Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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A Paintshop: Decals of our own design would be cool. And not just all colours available for the one model... metallic purple Mitsi Evo anyone? LOL

I have asked for this however i did not think of Paintshop. I like that idea we should not have be stuck with and ugly red RX-7. we should be able to paint any color we want. Like Mountian Dew green.:sly: 👍
I think it needs more pickup trucks, perferrably some that are worth driving. Out of the three or four they did stick in, only one is driveable due to being 4WD. Also, more vehicle-specific parts. If one buys a truck, lift kits and swampers should be on the menu, but for a muscle car drag slicks and 4-links and the like.

Three damage modes, none, limited and full. On full, if you slam something, it immitates what the real life car would do in that impact, so taking a Dodge Ram 160MPH into the ass of a Mazda 737B doin 30 going into a hairpin would end up as a pile of shattered carbon fiber and one mid-engined, shortnosed pickup truck with in-door steering, not a 737B in orbit and the dodge at the perfect speed to drift the corner. Fun tho that is, it's a bit arcadish. If the vehicle is repairable, on appropriate models, airbags would also have to be replaced to meet race regs, and even still the car would never handle right again. It also activates mechanical failure. Persistant overrevving, lacking oil changes and constant braketorquing can caust the engine to overheat and eventually grenade, complete with internals flying around. It would also model regular wear, such as brake linings wearing away, rotors warping, clutches starting to slip, steering flop and bad suspension joints showing up if one's willing to venture that far into the vehicle's life. On limited, impact damage is off, but mechanical failure is still on.

Better fuel mileage modeling. Having a 726HP pickup truck get better gas mileage than a 550HP civic is unreal, especially when the truck has a steady diet of race gas, nitrous and 160MPH speeds.

Aero should be tweaked. An option should switch between current the current method of modeling it and an super realistic aero modeling. On that setting, any stock pickup truck should be undrivably squirrely by 120, and if left unmodded, will blow over if the driver manages 130.

Add better cars. We dont need 300 cars, where only about 100 of them are worth driving. lose all those 20-70HP crap cars that waste disk space and add things like Lambos, Porches, Ferrarris and the such. We also need the vehicles from the styles of racing listed below. Who knows, taking a NASCAR-spec stock car to the 'Ring and playing with the GT1 cars might prove interesting...

More vehicle-specific races. Most trucks should end up in an offroad-style race. I usually use my Ram for pummeling people into the German countryside at the 'ring. Pointless, really, but fun. A 1970 Challenger a GTP car does not make, yet mine's pretty quick and snappy. That car is better suited to a drag race environment, and what self-respecting auto nut takes a Skyline for a snow drift? There should also be no restrictions on the cars you may use in things like practice and family cup. I have always wanted to take my Model T to the 'ring in photo drive mode. Also, toss in a few American styles, such as NASCAR, NHRAMonster trucks and other, less well known race styles. Things like demo derby, lawnmower races and belt sander drags are not subject to inclusion.

Better physics. Take a full-size truck into a 2G turn and it's going to begin a perfect immitation of it's tires. They're beyond topheavy, and drifting one from grass onto asphalt should result in a snap traction roll. If damage is turned on full, the wheels on that side should take on about 45º of positive camber and never roll again. I love racing trucks, I have all the pickups and SUVs GT4 has to offer, but I find the physics disappointing. I managed to flip my Ram once, and it nearly ruined my PS2. Even if you can lower one enough to keep it on it's feet, it's never going to be able to pull 2Gs. It's going to break one end loose, usually the rear if it's being driven right, tho they'll favor a push if one just swerves or brakes, then swerves. That part's fairly realistic. My older Pajero just begs to flip, you can see it's hefty hind end leaning heavily. It will easily hike an inside tire. It should be on it's side. This should also be toggleable, so people like me can take their pickups into family cups and just play around with them for the fun of it. Those that strictly drive GTP cars probably wouldnt even notice the anti-flip being removed, since these cars are so low slung and hard to flip anyways.

Install an option to allow electronic aids only on vehicles which posess them in real life. I find it odd, yet extremely required for racing, that I can fit a 1970 Plymouth Superbird with TCS and ASM. It drives wonderfully with them on, but because it was made in 1970, technically it shouldnt be there. This option should be disableable tho, some of us acually want b-spec bob to be able to control our muscle cars, or maybe even ourselves controlling these tire-eating beasts. FWDs are also incredibly horrid about burnouts, and they tend to push like bulldozers while doing so.

