Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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1. I would like to have environment damage. like skid marks, or if you wreck and slide across the grass, it should be messed up. or if you crash into a tire wall, the tires would fall and roll.

2. engine swaps would be cool. like putting a SR20 in a 240Sx.

3. paint shop with option to put sponsorship decals on cars.

4. more carbon fiber accesories.

5. wheel paint.

6. make your own track

7. make custom cars. ex: taking parts from one car and putting them on another. or taking two cars to make one.

I want GT5 to be like GT4 in the trailer on the Christmas 2004 Demo-Disc, free with OPS2M. I saw that trailer, and it broke my heart they didn't include some things from the trailer. What I'm on about is the GT4-logo'd chopper rising above the Grand Canyon track while the Subaru rally car buzzes below on the track, and, at the end, the spectator running out of the way of another Scooby car in a panic. The spectators run out of the way less realistically in the final release, but it looked SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
good in the trailer. I hope they include that spectator animation in the fifth game.
Have damage but not only the body of the car but like flat tires or burnout the engine because of over reving, steering problems and if different weather effect are in the game then heat should effect the engine also.

Prehaps picking differnet types of oils and gasoline for cars. (O let me put in this BP's regular gas in this Toyota GT-One and see how far I get).

And have real car mileage for each car. When I drive around Laguna Seca in a Honda Civic Type-R(stock) and then in a NSX-R(stock) they both should not run out of gas on the same lap manual or automatic.

Balance the race tracks it seems that you never race Twin Ring Motegi West course, Suzuka East or West Course or High-Speed Ring but you always race Suzuka Circuit, Toyko, Grand Valley.

And I tried of race cars under 100Hp around big tracks. (Test Course, Suzuka Circuit, Grand Valley Speedway).

Bring back ROME CIRCUITS and RED ROCK VALLEY I would love to race F1 or the CIEN on Red Rock Valley.
...different weather effect are in the game then heat should effect the engine like heat.

That seems like it would get old really quick - "Oh wow I lost another race because my car overheated. Neat."

Prehaps picking differnet types of oils and gasoline for cars. (O let me put in this BP's regular gas in this Toyota GT-One and see how far I get).

That also seems like kind of a pointless idea. 👎
I am not saying cars should have overheating problems for every race but at least there is a chance of it happening in the endrunces races or 25 laps+.

Brakes,steering, or riding to hard and hitting the gravel to many times like at Laguna Seca you'll get a flat.

Just some other damages besides than just the body of the car.
I dunno, I guess I see where you're going with it... but to me, I'd feel like stabbing someone if I got to lap 24 of 25, had my car "overheat", and then have to start the race completely over.
I agree with smarthobo. That's kind of like the game playing Russian roulette with me. "Oh look, you lost a race for no good reason (tire blowout sending me into a barrier)."

That would have me turning damage to off or close to it. I won't play Forza with full damage because not only is the sense of involvement not nearly as good as Gran Turismo, meaning it's harder to drive properly, but the bots are retarded. They attack you if you get a good launch! Plus it's too easy to damage your engine. Like, what is the point of a rev limiter?

Damaging your car because you did something stupid is fine, but let's not get too far from that.
Tenacious D
I agree with smarthobo. That's kind of like the game playing Russian roulette with me. "Oh look, you lost a race for no good reason (tire blowout sending me into a barrier)."
but isnt that reality? i mean, i watched an F1 race (dont ask me which) and with 2 laps to go, the driver ended up going off the rumble strip the wrong way, blew the tire, into the wall, his day is over...after all fo that effort. granted, in real life, they get paid no matter what. but in virtual reality (GT4/5) it would kinda suck. but i think it would add a level of reality that would make the game more challenging.
Headlights that work and the ability to switch on or off if it does have time progression.

Also differentiate between cars that have HID/Xenon or regular halogen lights, which looks like gt4 already does if you look ath the cars from the front.

