Things in GT6 you want "fixed". (Please read bold first)

  • Thread starter FRoSTeD
L1 and R1 don't work with T500 RS with GTE add on wheel, only work for shifting, if you want to browse helmet or suits color don't work.
Tested this yesterday with a noticeable amount of racers, as the assumption arised during our 2,5h race at Le Mans last Sunday:

The first set of tires installed on a car when entering the track in an online lobby has a significant higher grip level than all other sets you get after that in the pits. For MH cars this means a way better lap time starting from tire set #2 (reduced grip level at the front improves MH cars handling with v1.01). Vice versa for all FH cars = slower lap times starting from tire set #2. On tracks like Nürburgring GP we are talking of seconds, so the effect is really strong.

You can easily test this for yourselves if you are in any doubt by getting into a Audi R8 race car (standard set, any compound will do, race soft will help you make it through the first lap) at Nürburgring GP e.g. Exit the pits, go one lap realizing how unstable MH cars are at the moment with GT6 and standard set, enter pits again. New tires are installed, car exits the pits. You will realize the difference in the first corner for sure.

For online championships this is a very annoying bug that should be fixed asap.

Keep Racin'
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Don't know if this has been mentioned, but when you repaint the body or wheels of some cars with a customisable racing number, the number is gone once the cars is painted, meaning that you have to readjust it again :grumpy: :rolleyes:. I noticed this whist repainting my Nissan GTR GT3 Base model, but not with the Megane Trophy Base model. I'll try it out again once I get back on GT6...
I've only skimmed through the 1st and last two pages, so I might well have missed this. I didn't see it in the initial list.

One gripe I have with the tuning (apart from the lack of a default restoration button) is with the A, B, and C tabs mixing tune data. Here's an example:

You enter a car and you buy loads of upgrades and improve the car to say 651PP. This all, by default occurs under tuning tab A. Then you find a race that has a PP limit of 600, so you open tab B of the tuning section and reduce the PP under tab B to 600PP with various downgrades. When you return to the tab A tune, it will no longer be on 651PP. Instead, while you were reducing the PP of tab B, you were also somehow reducing the PP of tab A, and so tab A's tune now has a PP of 628 or so instead of the 651PP that should be there.

I haven't checked to see whether PP is the only aspect that is getting mixed, but even if it is, it's a serious problem for tuners and players alike.
1. It would be nice if the the side of the fenders were not pixilated would be nice if I could look around the car when im driving around
3. Change the darkness level of the inside of the interior. I can't see how my interior looks like sometimes
Stop making my cars fly.
the Benz concept they give you at the start..they went through the work of making it, even made a movie, AND DIDN"T MODEL AN INTERIOR.
Something? anything? a tach at least?
Why does GT feel incomplete anymore..
Ver 1.02 US

"bug" in car settings-
playing GT world championship
using HSV-010
using low rpm turbo, go into settings to switch to mid rpm turbo-
get message "already own this part..", then car automatically switches back to stock turbo, and switching between the turbos doesn't affect power.
BROKEN! Fix this game dammit!
The fact that you can't re-download your anniversary cars from the in-game GT Store. I have lost them thanks to the update wiping half my stockyard. There should be one simple check when you re-download them to see if they are currently in your garage or stockyard, and if they are, they won't give you another one but if they are not there then re-insert them into the garage! How hard is it to do that one simple check?!
One is give a setting for motion blur, 1.0-1.01 left it on, 1.02 they responded to it by removing it almost entirely.

Put in a button or something, some of us like the motion blur, and the rally racing on dirt tracks is immensely fun, I think I look extremely cool drifting in and out of the corners, then I look at the replays, pixels of dust everywhere, lol fix that.
same problem others have had- when exiting a room in the lobby, ps3 freezes and must restart.
twice today gt6 has crashed my ps3, which has never happened b4..

lobby racing is fun with the right ppl tho :)
lobbies so broken. qualifier doesn't give you control until already colliding or off track, players starting races in grass out ahead with or without control.
Cant see if this has been reported.Since the big update we just had my logitech driving force wheel no longer has the reverse button as the triangle.If you crash your vehicle and try to use the triangle button to reverse(if your in automatic gearing)it does not function and neither does re keying it to another button instead.
Another big big issue is the fact that I predominately race karts.I bought GT6 specifically because we have all these new tracks and find that if they have weather change on a track you cannot race karts on them.
In gt5 we could race on any road tracks or circuits with weather on or off,it was a players choice if they wanted to race karts in the rain or not.
This is a big oversight by the game developers if they dont fix this and certainly has shortened the life of gt6 for me already.
And finally when are we getting the track creator?So far we have heard and read a lot about it but seen nothing of it.
I have no idea if this is said before or not, not really going to read ten pages of rant for it, but search didn't find anything so here it goes.

