Taken from this post;
Some of my ideas, and im sorry if ive repeated anything on the 40paegs i havent read lol!
Handbrake: I would love for this to be sorted, instead of just locking the rear wheels..
Also the removal of completly useless and pointless cars. There seems to be a lot of cars that you just dont even bother looking at, and as above replaced with cars that have some significance; Renault 5 GT Turbo's (1.4 Turbo, Front Engine, FWD), Escort and Fiesta RS Turbo's, Escort and Sierra Cosworths.
With the second hand car market, although something i primarily got excited about, i overlooked the fact that all cars have "mileage" on them but none have been modified!! I would like to be able to buy a car pre modded. This brings me onto my second "wish" that you could buy 2nd hand parts, at a reduced price, in a rapidly changing market. New technologies as you advance through the game etc
This brings about ideas of much more advanced parts tuning; fuel pumps, specific injectors, different sized turbo's from different cars, ie a standard turbo (or parts) off one car (that maybe you had won in a previous race) going onto a much smaller displaced car. Obvious, for perfectionists there must be some form of boundaries, only certain turbo's will fit onto certain engines. Furthermore the possiblity to upgrade individual parts and the ability to install bigger engines into cars would make things more interesting.
For Example, you have 10,000 credits when you start GT5. You decide to buy a Civic B16 for 5,000credits. A H22 Prelude engine is available for 3,000credits w/ a manfold, wiring kit and geabox, and get your team of mechanics to install it. thats 220bhp from 160bhp. (sorry for the common transplant but jus an example). And then 2,000 credits left to spend.
These boundaries would be highlighted by badly set up engines, aforementioned, causing blown engines, parts to break/fail. Also being able to play with tuning advances as simple as Boost on a turbo. Up the boost without proper fuel/air improvements.. BANG! FUN!
I just wish that computer game makers would take their eyes off the "visual benefits" being highlighted in Gotham Racing, i mean i dont really care about what the crowd are doing, that should be lowest of the low on the list of priorities!! (Although mud and rain on the wind screen, window wipers etc is a nice touch when in the cockpit).
I beleive that the graphics aspect of the game will be improved IF they decide to create a GT in conjunction w/ PS3, as the hardware of the system will be much better etc etc
It would be more challenging that, like in real life, there was dry, damp and wet conditions on the track, even more so mid race!
This is just my opinion, if someone else has mentioned the above and i havent seen or given praise, apologies