Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
GT need to add rally cross, regular rallying is time trials anyway. Car damage and removal of thos invisible barriers should help. But that creates a new problem, as PD would have to remove the track side audience, because we all know many of you will try to plow into the audience to see what happens. If GT's rally mode gets to the level of Colin McRae 3, it will be a blast to play. no more two cars rallying at the same time, that's just lame.
More in-depth rally sounds good. Nix the whole 5 sec. penalty system, or just add it to the overall time at the end of the run.

Functional/visible mods. Stage 3 weight reduction, for example. Actually replace the original body with a carbon/plastic-type body.

Worn tires actually blow out or disentigrate while driving too fast, engine failure, and all that jazz as far as damage is concerned.....
This is far to long to ever have my opinion seen, but a little city. maybe to drive to the dealerships?
Since this is the driving simulator, I have always wanted to see what it would be like to use a 600bhp car on the public roads. Try overtaking on a blind corner with a 30mph in the AMG SL65 for example.

Other games havent got the 'x-factor' for driving. Which is a shame.
I believe that most improvements in GT5 will trickle down from having realistic damage. When I say damage, I'm not only talking of the cars, but the track as well. Driving into a tyre wall should not only mess up my car, I want to see those tyres flying. A guard rail would bend or break if hit at certain speed, etc. As for the cars, I have no tolerance for simple damage à la Burnout. Damage skin 1, 2, 3, 4 does nothing for me. I want damage physics!

Some may say that is way too many calculations for any console to do, but think of the 7 core processors! 1 processor could render the car in full 3D at all times on the track, another takes on the AI, another one displays and records track and track changes and so on.... It's possible and I think we should expect nothing less.

With damage, better AI is necessary: holding a line at all cost would be detrimental to all cars and the very fun factor of the game. This would probably enhance the AI on all levels of play. By that, I mean that not only will the difficulty level be dictated by the size of the engine as it is now, but easier races will have more "courteous" drivers who are more prone to mistakes and giving up the line and harder event will see tough as nails drivers who won't give you an inch (without gratuitously ramming you when you brake too soon).

Also, concerning the career mode: I WANT A TRUE CAREER MODE! I'd love to have sponsors fight for you, external corporate decision out of your control affecting you team, the expanding and bettering of your entire team (from the pits to management) and some history... Make a career last as long as you play...not just 'til you finish 100%. I want to race the 24H of LeMans 5 years in a row and have a record of how well I did in all 5 years and so on. I want rivalries and friendships to be implemented. That's what racing's about.

As for the customizing, paint would be fun, but exhaust tips, neons, tinted windows and hotrod tape, I believe those belong in NFS as well. I think the drift style is cute in GT, but anybody who wants to be fast on tarmack knows it's useless.

The tracks, I like to see more real life ones, but I love the made up ones like El Capitain...still one of my faves.....

And, well, Porsche, Ferrari and Lambourghini should be there... Imagine recreating the LeMans Steve McQueen movie.....I'm salivating just thinking about it. also More cars on track...

I'm done...I think...
I also believe that the cars should get dirty. Why is it that you can wash your car, but you can't tell when it needs it?!
It also takes too long to change your oil and wash your car. It should take like 2 seconds. I kind of like how it shows a guy getting underneath your car, but how does he put oil in it from the bottom without even opening the hood?
And does anyone else think the rim selection is weak? WHERE ARE THE SPINNERS AT?! They are all the same, and I can't tell any difference in performance after buying racing rims!
DamageHaving damage in the game could possibly make the game too hard and unenjoyable, if you have to keep spending money on repairing your car you could wind up stuck, never being able to buy a faster car to compete in faster races because you alwasy end up having to fix your old car. This would only be good for experienced racers who are able to keep their car out of the barrier but could be too frustrating for new players.

AIThe main thing i'd like to see in GT5 is improved AI! In particular, i'd like to see the AI cars Defend their line by maybe following the "only allowed to move once" rule, or when an AI car is behind me i'd like to see it actively try to follow in my slip stream instead of just following its normal line. I'd also like to see the AI cars race not only harder against me but also to race harder against each other aswell with a bit of overtaking between them.

