Things in GT6 you want "fixed". (Please read bold first)

  • Thread starter FRoSTeD
Bringing more real life tracks like Monza and Spa to its current state like Monza has a different first corner now, and also Spa should have the yellow/red barriers and curbs. Those things shouldn´t be so hard to do. And also some standards still look really bad, and also i would like to see they will keep updating car sounds like how they did with the Red Bull X1 which sounds excellent and agressive.
The online needs to be fix. Especially with Rolling starts, they are terrible everybody be all over the place at first and then after 10 or 15 seconds later the race finally starts but everyone is so far apart.
NASCAR only use a restrictor plate at daytona and dega. They need to take it off for motegi and indy.

We ask PD for something as simple as a restrictor plate and they screw it up ffss.

Oh and I cant use my h pattern with lmp/gt3 cars. Fix that too.
Basically everything OP said.

Tuning menus are more difficult than before. Changing transmission settings is a pain. No default settings? Harder to tell where the power band is. Brake balance is difficult to figure out i.e. 5/5 doesn't equal 50/50 balance and that scale should be more sensitive: instead of 1 to 10 it should be like 1 to 30.

I hate having to turn off TC before every race.

Every race is the same catch-the-rabbit crap. Really old and annoying.

They made damage worse. Really? Just get rid of it altogether.

Sounds seem worse to me, as do graphics in a way. Tire screeching is super annoying. Car interiors look flatter/ less realistic than in GT5

Shuffle races! That was instant fun, now it's gone. Why?

Can't see online room settings until you join i.e. tire type, pp, etc.. Online menus are more cumbersome now too.

The PP system is totally broken. It doesn't account for braking power, aerodynamics, downforce, chassis/ handling. It's purely power/ weight ratio. My 600hp Daihatsu Mira has 622 PP but competes at a 400 PP level.

List goes on. I can't really play the game as it is right now, mostly because the sounds drive me crazy and it's no fun on mute. Hope they keep their word and release some good updates.
The game is so far from complete, it's a joke. Congratulations, you finally released a game on time. Unfortunately, it's only 3/4 done.
Didnt read all of the 184 post, but the save files could/SHOULD be fixed.
Right now there is no way to tell which car was with the files, since only the track name and time is visible, making it useless for beating your best time with a different car within the same pp/class
I'm out of ideas but I got one.

Ability to switch between Rolling Start and Standing Start. Honestly I miss Standing Start theme from GT3 :(

going off-topic, first Battlefield now Gran Turismo .. What in the world is going on? Why is everything going the wrong direction?
Basically everything OP said.

Tuning menus are more difficult than before. Changing transmission settings is a pain. No default settings? Harder to tell where the power band is. Brake balance is difficult to figure out i.e. 5/5 doesn't equal 50/50 balance and that scale should be more sensitive: instead of 1 to 10 it should be like 1 to 30.

I hate having to turn off TC before every race.

Every race is the same catch-the-rabbit crap. Really old and annoying.

They made damage worse. Really? Just get rid of it altogether.

Sounds seem worse to me, as do graphics in a way. Tire screeching is super annoying. Car interiors look flatter/ less realistic than in GT5

Shuffle races! That was instant fun, now it's gone. Why?

Can't see online room settings until you join i.e. tire type, pp, etc.. Online menus are more cumbersome now too.

The PP system is totally broken. It doesn't account for braking power, aerodynamics, downforce, chassis/ handling. It's purely power/ weight ratio. My 600hp Daihatsu Mira has 622 PP but competes at a 400 PP level.

List goes on. I can't really play the game as it is right now, mostly because the sounds drive me crazy and it's no fun on mute. Hope they keep their word and release some good updates.
The game is so far from complete, it's a joke. Congratulations, you finally released a game on time. Unfortunately, it's only 3/4 done.

Damn I've not even been online yet. I guess more disappointment lies ahead :(
Online race menu background, white colow with perforated leather pattern is uncomfortable in dark room

I think it's better to use darker color, or black instead.
It is now impossible to adjust things on the fly with a Logitech G25/G27, or any other wheel except the DFGT. What the ****!!!!! WHY YOU TAKE THAT ESSENTIAL TOOL AWAY FROM US??? ARE YOU TRYING TO FORCE US TO BUY DFGT??? IT WONT WORK YOU ONLY PISSED ME OFF!!!

