Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
This could be interpreted wrong, but how about some "All-around test-course". A twisty part, some sweepers, bumpy and smooth sections, and a long straight for speed-test. All with detailed information, such as G-forces, times (0-100, 80-120, etc.), braking (perhaps a whole 0-100-0 test?) and topspeed. Something like Xpand Rally had... You shouldn't get "pre-set" results, but only the actual results that you drove. Another option: "Jumping" from one sector to another. If I want to test my high-speed-cornering settings, I could pick the option to start there.
This could be interpreted wrong, but how about some "All-around test-course". A twisty part, some sweepers, bumpy and smooth sections, and a long straight for speed-test. All with detailed information, such as G-forces, times (0-100, 80-120, etc.), braking (perhaps a whole 0-100-0 test?) and topspeed. Something like Xpand Rally had... You shouldn't get "pre-set" results, but only the actual results that you drove. Another option: "Jumping" from one sector to another. If I want to test my high-speed-cornering settings, I could pick the option to start there.

I like that idea!
I would like to see a better B-spec system, where all the adjustments could be made before the actual race takes place, in this instance you would be acting as pit crew chief.
The basic premise would be that you would go out and run your test runs and qualifying rounds, determining the rate of tire wear and fuel usage. Once these figures were established you could determine the overall race plan, adjusting which laps to pit, between which laps to maintain certain paces etcetera. This option would not be for the faint hearted - as it would need to be meticulously planned. I think the overall fun of b-spec would be improved, yet I would still keep the original as well for beginners.
And, why the hell does bob not know when to use NOS? If he is driving my friggin car’s he better learn to use them to their full potential or else I will fire him.

Out of interest, members have been asking to have horsepower restrictions back, I don’t object to this but isn’t this essentially the purpose of A-spec?

Definitely put back the info option, I want to know about how the product lines of particular cars sold, how successful they were, and what achievements were made with the car or how it was better succeeded. It gives a thoroughly more pleasant GT experience.

I’m not to sure about damage, I will openly admit that in my younger days of gt1 - 2 i drove like everything was a wall, accelerating non-stop, but nowadays I find it thrilling to try and do everything to avoid touching other cars, i.e. waiting for that perfect moment to slip by the leading car, I don't think that GT will be adding this option, especially not since they know will be hosting Ferraris.
As an extension to akina_speedstar's comments, I think it would be better if in B-Spec you can set your pit strategy (i.e. fuel load and tyre choice, plus whatever other settings they add in) before the pitstop - probably as part of the main interface.

It might spoil some peoples' rhythm, but the pause menu has so much potential for A-Spec. You could do the same. Pause on the back straight of Nurburgring, set your tyre choice and fuel load (and possibly preselect settings for downforce etc if that is included), and then just whack into the pits and out again. The pause menu would also be where you could adjust the 'on the fly' stuff as well, then unpause and keep racing.
i think shabba stated it best as far as the pits go... i know its been said before but i think ill say it again:) since in real life they can radio in before hand i think you should be able to pause the game and set up the pit on the lap before you actually pull in so you can choose whats going to happen and not have to rush, my cousing is responsible for the mazda courage run by bk motorsports in the ALMS series, when i was allowed to watch from their pit at a race in connecticut recently, they were able to adjust all sorts of things including things relating to engine management that you cant change AT ALL in gran turismo, on the longer pits stops where fuel was being delivered, they would hook up a laptop directly to the engine management system to adjust fuel flow and all that stuff. and this was only on a lmp2 car with a team of no more than 20 people!!! imagine what the dominating audi R8s could do! i think things like this would make it easier when you are driving the car for the first time during practice
Can you imagine if they get WiFi on their engine management systems? Out in the middle of a race:

Driver: "She's a bit sluggish around 4,000rpm."
Crew chief: "No probs... There. All fixed."
Driver: "Thanks".
Can you imagine if they get WiFi on their engine management systems? Out in the middle of a race:

Driver: "She's a bit sluggish around 4,000rpm."
Crew chief: "No probs... There. All fixed."
Driver: "Thanks".

