Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
"The ability to upload your own music from devices such as MP3 players and devise your own soundtrack for the game (if you wanted to that is)."

This one is real smart!!!
I think most people have covered all the things I'd consider but I'd like to add (or repeat) a few -
1. Dynamic enviroments. Trees that move in the wind. Birds that fly off when you roar past in some V8 muscle car. Clouds that move in the sky and cast shadows on the circuit. Tyre marks left in the gravel traps and skidmarks on the tarmac. Rain and snow. That kind of thing.
2. Custom championships. I've always wanted to have my own custom races against certain cars. Choose which circuits, how many laps, which cars, possibly weather conditions, difficulty level. Then go online and let someone race it. Maybe have a car from your garage as a prize. Download other peoples custom championships. It could be a great way of winning cars you don't have.
3. An interior drivers view. As seen in PGR3. For the hardcore driver. Getting as close to simulation as possible.
4. Custom camera views. Place the camera where you want it when you race. By the bumper, the hood, right on the tarmac. Have complete freedom so you can find what is right for you.
5. Neutral gear.
6. Added tuning options. Pay a mechanic to tune your car for you every race.
7. Better AI. But specifically reactive AI so when you bash them they bash you back.

That's about it. I'm sure I could think of a few more.
More accurate gauges. A stock Fiat Panda will NOT do 180MPH, and a tuned one will NOT do 240MPH, no matter what you do.
Can i have a horn to beep at other muppets in my way, and some headlights i can switch on, and flash onto high beam please, so i can :

a) Flash to let muppets know when i want to pass, as i have a faster exit speed from the last turn/car anyway.

b) A switch to turn the lights on, so i can see in the dark when the 24 hr race goes to nite time.

Of course, all of these options would already have been addressed had they given Volvo's the headlights that they come with as standard.

I like the ideas in here chaps, when are we emailing this thread to PD?

Definitely lights, horn, dynamic environments, and improved AI. Also, cars with more accurate detail and specs. Also, more weather conditions, like deep snow and ice.
UI: Short cuts at main menu for important locations. like what was in GT2. Tuning progress needs to be faster. Photomode should allow you to adjust items on the car, hood, doors, lights, etc.
So I'm not the only one that misses that handy "browser-like" feature to go home or go race at any time? PD should include it once more, and cut down on the gigantic screen map used in GT4 (the novelty wore off after a few race days).

Replay theater should have more than play and fast forward. Pause, frame advance, frame back, rewind slow and fast, and more options for camera angles and locations during the replay.
It would be neat for the three or four times I've actually used Photo Mode. I'm surprised this hasn't been used before, but I'd imagine that the ability to do this probably increases loading time of the replay. It might not be so taxing on the console when the PS3 becomes available.

Weather changes, a series or one-race track randomizer (the GT2 Event Generator!) for any car, better lap (last 3-5/best/current) record keeping, the ability to arange your garage just how you like.

Actually all the pieces (except weather changes) are there from past GT games, they just need to be assembled together properly!
Not sure if this was said, im not going through all those pages man. But how about allowing you to choose your opponents and match their hp to the car you are driving. I want more options, I'm tired of having to reset just to get a nice even set of cars to race against.
-> I like to see when you're about to cross the finish line, there's an official who waves the checkered flag at the pits which means the race is over.

Just like this:

Dynamic environments, I think, are a must for this next generation title. To be included with this should be changing weather, and storms that change the track surface as they would change, not just automatically wet or something.

Another example would be a snow storm where snow actually builds up like an inch or two an hour. That would be great. It gets harder to drive through it and driving through ruts.

Just an idea that I think would make this game awesome.

I would like to see PD keep the rally's and keep many different weather conditions, and to maybe add a few or make them more extreme.
There's a good one I somtimes feel the need to drive along the pitlane like they do usually when u win a race. But it looks so stupid if you cross the finish line and get jerked back to the outside lol.
Taken from this post;

Some of my ideas, and im sorry if ive repeated anything on the 40paegs i havent read lol!

