1. When I was Elementary School, I had a music teacher who was the type to embarrass you in front of the whole class over something pretty minor. When she did, I oftentimes had the misfortune of being in the back of the class and everybody would turn around and stare at me, which you can imagine how I felt then. While in hindsight, they probably didn't know any better yet since we were in elementary school, it's still embarrassing no matter what and totally unnecessary. Needless to say, I did not like my music teacher very much back then and I wasn't the only one either, other people felt the same.
Sure it may have been a long time ago, but what's sad is, I have heard she still does this to this very day.
2. My cousin used to give me a silly stare to make me laugh or smile when I was middle school during lunch as I walked to the table. While he was only doing it as a joke, he did it so much, it was annoying. Considering we were at lunch with a bunch of people, that didn't help either.
3. In my sophomore year of high school, there was a guy that used to stare at me every single day at lunch and he gave me a lot of strange, goofy looks for no apparent reason. (theirs an adjective that best describes this, but I doubt it's AUP friendly) To this day, I still have no idea why he did this.
4. That very same school year, I don't know what happened to my math teacher, but she was in a terrible mood one day and proceeded to jump down my throat over a silly mistake I made on a paper. Then later on, she told one of my classmates about it and said "look at him", then they turned around, looked at me and then proceeded to chuckle about it. I didn't think too much of it at first, but once it sank in a bit, it had me feeling pretty humiliated afterward.
5. In my senior year of high school, one of my teacher assistants was going around, singling out nearly everyone in my class one by one. When he eventually got to me, he gave me a really mean, frowny look for some reason and then said what was on his mind. I didn't react much to it, but it bothered me a lot and despite it being 8 years ago, it
still makes angry for some reason.

(don't ask why)
To this day, I still am not sure why he gave me that look out of everyone in the class because I was not giving him any unusual looks at all
and I made sure of it. Maybe it had something to do with the fact I was sitting down and he was standing up, looking down at me? Maybe there was a reason for it I am missing here? Could be, but I thought it was unnecessary and although I like him, that nearly turned me against him. I don't condone giving people the middle finger, but I could've done it that day and if he were to do that to me nowadays, I can't promise I would keep it to myself then.
6. In my earlier years of college, there were some people I met before class started and it seemed like they were watching everything I was doing as I was sitting down. When I very softly started reading something to myself, one of them asked why I was talking to myself and made some comment about it. Not nearly as bad as everything I mentioned, but it was kind of creepy and it made me a little uncomfortable.