StatisticsIt would be cool if in the status screen area there was a stitistic that shows, based on all the races you've driven in, how good a driver you are, giving you a score on your braking, corning ability, acceleration and overtaking and a final overall score, much like the skill points they show for your B-Spec driver, and maybe you wouldnt be allowed to enter the harder races until your overall skill statistic reached a certain level. This, in my opinion, would be better than simply being given a set amount of A-Spec points.

TracksI'd like to see tracks like Suzuka or Apricot Hill used a bit more, the street tracks like Tokyo or New York are far too over used in GT4, and for the most part the only corners you encounter on the street tracks are the right angled corners which are too easy.

B-SpecFor me B-Spec mode was a bad idea and should not be continued in GT5. Most of the races (in particular the endurance races) become no challenge, a simple save would be better.

WeatherUnless its done properly I dont think changable wether would be a good thing to have, most games i've played with this feature, every race winds up being wet and I always end up cursing the game to give me a dry race lol.

ReplayOn GT4 sometimes the replays look a tad cartoony, and I hate how the replay focus' on the car, it would be cool if they made a replay option so you could either focus on the car or focus on the track so you can see just how well you managed to hit a particular corner.

LicencesLastly GT5 should have a Rally specific Licence instead of forceing us non-rally fans to do the tests.
Aside from the obvious improved AI, I would love to see more variations in the courses. GT has always had a great selection of courses, but I would like to see different weather variations and time of day settings. Racing through a mountain course in the early morning with fog and dew covering the course would be great.

Also, damage is a must. I fully expect damage to be present in GT5, and of course it would be ideal if the damage effected performance.

Anyway, everything I want improved has already been covered in the thread, so I wont bother repeating everything.
Electric Orgasm
What I want in gt5:
1.Racekits,but I want to be able to customise the livery.For example:I buy a Toyota Supra.
I proceed to race modification screen.I have a selection:race modification type:a)Street-mod,where I can select wings,bumpers,hoods ect.(in other words-rice it out) b)Race-mod,where I have a selection of liveries from real JGTC cars,or custom livery,which means that if I want a pink JGTC Toyota Supra,with starting number 69 and words that say"I Am A Playboy Bunny Girl" on the sides of the car,with back of the car lime green,and lime green hood with Playboy logo on it,let me have it.
Nice setup
the dammage should not be on gt5 because gran turismo has to be the more realistic as possible and i don't think that the dammage they are going to put in in gonna reflect the reality. They should spend this time and money on other things that are already there and should perfectionize
the dammage should not be on gt5 because gran turismo has to be the more realistic as possible and i don't think that the dammage they are going to put in in gonna reflect the reality. They should spend this time and money on other things that are already there and should perfectionize

They could probably do that with the next generation hardware.

Physics comes first IMO though.
Just had a thought, I know I akready said they should not continue with the B-Spec mode, but if they do I think it would be cool if you could train your B-Spec drive, for example there could be a Trainer mode where you drive as the "pace car" and your B-Spec driver follows you so you can teach him when to brake on a particular corner or so you can show him how fast he should be going in each section or something, I think that would be cool.
Other then the main things that need imporvment,...

i want to be able to resprey car's wat ever color i like :)

another thing is to be able to fast forward laps, like say u did something cool in lap 14, how cool would it be to JUST watch lap 14:) :)

maybe a ferrari? :drool:

drift events, and drifting schools :)

damage to the cars performance, but not its looks, so u would have to spend Cr to gets things up to speed again :)
- like if u blow your turbo, u gotta buy another, and stuff like that

having an AI competing with u through the game :)

stupid mini games :):)

fine tuning events, like the game required u to reach a specific speed with a choosen car.. if that makes since??? :)

driving schools :)

and goal prizes, like if you win all the japan races within a time frame u get bonus:)

or if u keep your winning ratios up, u get an amount of Cr every 7 days or something :)

well thats just some of the stuff..
I've got a few beefs, but to keep it short, there's ONE THING that just makes me shake my head every time I play GT4: No practice/qualifying during non-championship races means that I have to exit the race, (possibly screwing up my win percentage?), and tune the car's settings on a practice track until I get it close. THEN enter the race and hope that I did enough to get my lap times down to a competitive level compared to the other cars entered in the race.

