Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
I've noticed this trend with companies trying to make their tv ads as ridiculously random as possible. The most evident shift in an ad campaign is with those annoying liberty mutual commercials. I guess they're trying to ad some humour to them, but most are just pointless flops.

I've reported myself several times for double (accidental duplicate) posting & they've been deleted. Editing a duplicate to say "please delete" might not be enough to alert the staff.
Thanks. I have now done this.
I've noticed this trend with companies trying to make their tv ads as ridiculously random as possible. The most evident shift in an ad campaign is with those annoying liberty mutual commercials. I guess they're trying to ad some humour to them, but most are just pointless flops.

Thanks. I have now done this.
Looks like their advertising is working, you just gave them a shout-out because it was memorable.

Confusing no longer, annoying forever. :)
I've noticed this trend with companies trying to make their tv ads as ridiculously random as possible. The most evident shift in an ad campaign is with those annoying liberty mutual commercials. I guess they're trying to ad some humour to them, but most are just pointless flops.


I stopped at the drugstore on the way home from work yesterday to pick up hairties and I can't find them now. I remember them going into the bag with the cocoa powder that I also got, and they're listed on the receipt. They're not in the bathroom, the hall closet or in the bedroom. I went out to the car--where I didn't find them--and retraced my steps. I even checked the pantry where I put the cocoa powder. Where did they go?

I've accepted that I'll just end up getting more. I. Am. Also. Certain. That. I. Will. Find. Them. Once. I. Have. Gotten. More.
I found them! I went to grab a bag from the bag of bags in the garage this morning, planning to stop at the drugstore after work, and it happened to be the one I took with me last week. Well, there they were; I somehow managed to not take them out.

I'm both confused and annoyed by shoes being worn in a house/apartment. I know some people have mats to clean their shoes off before entering their house, but I still find that it doesn't do enough to not track dirt around. I can understand for some contractor who's quickly visiting and wants to check out what they have to work on, but doesn't have time to take off their heavy boots. It's annoying especially if you live in a cold climate area and all people do is bring grime from the dirt and melting snow inside your living space.
I'm both confused and annoyed by shoes being worn in a house/apartment. I know some people have mats to clean their shoes off before entering their house, but I still find that it doesn't do enough to not track dirt around. I can understand for some contractor who's quickly visiting and wants to check out what they have to work on, but doesn't have time to take off their heavy boots. It's annoying especially if you live in a cold climate area and all people do is bring grime from the dirt and melting snow inside your living space.
I had some friends that would invite groups over for game nights. Their family was asian so shoes off when entering, but I guess they wouldn't clean their hard floors very often. After about five minutes my socks would be practically black underneath. It grossed me out to no end. I always wished I could keep my shoes on, and I hated the thought of shoving all that dirt inside the shoes.
I had some friends that would invite groups over for game nights. Their family was asian so shoes off when entering, but I guess they wouldn't clean their hard floors very often. After about five minutes my socks would be practically black underneath. It grossed me out to no end. I always wished I could keep my shoes on, and I hated the thought of shoving all that dirt inside the shoes.

I will admit that I am Asian and my family has always taken their shoes off. But we do at least clean our floors very often, I still do that with my apartment now. But for people who don't clean their floors, it's understandable. My aunt and uncle had an apartment that had a pretty gross floor (when they moved in) and it never really got any better. Always sticky and grimy feeling, but they'd at least have slippers for guests to wear.

Also feels the same for when people don't at least knock their shoes off before getting in a car. I've seen cars that look like no one's ever bothered to clean off their shoes, let alone vacuum their floor ever since they bought the car new, years ago.
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I've never understood leaving shoes on either, than again I don't even like wearing socks so constantly wearing shoes doesn't appeal to me.

I can understand for some contractor who's quickly visiting and wants to check out what they have to work on, but doesn't have time to take off their heavy boots.

