useful, sometimes critical elements of a game from a sequel. This absolutely infuriates me. I realize PD are under deadlines/stretched thin, but come on. Some of these things are elementary to the genre. How can I efficiently tune my my car when I can't tell the values? What am I supposed to do, eyeball it?
The rear view Windows in the cockpit needs to be more in the middle of the car u can barely a car behind see you, as and as for the door rear view windows it only shows half of it so frustrating having to push the rear view button over and over, I cud use that button for the RA settings instead PD.
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Do you use hood cam? I use cockpit view and its a terrible frame rate. I tried hood view and its a lot better.
Can see where all the disagreement comes from as the game is so inconsistent
I love the cockpit view, just hate the mirrors inside & the doors mirrors aswell thier not set accordingly.

The hood view is to narrow, needs to have more width, feels like im racing in my riding lawnmower when I switch to that view & I use a 65 inch TV. How depressing PD.
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@FRoSTeD - Engine noise gets quieter after hitting something or skidding, then slowly rises to normal after several seconds.

This is some stupid feature that PD included in an update to GT5, & has been carried over to GT6. I have no idea what they are trying to accomplish, but it's annoying me no end.

I guess they wanted to sort off emulate when you crash and get stunned but failed miserably.
I see your point but the car is already in the game and having a Base version of it would "fix" it for me.

Everything else that I think needs fixed and some that I do not think need to be fixed has already been mentioned.
Ill post that issue again, because meanwhile it has been tested by many peole and reported as a real issue preventing many drivers to race longer distances, that make a tyre change necessary. Topic is discussed here also:

There is a significant change in physics after getting the 2nd tyre set in the pits!

Please add this to your list, as it is a real issue/bug. Thanks a lot!

Keep Racin'

changed upper link, points to the correct thread/posts now
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Yeah, its probably not as good as GT5, but still good. however my main concerns are the following,..
1. tyre screech (How annoying and unreal)
2. Shuffle mode. This used to make the racing fun and interesting. pot luck. (This is the thing i would most like to see back)
btw merry christmas all :)
The dynamic lighting is great, but when dusk comes, it's way too dark. Even worse than GT5. For instance, the I-B 10:30am race at Ascari, with the sun peeking over the mountains, looks as dark as pre-dawn.

The headlights at night flicker like mad in the distance, almost like strobe lights! I don't know if it's an artifact of tesselation, LOD or what, but it has to stop.

And I have to grouch again about all the low angle shots in replays. There are a LOT of them, and they mess up the experience. You can't see the track, you can't see the race well at all... it makes no sense, because the race is fun to watch, and the tracks, especially the new Premium tracks, are beautiful, and this sometimes makes me want to scream when scene after scene is in "grass cam." The extreme close ups are stupid too. The guys handling that part of the game need to go back and watch some replays from GT2 and 3, because they were the best.

These and the handful of gripes in this thread don't ruin the game for me, still love it more than any other game I have, but PD does need to pay more attention to what they're doing.

Oh well, a Merry Christmas and a happy GT to all! :D

GTO '84 - its RPM needle almost doesn't work, annoys the living hell out of me as it's tough to pay attention more to the sound than to the track itself (I tend to drive with HUD off so I rely on what I see on the car's dashboard).

365 GTB - its speedo/RPM needles are 'swapped' - the speedo's needle shows what RPM's needle should.


1.) Blind zone indicators don't show up with HUD off.
2.) RA doesn't show up at all when HUD is off (I use a G27 so it's not just available for DFGT, and it's possible to use it with a DS3 too :) )
3.) I'd like to have more variety in selecting which HUD elements are shown and which ones are not. I'd like to be able to see the map only, it's unfortunately impossible (...yet?).
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Need disable collision back.... Tired of tuning a car & having someone just wreck into me going backwards or being stupid
Ill post that issue again, because meanwhile it has been tested by many peole and reported as a real issue preventing many drivers to race longer distances, that make a tyre change necessary. Topic is discussed here also:

There is a significant change in physics after getting the 2nd tyre set in the pits!

Please add this to your list, as it is a real issue/bug. Thanks a lot!

Keep Racin'

Yes, the physics also the excessive wear due to the rear tires screeching after the pit stop. This plus the AI and many more have made me shelve (haha shelve) the game until improvements are made.

I wonder if PD and Electronic Arts are going into a merger? I bet EA is impressed :D (......jokes, but also kinda not :D )
sorry guys i don t read all posts

but fix the MENU RA.
why it works only at a'spec and online no?

i agree with
Madertus fix the ferrari cars,Shame on you PD

AND PLEASE make more cars no 15 edition miata,bring more legendary cars( ford escort mk2 - fiat 131 abarth for example)
I've seen a few posts about it, but nothing in here, I feel it's a big issue and should be stated in this:

The Clubman Kart 100 events freeze on quite a few people, myself included. Once the third race starts loading the screen to display the race info, it freezes. Some people get it in the second race.

A "fix" was to uninstall game data, or try racing the track in Arcade mode first so it gets installed to the HD, this has worked for some people, but not others, so this is still a BIG issue imo as it prevents people from getting 100% completion.

Hopefully you will add this to the list, I'm not sure if this was considered "obvious" as it wasn't posted yet and it's not in the list of issues.
Arcade single race bug- (at least for special stage 7)
Attempt to set driving options resets race, with no rival cars,race will not start.

starting a race directly without attempting to change settings starts you at the starting point frozen, with a high pitch engine sound, car in 4th gear, speedo says 115mph and rising, tach rolls over but car will not move.
Rival cars drive through you.