Apparently there is some experimentation with that going on right now with companies like Mercedes.
Bathurst track and the 1000km enduro to go, with a seperate champoinship/race based on the various types of cars that have raced there, ie. Group C (Toranas, Commodores, Falcons, Camaro), Group A (Commodores, Sierras, Skylines) and the current V8 supercar formula (Holden vs Ford)
It might spoil some peoples' rhythm, but the pause menu has so much potential for A-Spec. You could do the same. Pause on the back straight of Nurburgring, set your tyre choice and fuel load (and possibly preselect settings for downforce etc if that is included), and then just whack into the pits and out again. The pause menu would also be where you could adjust the 'on the fly' stuff as well, then unpause and keep racing.

Taking this idea a bit further, and without disturbing your driving rhythm...
make use of the B-spec ability whilst making your pit choices and 'on-the-fly' adjustments.

i.e. Pressing Select whilst on a straight section switches the cruise control on while B-spec takes over minor steering adjustments. This would allow you to make adjustments without stopping the race temporarily. Also, by restricting B-spec involvement to minor steering adjustments (and emergency stop if major adjustment is needed) this would prevent people from using the facility to drive tricky sections for them whilst in A-spec mode.

The adjustments menu could be divided into two columns, one for 'on-the-fly' adjustments such as TCS and ASM, Brake balance, Fuel mixture, Nos etc, and the second column for pit adjustment such as Tyre choice, Fuel load, Tyre pressures, Downforce and minor suspension changes. The same menu could pop up automatically when you enter the pits (as it does in GT4) and remain open right up until the pit crew finish their work. This would give you the chance to take your time making changes, and to make adjustments even on twisty tracks without any significant straight.
They need something like this to assist us in our pit stop decisions. It takes more than six or seven seconds to go through all these parameters and pick settings. And undoubtedly the number of settings will only increase. We need time to think these through. In real life racing, you get to talk to your crew chief ahead of time so they can be ready when you pit.
car-less' idea is interesting, and would be a good way to avoid having to pause, but i would still feel rushed trying to make my decision before the straight was up and bob proceeded into the nearest wall:dunce: as for the wifi adjustments... that was going on in f1 for a while but it was banned as some of the smaller teams could not afford the equipment and therefore were at a strong disadvantage, i dont know if its ever been used in any other form of racing though
Bathurst track and the 1000km enduro to go, with a seperate champoinship/race based on the various types of cars that have raced there, ie. Group C (Toranas, Commodores, Falcons, Camaro), Group A (Commodores, Sierras, Skylines) and the current V8 supercar formula (Holden vs Ford)

Oh yes please!
I was reading psw and they interviewed ky and apparently there's a damage version of gt hd being released some time after the normal version :)
i've already posted this in the idea's for the next Tourist Trophy thread but the same idea could be good for GT5, sorry if someones already raised this idea.

I'd realy like to see road courses like in the original need for speed and the road rash games (i know that is going back a few years but the fact that i can still recall them is proof atleast one person remembers :) ). I'm not talking about the street courses currently used in GT and TT but ones that start and finnish in seperate places, like for example, the real life WRC etc. for all the Australians out there, imagine a race series like the Targa Tasmania that has a heap of stages that takes a week or more to complete. (i know most countrys have these sort of events but i cant think of any at the moment)

also, with all the power the PS3 has i cant imagine it being too hard to throw in a few non racing vehicals as well, they dont exactly have to desighn them from scratch or anything. imagine duelling with another car around a tight twisting road and coming over a crest or around a corner to find a car driving the speed limit and having to take evaisive action. i think it would be awesome.
I agree with that idea, I've brought up the idea of targa courses in GT before and it does appeal to me. Btw I do remember the original Need for speed and the original Road rash. I remember I was always knocking Rude boy off his bike.
I agree with that idea, I've brought up the idea of targa courses in GT before and it does appeal to me. Btw I do remember the original Need for speed and the original Road rash. I remember I was always knocking Rude boy off his bike.

yeah i remember stealing chains and clubs off the other racers and then beating 5 shades of crap out of them :sly: imagine that kind of gameplay (well not the kicking punching and weapons), with the graphics and other advances in games since then.
sorry for pinching your idea, i couldn't bring myself to read through all the pages.
You didn't pinch anyones idea, it's just another form of motorsport not yet represented in Gran Turismo.
for all the Australians out there, imagine a race series like the Targa Tasmania that has a heap of stages that takes a week or more to complete. (i know most countrys have these sort of events but i cant think of any at the moment)

Oh my, if that happened words could not express.
The whole concept of online play is the greatest idea (for any game, not just GT). The online part of the game infinitely improves the game!