Better tire physics. A car with R5 tires and only 350HP should not be able to powder both tires in sixth gear at a dead stop. My '88 accord has that much with NOS on and will easily do so. All motor, on only about 250HP, it will powder both through fourth. It will still chirp them with TCS on 7. This is obscenely overexagerated(never could spell that, bear with me). True, a 350HP FWD should be able to ruin them into second, by third they should be firmly planted, especially with an LSD in. One should be hard-pressed to get a 4WD to let go on dry pavement period, yet if I remove my LSDs, my Ram will easily roast the inside front and rear well into third gear when I sauce it out of a corner. An 1800KG vehicle shouldnt be able to do that with only 750FT LBs of torque. I also wanna see better smoke. Someone braketorquing a muscle car with R5s in the back should generate a smoke cloud visible for the next four laps regardless of the track. Someone drifting a car on S2 or stickier should generate a similar smoke cloud, tho more dispersed. Also, rubber sliding like that should leave some serious marks that stay there for a few weeks.

Engine physics. Engines are not indestructible. Someone who never changes the oil and always lets it bounce off the rev limiter is going to grenade it, and I'd like to see this in the game. I'd also like to see it removed from cars that dont acually have one, or are too old to have one. They barely even had engines in 1886, let alone rev limiters. There should also be a temp gauge that, if pushed too high, will cause the engine to start to misfire and lose power, and if pushed even higher, cause the engine to weld itself in place. This should cause a spinout and the need to replace the engine, possibly other drivetrain parts so shocked by the lockup. This should be a disableable option.

More high-end mods. If one is willing to blow enough credits, FF cars should be able to be changed to FR or 4WD(even more expensive), with a differant type of engine installed. I've seen online real Ford Focuses that have recieved a bolt-in RWD conversion. You supply smallblock ford V8, money and labor, they supply parts. This should be doable in the game. Also, some kits will affect handling differantly than others. The V8 kit I mentioned is said to not change handling or balance all that much, tho not having driven one, I have no personal experiance. Muscle cars that came with smallblocks should be able to have their current engine bored, stroked or both, or completely replaced alltogether. There should also be a used engine market that stems from this option, which is a great place for people with grenaded mills to get their car mobile again.

Better trans modeling. An automatic should not be a game-shifted manual, instead it should perfectly model the way the one originally in that car is. It should model the slip, the engine zinging to just under stall speed and staying there till things get moving fast enough. Also, if a car originally only had an auto, a small charge will have to be paid to have it converted. The same applies to the other way. Shift kits for both should also be available. Some cars, such as the lone buick in GT4, would be victim to this charge. If a car was available in both standard and auto, and is purchased new, you choose the trans you get at time of purchase and dont have to pay to have it converted. The auto and manuals would also vary in speeds, ratios and tuneablilty. They'd also have differant default tuning, for example auto's shift points VS manual's gearing.

Better car purchasing. One should be able to choose various driveline options and perf packages available to the buyer of the car in real life. One could, for example, choose a I4, V6, hybrid or SI option for a 2006 Civic. Luxury packages will not be modeled, but those with performance updates will show with only the name and perf parts.

Differant method of procuring higher-end perf parts, as well as parts for those makes without an in-house tuner, by the means of a third-party parts shop. They would also carry things like displacement UP, engine swap and the like.

MP3 support, so you can play YOUR music through the ingame radio. Also, if you purchase the right parts for the cars, you can change the way it sounds.

And finally, a better AI and matching system. I took my Dodge Ram to the 'Ring and maxed the hardness and the worst pest I had to knock into orbit was a low-end Zonda. 'Twas a breeze, I had the power and binders to slip past him and the mass to absorb the inevitable bump-n-rum he'd try to get back infront of me. The game acually had the nerve to put me against an S600 once, I think on 5. Anyone who's ever driven one knows they're so pathetic it's hilarious. I was in first by the 5th turn. Not enough of a challenge, so I went to circuit de la sarthe and had teh same problem...
I think it needs more pickup trucks, perferrably some that are worth driving. Out of the three or four they did stick in, only one is driveable due to being 4WD. Also, more vehicle-specific parts. If one buys a truck, lift kits and swampers should be on the menu, but for a muscle car drag slicks and 4-links and the like.

Three damage modes, none, limited and full. On full, if you slam something, it immitates what the real life car would do in that impact, so taking a Dodge Ram 160MPH into the ass of a Mazda 737B doin 30 going into a hairpin would end up as a pile of shattered carbon fiber and one mid-engined, shortnosed pickup truck with in-door steering, not a 737B in orbit and the dodge at the perfect speed to drift the corner. Fun tho that is, it's a bit arcadish. If the vehicle is repairable, on appropriate models, airbags would also have to be replaced to meet race regs, and even still the car would never handle right again. It also activates mechanical failure. Persistant overrevving, lacking oil changes and constant braketorquing can caust the engine to overheat and eventually grenade, complete with internals flying around. It would also model regular wear, such as brake linings wearing away, rotors warping, clutches starting to slip, steering flop and bad suspension joints showing up if one's willing to venture that far into the vehicle's life. On limited, impact damage is off, but mechanical failure is still on.