Give us back the option to customize buttons INCLUDING the RA menu. Adjusting the brakes in a no-ABS race is ESSENTIAL to be competitive.

STOP ****ING AROUND WITH US. I can understand a bunch of stuff that the game is lacking at the moment and I can wait 'till they get around to fixing it and patching it (assuming they will). But lack of proper controls is not one of those things.


P.S. We need someone to set up a poll system for suggestions like we had for GT5. Thx
First, I'd like to say I love the game overall...but there are some serious issues (understandable given that it just came out).

1.) Online is all screwed up...73 pages of people complaining about it pretty much covers everything.
2.) PP is rather useless given that it ignores things like torque, suspension and even nitrous. BTW...a power limiter that limits horsepower without affecting torque? WTF?
3.) Racing line is totally broken...sometimes it is right on, other times there is 100 feet of red for a wide-open-throttle area, other times you do need to brake, but not until 200 feet after the red starts. Line is also rarely in the ideal position on the track.
4.) The handling, acceleration, etc are not stable. I noticed this since day one and just thought it was me, or that maybe my controller was acting up...but it really started to bug me today so I did a little test. I programmed a Teensy 2.0 to do the first two turns of Goodwood level 5-3. Accuracy to within 4MS on two turns should produce results that look like gameplay recordings. What I found was amazing. By the very first turn there is already a huge amount of variance. Using the same script (one that starts with the handbrake applied all through countdown and a few seconds after to ensure everything starts just right): On the first test the car got to the corner fast, turning too late and slamming into the wall on the left. On the second test the car got there too slow, turning early and hitting the last bit of the wall on the right. On the third test the minor adjustment to put the car at the left side of the road approaching the first turn hit a bit of a time warp...the car went over about 1 foot farther than the previous two tests, grabbed the grass, and hit the wall. The fourth test the car went through two turns perfectly...something it didn't do again until the 9th test. This was using the hood cam...other views actually produced worse results. BTW...I have the newest model of PS3, upgraded to a 7200RPM WD 500GB hard drive...if this system can be blamed for any of this then there isn't a PS3 out there that would pass muster. If GT6 is meant to be a driving simulator, this needs to be fixed ASAP. If it is meant to be an "arcade" racer, then why is half the single player side boring time trials?
5.) Cars & car upgrades are frequently all wrong...weight distribution is way off for many models, making cars that handle wonderfully in real life handle like crap without 440LbS of ballast weight all the way at one end. Car descriptions are almost always wrong (I think they may have been written by someone who spoke very poor english, who read something in english, and translated it to Japanese, and then someone else translated that back to english), and tuning...well, spend $100,000 on tuning a $1,000,000 car and you wouldn't get close to the in-game performance boost for the same money in real life...spend $100,000 tuning a $25,000 car in the game and it still doesn't have the performance that you would get from $10,000 worth of mods in real life.
6.) Drifting is broken...there seems to be some kind of traction control that turns on at random times, just long enough to screw up a nice clean drift. Yeah, you can get gold easy enough by using the handbrake...but if you actually enjoy drifting, it is really annoying that you can't do a big impressive inertial.
7.) The "mission" races are a bit glitchy on car-to-car contact. Touch the back of another car so lightly that the controller doesn't vibrate and you are disqualified...hit it on the front fender and push it off the track? That's all good. And if the AI car then rams into the back of you, either no one gets disqualified, or if he rams you really hard, YOU get disqualified!
7.) Difficulty curve is kinda broken...running the X2010 on goodwood is one of the hardest things in the game...and it opens up while the races you are entering don't even allow soft sports tires. I don't really think this issue needs a fix...just something they should probably think about for GT7.

Well, that's all I've found so far...or in short:
Here is a list of things that are NOT broken: Intro movie can be turned off.
1.) Fix dropped frame rate in smoke. Makes it hard to tandem
2.) Increase time of E-brake activating. Current delay is far too slow
3.) (Not sure if bug) Allow the clutch to be used if you have a racing transmission

I am no good at drifting (but excellent at rallying), but I felt there is a lag when trying to do the drift coffee break challenges. I was lucky enough to gold the first drift challenge, but I barely made bronze on the second challenge, by 22 points. What gives, it shouldn't be that hard to find the drift-point.

