Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
People using the term "graphics" as a blanket term for anything involving how a game looks visually (including stuff like art style, setting, etc.) , and not just whatever graphical effects or details that it uses.
My apologies. I'm ignorant of the subject and have no interest in expanding my knowledge of it, so I use what seems to fit (whether it actually does or not).
I know it's a thing that's been around for a while, but I feel like all I see is everyone flipping off the camera with their middle finger for photos. Every. Single. Time. I don't really understand the appeal of flipping off the camera for a photo op.

Also as a photographer at drift events, drivers and passengers would always flip me off for photos and it ruins an otherwise decent photo of an event. Gets rather tiring seeing the same thing over and over.
How come college students are so messy?! My job is to clean the dorms when the students leave and let me just say they are so dirty! Learn to clean your room!

College Students are phD in getting messy, they have been training since kindergarten... I would have thought you known that already.
Having said that and Joking aside, By the time these students reach college, they should know to be considerate towards others...

Sad and unfortunate, sorry to hear that from you...

dont they care about their deposit? or are the deposits automatically deducted from them ? That could be the cause...
College Students are phD in getting messy, they have been training since kindergarten... I would have thought you known that already.
Having said that and Joking aside, By the time these students reach college, they should know to be considerate towards others...

Sad and unfortunate, sorry to hear that from you...

dont they care about their deposit? or are the deposits automatically deducted from them ? That could be the cause...
I really do not know the details of their housing. I just work there.
How come college students are so messy?! My job is to clean the dorms when the students leave and let me just say they are so dirty! Learn to clean your room!

I guess it depends on the institution but a lot of Halls don't stand for that. The answer to your question is that they often don't have to clean up at home, that learning opportunity has gone.

As @CTznOfTime says, they should be hit in the deposit... although with the amount of debt one leaves Higher Ed with it's probably irrelevant to them.
"Ray Trace this, Ray Trace that..."

Ray Tracing is now everywhere, but it has been existing since 1968... why the surge in Ray Tracing demands? is it because now the technology can handle ray tracing the way it should be?

I see the benefit of Ray Tracing, but still i am a bit annoyed at hearing "Ray Tracing"...
@CTznOfTime -- A common misconception; you're thinking of ray casting, which is not the same as ray tracing (although ray casting has been called ray tracing before). Ray casting is quick and basically just reports how far the ray went and what it hit; ray tracing involves more information (reflections, refraction, etc.) and is much slower.
How come college students are so messy?! My job is to clean the dorms when the students leave and let me just say they are so dirty! Learn to clean your room!

I honestly can't understand how someone can be happy living among filth. When I was 12 years old I already started caring about keeping my room and the home in general clean. I'd dust, glass clean, sweep, and vacuum three times a week. That habit stayed with me. Those college kids will make for trashy adults it seems.. sorry about that.
I don't like this trend of games being designed with the mindset that people have no lives outside of one single game, and I don't understand the amount of people who normalize such instances. This mobile game a friend got me into was a good way to pass the time when I had nothing to do, but now I'm at a point where I can't really proceed further unless I drop at least ten hours a day into farming for specific items, according to everyone online. Forteen hours is best. To hell with that! I'm not wasting full days on a phone game, and what is wrong with these people to say this is normal and okay?

I was excited about the Crash Team Racing remake, but I lost drive quick when I couldn't keep up with the events and item shops. I can't sit and play for more than six hours each day to meet the requirements. That's just a load of bull!

Final Fantasy XIV does a better job with events, giving weeks to do a quest line that takes no more than 2 hours. On the flipside, however, some aspects are woefully time-reliant. One example is hunts. There's a cool tiger you can get for your character to ride, but it requires you to kill 2000 of the highest ranked hunt marks. They spawn when very specific conditions are met, each one showing up no more than twice a week, and at VERY specific times. If you manage to participate in each one every time without missing any, which means you're probably on the game 24/7, then it could still take almost two years. But I see people with it done and players just shrug about it like it's no big deal. What? With the time windows in which I play, I manage to participate in maybe 2 or 3 a week. Sometimes just 1. With an average 2 per week it'll take me twenty years! Granted it's a cosmetic piece, still nothing should ever be so ball-busting.

