Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
i only read a couple posts so i wont be shocked if i bring up just about everything u guys have said..

the damn AI is horrible.. i have more fun doing laps by myself

i want my car to shread apart if i fly into a wall at 200+

let me race ONLINE!!!!!!

id love to have an incar view but if u dont atleast keep the hood view

the bumber cam with most stock cars is alittle out there dont u think? when i brake i should be able to see atleast 100 yrds in front of me on a flat road surface... they over exaggerated the weight shift

bring back the car descriptions!

tight race regulations... i wanna earn my money, i want a reason to have the cars that i have... if i can beat half the game with 1 car wtf r the others for?

i think they had it right with gt1, u can make a stock car a race car in real life.. give us the option to put racing bodies on all of the cars maybe 3-4 bodies for each car?

steering with the thumbstick sucks.. i can never straiten the car out unless i use the d-pad... need for speed is nothing in comparison to gt but the thumbstick sure feels better.

i understand y u put the little 60 horse cars in the game but y is there 50 of them.. that could be 50 badass cars instead..... i wont get into what cars i want because this is not the place to do it but come on get these gimp cars out of the game...also y have cars in the game that u cant even race? or at that y have a 1 hp car that only moves if u start downhill... give me a pedal bike instead.

i seen some1 said something about wanting better setting descriptions... me2!!!! ... or some kind of aid to help me tune... i go to tune a car and and instead i tune myself... i spend so much time racing it that i just adapt to the car instead of the car adapting to me, and i cant trust b spec.. the b-spec sucks.

no1 in there right mind would want to race a 24 hr race unless its real... and no1 in there right mind would want to let b-spec race for 24 hrs.... how much fun are these races really???? take them out anymore than a 3 hr endurace is just rediculous.

i cant think of anymore at the moment but give me a day not knockin PD but only pointing out what has bothered me for the past... ummmm 2 yrs???

ohh just thought of 1 more.... in 2 player battle make it possible to have a full screen reply like in the previous gts

ohh thought of another, auto saves... auto saves piss me off because... say i want to test the cars b4 i save them to my garage... maybe i want to test the parts on my car b4 i save them and waste money... or maybe i just want to sell every car i have make 10 million dollars check out the cars i dont have yet then be able to restore my game to the previous... y not?? auto saves do nothing but screw the game up... i think they made auto saves to make it more real... well how about u put auto saves in when u have realistic damage... or my car breaks down because of engine problems... ok well now thats all i can think of.
this is the first time i posted.... when i was submiting it it said i wasnt logged in and i was... so i then logged in again i guess... if i did post twice maybe that caused it. also the link u gave me sent me to the sites rules... did i do something wrong?
this is the first time i posted.... when i was submiting it it said i wasnt logged in and i was... so i then logged in again i guess... if i did post twice maybe that caused it. also the link u gave me sent me to the sites rules... did i do something wrong?

Not in paticular, but being lazy and saying "u" instead of "you" etc... The mods don't like. Just saying before they report you to the text talk police. :D Grammer i guess is saposed to be important in these online communitys...
Ohh sorry, I played Quake 3 for like 4 years.. i got used to writting as fast as possible so I could get back in the fight asap. Anyways I'll try to type like this on here from now on lol :sly:
I think if you could save half way thoguh, I might actually do one of them sometime.
Saving multiple times on Endurance races would be ideal, say when you pit for tyres/fuel. With a HDD I can see that as a real possibility. However it's not something I expect to see in GT5. But there is a chance.

It's been stated many times but I really would like a drivers cockpit view as you have in other games like PGR3 and Test Drive Unlimited. I know with GT games there are hundreds of cars (usually) so it may seem impossible. But it adds such atmosphere to the driving that it'd be such a shame not to have it. i don't use it all the time (with hard to win races I tend to use the bumper view in PGR3). But still it's just so much fun racing with the drivers cockpit view. I really hope it makes an appearence. Maybe PD will bite the bullet and only have around 200 cars in the game on release but all with cockpit views? Would that disappoint people?
Babes!:grumpy: 👍 Go Ridge Racer style and add babes in there. Maybe a MAIN babe, but they should go for it.