Lots of items missing in rear view mirror, no writing on the tarmac at The 'Ring for example and IIRC no cones either.

No more forced to use SRF! I can't go back and do the license and mission races because of this. Just give us the option. If you want it on, then you have to achieve 'X' time. If its off, then you have to achieve 'Y' time (slower). But either way will earn you a gold trophy in that event.

It seems to be pretty easy (too easy) to roll a car, I've done it at Bathurst (last turn) and The 'Ring and one other place.

The tuning sheet is still backwards They never fixed it in GT5 and it needs to be addressed. Adjusting the front ride height, changes the back one and visa versa same with the other suspension options.

The screen gets very jittery when in cars with over 600PP, especially in Le Mans cars when in bumper cam. It's so jittery, is blurry.

No Formula races and no 'premium' F1 cars anymore. Sad panda.

No full laptime splits displayed in replays. It just shows 51.2 for example, instead of 51.256.

Still can't tell if SRF is on or not in HUD.

Have to change TCS to 0 all the time. There must be universal options for this. For every car I get into, make these setting changes automatically. If there is a Le Mans car or something where I do want TCS @ 1, I'll do it manually.

The rest have been said already 👍

And finally, how about something I'm glad was fixed :P :
No more endurance races is fine with me, they were pointless after 30 minutes anyway. 👍

Major gripe with my GT6 experience:
The tracks feel way too skinny. I don't know if this is a viewpoint error, but it feels like wherever I am, it feel like I'm tight roping my way around the track. It feels even worse in curves


Yeah playing in cockpit view they seem to feel skinny, IMO. However, I am pretty sure it's a FOV issue because if I race the same tracks in bumper cam, they feel normal. So I think the FOV is to blame.

It seems to be pretty easy (too easy) to roll a car, I've done it at Bathurst (last turn) and The 'Ring and one other place.

This makes me sad. I've yet to roll a car (excluding the Lunar Rover) and have encountered a few butt-clinching scenarios where it should have happened but nothing. :(

Bringing more real life tracks like Monza and Spa to its current state like Monza has a different first corner now, and also Spa should have the yellow/red barriers and curbs. Those things shouldn´t be so hard to do.

I just finally raced on Indy road course in GT6 and was actually surprised that it wasn't updated. There are only two corners that are different. I wasn't upset or anything, just surprised.
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1/ Go back to PSN usernames in online racing. I want to see my PSN friends in a race.

2/ Reduce the tyre squeal. Even my slicks squeal, even in a straight line! Come on, that's just wrong.

3/ Fix the AI. These idiots stop halfway out of a corner and can't drive in a straight line. My mother is a better driver
4.) The handling, acceleration, etc are not stable. I noticed this since day one and just thought it was me, or that maybe my controller was acting up...but it really started to bug me today so I did a little test. I programmed a Teensy 2.0 to do the first two turns of Goodwood level 5-3. Accuracy to within 4MS on two turns should produce results that look like gameplay recordings. What I found was amazing. By the very first turn there is already a huge amount of variance.

I've not noticed the handling issues you mention. How exactly did you set up the Teensy (interesting idea)? Is there a link? What do you mean by "accuracy within 4MS?" I can see how it could have produced the poor results you list even without major "stability issues." There may be a small stochastic element to the way the cars handle and this is something which a human driver corrects for (i.e. you have a feedback loop). Your Teensy presumably has no such feedback loop. It starts with the same initial conditions each time, but then you get divergent behaviour across runs because the game is adding a little randomness that a human could deal with but the mic clearly can't.

When I run a licence test, I find my times are initially long and variable and then converge onto a faster, less variable, time. That's the behaviour I'd expect and it's generally what I see.
The tuning sheet is still backwards They never fixed it in GT5 and it needs to be addressed. Adjusting the front ride height, changes the back one and visa versa same with the other suspension options.

Are you sure? I've done plenty of suspension adjusting and none of it seems backwards to me...:odd:
^Maybe referring to physics changes? I dunno. There was some debate of the backward physics changes but I never really kept note.

Back in GT5, I adjusted the ride heights for more accurate looking street cars and visually at least, the ride height tuning settings were correct.
I think it is silly that now we are only able to tune the selected car and cannot mess around tuning any other cars without having to select for use. we cannot even view them without selecting them first, like we can in GT5 with all the stats on the right.