The game crashes on black screen every time game downloads and install an update IN THE GAME. Those subtle non-documented patches. Not really fun to reset whole system and run system recovery every time when I launch the game.
The fact that you can't re-download your anniversary cars from the in-game GT Store. I have lost them thanks to the update wiping half my stockyard. There should be one simple check when you re-download them to see if they are currently in your garage or stockyard, and if they are, they won't give you another one but if they are not there then re-insert them into the garage! How hard is it to do that one simple check?!

I first used my code in the PSN store. I did the credit glitch so I had to re-download the anniversary car pack and other goodies. I was able to do it in the in-game store.
While there are many improvements in GT6, there are also some shortcomings.

I'd like this thread to stay on the topic of things that are in the game that you feel are either bugged, glitched, broken, changed in a negative way from a previous game, etc. with the hopes that Polyphony will recognize some of the issues and resolve them.

This is NOT for the obvious things that have been stated a million times (I want more premiums, a livery editor, better car sounds, etc.). This is NOT a whining/wish list.

These things come to the top of my head. I will add more as I continue playing the game.
(Hopefully not too many more :irked:)

These are in no particular order and is more of a personal list, however, if a user posts an issue that is quite bothersome, I may add it to the list. If issues on this list are fixed in an update, I will cross them out.
  1. Cannot copy vehicle settings from one tab to another.
  2. Power limiter does not update PP/HP figures while adjusting making it time consuming and difficult to judge amount needed. (Edit: same situation with ballast.)
  3. Tire screech on comfort tires is horrendous.
  4. Cannot remove wings from some cars (e.g. Supra RZ, no reason you shouldn't be able to).
  5. There is automatic traction control, regardless of grip settings, in areas off the course, making it impossible to drift some of the best sections in the game.
  6. Power curve graph is somehow worse than in GT5. How do you expect us to tune accurately PD?
  7. "Reset to default" option seems to be gone from adjustable parts (transmission, suspension, etc.).
  8. The RA function for adjusting vehicle aids during a race is gone, why? (Edit: Seems to be enabled for DFGT wheels only).
  9. Cannot, from what I can tell, disable specific tracks from the in-game soundtrack (Like in GT5). Individual track options are under the gallery function.
  10. Using your real name online should be optional (it kinda is, you can put a fake name, regardless the option should still be there).
  11. Auto replay after race is annoying.
  12. There's no shuffle racing... wow
  13. The top speed value no longer changes when adjusting final gear (like in GT5).
  14. Nitrous doesn't give relative power increase value. What does "x"% nitrous add to the HP/TQ?. (it's probably a percentage of overall power)
  15. A regular fully customizable transmission (not dog clutch) seems to be removed from quite a few MANY too many cars, making it impossible to use H-Pattern shifter.
  16. Karts cannot be used on tracks that have weather making some of the best tracks for karting unusable.
  17. Having to hit the "cancel entry" every time you leave track to edit your tune/change car is tedious.
  18. While looking at car stats in an online lobby, it does not tell you what rev your max HP/Torque is at. This is compounded by the terrible transmission editor and power curve graph.
  19. The "Next" option while doing license tests is gone. Bring it back. (Would also be useful for Goodwood/events with same regulations)
  20. Cannot re-size map.
  21. You can apparently use any word for your first/last name. I've seen some interesting names online.
  22. Cannot customize on screen HUD to the same extent as in GT5 e.g. remove time from HUD. (Would like even more options as well, movable time/map/gauges/etc.)
  23. You can no longer see to what extent a lobby is restricted anymore. No PP value, no HP limit, no tire restriction, only the highlight where it indicates it has been restricted.
  24. Having to change driver aids after every event is very tedious. (There should be a global default option menu)
  25. Driving aids shouldn't be forced on, like SRF with Goodwood events/license tests.
  26. E-brake now has some input delay. (Whether or not this is intentional I do not know.)
  27. There are some very noticeable dips in performance, frame rate needs improved, especially for cockpit view. Drift lobbies are typically very laggy, often suffering from non-stop screen tearing due to the smoke.
  28. Lobby music still apparently has it's own playlist from what I can tell, and I can't edit it. (Same thing in GT5, still extremely frustrating, at least for me.)
  29. Light dispersion, both headlight and tail lights, is quite poor for AI cars. (Haven't checked online races yet) Online is quite poor as well.