Handbrake: I would love for this to be sorted, instead of just locking the rear wheels..

Also the removal of completly useless and pointless cars. There seems to be a lot of cars that you just dont even bother looking at, and as above replaced with cars that have some significance; Renault 5 GT Turbo's (1.4 Turbo, Front Engine, FWD), Escort and Fiesta RS Turbo's, Escort and Sierra Cosworths.

With the second hand car market, although something i primarily got excited about, i overlooked the fact that all cars have "mileage" on them but none have been modified!! I would like to be able to buy a car pre modded. This brings me onto my second "wish" that you could buy 2nd hand parts, at a reduced price, in a rapidly changing market. New technologies as you advance through the game etc

This brings about ideas of much more advanced parts tuning; fuel pumps, specific injectors, different sized turbo's from different cars, ie a standard turbo (or parts) off one car (that maybe you had won in a previous race) going onto a much smaller displaced car. Obvious, for perfectionists there must be some form of boundaries, only certain turbo's will fit onto certain engines. Furthermore the possiblity to upgrade individual parts and the ability to install bigger engines into cars would make things more interesting.

For Example, you have 10,000 credits when you start GT5. You decide to buy a Civic B16 for 5,000credits. A H22 Prelude engine is available for 3,000credits w/ a manfold, wiring kit and geabox, and get your team of mechanics to install it. thats 220bhp from 160bhp. (sorry for the common transplant but jus an example). And then 2,000 credits left to spend.

These boundaries would be highlighted by badly set up engines, aforementioned, causing blown engines, parts to break/fail. Also being able to play with tuning advances as simple as Boost on a turbo. Up the boost without proper fuel/air improvements.. BANG! FUN!

I just wish that computer game makers would take their eyes off the "visual benefits" being highlighted in Gotham Racing, i mean i dont really care about what the crowd are doing, that should be lowest of the low on the list of priorities!! (Although mud and rain on the wind screen, window wipers etc is a nice touch when in the cockpit).
I beleive that the graphics aspect of the game will be improved IF they decide to create a GT in conjunction w/ PS3, as the hardware of the system will be much better etc etc

It would be more challenging that, like in real life, there was dry, damp and wet conditions on the track, even more so mid race!

This is just my opinion, if someone else has mentioned the above and i havent seen or given praise, apologies
One idea: Bodykits! 💡

They have spoilers, so why not Bodykits? :)

The catch is, to reduce the years making a bodykit for each car only certain cars such as japanese sports cars:GTR, Supra, Evo, WRX, FTO, 350Z etc. European sports cars: BMW M3, Mercedes.

(If you are into imports, you'll know what I mean! :dopey: )
why not just sign a deal with BLITZ bodykit company and use every bodykit they have for appropriate cars... for every car they make bodykits for? they could probabley do this for free, as it would be great advertisment for the body kit companies, and they wouldnt have to design any bodykits... sounds awesome to me
I like the idea someone posted about having technological advances (fancy word for the systematic process of unlocking parts). So that you dont actually have stage 4 turbo until close to say 80% of the game completed - things get unlocked as you go. Getting a bit tycoon-ish here but possibly have a development team where you can invest money in developing certain aspects - for example spend x amount per month on developing high powered turbos or better tyres, etc. This way not each person who plays the game is going to have the same parts available (it will depend what you decide to research/develop).
Drive swaps, like a FF into a FR, and the like.

And engine swaps! Imagine a 300hp 2-litre turbo powered, mid-engined Mini! :D

Plus custom paint jobs! Psychedelic pink 787B, anyone? :dopey:

I would also quite like GT5 to ditch the "get in this car and turn up at a race instantly" aspect of gameplay and, rather, you "play" as a racing driver, with a house and garage full of cars in a big, bustling city with motorways and surburban streets.