As a contractor, there's always time to take off shoes or put boot covers on (I prefer the former, boot covers take forever to put on and tear easily). It's just good manners and a good CYA move since the homeowner can't turn around and say you tracked dirt into the house. Even when a customer insists I don't have to take them off I still do until I get drop-cloths down unless the place is a complete sty.
I've never understood leaving shoes on either, than again I don't even like wearing socks so constantly wearing shoes doesn't appeal to me.

As a contractor, there's always time to take off shoes or put boot covers on (I prefer the former, boot covers take forever to put on and tear easily). It's just good manners and a good CYA move since the homeowner can't turn around and say you tracked dirt into the house. Even when a customer insists I don't have to take them off I still do until I get drop-cloths down unless the place is a complete sty.

I wish that was true for the ones I've seen. Just about every single one of the ones my parents have worked with and the ones my landlords have, come in and never ever take their boots off. Helps to keep your house/apartment clean as one time someone had broken into my parents house and it was very obvious with all the dirty boot prints throughout their house. Although, it turned out to be a police officer who thought there was an emergency at the wrong house....
I'm both confused and annoyed by shoes being worn in a house/apartment. I know some people have mats to clean their shoes off before entering their house, but I still find that it doesn't do enough to not track dirt around. I can understand for some contractor who's quickly visiting and wants to check out what they have to work on, but doesn't have time to take off their heavy boots. It's annoying especially if you live in a cold climate area and all people do is bring grime from the dirt and melting snow inside your living space.
I feel you there. My dad has had a nasty habit of doing this for years now. He'll go outside to do something and he doesn't always take off his boots, shoes or whatever he's wearing, then he tracks in stuff, which can be frustrating if I just got through cleaning. Not really sure why he does this but I'd be happier if he didn't.

What's strange is, he does this yet it annoys him to death if I don't take my coat or hoodie off within a very short time span of being in my house. He just can't wait until I change clothes for me to take it off, he'll tell me this before I even have the chance to do that. I mean, if my coat was wet and/or dirty, I could understand that, but it doesn't even have to be like that at all and he still makes an issue over it. Thankfully, he hasn’t done it in a while though.
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Whenever some people flock in any thread here all of a sudden, especially if those threads involved some divisiveness and would even say something like they're already late or too late to join the party. I mean come on. :rolleyes:

Oh, and the consecutive Cool Wall threads made which used to be in the CIG (Cars In General) subforum before. Therefore, because it was so many and were littered there, it gained its own one.

SMH. :dunce:
I still can't understand why google thought that deleting the private messaging on Youtube was a good idea? I"m getting sick of subscribers asking off-topic questions on my videos.
Why is the default setting on Amazon's today's deals to have expired checked? If I missed something, too bad.
Why is the default setting on Amazon's today's deals to have expired checked? If I missed something, too bad.
I'd assume it's to make you feel bad that you missed the opportunity to get something you might have wanted at a better price, and thus prod you to check their inventory more frequently so they can show you more ads, products, etc.
Why is it sometimes when I say something positive about something that people hate, someone feels the need to just reply telling me "I hate this, there was no excuse for the *insert flaws here*?

Source: Comment sections on Youtube, forum posts, etc.

I guess I just don't understand people enough and how they think. Do they think replying with how they feel is going to magically change my mind? Do they feel attacked for saying I liked something they dislike?

Note: This is just based on subjects such as movies, video games, or other random entertainment. Nothing bigger than that.
Boomers forcing me to pause an online game.

Boomers (again) talking to me while I'm wearing a headset/headphone/earphone. Then getting angry when you didn't hear what they said.
It is very irritating dealing with co-workers who can't put things back the way they were before they used something. Mainly the break room where chairs are left strewn about or drawers left open. For the drawers behind my desk (that contain spare keys for inventory cars), sales people will hurriedly open it and grab a spare for a car they sold, but NEVER close it. So I have to always check behind myself to make sure I don't back my chair up into an open drawer.

Another thing is my co-workers "hate" the beeping from the microwave after it finishes, so they always stop it with 1 second or more left. But they don't clear the timer before the next person uses it. Seems silly to complain about, but it's rather inconsiderate not clearing the timer after using it.