Better fuel mileage modeling. Having a 726HP pickup truck get better gas mileage than a 550HP civic is unreal, especially when the truck has a steady diet of race gas, nitrous and 160MPH speeds.

Aero should be tweaked. An option should switch between current the current method of modeling it and an super realistic aero modeling. On that setting, any stock pickup truck should be undrivably squirrely by 120, and if left unmodded, will blow over if the driver manages 130.

Add better cars. We dont need 300 cars, where only about 100 of them are worth driving. lose all those 20-70HP crap cars that waste disk space and add things like Lambos, Porches, Ferrarris and the such. We also need the vehicles from the styles of racing listed below. Who knows, taking a NASCAR-spec stock car to the 'Ring and playing with the GT1 cars might prove interesting...

More vehicle-specific races. Most trucks should end up in an offroad-style race. I usually use my Ram for pummeling people into the German countryside at the 'ring. Pointless, really, but fun. A 1970 Challenger a GTP car does not make, yet mine's pretty quick and snappy. That car is better suited to a drag race environment, and what self-respecting auto nut takes a Skyline for a snow drift? There should also be no restrictions on the cars you may use in things like practice and family cup. I have always wanted to take my Model T to the 'ring in photo drive mode. Also, toss in a few American styles, such as NASCAR, NHRAMonster trucks and other, less well known race styles. Things like demo derby, lawnmower races and belt sander drags are not subject to inclusion.

Better physics. Take a full-size truck into a 2G turn and it's going to begin a perfect immitation of it's tires. They're beyond topheavy, and drifting one from grass onto asphalt should result in a snap traction roll. If damage is turned on full, the wheels on that side should take on about 45º of positive camber and never roll again. I love racing trucks, I have all the pickups and SUVs GT4 has to offer, but I find the physics disappointing. I managed to flip my Ram once, and it nearly ruined my PS2. Even if you can lower one enough to keep it on it's feet, it's never going to be able to pull 2Gs. It's going to break one end loose, usually the rear if it's being driven right, tho they'll favor a push if one just swerves or brakes, then swerves. That part's fairly realistic. My older Pajero just begs to flip, you can see it's hefty hind end leaning heavily. It will easily hike an inside tire. It should be on it's side. This should also be toggleable, so people like me can take their pickups into family cups and just play around with them for the fun of it. Those that strictly drive GTP cars probably wouldnt even notice the anti-flip being removed, since these cars are so low slung and hard to flip anyways.

Install an option to allow electronic aids only on vehicles which posess them in real life. I find it odd, yet extremely required for racing, that I can fit a 1970 Plymouth Superbird with TCS and ASM. It drives wonderfully with them on, but because it was made in 1970, technically it shouldnt be there. This option should be disableable tho, some of us acually want b-spec bob to be able to control our muscle cars, or maybe even ourselves controlling these tire-eating beasts. FWDs are also incredibly horrid about burnouts, and they tend to push like bulldozers while doing so.

Better tire physics. A car with R5 tires and only 350HP should not be able to powder both tires in sixth gear at a dead stop. My '88 accord has that much with NOS on and will easily do so. All motor, on only about 250HP, it will powder both through fourth. It will still chirp them with TCS on 7. This is obscenely overexagerated(never could spell that, bear with me). True, a 350HP FWD should be able to ruin them into second, by third they should be firmly planted, especially with an LSD in. One should be hard-pressed to get a 4WD to let go on dry pavement period, yet if I remove my LSDs, my Ram will easily roast the inside front and rear well into third gear when I sauce it out of a corner. An 1800KG vehicle shouldnt be able to do that with only 750FT LBs of torque. I also wanna see better smoke. Someone braketorquing a muscle car with R5s in the back should generate a smoke cloud visible for the next four laps regardless of the track. Someone drifting a car on S2 or stickier should generate a similar smoke cloud, tho more dispersed. Also, rubber sliding like that should leave some serious marks that stay there for a few weeks.

Engine physics. Engines are not indestructible. Someone who never changes the oil and always lets it bounce off the rev limiter is going to grenade it, and I'd like to see this in the game. I'd also like to see it removed from cars that dont acually have one, or are too old to have one. They barely even had engines in 1886, let alone rev limiters. There should also be a temp gauge that, if pushed too high, will cause the engine to start to misfire and lose power, and if pushed even higher, cause the engine to weld itself in place. This should cause a spinout and the need to replace the engine, possibly other drivetrain parts so shocked by the lockup. This should be a disableable option.

