Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
nah, limp back to the pits and get a new front end put a race car atleast.....i really think the possibility of a DNF while racing in a field of 20 some cars would add so much realism be it from a tyre blowout, failed brakes, blown engine/tranny, or even a stray rabit ripping off your front end......and unlike in forza, have the major body work panels anctually fall off......if that Audi R8 in the ALMS had it like in Forza, it wouldnt have done half a lap missing its front

heres that video of the rabit being exploded by the Mercedes:

it is gory, btw
Well, the realism would be great, but if you're simply entering one race, it will still just make you restart. But in a Cup it'd mess up your day, but it'll be extremely difficult for them to put in a realistic amount of bad things happening, at least it is for other games... though with thinking, they could do good, but it needs to happen (tires, and/or engine problems) equally to AI cars....
Well, the realism would be great, but if you're simply entering one race, it will still just make you restart. But in a Cup it'd mess up your day, but it'll be extremely difficult for them to put in a realistic amount of bad things happening, at least it is for other games... though with thinking, they could do good, but it needs to happen (tires, and/or engine problems) equally to AI cars....

ya, thats somthing i left out thinking it would be self damage and such only happened to you, then noone would want to sick of being punted off the track by an AI fool and they stay right on thier slot car more bouncing off things! i want the wheels on the F1 car to snap off if you ram that wheel into a pit lane entrance wall or somthing of that sort......or tyre and suspension failure.....

ya, thats somthing i left out thinking it would be self damage and such only happened to you, then noone would want to sick of being punted off the track by an AI fool and they stay right on thier slot car more bouncing off things! i want the wheels on the F1 car to snap off if you ram that wheel into a pit lane entrance wall or somthing of that sort......or tyre and suspension failure.....

I would like that too, but how many beginners, or drivers without the skill would despise the game then? Not that I care what they like, but PD has to, they wanna sell games, and perfect realism is too hard for many, many people, as 99% of people can't race cars in real life...
I would like to see the touring classes better represented with actual series tracks.
1. Environmental interaction: Skid marks, torn up turf, marks on outer walls from rubs, barrier tires getting knocked over and all over the place. Dirt on cars, making the car wash feature acutely worth something this time and not some lame money drain with no value what so ever.

Flags: Use the various flags used in races i.e. yellow, reds ect. At least on the longer racing series.

Penalties: Again, in series races have DQs and various other penalties. Pretty much all organized races have rules and fines/penalties for violating them.

Weather/Environmental Factors: Rain, snow, sleet, night, day, dusk/dawn, wind, and the appropriate equipment/tires/oils needed to deal with these factors.

Racing Teams: Be able to get everything from drivers to pit crews, complete with weaknesses and strengths and personalities to contend with and take into consideration. As well as contracts to bind these guys to your team. You can’t simply buy them like tires and keep them happy forever. Not a big B Spec guy, fine, don’t get a good racer and save some cash… Need the help, pay the man to get the job done.

Proper Tuning Tools: Whether they let you “own” them or pay for individual uses, this is in sore need for this series of game. How many backyard wrench-monkeys can properly tune a C-class racing car as far as gears and weight displacement go. I’ve tuned my share of cars in this game, and let me tell you this would save so much time.

Paint Shop: Allow people to paint their own cars, as they’d like. And with all of the new possibilities available to the PS3, allow people to upload images to use as decals for their cars or racing team logos. It would make for truly personalized racing teams and cars making the online game a truly great thing.

Online Tune/Mod Shops and Car Shows: Used in conjunction with the above-mentioned feature. If you’re not as skilled at making nice cars or cars that drive as you’d like, simply go online and have someone tune it or make it for you. Or even buy one of their pre-made cars. Then have people judge them in large-scale online shows for prize money.

Limited Space Garages: Used to force people to choose what cars they’d like to keep. Not many people can keep 700+ cars stored. The cost of doing this would be huge. Extra storage space would be available as an upgrade for a price. Like buying a larger garage or renting space, complete with rent being paid as time passes in the game.

Test Drives for Street Models: Want to try before you buy. That’s how you do it in real life. Take if for a spin, but buyer beware. If you don’t run a clean race and rub a wall, you’ve just bought it. Don’t have the cash; you’ll have to come back later when you do.

Multiple Tires Required: Would add another dimension of realism to the game. Racing teams don’t just get one set of soft racing tires that will last them the life of their cars. They have to plan how many pairs they’ll need per race and buy that many. Or use another type of tire to make it to the finish line.