Like for instance imagine they set up a permanent leaderboard (like the one here), and the PS3 automatically uploads your time to the GT server (and validates your settings like tyre choice, upgrades etc. And then it would also automatically categorise your time.) How cool would that be?! A permanent and genuine leaderboard!

Or, imagine they take the whole online store (where you can buy new cars, tracks and other items) and expand on the idea. Pay a monthly (or annually) fee (and I dont really like those, in fact I hate them. It just seems like an easy way for them to make money off us) fee, like a membership fee, and this basically puts you on the register of racers online. The GT server has official races (and maybe an official championship!) in the various classes and you would have to then qualify to get a spot on the grid! Can you imagine racing against 2 million people for a spot in a 24 man race!!! And then there should be prize money that you could for winning official races, which would then go to your account. You could make a living racing online! You could challenge someone you've raced a few times at a 1 on 1 race for money!

What would also be great is if the game had detailed statistics of your racing (online and in GT mode). Data like car you're most successful with, car you've driven most with etc. They should also have a world ranking ladder! Imagine being able to say you are THE BEST GT RACER!

Anyway, these ideas are rough and very basic, but would extend the life of the game. I think that would change the game entirely and make full use of the online capabilities.

The other idea I had was, as mentioned before, street tracks. Not just like real life locations, but long (like Nurburgring) stretches of road. Nurburgring is probably the most popular track in the game, it's my favourite. They should have these as their downloadable tracks, Exotic, 30 km stretches where the learning curve is much steeper (and obviously more challenging) than something like Tskuba! LOL! Just had another idea! They could release one of these long tracks and have a challenge for it, with say a 24 hour limit (you have to post a lap within 24 hours of the tracks release to the community to qualify).

The last suggestion I have concerns the music. There should be a soundtrack (and the previous soundtrack, GT4 is quite good, nice variation, no mainstream rubbish, some very good tunes), but there should be an option to play your own music stored on your hard drive. PLUS, like they did with the previous game also, is to get a nice theme tune, and my suggestion (if they are also going for a "classical"\rock fusion type of song) would be Rob Dougan. Got his album Furious Angels, and it's brilliant! (His songs appear on the Matrix OST's, "Clubbed to Death", and most of Matrix 2's music is done by him.

Well, that pretty much all I can think of for now, sorry for the long winded and confusing post!

Just one question, does anyone know (the moderators or anyone else) if anyone from Polyphony Digital or Sony ever get any of this? Because I think they should. This whole site is done by fans, and what better way to make us happy (ie. sell more games) than to give us what we want. I think our suggestions would help create a better game. Maybe the moderators should set up a poll (or they themselves) and make a list and send it to PD.

Anyway, enough of me. Any reply would be welcome, it would be great to know what everyone thinks.

The whole concept of online play is the greatest idea (for any game, not just GT). The online part of the game infinitely improves the game!


Just one question, does anyone know (the moderators or anyone else) if anyone from Polyphony Digital or Sony ever get any of this? Because I think they should. This whole site is done by fans, and what better way to make us happy (ie. sell more games) than to give us what we want. I think our suggestions would help create a better game. Maybe the moderators should set up a poll (or they themselves) and make a list and send it to PD.

[off topic]
I wonder about this myself and have a lot to say on the matter - especially after seing the benefits of how the Lego company/community relations have evolved over the past few years.
[/off topic]

I expect the PS3 online options will become as involved as you suggest, just not for a few years, and likely not with the GT games. I believe I read somewhere that Kaz was against allowing players to trade vehicles online - unless of course the profits were going to the Playstation Store.