I can't even describe how much of a pain in the a** this is. I spent so long in GT1, 2, and 3 figuring out how to set up the damn cars for each race, and now I find myself just, "running what I brung" half the time to avoid the hassle of leaving and coming back. I was able to do it in GT3 Sony, why oh why did you take it out?

Custom Race Events/Series

Regardless of how the races are done in GT5 it will never be able to satisfy what everyone wants or would like to have. My ideal is to allow the players to custom design their own race event or series. Players could design their own race series or single event and save the race settings. After the custom race is made the settings etc. would be saved to memory card, and then could be used over and over again. Also you could copy a custom race event, make changes and then save it as a differnt custom race. With something like this that has a lot of otions, it would really add a huge ammount of value to the enjoyment of the game and replay value. The following is a quick brief ideal of how it would work for say a custom race series with 5 tracks.

  1. Go into Custom Race Menu
  2. Pick multiple race series
  3. Pick 5 differnt tracks or you could choose random
    or pick say a dozen tracks and then have the game randomly
    pick 5 of those tracks.
  4. Set-up your race restrictions from over twenty differnt options
  5. pick the strength level of the A.I.
  6. choose the vehicles that the A.I. can use,
    this could be very random to very detailed,
    even pick specific cars from your garage.
  7. set the number of laps per track or random no. of laps
    in a certain range ( 5 - 10 laps, 10 - 20 laps etc. )
  8. set the sequence the races with be in, set specific order or
    have it totally random.
  9. Maybe set entry fees
  10. Perhaps set up prices, 1st = 100 % of prize money or
    1st = 75% of prize money, 2nd = 25% etc.
    prize money would be entry fee plus how ever much the race
    director wants to add as winnings.
  11. Set time of day per each race
  12. set weather per race, or have it random
  13. adjust settings for who can join the race ( mainly for online mode )
  14. At some point give the race or race event a name
    ( this could be changed at anytime )
The main point of this would be to create races that you want and like and then to be able to run that race over and over again or make changes to it ( for instance if the settings that you used was not exactly what you wanted ). Make races for two player and online racing so that you just choose your race event and off you go ( which would mean more time racing ). I really hope they give us something like this for GT5, it would sure make online racing an absolute blast. Also you could easily share you race event settings with other players via internet or memory card. Maybe even custom design a main page to your race event or race series. It would be a great and very cool way to design and set-up race events for online races. I hope the online GT5 race world is huge with one main racing league and then say 24 or so race divisions and then each one of these could have many seperate race leagues.

:sly:Greenlightning :sly:
How about an exploration mode where all the barriers are removed from
the race track leaving you free to go driving off down the various
surrounding roads and streets to have a good look around the place,
I think this would be a brilliant feature, and maybe every track in exploration
mode could have a hidden car in some out of the way place or something and if you find it it's yours, that would be awsome.
Well...... you know, at first blush that sounds kind of silly. But I've always wanted to go around where I'm not allowed. I broke through an invisible barrier in Half Life 2 and explored the surroundings for well over an hour. The work they put into that game is just astounding! The sun even moves as you change locations.

This would be kind of like an easter egg hunt for cars. I like it. :dopey:
It'd be kinda like free flight in Ace Combat 5 (ok so that still has the mission area barriers but you can fly around every where without being stuck to mission perameters)
I had wondered why the sun never went down on the 24-hour race. In agreement with the original post I would like to see daytime/nighttime transitions. In addition, variations in weather would be nice. Can you imagine driving the Nurburgring (or any track for that matter) and seeing a storm front approach, complete with lightning and dark clouds?