More high-end mods. If one is willing to blow enough credits, FF cars should be able to be changed to FR or 4WD(even more expensive), with a differant type of engine installed. I've seen online real Ford Focuses that have recieved a bolt-in RWD conversion. You supply smallblock ford V8, money and labor, they supply parts. This should be doable in the game. Also, some kits will affect handling differantly than others. The V8 kit I mentioned is said to not change handling or balance all that much, tho not having driven one, I have no personal experiance. Muscle cars that came with smallblocks should be able to have their current engine bored, stroked or both, or completely replaced alltogether. There should also be a used engine market that stems from this option, which is a great place for people with grenaded mills to get their car mobile again.

Better trans modeling. An automatic should not be a game-shifted manual, instead it should perfectly model the way the one originally in that car is. It should model the slip, the engine zinging to just under stall speed and staying there till things get moving fast enough. Also, if a car originally only had an auto, a small charge will have to be paid to have it converted. The same applies to the other way. Shift kits for both should also be available. Some cars, such as the lone buick in GT4, would be victim to this charge. If a car was available in both standard and auto, and is purchased new, you choose the trans you get at time of purchase and dont have to pay to have it converted. The auto and manuals would also vary in speeds, ratios and tuneablilty. They'd also have differant default tuning, for example auto's shift points VS manual's gearing.

Better car purchasing. One should be able to choose various driveline options and perf packages available to the buyer of the car in real life. One could, for example, choose a I4, V6, hybrid or SI option for a 2006 Civic. Luxury packages will not be modeled, but those with performance updates will show with only the name and perf parts.

Differant method of procuring higher-end perf parts, as well as parts for those makes without an in-house tuner, by the means of a third-party parts shop. They would also carry things like displacement UP, engine swap and the like.

MP3 support, so you can play YOUR music through the ingame radio. Also, if you purchase the right parts for the cars, you can change the way it sounds.

And finally, a better AI and matching system. I took my Dodge Ram to the 'Ring and maxed the hardness and the worst pest I had to knock into orbit was a low-end Zonda. 'Twas a breeze, I had the power and binders to slip past him and the mass to absorb the inevitable bump-n-rum he'd try to get back infront of me. The game acually had the nerve to put me against an S600 once, I think on 5. Anyone who's ever driven one knows they're so pathetic it's hilarious. I was in first by the 5th turn. Not enough of a challenge, so I went to circuit de la sarthe and had teh same problem...

Whos gonna read all this that is a book you should get a reward for this! Amazing!
Why should he get an award? It's a good post but it's not the longest we've ever had on here by a long shot. Good of you to quote the entire thing without picking out a single point from it though. As well done as that post is, there are a couple of things I dissagree with.
Add better cars. We dont need 300 cars, where only about 100 of them are worth driving. lose all those 20-70HP crap cars that waste disk space and add things like Lambos, Porches, Ferrarris and the such. We also need the vehicles from the styles of racing listed below. Who knows, taking a NASCAR-spec stock car to the 'Ring and playing with the GT1 cars might prove interesting...
We already have GT1 cars, not many but we have some. More would always be welcome. However, I would hate to lose thoes 20-70bhp "crap cars that waste disk space", many of these cars are what seperates GT from the rest of the racing crowd. Some of thoes types of cars can provide the best races and extremely high levels of fun. So I wouldn't want to see them go.

Better physics. Take a full-size truck into a 2G turn and it's going to begin a perfect immitation of it's tires. They're beyond topheavy, and drifting one from grass onto asphalt should result in a snap traction roll. If damage is turned on full, the wheels on that side should take on about 45º of positive camber and never roll again. I love racing trucks, I have all the pickups and SUVs GT4 has to offer, but I find the physics disappointing. I managed to flip my Ram once, and it nearly ruined my PS2. Even if you can lower one enough to keep it on it's feet, it's never going to be able to pull 2Gs. It's going to break one end loose, usually the rear if it's being driven right, tho they'll favor a push if one just swerves or brakes, then swerves. That part's fairly realistic. My older Pajero just begs to flip, you can see it's hefty hind end leaning heavily. It will easily hike an inside tire. It should be on it's side. This should also be toggleable, so people like me can take their pickups into family cups and just play around with them for the fun of it. Those that strictly drive GTP cars probably wouldnt even notice the anti-flip being removed, since these cars are so low slung and hard to flip anyways.
The cars don't flip in GT at all, theres something i the code that prevents them from going over no matter how much onto their side you can get them. But better physics is a must, I agree with you here and I cannopt strees how important more realistic physics are to me.

