Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
i think real damage is a must, the game is capable of it, and what is a racing sim without damage? nto a sim

also i think tuning strategties liek dynos and such would be awesome
motor swaps for the cars available to do it

i'm not positive but wasnt damage alread promised by teh creators for gt5?
I played a demo of this game once, think it was called R: Racing or something, made by the same people who did the Need For Speed series, it had an interesting idea in that you could pressure the AI cars into making mistakes by staying as close to their rear bumper as possible until they crack, and the better the AI driver was the harder it was to crack him, it would be awsome if something like this was done in GT5.
Engine Swaps, Engine Refresh, choice of 5, 6, and 7 speed Full Customize Transmissions and damage option (turn on or off at player's discretion).

Most of what's left for me are the make-specific races in GT4. The third had a quarter the number of cars and I managed to amuse myself for months on end just racing all the events for prize cars; I miss getting a car for winning every event in a given group. AND I MISS HAVING SOMETHING TO FRICKING DO.

I'm down to collecting used cars. I'VE SEEN THE BATHURST R IN EVERY COLOR TWICE ALREADY. Somebody give me a new consumption of my time, I might as well buy GTA San Andreas. :nervous:
Nice to have in GT5
Ok, so your finished with the game , what now ? You start playing around with all the cars, tuning here and there. But now i want to race my tuned cars, kinda against each other. -- I want the option to choose my opponents cars. Example :Choosing a few self-tuned 1600 cars, put them on the track, and race against them.
What i'm saying is, put an icon on the big-menu of GT5, call it uhmm, "Custom Racing" -> you choose the track & your opponents, and race against your own modified cars.

If the AI isnt good enough, make an option of "Prepare Car's AI". You choose a car, take it around a set track, the computer calcs AI for that car, and determines an AI for that Car. +/- the time YOU (if you're time would be better than the current computer's time) did, is what the car must do when you race against it. Thus, take a M3 as an opponent, and a C55 or somethin, and race against each other.
Racing against your own modified cars, head to head, and not time-trail checks, would be nice.
Damage had better be turned off at player's discretion. there's nothing I hate more than driving around in a beat up sports car. and I also hate being forced to race with damage on. and i'd REALLY get mad, mad enough to not buy GT5, if i had to pay money to fix my car after every race.

The idea of racing against your own cars is pure genius. I'd also like to take photos of more than one of my cars at a time.

I think this thread has lots of excellent suggestions, but i cannot remember all of them while writing this. Maybe something posted here will match with other user's opinions, but let´s give it a try.

Car browsing.
When you are selecting a car in arcade mode, or choosing one to pick from Toyota's New Cars section, you just press left or right and the car slides (or fades in - whatever) to your screen in less than 1 second. This is really quick and nice. But, when you are browsing cars in your garage or into the used car lots, there should be the same browsing accessibility. Is is überly-magnanimously-annoying to browse your cars like:

1) Sort it by name (or HP, Drivem, etc.)
2) Select Name from Page
3) Press Button
4) Loading
5) Car appears
6) Press /\
7) Back to Step 2

Is is a complete waste of time. I want to browse my cars quickly, without returning to that anti-ergonomic screen. Press left 5 times and then 5 cars will quickly appear in your screen. Into the used cars lot, that should be the same. Also, some sorting on these screens are well necessary. Why not adapt the same sorting system from garage to the used cars screen? I want to check the oldest or the more expensive or the less used or by alphabetical order.

It is a tremendous lack of ergonomy out there.

Car comparing features
I want to choose n of my cars to be compared amongst themselves without a need for B-Spec Waste-of-times. I have my super fully-tuned Isuzu Piazza XE and I want to see if i can match a generic Evo or similar.

1) Choose Piazza
2) Choose Evo
3) Compare

Now I want acceleration, weight, estimated final speed, potential tyre wear, date of last maintaining, etc.

Custom Events
See greenlightning's post above. That's it!
+ Mount races exclusively with both memory cards' cars.