I think I also saw an article that discussed the possibility of auto makers deliberately releasing new models/concept vehicles for a limited time using the online aspect of GTHD before allowing the real versions of these vehicles out onto the roads for testing. Imagine racing against a 2010 corvette before the Auto Press showed any spy shots of the car...

...or maybe I was just dreaming?
i would like to see the complete stock/unmodified cars races like there was in the first gt. also a friggin option to turn those driving aids off in the licence tests. of course day/night changes and weather would make the expirience more complete.
For me, I'd be happy with the ability to:

* Race using front-bumber cam
* Be able to toggle-off-on the
A. Rear View Mirror
B. Gas/Brake icons
C. Rev Limiter
D. Shift Indicator

Sorta what TRD offers...a HUD to see everything you want to see..or don't want to see...Leaving just a view of the road in front of me...and nothing more! :D
I would like to see more heavy metal music in the game. Why not rip out some of that generic nu-metal and electronic and put in some stuff like this:

Dimmu Borgir - Vredesbyrd
Dragonforce - Valley of the Damned
Iron Maiden - Aces High
Ulver - I Troldskog Faren Vild (imagine driving through a Norwegian ice rally with this song, it would be awesome)
Behemoth - Thy Winter Kingdom
Therion - Typhon
Megadeth - Tornado of Souls
Satyricon - Now, Diabolical (but then again, they might need to censor this song to keep an E rating)
Nightwish - Sacrament of Wilderness

Actually, an even better idea would be to use the hard drive so that a player can load mp3s onto the drive and use them as music.

I would endorse an ability to disable damage in all modes. Damage, in my opinion, makes the game less accessible and makes cars and tracks far more difficult to learn. Plus damage is a way for a player to run out of money and get completely stuck. You should never, ever get stuck in a game with no recourse, especially a game like GT where thousands of hours may be sunk into a saved game. It may happen in real life, but real life is not designed to be fun.
About Music...
Custom soundtrack thanks to hard drive stored music. 👍

Basically the paint shop from forza for shapes and MS word applied to the same system. No pre-made stickers for companies.

Shift speed and braking need to be notice-able when improved. Right now they are worthless in GT4 but atleast the power, suspension, LSD, Downforce, brake balance, gearing, and driving aids are great.

Also, tire upgrades need to be visible. When I switch from riding on 195/60-15 to 215/40-17, I want to see the side wall get smaller and the wheel get bigger!

Nos limitations for pretty much all races in the game. However, using that, make the drag strip a place worth going ala side by side online drag racing (not my cup of tea but I'm sure someone would love it). (and I'd try it for the heck of it)

Cones! We need auto cross... Not pre-set like forza. Lay it out in custom designs like what we do with skateparks in Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Same thing for custom tracks as well and of course make them all downloadable through the online system.

Unique Tuner Hall features... Decal designs. Specific power and suspension settings through parts purchases as well as engine tuning (such as the rev limits).

Body shop... Just like forza only expanded to address forza's short-comings. In flopza you can only do body mods on "some" cars (and that's being really generous). I suggest we get bodyshop changes for everything that's not a specific custom car (such as tuners and race cars).

Finally, I just want to mention that wheel upgrades need to be reverted to the GT3 system.

That's about all I can think of right now without addressing the idea of a car list.

and damage... No thank you!
Damage is good if you add reward points for playing with damage (but that can be negated by recieving damage penalties).
However, unless you are going to get really good AI and DQ penalties for online bruisers, I suggest Damage is not in the game.

Oh, and I forgot...
Better AI and shorter races!
What's the point of long races when they are meant for B-spec? and what's the point of long races if you can't even see day-night changes?

I think it would be good for them to make the longest race about 3 actual gameplay hours at most and get rid of B-spec all together.
24hour races are neat by concept but in application they are rediculus. :rolleyes:

Oh, and I forgot this as well...
No more used cars!
Every car should be brand new and mileage should never be a factor... Also, get rid of the oil change, chasis refresher, and car wash- I didn't play GT to do maintainance.

Finally and I mean it this time...
Only one car per model. No more of this 4 years of the same model crap!

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