Install an option to allow electronic aids only on vehicles which posess them in real life. I find it odd, yet extremely required for racing, that I can fit a 1970 Plymouth Superbird with TCS and ASM. It drives wonderfully with them on, but because it was made in 1970, technically it shouldnt be there.
With regards to the car having it stock I agree, it would be a nice touch to have an option to have it so all the cars without TCS irl didn't have it in the game. ASM is something PD invented, there are some similar systems being used irl, but ASM as it works in GT as far as I'm aware is only there to offer help for lesser skilled drivers. Not that ASM actually does help in any way or anything, it was just supposed to.

Better tire physics. A car with R5 tires and only 350HP should not be able to powder both tires in sixth gear at a dead stop.
Personally I tihnk the tyres in GT4 have too much grip, not too little. The problem with the stupid way the cars wheelspin isn't becasue the tyre's don't have enough grip, it's because the way the game makes the transition from having traction to not having traction is bad, very very bad imo.

True, a 350HP FWD should be able to ruin them into second, by third they should be firmly planted, especially with an LSD in. One should be hard-pressed to get a 4WD to let go on dry pavement period.
A 350bhp front wheel drive car would be a bitch if you planted the throttle in almost any gear and tried to turn. As for 4wd cars not spinning the wheels at all irl, that's not true either. 4wd cars can lose grip in acceleration, deceleration or by cornering, just because a vehicle is 4wd that doesn't mean it's immune to wheelspin if you plant your right foot.

Pretty much everything else in your post I agree with 👍.
Although I don't agree with the post, I do have a reward for it... It's called "reputation." As in, + rep...
"Interesting post to say the least, but great effort and good quality earn +rep in my book." (quote of my comments when leaving +rep)

The key to getting that plus rep was not the length or necessarily the subject but rather it was what was missing...
Specifically, there was nothing about other games and that's rare. Most people who put that much energy into explaining what they would change about GT also take the time to throw in a classic fanboy comment for another game. I didn't read one of those and so I'm inclined to take the post for what it is, a user's opinion of GT and nothing more.

So with that said, I want to mention that I don't think there should be any trucks or SUVs in GT. :P
I just don't think trucks and SUVs have a place in "Gran Turismo" and if they are included I believe there should be better races for them.

Doing a truck series that's all on the road is rediculus... Why wouldn't you create a few muddy rally tracks and stick them on those?

That said, I suppose it would be ok to have a few road based races for trucks. I know there's a few truck racing series around the world. So with that in mind, I'd like to see some of those big 18 wheeler race trucks (running without the trailer of course). :sly:

Btw, Live4Speed,
+ rep to you for a "great counter argument"... Partly for the content and partly for just being polite when you disagree. 👍
I'd have to say there are quite a few changes that I would like to see made in GT5 if PD has the time or initiative to do so.

1) Aero kits. Yes, we can get wings for the rear, but that's only 1/4 of the situation. Why not give us the ability to change the front fascia and the side skirts too? It wouldn't be quite the same as the "Racing modification" from Gran Turismo 1 and 2, but it would still be something to add a lot more replay value to the game.

2) More "Tuner" variety. I know that GT4 has plenty of tuners to go to, albeit mainly for Japanese cars, but they all offer the exact same parts with the exact same performance, and for certain cars sometimes they don't even offer anything that you couldn't find at the normal dealer's tune shop. I think they should make it so that each part from each tuner has different stats. For instance, a muffler from TOM's might provide more torque at low-mid range, while a comparable muffler from Blitz might provide slightly higher horsepower (+1-5 HP).

3) More "One-make" races. Yes, some would say that it gets boring looking at the same car over and over again, but with Gran Turismo, I feel that that argument is mostly nit-picking. Almost all the cars in the game, aside from racing cars, have more than enough color choices to make an entire field of the same car having unique colors.

4) More "One-class" races. What's the point of designating cars "D1GP" or "JGTC" if you never go up against any of those same class of car?

5) More tracks. I don't care if they're "Original", "City", "Dirt and Snow", "World Circuit", or "Martian Desert"! Just give us more tracks to feed our insatiable thirst for speed! Bring back the good ones, like SSR11 and Red Rock Valley.

6) More cars. Bring back some of the old ones, too, like the Vectors from GT2, and also the Renault Espace F1. Bring in plenty of new ones, too. After all, we gotta see the next concept before even the press knows about it, right? :sly:

7) Weather. I think that's all I need to say about that

8) Passing time. Not just day-by-day, but actually have the "24 Hour" runs go from day to night to day (or night to day to night). Have this and 7 be active at the same time, maybe working off of the system clock.

9) Just because I can't think of anything else..... BRING BACK RACING MODS!
Most people who put that much energy into explaining what they would change about GT also take the time to throw in a classic fanboy comment for another game. I didn't read one of those and so I'm inclined to take the post for what it is, a user's opinion of GT and nothing more.