  30. There's no online/friends leaderboards for A-Spec events/mission races/coffee break challenges/one make/Goodwood/Lunar Rover. Why not? In fact, why not make all A-Spec events a type of playlist online as well?
  31. Still cannot do vehicle maintenance online. (At least let us change the oil.)
  32. Cannot filter online lobbies by other useful parameters like other driver aids/tire restriction/pp limit/hp limit/weight limit/NASCAR/gt300/gt500/rally/stock/karts/one make/drag etc, etc, etc. SHUFFLE (IF WE HAD IT) There should also be a "race type" option for each of these, or at the very least rally/drag/kart, instead of only having "race for fun, race for real, drift and free run."
  33. Driving line seems to randomly turn on while online. (Seems to be due to changing some settings on your car)
  34. Frame rate stutters when somebody enters course.
  35. FFB response for wheel users disappears for a second when somebody enters course. (Might be caused by #34)
  36. Tires/wheels can glitch at slow speeds, looking like they're spinning or burning out.
  37. Cannot see what track others have voted for while you're deciding.
  38. Unlike in single player, during online lobbies, if you have on different tires/aids than what the host designated, it does NOT switch them automatically for you.
  39. Some variations of Silverstone do not produce tire smoke.
  40. Players get removed from track even if the host looks at the settings without changing them, or changes a setting that does not affect the physics (number of laps for instance).
  41. PP system seems more arbitrary now. Aerodynamic changes do not affect the PP value, and adding/decreasing weight only slightly affects it. Tires/suspension/drivetrain/nos still don't affect the value.
  42. While solo qualifying, the blindside indicator still registers the other opponents.
  43. The clutch is still terrible.
  44. The stockyard seems to be bugged, which can result in deleted cars.
  45. Considering you can use paint chips infinitely, it would be useful to know which paint chips you've already obtained, while buying a car.
  46. It's much more difficult going through your garage of cars and tuning them. Now you need to go through about 5 menus and must switch to a car before you tune it.
  47. NOS indicator continuously and erratically flashes after the first button press.
  48. Replay view options for roof forward/reverse do not work while spectating live, or while watching a replay. (An update may have fixed this, need to test.)
  49. Cars that have been de-winged still produce a shadow as if they still have a wing.
  50. Your best time is no longer saved into track history during a free run. (Like in GT5)
  51. Give us an option for standing/rolling start in every mode.
  52. The credit payout curve is indeed terrible. It seems like credit payouts have been altered in some way to make microtransactions more appealing. :yuck: (May have been fixed with login bonuses introduced with patch v1.02)
  53. There are no sign in bonuses anymore. As of patch v1.02 we now have login bonuses. (I especially miss the free paint chips)
  54. PP values for opponents is not shown in any single player events (arcade, a-spec).
  55. Change oil and engine rebuild options no longer tell you how much power you gain.
  56. During a replay, live or saved, it still shows what song is currently playing even if you have music disabled.
  57. Smoke seems to be more dense and lingers longer than in GT5 even with low hp/tq cars.
  58. Saved replays do not work in some cases, freezing the system.
  59. Player names are now forced on at all times during a replay.
  60. Rewind function during a replay does not seem to work properly.

Opinions (There is some whining here):

I miss some of the old community features, uploading pictures, uploading custom courses, (obviously we couldn't do that yet anyway) message board, friends stats/cars, car sharing, etc. I have a strong feeling however that some of these features will be returning in a future update.

I also have a strong dislike towards auto viewer after buying a vehicle (I know it's tradition) and the "completing work" after vehicle maintenance. I simply would like an option to skip those animations. I wont put that on my list because I know PD would never remove them and it's more of a wish than anything.

It makes NO sense to me when game developers take out fully functional, working, useful, sometimes critical elements of a game from a sequel. This absolutely infuriates me. I realize PD are under deadlines/stretched thin, but come on. Some of these things are elementary to the genre. How can I efficiently tune my my car when I can't tell the values? What am I supposed to do, eyeball it?
While there are many improvements in GT6, there are also some shortcomings.

I'd like this thread to stay on the topic of things that are in the game that you feel are either bugged, glitched, broken, changed in a negative way from a previous game, etc. with the hopes that Polyphony will recognize some of the issues and resolve them.