You then get in a car, including door-opening "cutscene (of sorts)", drive out the garage, do a burnout down your driveway before drifting onto the main highway headed for a racetrack to race. (OK, scratch the burnout and drift)

So, basically, you actually drive to the race. :) The funny part is, you have to obey the speed limit, or you might get ticketed by the cops :grumpy: , and the fine comes out of your prize money pool . Of course, you could try and outrun the cops, so they'll lay down spike strips, bursting your tires. You then have to do the race you are heading to on flat tires. :dopey: (OK, maybe forget the cops bit as well)

(This would, of course, be as a different version of GT5 (maybe GT5 RPG Edition? :D))

My $5 :)
I like the idea someone posted about having technological advances (fancy word for the systematic process of unlocking parts). So that you dont actually have stage 4 turbo until close to say 80% of the game completed - things get unlocked as you go. Getting a bit tycoon-ish here but possibly have a development team where you can invest money in developing certain aspects - for example spend x amount per month on developing high powered turbos or better tyres, etc. This way not each person who plays the game is going to have the same parts available (it will depend what you decide to research/develop).

I guess that depends on wether you want a game similar to real life or if you want NFS.... I'll take the first... I can by a really big turbos and anything else I'd need right away for real...
I would like to see the signs on SSR5 with Japanese characters and English letters under the Japanese characters to tell what they mean.
-> Id' like to see the two versions of Special Stage R11 on GT5:

GT1 Version

GT3 Version

I would like to see the signs on SSR5 with Japanese characters and English letters under the Japanese characters to tell what they mean.

I think it'd take away from the authenticity.

Anyways I'd like restricted free roam. Like drive your car to the tune shop and wheels dealer and car dealer, of course you can't free roam in Concept cars, race cars, etc.
I like the idea someone posted about having technological advances (fancy word for the systematic process of unlocking parts). So that you dont actually have stage 4 turbo until close to say 80% of the game completed - things get unlocked as you go. Getting a bit tycoon-ish here but possibly have a development team where you can invest money in developing certain aspects - for example spend x amount per month on developing high powered turbos or better tyres, etc. This way not each person who plays the game is going to have the same parts available (it will depend what you decide to research/develop).

Better AI and more realistic selection of cars on the starting grid would make that obsolete, better AI would definately make sure that just dumping hp in your car and flooring it on straights won't win you the race. AI would always have comparable cars to your own, no more mismatch races. GT is about skill, first you learn the car, then the course, then combine those two.

I think they should include a grading system for how you drove during a race and award you point toward purchasing special types of cars, concepts models and such. I soo hated the one time win cars in all GT3 and GT4, once you abused that mileage, that car is now junk. The grading system will grade you on how good your lines are through sections of road, how cleanly you overtake opponents, how clean your gear shifts are(yeah you should really know your cars powerband, Dyno, ECU controls would help make this easier) and how hard you are on the car(numerous rumble strip and grass outings are bad for tires and undercarriages). Do not make the grading system a mandatory thing, must be optional. That should be like PGR without the unrealistic nonsense, but far more rewarding as you should be able to check leaderboards , the smoothest drivers, fastests drivers, drivers who prefer grass to tarmac, drivers who forego life and limb in search of speed( those who damage their cars), drivers who can still put up good times with less than good condition tires. With PS3 every human driven car should have a monitoring system that tallys up what that car and driver does every lap throughout the entire race. Soo many things I can think of.
I would like to see an Advanced Spectator mode for GT5

You would be able to do the following in Advanced Spectator mode:

1) Have the option to choose whether you want to watch a race for a single lap to 24 Hours.

2) You can individually select as many as 32 Cars (as an example), as well as selecting Cars by Groups (for example Hot Hatch's, Rally Car's, Touring Car's, Coupe's, etc.)

3) You can edit the starting lineup to how you want (Reverse Grids for example).

4) You can edit Power & Weight of each Car similar to the Quick Tune-up in Arcade mode, You can also Penalize Cars that you know are likely to spoil a close race by putting a Top Speed limiter on the quickest Cars selected (for example a VW Golf R32 has a top speed of 155 MPH, so I would limit the top speed to 130-136 MPH), to balance out the field though you will still be able to slipstream.