It might be complicated but to get the correct intensity and beam pattern of every car would add alot to the realism.
but isnt that reality? i mean, i watched an F1 race (dont ask me which) and with 2 laps to go, the driver ended up going off the rumble strip the wrong way, blew the tire, into the wall, his day is over...after all fo that effort. granted, in real life, they get paid no matter what. but in virtual reality (GT4/5) it would kinda suck. but i think it would add a level of reality that would make the game more challenging.
Well.... I don't know about the others, but I don't wantr too much reality involved. In real life, you can go to war and die on the first day of battle, or be born and die as an infant, or be a cripple all your life. In a game, most people want to loose because they did something wrong, not because of some random event which they have no way of overcoming. Some people do enjoy that kind of challenge but that's not me.

I'm racing in Forza right now, and the very same car in a competitor bot's hands outperforms mine in every way. To me that's just cheap, and the random FAIL deal to me sounds just as cheap, and I'll just do over.
AI that learns....example?

your in a 10 race tournament......first raace, first corner, you shot up the inside and grab first place, you battle on, and win that race comfortably.....2nd race, the AI opponent who you cut up on the first race, knows that you would do this to get past them, so takes a defensive race line....just as if you were racing someone in real life.....??

the more races you have against those oppenets, the more they learn about how you like to, they adapt to how you control your car, and where they can catch up to you, if you were in the lead, ro they'll be able to keep the lead.....but, it may get a bit hard in the enduro races or something, so it should be an option to have 'learning AI' on or off.....or, if you guys/girls can think of a better system, then that would be better.
AI that learns....example?
your in a 10 race tournament......first raace, first corner, you shot up the inside and grab first place, you battle on, and win that race comfortably.....2nd race, the AI opponent who you cut up on the first race, knows that you would do this to get past them, so takes a defensive race line....just as if you were racing someone in real life.....??

PGR does this on the 360, does it not..? Not only for the series, but everytime you've raced a certain track more then once... Every time you race it, the computer learns your moves more and more until it completly shut you down...

Also, did any of you guys play ESPN NFL Football 2K5? I know this is totaly different, but it's be nice to get them to do this in this game. If you, your buddy or what ever plays the game using a profile, the computer would learn their moves and drive like they do. So if you decide to race against their profile the cars would react like your buddies would as well. The more they play, the more info is collected and the more accuratly it can replicate their racing styles... Even have a few "classic" divers in there for good measure and you've got a seriously great feature... Make it so that if you beat a legend on their best track, you win their car or something... Just a thought...
yea, that sounds really good.....and as a 100% could race yourself, because the computer would learn so much about how you drive, making the game never ending fun....well not never ending, but still be a lot of fun when you have finished!!
Someone has mentioned this, but The origins of motor racing hark back to a time when the rich raced their cars on public roads from point A to point B. The Mille Miglia, Targa Floria. great historic races in some of the true classics of the time. It would be like doing the "gumball rally" across the arizona desert roads.

I could happily take my Alfa spyder from the Cote de azur to the Corsa De Amalfi through winding italian country side and narrow cobbled roads.

Another thing, how about a navigator for the rally stages. and point to point rally racing as well. that is far more realistic that these loop tracks that are basically just special stages.

what about the option of including engine manufacturers seperatly. i.e. purchase a VW beetle and slot in a 2.7l porsche engine! I know it may fall outside the scope of GT but it sure would be fun... only realistic engine swops of course...

the "challenges" could be improved as well. Put me in specific car and tell me I got 1 hour to get from point a to point b... I am so sick and tired of repeated overtaking tests... I know how to overtake!

thats it for now...
I haven't read everybodys post being 52 page in all.

But another idea is maybe they should put some kind of save point in endurance races. Like in the the pitstop or something don't get me wrong I like endurance races but, i'm afraid that if I leave my system on for 24 hours again is going to BLOW UP!!. Is been few times were I call myself sitting down for 8 hours to play the Motegi endurance race, and 2 hours in something always happen T-Storm knocks the power out or I have to leave the house for some reason or another.

And maybe in some of the championships like: European Events in 1000 miles and Extreme Events the Formula GT World Championship were is going to take more than hour to complete just one race.
Tenacious D
Well.... I don't know about the others, but I don't wantr too much reality involved. In real life, you can go to war and die on the first day of battle, or be born and die as an infant, or be a cripple all your life. In a game, most people want to loose because they did something wrong, not because of some random event which they have no way of overcoming. Some people do enjoy that kind of challenge but that's not me.