This is NOT for the obvious things that have been stated a million times (I want more premiums, a livery editor, better car sounds, etc.). This is NOT a whining/wish list.

These things come to the top of my head. I will add more as I continue playing the game.
(Hopefully not too many more :irked:)

These are in no particular order and is more of a personal list, however, if a user posts an issue that is quite bothersome, I may add it to the list. If issues on this list are fixed in an update, I will cross them out.
  1. Cannot copy vehicle settings from one tab to another.
  2. Power limiter does not update PP/HP figures while adjusting making it time consuming and difficult to judge amount needed. (Edit: same situation with ballast.)
  3. Tire screech on comfort tires is horrendous.
  4. Cannot remove wings from some cars (e.g. Supra RZ, no reason you shouldn't be able to).
  5. There is automatic traction control, regardless of grip settings, in areas off the course, making it impossible to drift some of the best sections in the game.
  6. Power curve graph is somehow worse than in GT5. How do you expect us to tune accurately PD?
  7. "Reset to default" option seems to be gone from adjustable parts (transmission, suspension, etc.).
  8. The RA function for adjusting vehicle aids during a race is gone, why? (Edit: Seems to be enabled for DFGT wheels only).
  9. Cannot, from what I can tell, disable specific tracks from the in-game soundtrack (Like in GT5). Individual track options are under the gallery function.
  10. Using your real name online should be optional (it kinda is, you can put a fake name, regardless the option should still be there).
  11. Auto replay after race is annoying.
  12. There's no shuffle racing... wow
  13. The top speed value no longer changes when adjusting final gear (like in GT5).
  14. Nitrous doesn't give relative power increase value. What does "x"% nitrous add to the HP/TQ?. (it's probably a percentage of overall power)
  15. A regular fully customizable transmission (not dog clutch) seems to be removed from quite a few MANY too many cars, making it impossible to use H-Pattern shifter.
  16. Karts cannot be used on tracks that have weather making some of the best tracks for karting unusable.
  17. Having to hit the "cancel entry" every time you leave track to edit your tune/change car is tedious.
  18. While looking at car stats in an online lobby, it does not tell you what rev your max HP/Torque is at. This is compounded by the terrible transmission editor and power curve graph.
  19. The "Next" option while doing license tests is gone. Bring it back. (Would also be useful for Goodwood/events with same regulations)
  20. Cannot re-size map.
  21. You can apparently use any word for your first/last name. I've seen some interesting names online.
  22. Cannot customize on screen HUD to the same extent as in GT5 e.g. remove time from HUD. (Would like even more options as well, movable time/map/gauges/etc.)
  23. You can no longer see to what extent a lobby is restricted anymore. No PP value, no HP limit, no tire restriction, only the highlight where it indicates it has been restricted.
  24. Having to change driver aids after every event is very tedious. (There should be a global default option menu)
  25. Driving aids shouldn't be forced on, like SRF with Goodwood events/license tests.
  26. E-brake now has some input delay. (Whether or not this is intentional I do not know.)
  27. There are some very noticeable dips in performance, frame rate needs improved, especially for cockpit view. Drift lobbies are typically very laggy, often suffering from non-stop screen tearing due to the smoke.
  28. Lobby music still apparently has it's own playlist from what I can tell, and I can't edit it. (Same thing in GT5, still extremely frustrating, at least for me.)
  29. Light dispersion, both headlight and tail lights, is quite poor for AI cars. (Haven't checked online races yet) Online is quite poor as well.
  30. There's no online/friends leaderboards for A-Spec events/mission races/coffee break challenges/one make/Goodwood/Lunar Rover. Why not? In fact, why not make all A-Spec events a type of playlist online as well?
  31. Still cannot do vehicle maintenance online. (At least let us change the oil.)
  32. Cannot filter online lobbies by other useful parameters like other driver aids/tire restriction/pp limit/hp limit/weight limit/NASCAR/gt300/gt500/rally/stock/karts/one make/drag etc, etc, etc. SHUFFLE (IF WE HAD IT) There should also be a "race type" option for each of these, or at the very least rally/drag/kart, instead of only having "race for fun, race for real, drift and free run."
  33. Driving line seems to randomly turn on while online. (Seems to be due to changing some settings on your car)
  34. Frame rate stutters when somebody enters course.
  35. FFB response for wheel users disappears for a second when somebody enters course. (Might be caused by #34)
  36. Tires/wheels can glitch at slow speeds, looking like they're spinning or burning out.
  37. Cannot see what track others have voted for while you're deciding.
  38. Unlike in single player, during online lobbies, if you have on different tires/aids than what the host designated, it does NOT switch them automatically for you.
  39. Some variations of Silverstone do not produce tire smoke.
  40. Players get removed from track even if the host looks at the settings without changing them, or changes a setting that does not affect the physics (number of laps for instance).
  41. PP system seems more arbitrary now. Aerodynamic changes do not affect the PP value, and adding/decreasing weight only slightly affects it. Tires/suspension/drivetrain/nos still don't affect the value.
  42. While solo qualifying, the blindside indicator still registers the other opponents.
  43. The clutch is still terrible.
  44. The stockyard seems to be bugged, which can result in deleted cars.
  45. Considering you can use paint chips infinitely, it would be useful to know which paint chips you've already obtained, while buying a car.
  46. It's much more difficult going through your garage of cars and tuning them. Now you need to go through about 5 menus and must switch to a car before you tune it.
  47. NOS indicator continuously and erratically flashes after the first button press.
  48. Replay view options for roof forward/reverse do not work while spectating live, or while watching a replay. (An update may have fixed this, need to test.)
  49. Cars that have been de-winged still produce a shadow as if they still have a wing.
  50. Your best time is no longer saved into track history during a free run. (Like in GT5)
  51. Give us an option for standing/rolling start in every mode.
  52. The credit payout curve is indeed terrible. It seems like credit payouts have been altered in some way to make microtransactions more appealing. :yuck: (May have been fixed with login bonuses introduced with patch v1.02)
  53. There are no sign in bonuses anymore. As of patch v1.02 we now have login bonuses. (I especially miss the free paint chips)
  54. PP values for opponents is not shown in any single player events (arcade, a-spec).
  55. Change oil and engine rebuild options no longer tell you how much power you gain.
  56. During a replay, live or saved, it still shows what song is currently playing even if you have music disabled.
  57. Smoke seems to be more dense and lingers longer than in GT5 even with low hp/tq cars.
  58. Saved replays do not work in some cases, freezing the system.
  59. Player names are now forced on at all times during a replay.
  60. Rewind function during a replay does not seem to work properly.