Hell, expand it! They could allow you to choose from 500 different kinds of babes or allow you to MAKE your own babe.

I don't know, it'd kick ass to see her congratulate you at the end of the race, or see her cheer you on, or somethign along those lines.
Ohh sorry, I played Quake 3 for like 4 years.. i got used to writting as fast as possible so I could get back in the fight asap. Anyways I'll try to type like this on here from now on lol :sly:

Don't worry, i've been playing CS for 4 years now, and Half-Life since release, I know what it's like. :lol:

Ok um, Scarecrow, as much as I LOVE girls, I don't find think they would really fit for GT5, I mean, maybe those team girls with the flags like in the JGTC, but can we can what is REALLY needed, like more cars, more tacks, better physics, custumization. Stuff like that is definatly needed more. If you want chicks. Go find one, or if you have one, use her. :D
Maybe PD will bite the bullet and only have around 200 cars in the game on release but all with cockpit views? Would that disappoint people?
Yes, I'd be quite disappointed. Well... depending on what vehicles were in it, and how long it would be before we could download more. But to have the car list held hostage by a few people who like cockpit view while most don't, that would be completely wrong.
Has anybody suggested "B-Spec Feedback"???

Eg. If you go and let "Bob" do a handful of laps at a circuit to learn it, he can give setup feedback; suspension too hard, wheelspin in 2nd gear through chicane etc.

Tm sure this couldn't be difficult to do because of that magical thing called 'Telemetry'... what do you think?!
yeh Telemetry is a great idea, it would help greatly in tuning. Also how about if the AI can make mistakes? like if your tailing them for a lap, the pressure starts to build and they would spin or go wide into a corner?
Yes, I'd be quite disappointed. Well... depending on what vehicles were in it, and how long it would be before we could download more. But to have the car list held hostage by a few people who like cockpit view while most don't, that would be completely wrong.
Cockpit view is a must imo if the game wants to carry on asserting it'self as the leading console Sim. You shouldn't not want a game to make progress, I certainly will not be looking forwards to GT5 if it's just GT4 with better graphics, car count isn't important to me nearly as much as immersion.
The game can be fun if you make it fun for yourself, but i think that there needs to be a definate competition level thru-out the whole game, from the moment you just in your first Sunday Cup to the final race in the Formula GT race, you have to be made to fight for every last position.

I'd like to see these A-Spec points be made to better use, and licences too, the more Golds you have and the more harder and faster your opposition should be. Also there should be an option at the start of the game to read your GT4 data to see how good your stat's are, and if you've got 100% win ratio and heaps off A-Spec points, they should make it harder for you by instantly giving the AI a boost. Instead of giving you $100,000 and 2 whole licences, i think that was rubbish and made starting a new game too easy. Think about how easy it is then to get a Le Mans GT1 car with that bonus; Buy an Opel Speedster, do the 2nd Rally and get your Toyota Rally Raid car, sell it to get $256,000, spend it on your Speedster, win the Speedster race and get the Calibra Touring Car, win the Duetsch Touring Masterschitz, get an AMG CLK GTR!!! And you've only done 15 days of game time!!!! 👎
Im trying to make it fun, drifting, grip racing, time attacks...but now im not doing anything with it. They have to make GT harder, more interaction with the cars not only with setup, but looks also.
Cockpit view is a must imo if the game wants to carry on asserting it'self as the leading console Sim. You shouldn't not want a game to make progress, I certainly will not be looking forwards to GT5 if it's just GT4 with better graphics, car count isn't important to me nearly as much as immersion.
This issue is a lot like the "rumble" or damage issue. The same 10 or so people in these threads post adamantly that "If GT5 doesn't have X then it's lost my support." There isn't the flood of enthusiasm from people flooding into these threads like there are for the other issues. Things like car count, car makes, countries represented, number of different styles of racing, weather and time of day advances, career objectives, racing mods, paint shop and bodykits, etc.