Race Restrictions: Like those done in GT2. There are always going to be restrictions on races or everybody would show up at the Sunday Cup in an F1. The game is too easy as is and unfortunately, the game can’t make match ups worth a crap. One race, you show up with a stock Vett and blow the doors off of everybody there, the next time you race the same race and there’s a bloody Viper in there and it ends up like two laps ahead of everybody.

Multiple Classes and Prizes for Races: Have a Sunday Cup, N/A Only, FF, etc. for A, B, IA, IB, and S Licenses each with their own prize cars at the end like in GT3. I found it added to the replay value, as you had to re-race the races in order to get all of the prize cars. Though I’m not sold on this last point as the various classes provide enough variety in prize cars. Or even have it so that A has five possibilities for that class of car, B has four, C three and so on. And if you beat the S License version you get a Sauber of F1 or something sweet.
^^ Well said!!
....I don't know if it's been mentioned yet but different helmets for the open cockpit cars and/or convertibles. It looks kinda silly 6 guys with the exact same helmet!!
One more thing, ditch the 5 sec penalty completely!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of penalties... having to wait (ie. Last driving mission :scared:) for missions to start is 🤬... just start it with the other cars already ahead.

With all the power the PS3 is supposed to have...

Being able to create custom drivers would be cool... then on replays, you could see yourself in the car through the glass... and it would be really neat when driving a roadster! It might also make you feel more 'connected' to the car... and the game!

More cars should be able to participate in the race. It would also be cool to have a series in which several classes of cars participate in the same race. I can't remember which series it is, but they have LMP cars, GT cars and Touring cars all run the race at the same time.
Change the font in the game. Its sometimes hard to tell the difference between a 8 and a 6. Minor detail but it makes a difference.
Alright, here's what I'd like to see, sorry if any of it is a repeat.

First of all, test drives! It seems to me that it would not be hard at all for you to pick a new or used car from the purchase screens, and take that car around some basic track for a few laps to see how it drives before you buy it. I've gotten really annoyed by cars I bought thinking they would be good, only to have them suck. Arcade mode isn't really an answer either, because a lot of cars aren't available until to you own them in GT mode.

Secondly, no "special cars". The Caterham Fireblade is an awesome car, but I can't race it against anyone. What a waste. Now, I don't think those cars should be gotten rid of, I just want to be allowed to race them. If I want to enter my 1936 Auto Union V16 Streamliner in the Euro Classic Championship, let me! I was so disappointed to find I couldn't race that car.

Third, give me a better way than previewing to know what cars are in the race so I can pick a car that will be a fun match BUT do not add more restrictions than are already in place. Sometimes, I want an even match, but sometimes I just want to get a race over with quickly to get some cash or to win a prize car, so let me bring a machine gun to a knife fight if I want to. Plus, sometimes, for all we say the AI is dumb, in some tracks with identical cars, it's nearly impossible to beat.

Which brings me to my third point. If there are going to be rolling starts, find some way to make the lineup fair. When the game puts the fastest car in the first slot, and you at the back, that's like starting the race 15 seconds behind, and then you still have to fight through all the other cars, while the leader car is cutting a perfect line. Maybe order the cars with the slowest cars at the front and the fastest at the back.

Finally, I like the idea of the tuner companies, but how about making them more realistic? Like not having the turbo kits from 3 different companies produce the exact same numbers? Give all the companies' parts different strengths and weaknesses, as well as prices, so that you actually have a reason to put on a Nismo turbo kit with an HKS exhaust. Also, they should not be JDM exclusive. I have a Dodge SRT-4 in real life, and I know for a fact that companies like HKS do sell parts for it.

Now, my thought on damage: Make it an option to be turned on or off. My one big fear with adding damage which costs money is that you could end up bankrupting yourself to the point where you would have to start over, or not be able to earn enough money to buy a better car and advance. GT4 was the first GT game I played(actually bought a playstation 2 just to play it), and if damage from crashing had cost money, I would have run out of money before I got through Beginner. Remember, we all sucked once. One thing I really like about this game is that you can't ever really lose the game, you just have to have patience.

And, of course, less Japanese bias. I like many of the cars, and I'm not asking for no Japanese cars. Just something more even. Do we really need 50 different Skylines, many of which differ only by the extra letters at the end of thier names? Sorry, but I just can't tell the difference between a "GTR V Spec II Nur" and a "GTR V Spec M1". Get rid of a few of those and add a 1969 Trans Am to the Pontiac lineup, please! Sorry, Pontiac just sticks out as a company that really got shafted (C'mon, the Vibe gets a spot but no Firebirds?!).

