Things you DON'T want to see in GT5

  • Thread starter Peter
Call me whatever you wish but I DO NOT want to see the Prologue menu implemented into GT mode
I'll call you dazzi by golly! ;)

I'm pretty sure the Prologue menus are just something cool but simple put together for this game. I do like the animated backgrounds, but maybe those are a little spacey for a serious racing game. I did like GT4s GUI a lot.

I also dont want to see less then 900 cars, and less then 50 tracks ;)
I have a feeling it might be more like 400-500 cars, however, I'm expecting a lot more tracks in GT5. I'm hopeful that all the tracks from the previous games will be there, plus some new real world tracks besides. But considering all the time spent on GT5 so far, I wouldn't be shocked if we had 700 cars, or more. 👍

Woops, forgot the reason for the post. I'm not sure this has been mentioned yet, but ghosting in offline races, I don't want that.
BIG question

does anyone uses it other then 2 player mode?

Do we need it..

For me.


Waist of development time.. I would rather see more Carreer events and develeopment spend for Career events then Arcade events.. They are pointless and spoil the fun of Jumping into a Super Fast car right from the start of the game.

Arcade mode remind me of most PC racing sim games.. You see a car, click and you jump in.. People play GT series because of management and progression
BIG question

does anyone uses it other then 2 player mode?

Do we need it..

For me.


Waist of development time.. I would rather see more Carreer events and develeopment spend for Career events then Arcade events.. They are pointless and spoil the fun of Jumping into a Super Fast car right from the start of the game.

Arcade mode remind me of most PC racing sim games.. You see a car, click and you jump in.. People play GT series because of management and progression
Actually, I was a frequent user of Arcade Mode in GT3 and GT4. I love being able to set up my own races in whatever car I like and whatever circuit I like with my preferred amount of laps.

I've been doing mostly Arcade races for months in both GT4 and Prologue for the same reason. For instance, there are no Ferrari Formula 1 Event races in Prologue. Yet. ;)
I don't want to see 1000 horsepower race cars. They're just not necessary. There were plenty in GT4. GT should have regular street cars and some lower-powered racers, but cars with less power would make GT5 more of a challenge.

I don't know, I really miss the old Supras tweaked to 1000+ hp, man they were fast, and that sweet sound of their turbo engine. It was heavy, but if you got your line right you could take the newer cars down.
A penalty system that doesn't work properly, which allows people to take short cuts and I definitely don't want to see people doing that. 👎 The GT by Citroen :ill: or any other stupid car ( Jay Leno Tank Car I am looking at you ) especially when their slots could be taken up with cars that people might actually use. Now for one that people won't agree with, OLD configurations of tracks that no longer exist, If I am racing on a real track I want it to be totally upto date, old tracks belong in the past. They would however be perfect as DLC for people who want them. 👍
A penalty system that doesn't work properly, which allows people to take short cuts and I definitely don't want to see people doing that. 👎 The GT by Citroen :ill: or any other stupid car ( Jay Leno Tank Car I am looking at you ) especially when their slots could be taken up with cars that people might actually use. Now for one that people won't agree with, OLD configurations of tracks that no longer exist, If I am racing on a real track I want it to be totally upto date, old tracks belong in the past. They would however be perfect as DLC for people who want them. 👍

The great thing about old tracks, its like archiving them. Just because a track has changed, its still just as relevant in the virtual world. Its great because you can have both. I think the fuji ones are a bit irrelevant though, the again, I never liked the old fuji.
Actually, I was a frequent user of Arcade Mode in GT3 and GT4. I love being able to set up my own races in whatever car I like and whatever circuit I like with my preferred amount of laps.

GT4 ----- kind of killed arcade mode for me for the following reasons

  • No two player -- single view replay
  • Can not use garage cars in single races
  • Having acess to all car colors kind of takes away the sim mode a little.
  • What I do like is the ability to set difficulty, no of laps and penalties.
    racing a 50 + point race with time penalty or forced pits kind of simulates damage in a very vague kind of way.
  • Also the ability to quick tune cars is nice
  • having to pick a differnt car after every race is time consuming
  • What I think they could do is turn family cup into arcade. At least let us set the number of laps in family cup. 2 laps for a race is just dull. Does anyone use family cup in GT4?
  • If damage is in GT5 and lets say you really can not turn if off. Then Arcade would most likely have good benifit. Especially if you can test your cars and have damage off or at least when done testing any resulting damage has no long lasting effects.
  • Another aspect we should be conserned about is what if online only allows you to use cars unlocked in Arcade with GTP quick tune options only (no user garage cars). Doubt this would happen, but they did some dumb things with GT4.
BIG question

does anyone uses it other then 2 player mode?

Do we need it..

For me.


Waist of development time.. I would rather see more Carreer events and develeopment spend for Career events then Arcade events.. They are pointless and spoil the fun of Jumping into a Super Fast car right from the start of the game.

