Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
Have to agree Racing Mods with race paint job was great in GT2, even though many of the paint jobs looked liked they was done in someones home garage. Maybe it was intended to be that way. Would like to see the racing mods, then maybe after mods the car is basically stripped of all paint, left with nothing but all gray primer etc. and is ready to go to the paint shop. Include a paint shop that includes features that are far better then anything that has ever been included in any car game before. Maybe a random paint option, with a few buttons that control certain features. I could see people spending hours n hours just working on their cars appearance.
that's a good idea,i think the next gen racing game must have an option to create your "personal" car.
I still think we need more realistic gauges. I modifed a Citroen 2CV yesterday, and the speedometer read a max speed of 240MPH!!!!

I mean come on, that is just beyond stupid.
How about, if they implement damage well enough, then you might see a car that's totaled in a chicane and there are flag people around the track with yellow or red flags. Yellow flag and everyone lines up and follow the pace car, and you'll see the totaled car getting craned away be a lift or what not, plus debris on the track from the damaged car, metal peices, oil, gasoline, a random windshield wiper. just stuff that make it a real as it can get.
How about, if they implement damage well enough, then you might see a car that's totaled in a chicane and there are flag people around the track with yellow or red flags. Yellow flag and everyone lines up and follow the pace car, and you'll see the totaled car getting craned away be a lift or what not, plus debris on the track from the damaged car, metal peices, oil, gasoline, a random windshield wiper. just stuff that make it a real as it can get.

I think if they implement damage, they are all but forced to somehow injure the driver. Cause if you totaled a car in a chicane, the driver's not gonna hop out and say "d00d...that was AWESOME!!!11!". ...Though that would be hilarious! :dopey:
I still think we need more realistic gauges. I modifed a Citroen 2CV yesterday, and the speedometer read a max speed of 240MPH!!!!

I mean come on, that is just beyond stupid.
More like more realistic tuning.
...Cause if you totaled a car in a chicane, the driver's not gonna hop out and say "d00d...that was AWESOME!!!11!". ...Though that would be hilarious! :dopey:
never seen a race these days?it happens a lot that a car is totally wrecked and the driver has just none injury.although sometimes a driver is injured.
i think damage must be in GT5,because you must drive carefully to not damage your car.if you have damage,pay for the reparations,and that car is out for 1 day to a week.
I'd like to walk around a 3d garage with my cars in it (ala PGR2) and perhaps even take photos right then and there.

I'd like to see all of the stats for a car in an easier manner than it being required that I click on it and make a purchase (up until the final cancel button).

An easier way to balance yourself against the opposition or visa-versa ... I'm sick of entering a race and either being woefully underpowered or stupidly overpowered; just tell me what the opposition is and what sort of class to aim for.

Let me switch cars as I'm looking at the race screen, rather than retreating all the way to my garage.

If a race has requirements, show me the cars that meet them so I don't have to spend an hour looking for a car les than 2400mm in length (or whatever).

Have A-Spec points mean something?

GIve out A-spec points (a lesser amount) for positions other than 1st.

Damage is a no-brainer ... there has to be some form of penalty for using the AI as moving walls or braking aids.

Do we have to have so many clicks and loads and saves everytime we buy tuneup parts for a car? Can't we pick them all and then save at the end?

Can't they be a little more descriptive about race requirements? "Super car special!!!" ... um ... okay ... so what cars fall into that category, then?

If a car is counted as "special" and you can't actually race with it, perhaps give a little indication of such?

A big HELL YEAH to all of those!! :sly:

Can anyone tell me what the hell the A-Spec point system was all about? Honestly, I used it to guage how much over/under-powered I was to the rest of the field. And when you're in the R92CP, up against the Sauber, Minolta, Bentley et al and the race is only 1 - 6 points because the stupic-ass '69 GT40 is in the race. Let's get real, the GT40 has absolutely NO CHANCE of winning -- what the hell is it the race for?? And no matter how many times you enter and exit the Sarthe 24hr -- that stupid frickin' car is in it!!!!!!! Either that or the Vette C5R, Camaro Racer or some way under-developed car than the ones I mentioned before.