How many times have you try to go one more lap on worn tires then half way thru your like damn I should have pitted now every turn you make you spin out. These so call "random" blown tires or other problem can happen to your car as well as the AI.

I just don't see how 20+ or so cars on GT5 on the same race can all make it to the finish without a problem, and this doesn't mean your out of the race, you'll just have to make a stop and the pit crew will take long to repair the car. Instead of just pitting for tires and gas.

Add you should be able to change minor setting to the car while in the pits as well.
yea, you should be able to adjust the brake balance in a car, downforce....and maybe if you get the 'top notch' susp. kit, ride hieght adjustment...but only minor, and of course its all added time...
Heres an idea off the top of my head. In endurance racing there are always two or three drivers sharing a car. I race enduros with a mixture of A and B-Spec. Hows about if in enduros, when you switch from A to B-Spec (or the other way round) you see a driver change in the pits. Just something to make it a little more realistic and interesting.
I'd love to be able to change all sorts of things during a pit. Hopefully Polyphony will pause the darn game while we make our choices for things, because I feel rushed just making tire changes and telling the pit crew I DON'T want refuelling.

In real life racing, the drivers have constant radio communication with their pit boss, so the pit crew gets everything ready ahead of time. We need to have time to strategize that as well, so we really need a pause so we have time to make our decisions before we pit in.
I think something else that would be good for realism is to have things that are adjustable in-car in real life (such as Centre Differential settings in an STi, or AWD settings in some of the EVO Lancers) to be adjustable in-car in the game. You could extend this to racing cars - brake bias, torque splits, suspension settings, etc.

The simplest way I could see to do it would be to have a section in the pause menu where you can adjust them and then unpause. I know there might be some hassles with pausing (especially if you're in a very technical section of a track), but it would definitely add to the realism, and possibly to the game itself. If the car has fuel loads and tyre wear and so forth, or tracks with varying quality surfaces/conditions, then you could adjust settings to optimise the car's performance. It would also mean you could do a 'practice run' on the track and tweak the car - you could then save that precise setup and re-load it for the next time you use the track (the same way a race team would record settings to re-use)

Another thought I had was the idea of going beyond just A-Spec and B-Spec. Maybe have the facility to start your own race team and design your own car graphics for that team. You could in this instance have more than one B-Spec driver and enter several cars into races...

Something else I think would be interesting to see would be an addition to the variable weather capability where things like track temperature affect tyre wear and grip, and so forth...

Just some thoughts.
Those are good thoughts. You would have to pause the game to do very much, because so many controls are used up with shifting, view changes and whatnot.

These threads are so huge that it's hard to read everything, so the brightest of us end up having the same ideas. But I posted something a few weeks ago about developing at least one racing team in my proposal for a Career Mode, along with unique car graphics which identify your team. Along with that, I proposed having a much better training system for your B-Spec drivers. It turns out that Forza has that very thing, and you can train a bot (drivatar), and it's amazingly effective. I'm very hopeful that something like this will be in GT5.
A lot of this has been said before.

1. Better AI, As it`s pants in the earlier games.

2. Damage, but make it so there is very little damage for the b license races and proper damage for the s licence races. To break people in gently.

3. More cars racing 6 gets boring one the endurance races.

4. Less of the really long endurance races, and get rid of b-spec.

5. More tuning options, instead of full packages, and forced induction options for all cars.

6. The ability to chose the fuel load in the car, for each race, and have the weight of the car change as it uses fuel.

7. And finally make some of the closer tracks more open, hong kong is the biggest culprit here I think.
I think GT5 should include a few more things to make it a true racing simulator.
Those things include:

1.Full course and local cautions (What race doesn't have em'?) If PD were to add this feature, they should have a flag stand at the start/finish line on every track and somebody in it waving a flag to start races, notify the field of cautions and wave the checkers. For local cautions they should have saftey workers waving the yellow flag through the fence in that peticular area.

2. If there's going to be full course cautions, need to have a safety car lead the field around. It would be cool to see a few different saftey cars too. An AMG Mercedes or BMW M with yellow flashing strobes on the roof. I think it would be cool!