I want different sounds when:
- Oil is not changed
- When tyre is brand blue new or extremely red consumed.
- Engine is being forced while in uphill
- Engine is more relaxed while in downhill
- Structure distortions occurs while making turns with used cars (see structure dynamics below)
- I get too much time into slipstream and my engine starts to heat up. (see engine dynamics below)
- Vibration occurs because of single tyre damage (see structure dynamics below)

Structure Dynamics
Cars shall sound like old LADA laikas, formerly used for chicken's house in a oldsman garage, when aquired from used car lots. This will also make the car's behavior very very difficult - or easy - depending on the driver's view. Tyres that hits another car of another debris of guard-rails or whatevers NEED to make the car vibrating and it WILL damage car's structure.

A used car WILL NOT behave correctly when racing. Exaust pipes will FALL OUT if you do not fix them. Those wheels screws will be tightened with the dedication of a bad-paid mad mechanic. Tires starts very used.

Mirror will be dirty (did you washed your car?)

Engine Dynamics
- Gets too hot, performance down
- Gets too cold, performance down
- Oil temperature gauge is needed
- Gears in used cars will be roaring (did you changed gearbox oil?)
- etc.

All that evolution / career mode talking.
Need For Speed Porsche had that.
Super Hang-On for Mega Drive had that.
Even that super Aguri Suzuki F1 Racing (or similar title) had a career mode.
No excuses for missing that!

And something else that i am missing...
That's always an initial thought and probably was already posted around.

Please discuss.

Edit 1:
Useless Cars and Competition Sequence
I won a Karmann Ghia, so make available a Karmann Ghia formula.
I won a Motor-Carriage, so make available a Motor Carriage formula.
I won a Honda S500, so make available a Honda S500 challange.

I really do not like to earn cars and store them in garage.
Need to race with them. It would be very nice if there was something like the following:

Formula A:
You buy car A and wins:cheers:
You earn a car B from the same manufacturer, and NOW you can drive in Formula B.
You win formula B :cheers:
You earn a car C.
Finally, you can compete in CAR C CUP. You win it again and earned car E.
But how can I compete in F championship? Compete in CAR C CUP again, with high-difficulty or whatever. THEN, you get the ultra F car.
Something I've always wanted but am still waiting on is a race feature where I get to choose the cars out of my own garage.

Say I want to race my '69 Isuzu Bellett GT-R against similar machines. Let me go to the race track of my choice and enter, but then let me choose the cars out of my garage. For example, '65 Alfa Romeo GTA, '70 Toyota Celica, '68 Isuzu 117, '73 Mitsubishi Colt GSR and '70 Mitsubishi Lancer GTO MR. All 1600cc fours from the same era.

Or course there would need to be better AI racing for the other cars, but you could create the race meet of your choice, and I think most everyone would like that.
One other thing I'd like to see...a more realistic Rev limiter.

one of the problems i have with most every Gran Turismo game is the top speed of cars. It seems, that when I run up against a rev limiter, the car slows down anywhere from 10 to 20 MPH. That's one reason I tend to overgear my cars.

what should happen, when one runs against a rev limiter, is that the ignition should cutoff for a split second and then get back on. what happens instead, is that the engine loses power and drops about 500 RPM. This isn't accurate, and it's something that needs to be fixed. and something that has been needed to be fixed since GT.

one more thing, rev limiting for pre-electronic cars should be simulated through keeping revs steady at the rev limit, through lifting off the gas, or using a governor. We can't do that easily with the controller.

or, perhaps, if you don't shift in time, you throw a rod. (Something which I wouldn't like to see, but it would be realistic... happened to a Briggs 5-Hp I was working on once.)
To be honest, I haven't read a single post in this thread - indeed, in this subforum - so I apologise if this has already been suggested, however...

What I'd like to see is a Photo Travel - the stationary car one - is a studio where you can choose the colour of the background, and that's it; no scenery or buildings or anything, just a simple studio. For example:



That sort of thing. Now I'm off to read the rest of this thread.
Proper Drag Racing events!