Arcade mode remind me of most PC racing sim games.. You see a car, click and you jump in.. People play GT series because of management and progression

If it is in GT5 and allows all cars and all tracks without you needing to buy them first, then yes. That way i won't ned to spen 3.5 million on the piece of 🤬 called the peugeot 905
I don't want unreal pricing... cars like the Audi R8, which sells for around $110,000 IRL, shouldn't be $160k... that's more than a Ford GT! The Ferrari F430, same deal. And that 905 mentioned? It sold for 900,000 Euros a couple years back. Not 3.5 million... that's unreal pricing.

If it is in GT5 and allows all cars and all tracks without you needing to buy them first, then yes. That way i won't ned to spen 3.5 million on the piece of 🤬 called the peugeot 905

HAHA! Thats the fun of it tho.. Earn money and make smart or dumb choices.. No going back.

But yeah seems everyone wants ARCADE mode.. so let it be
considering that it probably doesn't take a huge amount of time to create arcade mode and the fact it expands the sales bracket to include the average gamer who just wants a racing game, we'll more than likely see it included.

back on topic, I do not want to see so much development focus put into online that it takes away from the offline experience.
considering that it probably doesn't take a huge amount of time to create arcade mode and the fact it expands the sales bracket to include the average gamer who just wants a racing game, we'll more than likely see it included.

back on topic, I do not want to see so much development focus put into online that it takes away from the offline experience.

I agree about the online part, really for me it's something to do after you get done with the offline portion(although I will probably be online in GT5 long before I'm done with the offline modes). I wouldn't mind if they set it up like in Prologue where you have reach a certain point in offline to be in the best rooms online.
Just like the OP, I don't want damage in GT5, it's going to make the game take much longer to come out and to real GT fans, it's nothing but an item on a checklist; a gimmick, if you will. GT isn't a crash simulator, it's a driving simulator.
I must be missing something here - who is suggesting that pink cars will be in GT5? If a model included in the game has pink offered as a color in real life, than it should be offered in the game. Not trying to be a douche, just fill me in on what I'm missing here. Yes, those cars are quite hideous.
I must be missing something here - who is suggesting that pink cars will be in GT5? If a model included in the game has pink offered as a color in real life, than it should be offered in the game. Not trying to be a douche, just fill me in on what I'm missing here. Yes, those cars are quite hideous.

psst... don't be embarrassed if you didn't get it, it's a running joke. A meme, if you will, specific to this forum, because of the Pink Corvette thread.

Look for it to spread :nervous:

Pink Corvette is to GT5, what Backpacks are to M.A.G.
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There's a reason we cry over these cars, they're just bad.PD keep these out of GT5 or you lose me as a fan

They are not factory colours, so PD will not include them, but it is likely we can do that our self if we wish (paint editor).
Just like the OP, I don't want damage in GT5, it's going to make the game take much longer to come out and to real GT fans, it's nothing but an item on a checklist; a gimmick, if you will. GT isn't a crash simulator, it's a driving simulator.

You contradict yourself, you say you don't want damage, yet want a driving simulator. Last I checked if I run into another car on the road there will be what class(Class says "Damage", which is correct). So in order for something to be a simulator it should have all the basic things that are involved in real life, which includes damage. The only thing from real life that every car has(or is supposed to have) is insurance. So until GT has damage it will still be an arcade game in my mind as it's not a full simulation.
A time penalty system would work just as well. Crashing is a nuisance of driving, no one wants to crash. Crashing doesn't contribute to the act of driving, it detracts from it. Investing in damage models for hundreds of cars is a huge investment for tiny payoff, most people won't ever use it. By your standards, every game out there is an arcade racer; nothing simulates real damage, all damage models out there are mediocore wannabes.

On another note, I would've never gotten into GT if it had damage, since I started playing when I was 8, and I sucked. Every game other than GT had you spinning out for no reason as soon as you tapped a guardrail. Eventually as you get better, the game grows with you. GT's beauty is that it's scalable so the racecar driver can play it as well as a kid, it simulates driving better than anyone else, and it doesn't pretend to have something which it doesn't.
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I want something like a penalty system for when you crash. The game judges whose fault it is and punishes the offender. You also contradict yourself, since crashing is a tiny part of driving. Out of 100 drivers on the road, how many actually crash? In a race, how many times does a racecar run into barricades? Damage in GT5 is going to require a huge investment for little pay off. If in someone's books that makes it an arcade game then so be it.

Which game actually qualifies for your "full simulation" tastes? because I see no game out there today that actually has real damage. Like I said in another thread, damage is just an item on a checklist, it doesn't do anything to actually evolve simulating how a car moves, if you want to be punished, there are much easier ways to be punished.

You're right most won't crash, but the couple that do have damage. Also how is the game going to know who's fault it is, chances are it will get it wrong as many times at is right since in clean racing(where everyone is racing clean and trying to not crash) it is a total accident. Damage would be a lot fairer since it isn't objective as to who's fault it is. I've said it once and I'll probably say it many more times by the time GT5 is out. The only thing worse than a bad damage system is a bad penalty system(ever played GT4 special event hall,the car would bump you and you would get penalized).