And those sliders with just the min/max value numbers at each end, I like seeing the bar divided into fractions, WHERE HAVE THE NOTCHES GONE. the sliders even randomly get sticky and difficult to move quickly.

I much prefer the GT5 garage setup.


The only good thing about this new garage/tuning section setup is that engine tuning & weight reduction is no longer permanent, oh and perhaps the nice colours too.
I've not noticed the handling issues you mention. How exactly did you set up the Teensy (interesting idea)? Is there a link? What do you mean by "accuracy within 4MS?" I can see how it could have produced the poor results you list even without major "stability issues." There may be a small stochastic element to the way the cars handle and this is something which a human driver corrects for (i.e. you have a feedback loop). Your Teensy presumably has no such feedback loop. It starts with the same initial conditions each time, but then you get divergent behaviour across runs because the game is adding a little randomness that a human could deal with but the mic clearly can't.

When I run a licence test, I find my times are initially long and variable and then converge onto a faster, less variable, time. That's the behaviour I'd expect and it's generally what I see.

I hacked something together using the old code by MatLo (the guy who since created GIMX) from the hack to use keyboard & mouse on the ps3. The accuracy is 4MS, or 0.004 seconds...or that is the accuracy when the teensy was processing inputs from the keyboard and is probably better without those tasks. The best player in the world cannot hit a button within 0.004 seconds (+/- 0.002 seconds) reliably over and over, and thus cannot prove the timing is off...that's where the teensy comes in. Just to restate this part: I was noticing it for a couple of days of normal driving in various tracks in various cars...I used goodwood 5-3 because this is where I noticed it most, so we are not talking about something that can only be detected using a computer input.

How do I know this is a defect and not intentional? In the case of Goodwood 5-3, the difference between gold (and a prize car) and silver is (as always) 0.001 seconds. In the first 3 seconds of full throttle acceleration from a stop (not even a launch...a start from idle), there was over 0.100 second of variation. Average that out for the gold time and you have up to 1 second of variation. That's easily the difference between a gold and silver...but even if they randomly remove 50ms here and add it back over there, it is still an issue. The whole point of this game is to learn to drive like a pro, where 50ms matters (that's why the clock goes down to 1ms). If the game is randomly changing space-time then the game isn't much more than Need For Speed with different tracks and more cars.

Get rid of them

I hate them

With every fiber of my being

I will never complete this game, with these stupid Kart races included. I have to assume they can only be completed with a wheel, because a dualshock is entirely useless. And unlike almost every other event, there is nothing to tune, and no other car to use. Funny how I can gold all other races and licenses, but can barely complete a lap in a Kart :P

PD, what were you thinking? At least give us options. You let me run a Mercedes AMG Vision GT in a 400pp rally race, but I get nothing but a bone stock Kart 100 with no options and am expected to keep up with your AI rabbits? Thanks :(
I think they should be moved to their own section, same with the rally races, I did get through the all the karts on gold with the DS3 but it was extremely frustrating.
I did finally make it through the karts, but I had to play around with the gears and steering sensitivity to get it just right (meaning playable on a DS3). I still don't like them, though, and dread the upcoming I-A race...
Has anybody else noticed the Frame drops are becoming less severe? Or am I imaging it? I have watched some replays specifically to watch for any frame dropping and it seems to less frequent than at day 1. Could it have something to do with the game installing itself?
I did finally make it through the karts, but I had to play around with the gears and steering sensitivity to get it just right (meaning playable on a DS3). I still don't like them, though, and dread the upcoming I-A race...

If they would just fix the triggers the kart races wouldn't be nearly as bad. 0-25% trigger pull does nothing, 50-100% trigger pull is full throttle. I spend half my time in kart races looking at the throttle display...and if I actually start to enjoy the race and start trimming time off of laps, my attention goes away from the throttle display and I end up spinning out because I have 100% throttle at 50% trigger pull. But, I doubt they will do that; they never did it on GT5 in spite of 14 major updates. There isn't even a sensitivity setting in GT6. I'm actually considering using a pair of teensy boards as a go-between so that I can configure the DS3 correctly for this game, because I know PD is NEVER going to give us proper DS3 controls as long as they have a marketing deal with ANY wheel manufacturer.