Also my co-workers leave the copy machine cover open every time they use it. Another "silly" thing that annoys me.
On top of that, how are random "boomers" even around to tell you something like that in your personal space? Or are you just talking about parents?
To be fair, he didn't say they were random... But the rest of your point stands.
When you are watching TV or maybe a video on mobile phone or tablet and the room is peaceful and then other people come into the room and try to talk over the TV mobile phone or tablet and they are normally talking to another person in the room. Why can't they make a TV or mobile phone and Tablet louder than humans.
When you are watching TV or maybe a video on mobile phone or tablet and the room is peaceful and then other people come into the room and try to talk over the TV mobile phone or tablet and they are normally talking to another person in the room. Why can't they make a TV or mobile phone and Tablet louder than humans.

They have some cool things call "ear phones" these days that let you listen to things privately! Technology is amazing!
They have some cool things call "ear phones" these days that let you listen to things privately! Technology is amazing!
This so much... our roommate would do the same thing. Walk into the common area while we’re watching something and pull his phone out and watch something else at full volume, while carrying his earpods in his pocket.

I don’t understand why people would leave their own room to come out and ruin other’s time.
It is very irritating dealing with co-workers who can't put things back the way they were before they used something. Mainly the break room where chairs are left strewn about or drawers left open. For the drawers behind my desk (that contain spare keys for inventory cars), sales people will hurriedly open it and grab a spare for a car they sold, but NEVER close it. So I have to always check behind myself to make sure I don't back my chair up into an open drawer.
I know how you feel. People at my college don't always scoot their chairs in and sometimes it just bugs me. Perhaps the most recent annoyance I could name is my brother not closing the door to our room back when he leaves for work early in the morning. We have a cat who has a tendency to meow a lot at night and part of the reason we keep it closed is to keep him and the other cats from waking us up and/or ruining something in our room and he's woke me up a few times before. Fortunately, I think my brother is getting better about closing it than he was.
Another thing is my co-workers "hate" the beeping from the microwave after it finishes, so they always stop it with 1 second or more left. But they don't clear the timer before the next person uses it. Seems silly to complain about, but it's rather inconsiderate not clearing the timer after using it.
I never understood that either. My sister sometimes would stop it with at least 30 seconds left and never clear it. Makes me wonder why she would even set the timer for so long in the first place.
They have some cool things call "ear phones" these days that let you listen to things privately! Technology is amazing!
To be fair though, his device may not have an earphone jack and he may not have Airpods or whatever cheap alternative you can find. Newer Apple devices starting doing away with this, my phone being one of them.
Walk into the common area while we’re watching something and pull his phone out and watch something else at full volume,
You wouldn't like my dad then. :P My dad is the worst about this, he always has his phone turned up WAY too loud anytime he uses it and he knows it annoys us, but still does it anyway. While his device doesn't have an earphone jack, he still at the very least could turn it down some.
I don’t understand why people would leave their own room to come out and ruin other’s time.
I feel you there. My family, my sister and dad especially, used to be really bad to do this when I tried to watch TV in my kitchen. For some reason, they sometimes would all come in there and would stand around having a conversation about something, being abnormally loud in the process and I often referred to this in my mind as "The gathering of the loudmouths". Why they couldn't just go into the living room with comfy furniture and talk instead of standing around in the kitchen is beyond me because there's really no reason for them not to.

If I could have put earphones in and/or go somewhere else, I would have, but sadly neither are an option for me. Fortunately, I barely watch TV anymore.
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You know what has really been annoying me lately? Everyone who spells coronavirus incorrectly.

It's not "Corona Virus" or "CoronaVirus".

It's been shoved down our throats for months, how do people not know how to spell it?
You know what has really been annoying me lately? Everyone who spells Coronavirus incorrectly.

It's not "Corona Virus" or "CoronaVirus".

It's been shoved down our throats for months, how do people not know how to spell it?
The 'rona.

Seriously though, it annoys the heck out of me too.

Also, isn't it a proper noun? I always capitalize it. As bolded in your quote.