Are you saying that every reference to a game other than Gran Turismo is grounded in fanboy idealism? I would suspect that most members here are big fans of at least one Gran Turismo game, no matter whether they're posting praise or criticism of any entry in the series.

I also think the term "fanboy" is tossed around the internet far, far too much, but that's another topic.
I'd have to say there are quite a few changes that I would like to see made in GT5 if PD has the time or initiative to do so.

8) Passing time. Not just day-by-day, but actually have the "24 Hour" runs go from day to night to day (or night to day to night). Have this and 7 be active at the same time, maybe working off of the system clock.

That would be nice, but what about Rain, Sun, or even Snow, who would change tyres every second, ok not every second, at least on the 24h of something.
I'd have to say there are quite a few changes that I would like to see made in GT5 if PD has the time or initiative to do so.

1) Aero kits. Yes, we can get wings for the rear, but that's only 1/4 of the situation. Why not give us the ability to change the front fascia and the side skirts too? It wouldn't be quite the same as the "Racing modification" from Gran Turismo 1 and 2, but it would still be something to add a lot more replay value to the game.

7) Weather. I think that's all I need to say about that

8) Passing time. Not just day-by-day, but actually have the "24 Hour" runs go from day to night to day (or night to day to night). Have this and 7 be active at the same time, maybe working off of the system clock.

I agree with these statements. I already touched on this in my post(about the racing cars having adjustable/inerchangable aerodyamic aids).

Weather would also be good. I know that GT4 had a rain/wet circuit. But what about random weather changes? And the day-to-night-to day for the 24 hour races(or day to night for 10 and 12 hour races) would be a neat touch.
I agree with these statements. I already touched on this in my post(about the racing cars having adjustable/inerchangable aerodyamic aids).

Weather would also be good. I know that GT4 had a rain/wet circuit. But what about random weather changes? And the day-to-night-to day for the 24 hour races(or day to night for 10 and 12 hour races) would be a neat touch.

RAndom whather changes? what if the system was connected to the Internet all the time, and REAL weather patterns could pop up above the track. of course, you could turn this option off (useful if you didnt' want to tie up your internet lines), and if severe weather (read, Tornado, Hail, etc,) appeared, it could be toned down. A "Maximim rain" if you will: races aren't held in a Hurricane.
RAndom whather changes? what if the system was connected to the Internet all the time, and REAL weather patterns could pop up above the track. of course, you could turn this option off (useful if you didnt' want to tie up your internet lines), and if severe weather (read, Tornado, Hail, etc,) appeared, it could be toned down. A "Maximim rain" if you will: races aren't held in a Hurricane.

To be honest, there was a World Sportscar Championship/Group C race at Fuji in 1985 that was held in a tropical-like storm.
randomly appearing wildlife on the track, like a rabbit that runs across the track right in front of you, like I saw happening in a vid about DTM. that hare splattered all over the track.. :D
if Polyphony is so closely tied to Nissan, how can we trust that they wont make Nissan the star of the show by making another bullcrap car ridiculously good (ie Nissan R92CP...)
more important than Physics , is Ai

especially for an OFFLINE gamer

Ai are the "representatives" , they are what you race against - they are what gives you competition (or not in GT4's case)

how many realise the processing involved with Ai ?

i would like to see more of the CPU cycle devoted to running the AI than for it to stay at the same level in GT5

random weather events , random car failures - all require constant monitoring & are not needed

damadge modelling only needs to be "enough" . . . . . NOT "incredibly detailed" . GT is not the worlds best crash simulator . GT is not the worlds best enviroment simulator

main area of improvement :Ai , followed by damadge & physics
I think it would be cool as kind of a cross between Turner Villiage and The License Tests, you could get sponsers for your car by doing races for different car & car parts companies.

Another cool idea for GT5 would be to have to Qualify for certain races by doing lap times and time trials, or to even have whole events based on hot lap times.

Another idea would be to hire drivers and enter several cars in a race for more money (but only if there will be alot of cars in the race)

It would also be cool to have to update your license every so often to keep up with regulations
more important than Physics , is Ai

especially for an OFFLINE gamer

Ai are the "representatives" , they are what you race against - they are what gives you competition (or not in GT4's case)
I dissagree, it should be physics, then AI, then everything else. I'm not downplaying the importance of good AI, but if the cars arn't enjoyable to drive because the physics are naff, having a close race will not change that. Get the physics spot on and hot lapping becomes a joy. Screw them up and the best AI in the world won't save the game imo. The one thing more important than what you race against, is what you race. If what you race isn't right, what you race against doesn't matter.
Well said live4speed. 👍

One thing I've come to desire out of GT5 is online trackdays. 👍
I'd love to have a virtual Ring track day so I could lap the Ring with traffic.

