i only read a couple posts so i wont be shocked if i bring up just about everything u guys have said..
the damn AI is horrible.. i have more fun doing laps by myself
i want my car to shread apart if i fly into a wall at 200+
let me race ONLINE!!!!!!
id love to have an incar view but if u dont atleast keep the hood view
the bumber cam with most stock cars is alittle out there dont u think? when i brake i should be able to see atleast 100 yrds in front of me on a flat road surface... they over exaggerated the weight shift
bring back the car descriptions!
tight race regulations... i wanna earn my money, i want a reason to have the cars that i have... if i can beat half the game with 1 car wtf r the others for?
i think they had it right with gt1, u can make a stock car a race car in real life.. give us the option to put racing bodies on all of the cars maybe 3-4 bodies for each car?
steering with the thumbstick sucks.. i can never straiten the car out unless i use the d-pad... need for speed is nothing in comparison to gt but the thumbstick sure feels better.
i understand y u put the little 60 horse cars in the game but y is there 50 of them.. that could be 50 badass cars instead..... i wont get into what cars i want because this is not the place to do it but come on get these gimp cars out of the game...also y have cars in the game that u cant even race? or at that y have a 1 hp car that only moves if u start downhill... give me a pedal bike instead.
i seen some1 said something about wanting better setting descriptions... me2!!!! ... or some kind of aid to help me tune... i go to tune a car and and instead i tune myself... i spend so much time racing it that i just adapt to the car instead of the car adapting to me, and i cant trust b spec.. the b-spec sucks.
no1 in there right mind would want to race a 24 hr race unless its real... and no1 in there right mind would want to let b-spec race for 24 hrs.... how much fun are these races really???? take them out anymore than a 3 hr endurace is just rediculous.
i cant think of anymore at the moment but give me a day lol...im not knockin PD but only pointing out what has bothered me for the past... ummmm 2 yrs???
ohh just thought of 1 more.... in 2 player battle make it possible to have a full screen reply like in the previous gts
ohh thought of another, auto saves... auto saves piss me off because... say i want to test the cars b4 i save them to my garage... maybe i want to test the parts on my car b4 i save them and waste money... or maybe i just want to sell every car i have make 10 million dollars check out the cars i dont have yet then be able to restore my game to the previous... y not?? auto saves do nothing but screw the game up... i think they made auto saves to make it more real... well how about u put auto saves in when u have realistic damage... or my car breaks down because of engine problems... ok well now thats all i can think of.
the damn AI is horrible.. i have more fun doing laps by myself
i want my car to shread apart if i fly into a wall at 200+
let me race ONLINE!!!!!!
id love to have an incar view but if u dont atleast keep the hood view
the bumber cam with most stock cars is alittle out there dont u think? when i brake i should be able to see atleast 100 yrds in front of me on a flat road surface... they over exaggerated the weight shift
bring back the car descriptions!
tight race regulations... i wanna earn my money, i want a reason to have the cars that i have... if i can beat half the game with 1 car wtf r the others for?
i think they had it right with gt1, u can make a stock car a race car in real life.. give us the option to put racing bodies on all of the cars maybe 3-4 bodies for each car?
steering with the thumbstick sucks.. i can never straiten the car out unless i use the d-pad... need for speed is nothing in comparison to gt but the thumbstick sure feels better.
i understand y u put the little 60 horse cars in the game but y is there 50 of them.. that could be 50 badass cars instead..... i wont get into what cars i want because this is not the place to do it but come on get these gimp cars out of the game...also y have cars in the game that u cant even race? or at that y have a 1 hp car that only moves if u start downhill... give me a pedal bike instead.
i seen some1 said something about wanting better setting descriptions... me2!!!! ... or some kind of aid to help me tune... i go to tune a car and and instead i tune myself... i spend so much time racing it that i just adapt to the car instead of the car adapting to me, and i cant trust b spec.. the b-spec sucks.
no1 in there right mind would want to race a 24 hr race unless its real... and no1 in there right mind would want to let b-spec race for 24 hrs.... how much fun are these races really???? take them out anymore than a 3 hr endurace is just rediculous.
i cant think of anymore at the moment but give me a day lol...im not knockin PD but only pointing out what has bothered me for the past... ummmm 2 yrs???
ohh just thought of 1 more.... in 2 player battle make it possible to have a full screen reply like in the previous gts
ohh thought of another, auto saves... auto saves piss me off because... say i want to test the cars b4 i save them to my garage... maybe i want to test the parts on my car b4 i save them and waste money... or maybe i just want to sell every car i have make 10 million dollars check out the cars i dont have yet then be able to restore my game to the previous... y not?? auto saves do nothing but screw the game up... i think they made auto saves to make it more real... well how about u put auto saves in when u have realistic damage... or my car breaks down because of engine problems... ok well now thats all i can think of.