You know buy a Dragster chassis, Engine, Gearbox, Wheels, etc. The 10,000 BHP ones aswell.

Would have fun at Santa Pod, Hockenheim, and maybe have the Drag Strip in the middle east (forgotten which country) as an Unlockable.
Nice to have in GT5
Ok, so your finished with the game , what now ? You start playing around with all the cars, tuning here and there. But now i want to race my tuned cars, kinda against each other. -- I want the option to choose my opponents cars. Example :Choosing a few self-tuned 1600 cars, put them on the track, and race against them.
What i'm saying is, put an icon on the big-menu of GT5, call it uhmm, "Custom Racing" -> you choose the track & your opponents, and race against your own modified cars.

If the AI isnt good enough, make an option of "Prepare Car's AI". You choose a car, take it around a set track, the computer calcs AI for that car, and determines an AI for that Car. +/- the time YOU (if you're time would be better than the current computer's time) did, is what the car must do when you race against it. Thus, take a M3 as an opponent, and a C55 or somethin, and race against each other.
Racing against your own modified cars, head to head, and not time-trail checks, would be nice.

This is great. Forza has this sort create a new racer and train them by racing around the tracks then you can choose those racers to race against. It lacks a bit because they are always in the same car as you but thier skill and speed is as good as you trained them so it makes for some great racing. Change a few things like being able to pick the cars, qualify and tuning options for them and it would be a great addition to the next GT.
Damage as an option
Online play
Change cars from the current event many more ideas that have all been mentioed already I think.

oh yeah...for the bike version you've all seen Tourist Trophy right?
I think they need to make burnouts WAAAAYY more realistic.

There are more things that are unrealistic in GT4's physics model than just burnouts....... :indiff:
tight corner tracks. it'd be pretty cool if you can add a lip or something to make it look more like yours if it were to be online game. i'd also like primer color scheme.
One thing I don't think has been mentioned - sorry if it has been:

A placeable driver cam.

By this I mean, suppose you have five or six camera positions around the car to drive with, and a seventh that's completely configurable, including whether it's fixed to your car or free floating, with a setting to make it either fixed on your car and always looking straight ahead, or that follows along behind but with a certain amount of drift to it. This way you won't have to get used to a programmer's selection of viewpoints.

Or maybe the selections can all be changed to suit your preferences, so that you can have a bunch of presets that you decide for yourself.
I would like the replay mode to be like it is in Driver 3.

Other than that, I would really welcome a comeback of the Race Modify option from GT1.

Or maybe instead of the Race Modify maybe an option where you can widen the track of your car. With this you would have to get some new, wider wheelarches or even a widebody modification on the car to allow for the wider track. Would be very handy for improving the cars handling.

And I want more one make races, so that you actually have a reason to race all the cars.

Maybe also... humm... if it's going to be able to go online with GT5 then I want an option with wich I can stream internet radio into the game.
GET RID OF B- SPEC!!! I know, I know, it's easier to get money when you need it..but on the long run, b-spec does make you lazier when it comes to hard races that you can't probably win on your first try...and i think the game is about really kicking your exhaust pipe so when you have a 89+ win ratio you feel kinda proud of it..don't cha? ;)
Two modes. One for casual players where the game would pretty much play the same way as GT4 does, and one for hardcore players where everything would be much more real. For example, wreck your car and your race would not only be over, but that car would be useless from that point forward. But make the hardcore mode more rewarding to make players want to actually take up the challenge.

New wheel with a clutch pedal, and an H patter shifter that can work as an up/down shifter as well.

Real weather, and make it affect all the aspects of racing it does in real life. Like track temperature, cross winds, sudden rain showers, etc.

Real WRC stages. If they can fit a 13 mile track on PS2, they can fit a 25 mile SS on PS3.

Some other things off the top of my head:

-Tire pressure adjustments

-Cam gears adjustments

-Boost adjustments

-On the fly brake bias adjustments

-On the fly TC on/off switch for cars that have it

-TC systems ONLY for cars that have it in RL

-NO ABS unless the cars have it in RL

-Devise a way to stop people from wining races by overpowering their cars

-Don't make winning the ultimate goal in GT5. Most of the time you will not win in RL racing.