In fact, most people don't like cockpit view. It's usually badly handled, giving you a poor view of the road. In fact, some games make you feel like you're driving from the back seat! Meh on that. :P

Toca has a good solution, in that their driver view is basically a black border around the windshield. You have an excellent panoramic view of the road much like you have in real life. You don't have the clutter of a dashboard taking up your vision when most of us want to see the road and other cars. Likewise, you don't have the developer bogged down with modelling two different sets for the same car, inside and outside, almost doubling the modelling burden for something most people won't ever see, because they'll use the other views they prefer.

So, no I don't see it the same way you guys do. Give me cars, lots of cars, and tracks, lots of tracks. If you really want to see a dashboard as much as the road, there's always PGR3. Meh. :P
Tenacious D
This issue is a lot like the "rumble" or damage issue. The same 10 or so people in these threads post adamantly that "If GT5 doesn't have X then it's lost my support."

As much as I hate GT4 and expect GT5 to be another disappointment, the only reason I won't be playing GT5 is because of the price of the PS3 and its likelyhood to be a commercial flop. :lol:
I remmember some people mentioned a track-creator somewhere... I think I'd be too hard to make a usefull one. Except for the track-creator in TORCS (the open-source racing-car simulator. Funny game), all the creators I've seen were too complicated for a joystick.

However, I'd love to be able to create my own cone-courses at the Ghymykana (sp?), as a test of abilities, and as some sort of an advanced training...
As much as I hate GT4 and expect GT5 to be another disappointment, the only reason I won't be playing GT5 is because of the price of the PS3 and its likelyhood to be a commercial flop. :lol:

Sure. Like Sony would even let that happen. Besides, Kojima-sama says it's the future of entertainment. For that matter, market analysts indicate that PS3 is set to at the very least have second place in market share. Nintendo didn't fail even in third place, did they?

Not to mention, but I will, that if you bought the stuff to have to have a decent 360 gaming rig, you'll spend more than that "expensive" PS3.

Premium bundle = $499.99
play and charge kit = $29.99
rechargable battery pack = $14.99
headset = included in package
12 month live subscription = $79.99
Total: $624.96

Or, to make it comparable to PS3,

Premium bundle = $499.99
play and charge kit = $29.99
rechargable battery pack = $14.99
headset = included in package
12 month live subscription = $79.99
HD-DVD = $200.00 (rumored price).
wireless network = $129.99
Total: $1054.95

Imagine that... :D
So they say? Everyone can be wrong.

Personally, I'd prefer it if they'd delay GT5 by 3-4 years. I won't be able to purchase a PS3 in the next 3 years, since I have far more important things I could buy - some tools for metal-cutting, an engine for my Dual-bike thing I'm planning (it's the last thing missing), and many more things.
I'm sure the HD-DVD has been confirmed to be $200 by Microsoft. So just XB360 premium bundle + HD-DVD takes it $100 above the 60gb PS3.
If you hate Gran Turismo so much, why bother coming onto a GT site and and telling everyone how much you hate it?
Internet Racing, with the increased role out of Broadband does anybody know if GT5 is going to give us all the facility to race each other for real across the internet. Whilst this might never be quite the same atmoshphere as a LAN race, it would be a damn site easier to arrange than lumping televisions, cockpits PS3s etc all over the country.

Anyone aware if this is going to happen??
They didn't do that beta test of GT4 online for nothing, if GT5 doesn't have full online capabilities it will be a massive blow for Sony and the PS3, I don't think PD have a choice in the matter.
The ONLY thing that i have not seen mentioned here that Gran Turismo REALLY needs, is Engine Swapping, Engine Mixing, Body Part Mixing and stuff like that, you should be able to do whatever you want with your cars as long as it is possible in real life, you should be able to access your garage too, not just view it as a menu but actually entering it and walk in there and view your cars, fix your cars and so on..