I don't know. I just got stuck on the whole notion that you used to be able to complete a game and move on to other games, then come back if you ever want to play it again. Or you could alternate between games. Now I keep finding games where you need to sign your soul away before you can get anywhere with them. It's especially tough for me now since I've been caring for my mom. I don't even race online anymore 'cause I can be needed at any given moment, and any free time I now put into the second life that Final Fantasy has become.
I don't like this trend of games being designed with the mindset that people have no lives outside of one single game, and I don't understand the amount of people who normalize such instances. This mobile game a friend got me into was a good way to pass the time when I had nothing to do, but now I'm at a point where I can't really proceed further unless I drop at least ten hours a day into farming for specific items, according to everyone online. Forteen hours is best. To hell with that! I'm not wasting full days on a phone game, and what is wrong with these people to say this is normal and okay?

I was excited about the Crash Team Racing remake, but I lost drive quick when I couldn't keep up with the events and item shops. I can't sit and play for more than six hours each day to meet the requirements. That's just a load of bull!

Final Fantasy XIV does a better job with events, giving weeks to do a quest line that takes no more than 2 hours. On the flipside, however, some aspects are woefully time-reliant. One example is hunts. There's a cool tiger you can get for your character to ride, but it requires you to kill 2000 of the highest ranked hunt marks. They spawn when very specific conditions are met, each one showing up no more than twice a week, and at VERY specific times. If you manage to participate in each one every time without missing any, which means you're probably on the game 24/7, then it could still take almost two years. But I see people with it done and players just shrug about it like it's no big deal. What? With the time windows in which I play, I manage to participate in maybe 2 or 3 a week. Sometimes just 1. With an average 2 per week it'll take me twenty years! Granted it's a cosmetic piece, still nothing should ever be so ball-busting.

I don't know. I just got stuck on the whole notion that you used to be able to complete a game and move on to other games, then come back if you ever want to play it again. Or you could alternate between games. Now I keep finding games where you need to sign your soul away before you can get anywhere with them. It's especially tough for me now since I've been caring for my mom. I don't even race online anymore 'cause I can be needed at any given moment, and any free time I now put into the second life that Final Fantasy has become.

I’ve been playing Pokémon TCG Online for a while now and that game practically gives you everything without putting in much effort, which kind of makes it difficult to play too much because there’s not much challenge outside of PvP matches.
I’ve been playing Pokémon TCG Online for a while now and that game practically gives you everything without putting in much effort, which kind of makes it difficult to play too much because there’s not much challenge outside of PvP matches.
That's a problem on the other side of the spectrum too. I don't like games that are mindnumbingly easy. I just want something engaging, but not to the point where you feel like the game owns you. I want to see something and be able to think I'll put in the effort to get that instead of oh, man, I better drop everything else for a while and hopefully it's enough to get that.

What's the TCG stand for? Is that the one where you collect trainers and gym leaders?

What's the TCG stand for? Is that the one where you collect trainers and gym leaders?

It’s the Trading Card Game. Basically Pokemon card game online, but even in the first few days of play it’s possible to have some of the best decks to play with.
I know it's a thing that's been around for a while, but I feel like all I see is everyone flipping off the camera with their middle finger for photos. Every. Single. Time. I don't really understand the appeal of flipping off the camera for a photo op.

Also as a photographer at drift events, drivers and passengers would always flip me off for photos and it ruins an otherwise decent photo of an event. Gets rather tiring seeing the same thing over and over.
I never really understood it either. Not only is it inappropriate, but it does ruin some perfectly good photos and although I don't see it as much as I used to, it does get old after a while.

I kind of feel the same way about Snapchat filters as well. Sure they may not be inappropriate like the middle finger is, at least every time I've ever seen them anyhow, but I do think they ruin every photo they're used in (the dog filter especially :yuck:) and it gets really old seeing them all the time as well.
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Services with extremely broken English.

I bought a random game modification two weeks ago and still haven't received it because the support guy doesn't understand a word that I'm saying. I don't understand why it is so hard to use Google Translate when all you can say is 'yes', 'no', 'price xx'. I am so 🤬 upset now, I threw out 26 Euros out of the window.
"As much as...or more!"