As for your second part, there isn't one. It is impossible in this generation to have realistic damage in a console game. Their are programs that have really realistic damage but they are used for the sole purpose of crash testing. Also damage does affect the way the car moves as someone will be a lot more careful around corners if they know their fender can get damaged.

Also as for the edited part in your post, you are 100% right, but the point of having damage isn't to crash it's to make you try harder to avoid crashing.
It'll be much easier to work out a perfect penalty system than spending massive amounts of resources to make damage models.

Many of my friends start out playing GT crashing into everything, then they start trying to avoid crashing. After a while they starting using a driving line, and they'll start to perform some overtake maneuvers instead of grinding against other cars, eventually they'll drive seriously and not crash, when they even tap the car in front, it's as if they've crashed.

The only place where I can see damage being a big deal is online where many people cheat by playing bumper cars, but again, a perfect penalty system would solve most of the problems. If damage is only there so you'll have an incentive to not crash, then that just proves that it'll be a huge waste of time for PD. Imagine all the resources, not for PD, but on the PS3 as well. A BD disc only has so much space and if the PS3's processor has to constantly worry about damage, it'll have less resources to do other things like dynamic weather which actually contributes to the driving simulation itself.
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I think it'll be much easier to work out a perfect penalty system than spending thousands of hours with effort of hundreds of people modelling panels for every car when it crashes. Besides, with realistic damage, if someone crashes into you in a 16 player race, both of you would be out of the race whether it was or wasn't your fault anyways.

An observation I've made is that many of my friends start out playing GT crashing into everything and act cheap, but as they get more into the game, they start trying to avoid crashing. At a certain point the sense of the driving line gets to them, and they'll start to perform some overtake maneuvers instead of grinding against other cars, eventually they'll drive seriously and not crash and when they even tap the car in front, it's as if they've crashed.

The only place where I can see damage being a big deal is online where many people cheat by playing bumper cars, but again, a perfect penalty system would solve most of the problems.

That's the problem, getting the perfect penalty system would be harder than just putting damage in the game. First is the problem of how do you determine who's fault it is, especially in the type of situation where their really is nobody at fault, say a tire blows or both cars are just racing hard. You also have the problem of how much do you penalize, there would be a large problem if there was a flat penalty as there are different types of issues. Do you penalize somebody the same if the accident is accidental(minor penalty)or if somebody spun someone out on purpose(major penalty). I think in order for a penalty system to work it has to be perfect, if it's anything like the one in GT4 online will be a ghost town.

Sure with damage both cars could get taken out of a race, but that's what happens in real racing.
That's the problem, getting the perfect penalty system would be harder than just putting damage in the game. First is the problem of how do you determine who's fault it is, especially in the type of situation where their really is nobody at fault, say a tire blows or both cars are just racing hard. You also have the problem of how much do you penalize, there would be a large problem if there was a flat penalty as there are different types of issues. Do you penalize somebody the same if the accident is accidental(minor penalty)or if somebody spun someone out on purpose(major penalty). I think in order for a penalty system to work it has to be perfect, if it's anything like the one in GT4 online will be a ghost town.

Sure with damage both cars could get taken out of a race, but that's what happens in real racing.

That's the problem, getting the perfect penalty system would be harder than just putting damage in the game. First is the problem of how do you determine who's fault it is, especially in the type of situation where their really is nobody at fault, say a tire blows or both cars are just racing hard. You also have the problem of how much do you penalize, there would be a large problem if there was a flat penalty as there are different types of issues. Do you penalize somebody the same if the accident is accidental(minor penalty)or if somebody spun someone out on purpose(major penalty). I think in order for a penalty system to work it has to be perfect, if it's anything like the one in GT4 online will be a ghost town.

Sure with damage both cars could get taken out of a race, but that's what happens in real racing.
We can only speculate, but I can think of many ways penalty can be implemented. For each corner, there could be several ideal lines programmed in. When a car enters said corner at a higher than optimal speed and strays from the ideal line for his/her entry position, then an algorithm will assign a number to the car based on how severely the car deviates from the normal driving line, this generally constitutes a fault. If when a driver who is committing a fault crashes into another car, depending on how much the other car is deviating, the fault is assigned to the driver who has a higher "fault number".

There are actually AI programs nowadays that let you race around. After a race, you tell the AI which maneuver was a fault and which was a legal move etc. After a few hundred hours of this, the AI nearly has a perfect judgement of what's a fault and what's not. Forza 2 used a similar tech to program driver AI where they just got people to drive around and the AI would eventually learn to drive from this.

Thousands of hours will be spent modelling damage for hundreds of cars, I think giving 1/10 the amount of time, a perfect penalty system could be implemented and PD could use the rest of the time to relax or add some cool feature that'll actually improve the game.
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