And being the curious type I also wish I could explore a side street or other blocked area. Or why not just include a public driving simulation where you can cruise around the neighborhood in your latest purchase? True, there wouldn't be any real point to this, except to admire the virtual environment possible with a PS3. It's a change of pace from racing, if nothing else.
Allowing us to drive around a location would be a great addition to Photo Mode as well.
I know what im about to say has prolly been said but i want my say anyway..
First the tires? I thought it was my aggressive driving in previous versions of GT. Version 4 i get an AI driver....I put him in to drive and he still wears out the tires twice as fast as the other AI.....Please equal this up...All it leads to is having to pick a faster car than is competetive so you can break out a lead enough to make double the pit stops.

Bring back the Qualifying for all races....Its a real downer having to start at the back of the grid especialy when its a rolling start...the lead car has already a 10 second lead before you can get on the gas....See above about competitive car choise....This brings me to the next point..

The 1 uber car and the four blockers....Seems in the scenario above theres one uber car and the other 4 are just there to get in the way for a lap or 2 till the uber car gets a decent lead....Not so bad on a wide track but on the narrow ones the 4 Blockers just seem to drive well below race pace and 2 abreast making them hard to pass...funnily after passing them they then seem able to match race pace???

All the other stuff about AI has been said a hundred times....I do however think GT4 is the worst...ive been playing since GT1 and dont remember it been this bad even then.
If I haven't said this before, I think it really needs to be.

Gran Turismo 5 should have a real-life "technicolor" look, not a Speed Channel video look. Surely Polyphony can give us the proper chroma to make things look like we're really there, since this is supposed to be the most realistic Gran Turismo (possibly racing game, period) yet.
Well don't forget the PS2 could only do so much, pretty sure graphically the PS3 will make GT5 all it can be providing PD take full advantage

- Rival Drivers. Similar to the upcoming Ace Combat Zero, it would be cool to have Rival Drivers that you'll randomly come across from time to time. Win extra A-SPec points (if they're there) and extra cash/credits for beating them. In Each race have a second (or third) prize car that you'll win *if* you beat the Rival Driver. The Rivals car would be comparable with what ever car you enter with.

EDIT - bit of an extension to the Rival Drivers. I kinda figured maybe it'd be a smart idea to say have 20-30 different rival drivers, and give them some depth. Have them at varying skill levels, not just in how their cars compare with you, but in how good they are and how hard they fight for places. With an enhanced AI they could become incredibly smart, but the key is, still not quite as smart and quick as a top human driver/player. How would they determine your skill level? On A-Spec points (again, if they exist in GT5) or some equivilent, the higher you get, the next driver or two you unlock. Say you start with 5 unlocked with about 20 events open, get to around oooh 6,000 A=Spec points and you get the next 2 and so on and so forth at different levels with the more events you unlock/win.
Hmm... rival drivers in GT Mode. That's interesting.

As for the color issue, I think it's because Polyphony ported over a lot of data to their workstations as digital video and didn't work to color correct it. It is a pain to do, but the PS2 is capable of displaying... oh gee, I forget if it's 20 bit or more, and that's plenty to display real world colors. It is a DVD player and uses the same graphics chip.

Many games on the Dreamcast like Sonic Adventure, the release title, have stunning backgrounds because Sega took the time to make sure it looked right, matching the graphics of the rest of the game to the warm real-life colors of the location shots they took from around the world. Sonic Adventure 2 was built almost entirely in the workstation, so it looked like video. Unless you take painstaking care with digital art, it inevitably looks digital. It's just a minor point, as the graphics on GT4 are breathtaking and do resemble video from a real race, but it would be a fabulous touch to an excellent game to go that extra few feet. ;)
BETTER noises which are more realistic, DIFFERENT noises for each car although some will inevitably sound the same (evo's), VARIABLE noises for when your car changes gear, instead of it being a perfect shift everytime, you should hear the engine change pitch as the RPM's vary because the traction is slipping, i think noise play a big part in racing/driving games.