3. Accurate wheel/lug combinations. For example,In GT4, Rays TE 37's are of the 4 lug variety. I won't put those wheels on a car that I know in real life has 5 lugs. The Bronze TE 37's are a great looking wheel but the cars I always want to put it on always have 5 lugs.
The Next version should have it just like in real life. You have a variety of wheels to choose from and you pick the ones that can fit on your car of choice. A ton of manufacturers make wheels to fit a bunch of cars and some manufacturers don't. I drive an 05 Civic LX and I was looking a some sweet PIAA wheels untill I found out that they only come in 5 lug only. It should be the same way in GT5.

4. Realistic Tire wear, grip and Prices. C'mon PD! What race team would buy a set of tires for $47,000 and the tires would only last for 2 - 3 laps? It Just doesn't happen like that. They need to give us a race tire with a lot of grip that will last 25 - 30 laps. Ever try doing a Nurburgring race on racing tires and not come in every 3 laps. It's not possible. They MUST improve this!

5. Mechanical Problems with your equipment. You could be driving a race and all of a sudden... your car slows down. There should be problems like loss of oil pressure, flat tires, ignition failures, etc. They could have it so you see your cars problem scroll across the top of the screen or PD could get SOCOM style on us and use a headset.
I don't think they should limit problems to longer races either. I think it would add an interesting facet to the game to know that you could be leading a Family Cup race and then... BOOM... flat tire. No 500 bucks for you.
Now this would suck if it happened too often though. PD would have to figure out the algorhythm so it was a totally random thing but that it did happen to you in a race /qualifying session/ at some time.

6. Actual Tire Manufactures and differences between all tires. Lets see BF Goodrich, Goodyear, Bridgestone, Michelin, Toyo, Falken, and Yokohama. It would be cool to buy a set of tires from a few different manufacurers and and run laps with the different tires and see how different they are... feel how each tire grips in corners and off launches and stuff like that.

7. The ability to make your own races. What I mean by this is, for example,
You've built a Really cool WRX STI and a really cool EVO MR. Both cars have all the power add ons and fun stuff. You could see which one was the better car in a head to head race.You can have a race mode where you pick the car that you race and then pick the cars that will be in the race with you. You can pick anywhere from just one car to race against all the way up to however many cars that GT5 will allow on the track at one time. You would be able to pick your own cars from your garage as well as new cars from the showrooms.

8. Time Attack. Its all the rage nowadays. You could pick the cars you wanted to be in the time attack from your garage or showrooms and go at it. Time attack would be available on any track. I think it would be a cool addition.

9. More challenging real life tracks. I speak for a lot of people with this one. The tracks I'd love to see are:
a. Long Beach street course. It's really difficult to pass other cars on this track.
b. Daytona road course. This track isn't terribly challenging but it's 3.5 miles long with 31 degree banked turns and an 18 degree banked front stright. I can see PD putting this one in there with a 24 hour endurance race on this track. Just like in real life.
c. Watkins Glenn. Great road course. It should be in the game.
d. Sebring. This would be one of those tracks that you'd have to have your suspention setup right on the money. In real life, this is a bumpy old track. it would be fun to spin some laps on it. Maybe a 12 hour endurance race... Just like in real life?
e. Spa!!! Need I say more? The best F1 track ever! It needs to be in the game.
f. Virginia International Raceway. Great road course! Over three miles in distance with a good variation of turns and elevation. Looks like it would be a blast to spin some laps on this one.

10. Air/track temperature that affects handling. This doesn't have to be too crazy at all. Before you start a race, you are informed of the air/track temperature. If the track tempereature is really hot, you can expect your car to slide out of line a little easier. I'm scratching the surface of the weather thing that a ton of people have already talked about. I just would like that particular aspect of the weather to affect the racecar. Now of course a downpour would affect the racecar but thats more of a random thing. Every track is going to go through a temperature change during a race. It would be cool to see and feel the effects of it on our cars.

