I think this thread has lots of excellent suggestions, but i cannot remember all of them while writing this. Maybe something posted here will match with other user's opinions, but let´s give it a try.
Car browsing.
When you are selecting a car in arcade mode, or choosing one to pick from Toyota's New Cars section, you just press left or right and the car slides (or fades in - whatever) to your screen in less than 1 second. This is really quick and nice. But, when you are browsing cars in your
garage or into the
used car lots, there should be the same browsing accessibility. Is is überly-magnanimously-annoying to browse your cars like:
1) Sort it by name (or HP, Drivem, etc.)
2) Select Name from Page
3) Press Button
4) Loading
5) Car appears
6) Press
7) Back to Step 2
Is is a complete waste of time. I want to browse my cars quickly, without returning to that anti-ergonomic screen. Press left 5 times and then 5 cars will quickly appear in your screen. Into the used cars lot, that should be the same. Also, some sorting on these screens are well necessary. Why not adapt the same sorting system from garage to the used cars screen? I want to check the oldest or the more expensive or the less used or by alphabetical order.
It is a tremendous lack of ergonomy out there.
Car comparing features
I want to choose n of my cars to be compared amongst themselves without a need for B-Spec Waste-of-times. I have my super fully-tuned Isuzu Piazza XE and I want to see if i can match a generic Evo or similar.
1) Choose Piazza
2) Choose Evo
3) Compare
Now I want acceleration, weight, estimated final speed,
potential tyre wear, date of last maintaining, etc.
Custom Events
See greenlightning's post above. That's it!
+ Mount races exclusively with both memory cards' cars.
I want different sounds when:
- Oil is not changed
- When tyre is brand blue new or extremely red consumed.
- Engine is being forced while in uphill
- Engine is more relaxed while in downhill
- Structure distortions occurs while making turns with used cars (see structure dynamics below)
- I get too much time into slipstream and my engine starts to heat up. (see engine dynamics below)
- Vibration occurs because of single tyre damage (see structure dynamics below)
Structure Dynamics
Cars shall sound like old LADA laikas, formerly used for chicken's house in a oldsman garage, when aquired from used car lots. This will also make the car's behavior very very difficult - or easy - depending on the driver's view. Tyres that hits another car of another debris of guard-rails or whatevers NEED to make the car vibrating and it WILL damage car's structure.
A used car WILL NOT behave correctly when racing. Exaust pipes will FALL OUT if you do not fix them. Those wheels screws will be tightened with the dedication of a bad-paid mad mechanic. Tires starts very used.
Mirror will be dirty (did you washed your car?)
Engine Dynamics
- Gets too hot, performance down
- Gets too cold, performance down
- Oil temperature gauge is needed
- Gears in used cars will be roaring (did you changed gearbox oil?)
- etc.
All that evolution / career mode talking.
Need For Speed Porsche had that.
Super Hang-On for Mega Drive had that.
Even that super Aguri Suzuki F1 Racing (or similar title) had a career mode.
No excuses for missing that!
And something else that i am missing...
That's always an initial thought and probably was already posted around.
Please discuss.
Edit 1:
Useless Cars and
Competition Sequence
I won a Karmann Ghia, so make available a Karmann Ghia formula.
I won a Motor-Carriage, so make available a Motor Carriage formula.
I won a Honda S500, so make available a Honda S500 challange.
I really do not like to earn cars and store them in garage.
Need to race with them. It would be very nice if there was something like the following:
Formula A:
You buy car A and wins

You earn a car B from the same manufacturer, and NOW you can drive in Formula B.
You win formula B

You earn a car C.
Finally, you can compete in CAR C CUP. You win it again and earned car E.
But how can I compete in F championship? Compete in CAR C CUP again, with high-difficulty or whatever. THEN, you get the ultra F car.