Another thing, when has weather NEVER CHANGED!!?? I would love to see the night/day/sun/cloads/rain and ANY combination thereof!! How many times have we seen F1 races run in the rain? Or NASCAR, or Indy/Cart or ANY OTHER RACING VENUE always race in the SUN with the track looking like it just got hosed down? A little more realism in the weather department would be a GREAT change!! 👍

I completely agree with the Damage -- you're right -- a no-brainer!! They used a 5-sec time penalty in the Special Conditions -- Maybe they could use that in combination with a BLACK FLAG and damage for the rest of the Simulation races!!

And finally, Seeing the same 5 cars on the track (as I am racing) -- is as boring as watching a snail crawl across a salt bed!! NASCAR usually has a field of 40+ cars, INDY -- 30+ so on so on so on. I don't know how many times I wished there'd be more cars on the starting grid that has the spots available for them!!
Things i would like to see in GT5 :

An ultra realistic sim mode, engine damage through over revving, retirement after hitting walls etc, tyre blow outs etc etc....

Weather conditions changing...

Day to night change on 24H races...

More sense of speed at LOWER speeds, driving a car at 100MPH in GT4 just doesnt feel like it should (however the first point would make me take more care here)....

More racing model cars and less run of the mill saloons and hatches, more sportier models in other words....

an auto set up for suspension and downforce for each track, this could be a setting to give you a decent lap time but by no means the best, thus pointing you in the right direction to set up your car, lets face it how many of us really know what we are doing trying to tune a car with full suspension customization????.....

OPtion to take more than 1 car to a track to time yourself, in other words a quick switch from car to car to save going back home to pick another....

there are plenty more that i cant think of now but i would happily sacrifice 200 cars in the game to get the above points realized, for me GT is a simulation and if they can take that another click closer to reality then thats what i would prefer!

Got to say though i wouldnt change the modelling of the RING for anything, that track was worth the cost of buying GT4 alone, hats off there....
Not in to readin 40 pages , so here are my suggestions;

Visible tire wear
Driver behaviour : -Blur high speeds?
-Head moves
Gravity improvements - spin , rollover etc etc

Check out live for speed (PC) , add half of that to GT4 and it's the best
Different classes! YEAH!!! :crazy: I like that idea. Like in the ?dakkar? rally- semis and dirt bikes! I even saw semis racing on Pikes Peak! PD should bring that track back, as well. Oh yeah and The normal from me: Custom shops
( i.e. : paint, bodykits, drivetrain & tranny swaps.) Just a whole lot more customization ability. I've always enjoyed the series, and always felt it a bit dull in that sense, but I'm sure all of that would help to make GT5 a glorious game. :)
-Improved pitstops and pitting
In every racing game I have played you cant drive your own car during pitstop which is kinda stupid IMO. It should be done so that you can(dont have to if you dont want to) drive the car while pitting. Another thing that makes me angry is that the pitcrew in GT4 is VERY slow. It takes like 10 secs for them to change your tires. Think about it... 10 freaking seconds! Have you seen DTM? It takes around 4 seconds to change tires and put some gasoline. It would also speed up the pitstop in GT if they used a hose(if they call it that) to put the gas in the car like in F1 and other formula series. Then there could be some random events during pitstops(it has already been said).
yeah its a great experience. I had a 10 lap race today on a m1:45s per lap course where i was about to pit and i accidentally entered too fast and got a drive through penalty.
Also, in another race, i was leading by 2 seconds and on the last lap i ran out of fuel on the 3rd to last corner... and lost. i didnt put enough gass in my tank by accident. great experience :) this was all in live for speed and hopefully i will be making the same stupid mistakes in gt5.
I still think we need more realistic gauges. I modifed a Citroen 2CV yesterday, and the speedometer read a max speed of 240MPH!!!!

I mean come on, that is just beyond stupid.