11. Better and more detailed car sounds. Now I know recording sounds for every car is no easy task but I think PD can improve on it. I get bored with every car sounding the same at any RPM above idle. I think it would be cool to hear a very distinct difference between a corvette with a turbo (if PD lets us put one on a vette in GT5) and one without a turbo. Lets hear what a Civic Type R really sounds like with a race exaust. How an about STI WRX with an sport exaust. I was driving next to an 06 STI about a week ago with a sweet aftermarket exaust and that thing sounded mean! I was watching one of those car improvement shows on SPEED Channel yesterday and they put twin turbos on a vette! It sounded SO sweet! It would be cool to be able to hear something like that on GT5.

12. Better and more "helpful" B spec. OK ok... I B spec some endurance races every now and again to load up on money. Who doesn't??? Get a car that you know will win by a huge margin and let the B spec run the race.
The Problem I have with this approach is that you can't have a full race run in 3x speed for the whole race. I have a life outside of GT5. I have a job and I like to do other things. When I do go to work or go out to party or whatever, I'd love to be able to have B spec run a 24 hour race in 8 hours. It sucks that it will only run in 3x until it has to pit and then after that it just runs along in real time. If you set it to 3x, it should run in 3x until the race is finished.
Another thing that needs to be improved in B spec is the piting of the car. It sucks that if you don't select "ok" in the pit options window that pops up when B spec rolls onto the pit lane, when the car gets to the pit box, nothing happens for about 5 seconds. B spec has lost races for me by the margin of a few seconds because of this. PD should have it so if you don't select "ok" in the pit options window by the time the car stops in the pit box, work should begin on the car immedietly.

Well... those are my Ideas for now. I'm with everyone else who says we need BETTER AI!!!, day/night and weather changes, more aftermarket parts, headlights that can be turned on and off, realistic tire smoke and even skid marks. I'm one of the few people that thinks the game shouldn't include damage. Just my opinion.
theres a few things i would love to see,

1st, Dynamic Dashboard with advance options for example, turning the AC on, something that could effect the engine performance,
but seriuosly, a real inside inviorment of the car would mean so much have the opertunity to real be inside the car and have a complete interaction with the car and its interior.
watching the chairs and the dash and the gauges it could be amazing.

2nd, Trackes, Autocross!!!!! and in-game autocross editor to make your own autocross challenges.
and more WET tracks..
and DRIFT tracks.
and 1/4mile drag, split screen option.

3rd, i think a huge difference in the Tunning world would must be the option to install a different engine, if its possible in real life to do amazing stuff like putting in a gold MK1 an audi TT tuned engine.. then why not inside the game.. personnally that opens so many tunning combinations.

4th. Fine tunning, this itself must have its own chapter in the game, the fine tunning performance, other then tunning the Nitrous i done know of any other performance tunning you can do to a car, and that leads to simple common combinations of tunning.
*some Turbo chargers allow to fine tune the boost. (dynamic gemotery)
oh and.. twin turbo option.
oh and external body kits and paintshop..

and maybe one of the most exciting mose important things i could ever wish from a game in the scale of Gran Turismo.
i call it "the Highway"
think of an Highway with/without speed limits, 3-4lanes, endless Highway or city streets, where you can fine different cars, more and less common by type, and interact with them just like in real life, think about this..
you crusing around in your "simple" looking "import tuner" when a ferrari dude cuts you off while overtaking.. so you start chasing him.. and you get the picture right? that could beat any race.. if it would of been done in the highest quality levels i can think of, of AI, that could be fantastic..

where is GT5 movies?????*
Good question.

Along with PhotoMode, I would like to see a GT5 Movie Mode that allows us to edit and cut together saved replays to create our own short clips and save them to USB for dispersal over the net. It need not be too complicated - choice of angle, a few basic effects for fading etc., adding a soundtrack - just enough options for people to create short movies in their own style.

It's features like this that add greatly to the longevity of games like GT4/5.
What might be an idea to appeal to a wide audience would be to have different 'difficulty' levels - not so much in AI or such, but in complexity of the game. Talking about advanced tuning, hardcore damage, more realistic settings - to cater to the wider community maybe have the ability to set how involved you want to get - so you could set damage off, a simple tuning model and such. Amping up the 'difficulty' means you could have damage on, more specific and involved tuning, maybe even more in-race dynamics (such as the in-car adjustments, etc.)

I mean, this game is designed for purists and novices alike, so I see no sin in setting it up to cater for both.