Replay is really weird for this too! no cars, and strange camera angles

About #47 NOS flashing- initially I thought maybe there was "some left in the system" lol but I think it's just a bug. still like to say that though
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While I have encountered most of the issues mentioned throughout this thread, none are as irritating as being locked out of a room that I am hosting. This happens whenever I open a "friends only" lobby and, for whatever reason (game freezes, internet, oil changes), drop out. When I try to return to that lobby it does not appear in any room search, despite the fact that it is my room and my friends are still in there racing.

I expect it does not appear in searches because I am not on my own friends list.

And why, Why, WHY can I still not do an oil change in an online lobby? My "pit crew" can do an engine upgrade, add and set up suspension, pop on a turbo, fix the gear ratios... but a simple oil change?? Sorry mate, you'll have to go to the other side of town for that.
Got the downloaded digital version on day one and it's been great. After the 1.02 update though all of my replays are crashing and freezing my PS3 :banghead:. I have turned the system off, hit the "restore files" option after startup and still it does it every single time now. Can't watch a single replay now without crashing the ps3 :( Anyone please help if you can. Thanks. Flying to Germany 8 hours after I post this so my reply may take a little while. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guys!!! :gtplanet:
Got the downloaded digital version on day one and it's been great. After the 1.02 update though all of my replays are crashing and freezing my PS3 :banghead:. I have turned the system off, hit the "restore files" option after startup and still it does it every single time now. Can't watch a single replay now without crashing the ps3 :( Anyone please help if you can. Thanks. Flying to Germany 8 hours after I post this so my reply may take a little while. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guys!!! :gtplanet:

I have the Disc version, only some of my online replays are crashing the PS3.. everything else is fine?
Magic Ayrton, post: 9129686, member: 139550"]I have the Disc version, only some of my online replays are crashing the PS3.. everything else is fine?

I certainly wish I could say the same but I can't. I run endurance races at Sarthe and I save 99% of my races. At first I thought it was due to the length of the race, but I found out later that has nothing to do with it. Whether the race is 15 minutes or 45 minutes long, none of the replays will play without crashing my ps3. I am tempted to go buy the disc but the amount of money spent on this title so far is approaching ridiculous levels. I love gt6, I just want pd to hurry up and patch it so i can watch replays again. :irked:
I want the ability to turn on tire wear and fuel usage on in test drive/free run. in GT5 some of my cars preformed a little better when the tires where worn abit.
New bug I found:

When previewing a car parts the "standard" option doesn't return the part to the original state if you have previewed something else.
it may not bother you guys but two things that really annoy me are:

1) no standard start races, almost all of them are catch up from rolling start. we've been playing Seasonal Events in GT5 in such format and it becomes very boring.

2) metric units selection. currently, we can only change km and mile in the option menu. I play the game in English and live in an area (Hong Kong) where we do not use metric units such as inches and Fahrenheit, and there is no way we can change them back to cm (or mm) and Celsius. I know it's not hard to convert them myself, but I expect more from this game.
I have the Disc version, only some of my online replays are crashing the PS3.. everything else is fine?
Man I learned the hard way, purchase the disc at all times!

The digital Downloads are to new in my opinion, I purchased many gamesfor my daughter online you know they keep losing things " kids" thats kids for you losing & breaking things, and she is always getting frozen, lagged etc. Restarting the game over and over, I returned to the disc purchasing things are alot better.

I know many don't care to buy the game twice but it def. Ended my frustrations considerably, just a future reference.
Got the downloaded digital version on day one and it's been great. After the 1.02 update though all of my replays are crashing and freezing my PS3 :banghead:. I have turned the system off, hit the "restore files" option after startup and still it does it every single time now. Can't watch a single replay now without crashing the ps3 :( Anyone please help if you can. Thanks. Flying to Germany 8 hours after I post this so my reply may take a little while. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guys!!! :gtplanet:
Hi, new to GTP. I agree with loads already posted!

New ones from me;

Cars carried forward from GT4 (e.g. Weds Celica) still have PS2 level graphics on them. The paintwork is pixelated and in 2013 looks absolutely dreadful. Why aren't the old cars spruced up for HD? Never noticed so much on GT5 but guess it must have been the same..

Glitch on the same car (Weds Celica) - starting a rolling start race, the car has the 'fully customisable transmission' engine whine from GT5. After I brake and accelerate, it changes back to the correct engine sound, but it's obviously a bug. I haven't installed FC Trans on any cars in GT6 yet but it bugged the hell out of me that it ruined the in-car sound in GT5.

The ignition-on sounds when you select a car are so, so bad. I think everyone who has purchased their IRL daily drive on GT has yelled at the TV "my car doesn't sound like that!". The gameplay engine noises aren't great, but the ignition-on noise is really awful.

The brightness and shadows are IMO too extreme and OTT. It's really hard to see sometimes.Im sure PD want to exploit the console and present gamers with impressive visuals, but this belongs in opening movies, replays and maybe rare occasions in the game when transitioning through dawn or dusk. Not all the time during gameplay! Shadows are too dark, sunlight can be extreme. Out-of-tunnel effect on High Speed Ring is ridiculous.

The last lap bug described in #218 sounds would have me tearing my hair out!