Opinions (There is some whining here):

I miss some of the old community features, uploading pictures, uploading custom courses, (obviously we couldn't do that yet anyway) message board, friends stats/cars, car sharing, etc. I have a strong feeling however that some of these features will be returning in a future update.

I also have a strong dislike towards auto viewer after buying a vehicle (I know it's tradition) and the "completing work" after vehicle maintenance. I simply would like an option to skip those animations. I wont put that on my list because I know PD would never remove them and it's more of a wish than anything.

It makes NO sense to me when game developers take out fully functional, working, useful, sometimes critical elements of a game from a sequel. This absolutely infuriates me. I realize PD are under deadlines/stretched thin, but come on. Some of these things are elementary to the genre. How can I efficiently tune my my car when I can't tell the values? What am I supposed to do, eyeball it?
I've noticed that if you put the slipstream strength to the lowest level, the steering physics get glitchy.

What happens is that your car either gets massive amounts of oversteer or understeer at random intervals. For example, I was driving a Honda Integra Type R on the Nurburgring today with the slipstream strength at the lowest level, and the Type R was oversteering and understeering like mad. I had a few other friends with me in the lobby, and they were reporting the same with their 4WD and FWD cars. When the slipstream strength was changed back to another level, the cars behaved as expected. This never happened before the patch today.

I apologize in advance if this was posted already in this thread.
Another big big issue is the fact that I predominately race karts.I bought GT6 specifically because we have all these new tracks and find that if they have weather change on a track you cannot race karts on them.
In gt5 we could race on any road tracks or circuits with weather on or off,it was a players choice if they wanted to race karts in the rain or not.
This is a big oversight by the game developers if they dont fix this and certainly has shortened the life of gt6 for me already.
And finally when are we getting the track creator?So far we have heard and read a lot about it but seen nothing of it.

This probably annoyed me the most. I really wanted to try the shifters on Autumn Ring. Also, there are other new tracks that looked like they could be great karting tracks like Matterhorn, Brands Hatch, and Silverstone Stowe Circuit, but sadly, we can't race there. :(
Here's one to add to your list:
AI cars sometimes don't adhere to the rules, I've seen a Turbo car in an NA event and heard about the AI using restricted cars in the classic car events.