Not nesseseraly, if you fitted it with Jet engines...
Dude, It'll fall apart before it reached 100, let alone 240! :D

Oh yeah, I forgot the french stick their cars together with glue :ouch:

Do you mind me asking what part of birmingham you come from, PM me?

Cheers :)
I would like to see the BTCC champ in game. With all the tracks the BTCC cars race on.
How about a navigator in rally races? In Need for Speed: V-Ralley 2, you had one, and he told you over the radio the type of turn that was coming up, and a cooresponding arrow popped up. That way, you could concentrate on the road directly ahead and brace for a slolem, hairpin, etc w/o having to look at the map. That would be cool feature.
How about the ability to crash through the orange barriers at Grand Canyon? Then after you hit the bottom a short cutscene shows the car being towed away to the scrapyard? And then the wild-life freaks come and fine you for destroying 'Natural Beauty?' :dopey:
definitly [R] mod from gt2 and the ability to custimize your car, like in forza, the rear wings they have in gt4 are fine but you should be able to adjust height and color. used car lots for each manufacturer like in gt2, BETTER AI, more tracks like sebring, atlanta, top gear test track. also on endurence races there should be night/day shifts and climates like rain and snow, on le mans you should be able to pick your class and they should have all 4 classes race together at the same time so there is traffic.
3-Wheel Drive
How about a navigator in rally races? In Need for Speed: V-Ralley 2, you had one, and he told you over the radio the type of turn that was coming up, and a cooresponding arrow popped up. That way, you could concentrate on the road directly ahead and brace for a slolem, hairpin, etc w/o having to look at the map. That would be cool feature.

That's not needed since you get to familiarize yourself thru licenses..
What I want in gt5:

1.Racekits,but I want to be able to customise the livery.For example:I buy a Toyota Supra.
I proceed to race modification screen.I have a selection:race modification type:a)Street-mod,where I can select wings,bumpers,hoods ect.(in other words-rice it out) b)Race-mod,where I have a selection of liveries from real JGTC cars,or custom livery,which means that if I want a pink JGTC Toyota Supra,with starting number 69 and words that say"I Am A Playboy Bunny Girl" on the sides of the car,with back of the car lime green,and lime green hood with Playboy logo on it,let me have it.

example 2:I buy a Peugeot 406 Sedan 2.9 V6. I go to race modification screen.I choose street mod.I make the car look like the one from Taxi. Together with TSW IMOLA rims.

Example 3.I Buy a 2003 Impreza STI.I go to race modification screen.I choose race-mod.I have a selection:a)Rally mod b)JGTC mod.I choose Rally.I have selection of the Subaru WRC team livery,or Custom.I choose Subaru WRC.

2.Ability to change the size (only on non-race modified cars) and color(on all cars) of the rims. e.g. if I want OZ Superturismo rims on pre-mentioned Supra,but in lime green color,let me have it.

3.License plates,like in Midnight club 3,but I want to be able to select plates for my country too,not only U.S.


5.Custom soundtrack.I want to listen to Billy Idol's Speed when I race.

6.The wings,hoods,bumpers have to be from real manufactureres(VeilSide, Wings West,Projekt Zwo)and parts that I buy in Tuner Village have to be real,and have their real life names(like HKS T51 SPL)

That is it.
Agreed. ^^

I don't consider it 'rice'ing.

I consider it customization. It's not just for the tuner scene, either.
I believe for GT to be the ulimate driving simulator, then realistic situations should be included to make it more 'real.' Regardless if it's customizaton, or 'rice'ing, as the haters put it. If it is possible, and not too extreme, then it should be in the game. 💡
Please please please please please please PLEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEEEEEEE, improve the AI. I'm so sick to death of the other cars bashing me around the track. :(
Yeah improve 'em!

And my biggest wish in GT5 is not Ferraris and Lamborghinis. I want 50 cars when you enter the 24 hours Le Mans, and not 6. I want it to get dark when its getting night when you drive a 24 hours race. I was really disapointed with 24h Nürburgring, and Le Mans. Darkness and 50 cars. Now that would be realistic.