I'm also interested to see if there are new mods to be done... I was watching some video of what I believe is the next gt and it showed a suzuki cappacino with a black hood on it, is this a sign of body mods or paintshop? I hope so. :D
Yeah,a good new mod would be stage 2 and stage 3 superchargers, in real life a supercharger puts up power a hell of a lot more than natural aspiration.
I'm new here, I don't know what I could say that hasn't probably been said, but here goes:

-Night racing

-More opponents in race (like 10-12, more for endurance)

-Dyno (not all cars are created equal)

-Legit 1/4 mile drag strip with pre-stage + stage and a head-to-head mode (instead of glorified 400m length solo)

-More detailed explanations on tuning (esp. suspension)

-Spoilers that don't look like ridiculously oversized

-Bring back the full racing modification found in GT1

-Custom paint jobs

-View opponents modifications, settings, HP/TQ (any or all)

-More tracks

-More race events with more desirable prize cars

-Sell value higher than 25% base value regardless of modifications

-The ability to actually burn rubber (applicable in drag racing event)

-Severe instability at extreme speeds

-Improved AI awareness and strategy

-Option for convertible top up or down, not always up

-Option to manually configure driver assist on/off on each car in GT mode, and no option for cars pre-dating the technology for any electronics (including engine chip mod).

-Cockpit camera view, change car's sound based on view

-More dynamic difference in types of power (NA, Supercharger, Turbo)

I would think of more but I'm tired. :boggled:
I'm also interested to see if there are new mods to be done... I was watching some video of what I believe is the next gt and it showed a suzuki cappacino with a black hood on it, is this a sign of body mods or paintshop? I hope so. :D

I believe that GTHD is already pointing us in this direction. From the screen shots i've seen, you can 'win' a tuned version of one of the ten available cars complete with wings, carbon hoods etc.
The thing I am most worried about at the moment is the absence of force feedback. Loosing the rumble feature with the control pad is alright but to lose ffb for a wheel will totally spoil it for me.
1) Aero kits. Yes, we can get wings for the rear, but that's only 1/4 of the situation. Why not give us the ability to change the front fascia and the side skirts too? It wouldn't be quite the same as the "Racing modification" from Gran Turismo 1 and 2, but it would still be something to add a lot more replay value to the game.

That and underbody diffuser trays - you could adjust downforce and even high speed downforce distribution with the ability to install diffusers.

9) Just because I can't think of anything else..... BRING BACK RACING MODS!

And custom team colours.

You had some good points in your post.

I like the idea of a career mode where you start in one class of racing and have to earn enough wins/points/reputation to move into or unlock another class - it could be randomised too, not just a linear, repetitive career progression.

You might have an inbox where you receive offers from different racing teams, which you can take or reject. Maybe have 'casual' offers, with teams needing a relief driver every now and then. If there are no jobs out there like that, then enter as a privateer with your own car.

I'd like to see a much larger 'privateer' class of racing, which might be differentiated from the pro class by AI or car restrictions... You could probably slot many of the 'one make' races into the privateer class - like the Lupo championship from GT3. I'd even look at making that available - for a 'lease fee' you lease a car for a one make championship. There wouldn't necessarily be a prize car at the end, but cash prizes and maybe sponsorships or a driving contract for a racing team...

As for pro class, I'd like to see a more class-oriented system: D1GP, Touring cars, JGTC, Australian touring cars, maybe Nascars, even up to Indy and F1, and even proper WRC championships. Some people may find it restrictive, but It would be interesting to then have a race season in that class.

This career mode would probably work best on a calendar system - with races scheduled for dates on the calendar - this gives you the ability to jump into test days/single races/short championships in between the big races.

Where I think a Career mode would fit in well is mixed in with a standard style GT mode, which would give the player the same gameplay as previous GT games. The benefit here is that the player could blast around in GT mode when they feel like it, or switch across to Career mode to climb the ladder. You could possibly use career mode to unlock different classes of racing in GT mode (just a thought).

In this case you could have separate completion percentages for each mode of GT (career, GT and arcade), or keep GT and arcade together and have Career separate...

Another thing I'd love to see is a random point-to-point course generator. Enter in a Targa style overland race, and have the system generate a random track (whether tarmac, unsealed, or a combination). You could have several different tile-sets for different regions - forest, mountain, desert, mixed with towns and outposts for refuelling/maintenance, even changes in terrain - imagine a 1000km race that starts in a coastal town, out into the country through green paddocks and forest - through the mountains and over into the drier lowlands. Stop for fuel at a small farming town, then take off across the arid inland towards a desert town.