You've probably heard it. Maybe it's a life insurance plan or a class action lawsuit, but the important thing is that it sounds like you can get lots and lots of money. So much money that you may end up getting more than you actually end up getting.
So due to COVID-19, my college has been closed for a while and in order to keep things going, we’ve been having Zoom meetings. While I understand why they’re doing this, these Zoom meetings have REALLY begun to frustrate me in the past few weeks. Why? Well let me explain.
1. For starters, it’s at a bad time. They usually start at 1, but we’ve had some start as early as 12 before. This is right around the time I would usually eat lunch and it’s generally not a convenient time for me. Sure I could just eat a little earlier, but not only do I hate having to rush to eat, but I generally am not hungry before then. What’s worse is, I don’t always know when they’re going to end, which can be a problem if I hadn’t already ate. I’m sure they have their reasons for this, but it still bugs me and I’d be happier if it was at least an hour or two later.

2. The meetings are supposed to be 45 minutes, but they never end when they’re supposed to. For a while, it was get on, wait for others who won't get on when they’re supposed to, have a series of technical difficulties and then we get started. At one point we had a whole hours worth of technical difficulties before we ever got started and once we did, it all took way too long to finish with the meeting itself lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes in total. Needless to say it interfered with my day some and my nerves were shot after that.

I get technical difficulties probably can’t be helped at times and not everyone knows how to deal with them, but it still can be quite frustrating at times. While the technical difficulties and waiting has become less of a problem, the meetings still go on longer than they’re supposed to.

3. There’s always at least one or two people either breathing into the mic, moving around too much or just some kind of excessive background noise that makes it hard to hear what the teacher is saying. Surprising? Not really, but man is it annoying.

4. We got these packets we were sent to do over the summer and I think we’re supposed to talk about them in the meetings and such, but we hardly ever do. When we do though, not much is said about them and we instead do something that’s not really related to them. Maybe I’m missing something here, but I am pretty sure the packets is something we’re supposed to cover here.

5. Simply put, the meetings are boring. I don’t expect much from school related stuff, but it just doesn’t hold my attention very well and I have a tendency to want to do other things instead. The only good part is when it’s over. :lol:

6. It seems like every time I want to say something, someone starts talking and/or the teacher doesn’t hear me and generally, I really don’t get to say a whole lot because everyone else is wanting to talk.
I don’t have a big bold title for this one because theirs a ton of things that confuse and annoy me about these meetings. I’ll give them some credit though, they’ve gotten better over time, but I’ll honestly be glad when I can go back to having a normal class again. Fortunately, we don't have another until July 13th. :mischievous:
Services with extremely broken English.

I bought a random game modification two weeks ago and still haven't received it because the support guy doesn't understand a word that I'm saying. I don't understand why it is so hard to use Google Translate when all you can say is 'yes', 'no', 'price xx'. I am so 🤬 upset now, I threw out 26 Euros out of the window.

Which language do you need help with? This place isn't a Planet for nothing! ;)
Time zones. The clocks are different yet everything still happens at the same time. A place that's 12 hours behind Melbourne isn't actually in the past, and a place that's 2 hours ahead of Melbourne isn't in the future.
Which language do you need help with? This place isn't a Planet for nothing! ;)
Oh, I think my English is just fine, the problem is that they cannot understand more than two questions at the same time, not even a single one. Not to mention that it takes them at least a week to reply. I think they are Russian, I don't speak that language so I wouldn't even try... The weird thing is, their posts in English on Facebook are somewhat better.
Time zones. The clocks are different yet everything still happens at the same time. A place that's 12 hours behind Melbourne isn't actually in the past, and a place that's 2 hours ahead of Melbourne isn't in the future.
Might want to try the deep thoughts thread on that one.
Time zones. The clocks are different yet everything still happens at the same time. A place that's 12 hours behind Melbourne isn't actually in the past, and a place that's 2 hours ahead of Melbourne isn't in the future.

Yep, they're more like sun position zones.
I'm just going to drop this here. No clue where else to.

So, there's been a huge amount of games announced recently, which is a given seeing as it's June, it's just that time of year. Like clockwork, a large amount of forum-dwellers come out of the woodwork to proclaim "X new game" as complete garbage and utterly irredeemable before any large amount of information is even known about said project. Whether they say the same thing about every new announcement in a series, or they just started with this one, they're all hell-bent on ruining things for themselves months or years before the reviews are even out.