Also, how about an "Idiot Mode" for suspension setups? Let people adjust everything like now, but how about default settings like "Smooth Track", "City Course", "Curvy Roads", etc.

That's all for now... more if I think of it.
Make it for PC
-The maker gets more money
-We enjoy the c00l game on Pc

Make some tracks from:
-The villages of Sicily, Italy
-Africa (Botswana, Ethiopia, Uganda)
-Hungary (Budapest, and some main roads)
-USA (Hawaii, Washington, Nevada, Utah)

Sorry for my undeatialed wishlisht, but i dont have much time to write these, and i only know the game from reviews, walkthroughs, pics, and videos...
I dont have the money for a PS2, and for a GT4 :(
It wouldn't be Gran Turismo then...

And for me:

- Skid Marks
- Day/Night & Weather Transition (it'd be nice to get some rain).
- Reverse & Turn Signals (Not needed in racing, but it'd be nice).
- Ability to create own races, where you pick the opponent grid yourself (Arcade Mode only).
- More than 6 cars in a race, 12 would be nice but the more the better.
i Agree with this guy ...and i want better music they really need to chage the music!! my god that elevator music is such garbage..get like gt1 had!
I would like too see the option of picking your rim size, when u buy rims, and i would like to see picking your muffler size and all for the tuners.

now for the cars: i would like too see
- 91 - 00 Honda Civic Coupes
Make it for PC
-The maker gets more money
-We enjoy the c00l game on Pc

No offense, but bringing GT to the PC would completely destroy the game. GT is one of the most beautiful racing games around because PD really gets the best out of a system. This simply isn't possible on PC, because there's all this different hardware. PD could do miracles with a PS3, and no one would miss out because his hardware is too weak.
What I wanna see (if it hasn't been mentioned) is more agressive AI, I want the AI to not slam into you ever second, but try not to crash, but I also want to see them draft you, overtake, and do everything on their own, rather than just follow a pre-set racing line (including using nitrous at times). I also wanna see AI cars be tuned too. It gets kinda boring having a 700HP suped up car going against some stock cars, I wanna see the AI cars have suped up cars too, maybe engine swaps, new drivetrain, like in real life... mix all that along with damage, and maybe the ability to trash a car beyond repair, will not only make the game more realistic, but so much fun.
i would like to see light weight/carbon fiber parts to reduce the weight of the cars as well as adding some visual flare to the car. a wing removal feature, GOD! i would LOVE to take the wing off the evo 8 :lol:
have the wings be properly adjustable....downforce, element angels, wing hight (so as not to have those shopping cart wings again)......also have the wings have different max/min downlorce levels.....different styles besides some of the ricey ones in GT4 would be good, like on real race cars (like the mini wings on the DTM cars, the super huge wings on the LMP's or even just a little lip......)

DTM wing:

LMP wing (somthing along these lines):

how about getting a loan to buy a car... a bit far-fetched, i know... but sometimes i see some really nice cars with 10km, and i'm only a few thousands short and i know if i go do the capri event quickly it'll go away. offcourse there would have to be some sort of restriction as to how much you can borrow etc.

and when we buy the rear spoiler where does the ajustable downforce on the front come from? how about having one of those little adjustable front lips... black, carbon fibre, whatever.
The descripton says you add a front splitter as well in GT4, theres just not one modelled for the cars, unlike the wings, the splitters would have to be modlled for each car seperately in many cases due to the different sizes and shapes of the cars, whereas the wings are universal.
One final thing, either ditch rally mode completely or tune the rally physics so they're more fun like GT3's. :)

Definately the second option. Imagine decent physics, no 5sec penalty and all those great rally cars at your disposal for a spin around the absolute beautiful Chamonix-track. PD could do fantastic things with GT's rally, they just messed up in GT4. No reason to skip the rally mode, a motivation to do it right this time. :)
Definately the second option. Imagine decent physics, no 5sec penalty and all those great rally cars at your disposal for a spin around the absolute beautiful Chamonix-track. PD could do fantastic things with GT's rally, they just messed up in GT4. No reason to skip the rally mode, a motivation to do it right this time. :)
And add a few more rally cars like the Audi Quattro S1, Mini Cooper S (the old one), and the like. But mainly fix the physics and get rid of the 5 sec penalty.
I would like to see 1 British track added, so then us brits could take our real life cars to that track and pit ourselfs against then game. 👍

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