Something else I think would be nice is historical races, with the actual cars that ran in them. You could possibly enter your own car (meeting the year and class restrictions - i.e. no 787B's in the 1978 Le Mans...), or you could opt to take the place of one of the historical drivers in the car they drove. If you win the race you win that car, as well as the prize money... Imagine running the 1969 Le Mans in the MkIV Gulf GT40... :drool:

Anyway, just some rambling thoughts and hopeful daydreams.

Just a few ideas.
i wont harp on physics, ai, and damage because i'm sure eveyone else already has. but here we go,

STYLIZED UNDERBODIES: i'm talking about big detail, suspension components that move with the tires, rotating driveshafts, all that good stuff you might see during replays on a jump or if perhaps the inclusion of drag mode, (and drag slicks) will finaly allow us to pull the wheels up. not to mention the possibilities in photomode.

TIRES: one, fix the grip levels, and the relationship between linear traction and lateral traction. also, Cars should come from the dealership with the tires that belong on them. trying to decide which of the N tires is the right one for a given car is just a pain in the butt.

BODY KITS: i for one despise the race mods. i dont want to have to plaster my car with decals and two or more tone paint jobs to give it downforce. If they would include body kits in the game then that would allow you to do everything to your car that a race mod does except for the ugly livery, (weight reduction, roll cage, wings, diffusers, cf body panels, etc) and for those who want the livery, the paint shop will fulfill that need.
When I look at the details for a car, I would like to see money figures, such as how much did I pay for the car, how much have I spent on it, how much has the car won, where it ranks in the $ won among all my cars, etc...
While I was in the pit stop getting tires and fuel, it occured to me... "Hey! WHO is paying for the tires & fuel?" Then I thought... I should be getting charged for it, and after that, if my win percentage or game progress or a-spec points, or some combination of those, at some point I should be able to gain a -Sponsor-

a sponsor who supplies tires (like Goodyear, Pirelli, or whoever)
Fuel - (Unocal, Exxon, etc) These might even supply me with a higher grade racing motor oil
Model-appropriate tuner sponsors, with top-end tuning options

Going on from there, how about being able to build an entire team?
like enough sponsorships to build an entire car?

I could earn sponsors for every aspect of racing. There might be races with entry fees higher than I want to pay myself.

Winning any given race would increase my winnings based on how many sponsors I have.

If I am doing well enough, an auto manufacturer would offer me a sponsorship, in which case they would provide a body, chassis, and engine.

This idea is really well organized in my head, but just not fleshed out in text very well yet. Anyway, you get the idea, what do you think?


This would be another 'section' of the game, and not an overall condition. Like the different 'halls' in GT4, there would be a "Major Championship Hall", where races have high entrance fees, consumables, including vehicle damage, come out of your (or your sponsors) pockets.

As I progress through the game, I can apply to different companies to see if they are interested. Based on some game metric (%complete, win ratio, A-spec points, $ earned, etc., or various combinations) the sponsor would either accept or turn me down. Say for example, "Yokohama" likes my driving record and they accept my application. From there, I get free tires and rims for championship races. Some sponsors will pay a portion of the entrance fee to major championships. Major sponsors will pay the whole thing.

Some sponsors, like auto manufacturers will not allow me to apply to them, but at some point, they just offer a sponsorship without my asking. Say for example after 500 wins at 90% win ratio, Lotus offers me (out of the blue) a car. Sometime after that, I hit 25,000 A-spec points, and as a result, Dodge wants to offer me a car. Of course since you can have only one major sponsor, driving for Dodge would mean that I have to give up the Lotus. (but I would keep the other sponsors)

If my win percentage or game performance suffers, some sponsors may choose to drop me as a driver... maybe they decide my repair bills are too high or I go through tires like a madman, or maybe I bump the other cars too much, creating a bad image for them haha.
RAndom whather changes? what if the system was connected to the Internet all the time, and REAL weather patterns could pop up above the track.

This is a good idea. Flight Simulator has this ability, if you have an internet connection it's feasible with a racing simulator.

This brings up a good point for endurance races, particularly the 24 hour GT races, which should see day-to-night changes and possible adverse conditions like fog or rain.
When I look at the details for a car, I would like to see money figures, such as how much did I pay for the car, how much have I spent on it, how much has the car won, where it ranks in the $ won among all my cars, etc...

Nice ideals there Rocker. Yes it would be fantastic to track those statistics much more valuable then the calender. Does anyone even look at there calender ?. In relationship to this I would like to see race restrictions especially for online race of car value restriction. Meaning you can have option to restrict total investment in car to say 50,000 or 100,000 credits etc. That way it would be cool to see what rides people bring to the race, do you go with an expensive exotic or fully tuned used car ?