-Brake fade

-Realistic damage. Everything from breaking your suspension, to losing a wing. Oh and if you do lose a wing, have it affect the aerodynamics and down force of the car.

-Real guy waving a checkered flag at the end of each race.

-Variable pit stop times. Turn it into a mini-game of sorts.

-Estimates on fuel/tire duration on endurance races, so we can better strategize our pit stops.

-Real dirt on the cars, especially when rallying.

-Cockpit view.

-Drag tires.


-Have every manufacturer make a movie of their history, present, and future, and then make em available as unlock-ables. This might even entice some manufacturers to join.

-Custom sound tracks.

Well that's all I can think of.
This may be mentioned already, but I really want the ability to qualify for most/all of the races...

As well as cleverer AI - when you are alongside one they dont know you're there and just ram you off, and when you do overtake them for a corner, they cut to the inside after the corner to try to overtake you, but instead it just slows them down and you end up miles ahead (in other words, once you overtake an AI car, they've had it!).

And the ability to self drive in pits (if you've played GTR you'll know what i mean)

And perhaps more realistic gear changes, where it takes a little time to change gears in manual cars (unless they have 'flappy paddle' gearboxes) and for cars with automatic gearboxes* to change up like real-life auto gearboxes.

*This is an idea that there are manual and automatic cars in GT5, a little off topic I know but i'm trying to explain about gears here (if that makes sense).

Other than that I agree with most of the other ideas posted here...
Here is what i would like to see in GT5.Some stuff might be already confirmed

-More than 6 cars at once
-Physical damage
-Full Physical upgrades & modification
-Drag racing
-Knockout & Lap knock out Races
-Team Racing (based on points)
-More Tuner companies
-Bring back the memory card battle
-2 player race can have an option of being whether head to head or normal races with addition on Cpu cars
-Ferrari,Lamborghini & Porsche
-Better tyre damage
-Variable weather conditions that change during the race specially (endurances)
-Better rally racing engine
-Bring back all tracks from previous GT games and add new ones
-Improved sense of speed
-Skid marks,burnout effects etc
-Improved A.I
-Dirt on cars

I agree with alot of stuff that threshold posted,and i like the idea of having the manufactuers doing some bio-videos as unlockables.
Actually, about the only thing that's confirmed about GT5 is that it'll have cars... and tracks... and the Earth... :D

But keep thinking of new wish things. Who knows if some of it might not end up in Gran Turismo 5, or another game down the road? Without us imagining and wanting new things, games might never advance. I freaked out when I got Forza and an XBox. Many of the things I had put in a GT5 wishlist thread are already in that game. And Toca 3 is supposed to have all sorts of stuff from many different fields of racing. It inspired me to keep pondering what in the real life racing world I'd want to be in the next generation of racing games.
10 things that would make GT5 a great game.

1.Multiple car pile ups, if you crash your F1 car then you are out of the race.
2. Safety Cars after crashes.
3. Also fuelling at pit stops.
4. WRC style time trials. i.e. racing against the clock, not another car. This would be an option as i also like to race against other cars.
5. Being able to roll your car in rally events and hit spectators.
6. Custom car styling. Graphics, better spiolers, air dams, grills etc.
7. Blow out and punctures
8. Hill climb challenges, sprints and drags.
9. GPS data for longer rally challenges as in Paris-Dakar.
10. . and of course DAMAGE as has already been said 500 millzion gazzillion times.
i agree partially with you, i like the idea of you crash your out, and safety cars and things like that. but i dont like the idea of body kits and graphics and whatnot, this shouldnt turn into NFSU with racetracks instead of street racing. maybe everyone will disagree but i like cars best the way they were meant to look, people spend years developing them so chances are if you did put body kits and stuff into the game a lot of the car companies would not want in the game. (my opinion :crazy: ) im just obsessive with gameplay over visuals.. hahaha