Same goes for books, movies, TV shows, radio dramas, musicals, the list goes on. What ever happened to waiting for the reviews or trying it for yourself before deciding "X new thing" is the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel when it comes to quality? I'm sure there's been plenty of times in the past where I've done the same, but I want to be better about it going forward for sure. Life is too short to limit yourself.

Pretty common word of advice, but don't ruin things for yourself before they actually become available to the public, you may just be missing out on something you otherwise would have really enjoyed.
@Sonygamer455 :lol: at the mic breathers.

I started working from home a month ago and we use Zoom every morning. I hate that doorbell sound when someone logs in and there are about 50+ people on those meetings.
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@Sonygamer455 :lol: at the mic breathers.
Trust me, it gets old fast and what's worse is I don't think they even realize they're doing it. On a related note, there is one guy that is always outside walking when he gets on for some reason and not only is his connection crappy, but you can just hear the wind blowing into the mic. Why he does this, I don't even know.
I started working from home a month ago and we use Zoom every morning. I hate that doorbell sound when someone logs in and there are about 50+ people on those meetings.
I can imagine. I don't recall being annoyed with the doorbell sound, I guess cause ours is only like 8 people.
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I feel like it's mostly due to my social anxiety, but has anyone else (at least in the US) felt like no one was ever taught that it's rude to stare? I remember being told that so much as a kid, and yet these days just about everyone (I've noticed mostly with older generations) tend to just stare at people. Whether it's sitting in a waiting room and you're the only one up and walking, or driving by in their car and you're standing outside a friend's house talking in the driveway, people just HAVE to stare. With driving by, I'd think a quick glance is good enough, but I've seen people fully turn their heads as far as they can just to see what someone's doing. As if it's the most interesting sight they've ever seen.... It probably bothers me more than it should, but I find it rather annoying and confusing as to what makes people stare for much longer than what I'd consider comfortable. Like I said, were these people not told that staring is rude? I can only assume that sometimes it's due to curiosity.

This is all before the pandemic too, but it feels a little worse when you see people staring and you can't tell if they're smiling or frowning behind their mask. I understand there's more reason to be aware of your surroundings to keep a distance from a stranger during this time, but before this pandemic it felt like it's been getting more and more common. I am aware in other countries like Asia or Europe it tends to be the norm, but in the US at least, it feels like it wasn't as bad as it was now. Could be me overthinking things and believing that people are staring at me, but it certainly feels like it when you see someone drive by in their car and turn their heads all the way to look at you.

As much as I dislike window tint on cars, I honestly am considering getting some as it feels like people love to look at others parked next to them at a light...
I feel like it's mostly due to my social anxiety, but has anyone else (at least in the US) felt like no one was ever taught that it's rude to stare? I remember being told that so much as a kid, and yet these days just about everyone (I've noticed mostly with older generations) tend to just stare at people. Whether it's sitting in a waiting room and you're the only one up and walking, or driving by in their car and you're standing outside a friend's house talking in the driveway, people just HAVE to stare. With driving by, I'd think a quick glance is good enough, but I've seen people fully turn their heads as far as they can just to see what someone's doing. As if it's the most interesting sight they've ever seen.... It probably bothers me more than it should, but I find it rather annoying and confusing as to what makes people stare for much longer than what I'd consider comfortable. Like I said, were these people not told that staring is rude? I can only assume that sometimes it's due to curiosity.

This is all before the pandemic too, but it feels a little worse when you see people staring and you can't tell if they're smiling or frowning behind their mask. I understand there's more reason to be aware of your surroundings to keep a distance from a stranger during this time, but before this pandemic it felt like it's been getting more and more common. I am aware in other countries like Asia or Europe it tends to be the norm, but in the US at least, it feels like it wasn't as bad as it was now. Could be me overthinking things and believing that people are staring at me, but it certainly feels like it when you see someone drive by in their car and turn their heads all the way to look at you.

As much as I dislike window tint on cars, I honestly am considering getting some as it feels like people love to look at others parked next to them at a light...
I glance a lot, but not stare. I like being aware of my surroundings. I don't find people staring at me often. I was taught the same thing as a kid.

Staring though, I agree that's obnoxious. Only exception is people watching. Which I do enjoy.

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