Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
I can't imagine anyone wanting B-spec abolished. Maybe lock it down to endurance races, but don't get rid of it altogether.

Geez, if the "eliminate pause during endurance races" and "get rid of B-spec" suggestions passed, how could you do the 24/48 hour races :confused:

Endurance races are fun, but B-spec is completely optional. Racing purists are not forced into letting the computer drive, don't take it away from people who want to make use of it.

Look, this is about recognizing everyone's views. I'm telling you all now that if we only post a selection of stuff in the first post then there's no way this thread will fly. Simple as that.

That said, I want to see B-spec destroyed.
First off, I don't play games so I can have a computer do everything for me.
What's the point of racing GT if you're going to have the computer race for you?

Likewise, what's the value of the 24hr races in GT when it's just 24hrs of the same time of day without any way of saving mid-race?

I'm not a purist as you put it but I do believe that the game is there for us to play, not for us to put on cruise control and watch.

So, will everyone's opinions be respected or is this a thread where one person gets to post their idea of what should be added to GT5?
I'm giving this thread about 5 hours to decide... When I get back from school I will look at what has happend and make my decision on the future of this thread at that point.

Chances are, with the attitude I've seen so far, this is going to be merged with what was the active thread of the same topic.
Remember what I said...
Either this is really an index of suggestions (grounds for a new thread) or it is a list made by one member representing their opinion (which is not grounds for a new thread on the same subject).

btw, +rep German Muscle,
"good observation"... You said exactly what I was thinking when you said...
Alot of effort was put into this but it seems its only what the OP wants and didnt really think of what everyone else would want.
Look, this is about recognizing everyone's views. I'm telling you all now that if we only post a selection of stuff in the first post then there's no way this thread will fly. Simple as that.

That said, I want to see B-spec destroyed.
First off, I don't play games so I can have a computer do everything for me.
What's the point of racing GT if you're going to have the computer race for you?

Likewise, what's the value of the 24hr races in GT when it's just 24hrs of the same time of day without any way of saving mid-race?

I'm not a purist as you put it but I do believe that the game is there for us to play, not for us to put on cruise control and watch.

So, will everyone's opinions be respected or is this a thread where one person gets to post their idea of what should be added to GT5?
I'm giving this thread about 5 hours to decide... When I get back from school I will look at what has happend and make my decision on the future of this thread at that point.

Chances are, with the attitude I've seen so far, this is going to be merged with what was the active thread of the same topic.
Remember what I said...
Either this is really an index of suggestions (grounds for a new thread) or it is a list made by one member representing their opinion (which is not grounds for a new thread on the same subject).

btw, +rep German Muscle,
"good observation"... You said exactly what I was thinking when you said...

not everyone wants b spec to be gone though, everyone had that choice to use it or not I raced pretty much everything myself, i used b spec some i think i raced like 8 hours of the 24 hour races. I personally thing it should stay but be very limited and trainable with better AI.

Thanks for the +rep Kent, you get +rep in return.
Not needed but thanks. :bowdown:
That said,
I'm just trying to illustrate one simple fact...

The opinion of people who wish to see B spec removed is being ignored.

Is that fair for a thread based on the premise of indexing suggestions? I do not believe that is fair and because of that I am stating my case.
Not needed but thanks. :bowdown:
That said,
I'm just trying to illustrate one simple fact...

The opinion of people who wish to see B spec removed is being ignored.

Is that fair for a thread based on the premise of indexing suggestions? I do not believe that is fair and because of that I am stating my case.

The problem is that the opinions of those wanting the abolishment of B-Spec are being ignored, but those that want it gone are ignoring the other side. The problem with the argument is that you are rallying to get rid of something that is OPTIONAL. Don't like B-Spec? Don't use it. The game can be completed with 0 B-Spec miles. But don't make others have to do races they don't want to. For example: there is no way in hell I will A-Spec any race 8 hours or more. It's just too much of one track. Even with good breaks it's just too much of the same thing, and not everyone can just leave their PS2 on for a week to space it out. Unless there is a way to save progress during an enduro (like at the pits), I want B-Spec. Sure it can be abused, but so what? IMHO, it's the player's loss if they just make the AI do the game for them. Why should I care if someone else breezed through the game? They probably would've used cheats otherwise. So leave it, let those who want it use it, and those that don't want it to ignore it.
I once raced a Go-Kart that had a flat spot on its front right tyre - down to the canvas, and boy was that fun to drive... in a frantic, hair-pulling kind of way. It would be pretty cool (but potentially frustrating) to have that kind of thing happen in GT. Lock up the brakes on a corner and flat-spot a tyre and the rest of the race will be an experience (until your next tyre-change, of course). These sort of things could be integrated as part of the damage model.


I have seen posts where people have suggested that B Spec be binned, and I can see where they come from: it can be seen as cheating (i.e. letting Bob win you all the good cars/hard championships); what is the point of getting and playing GT if a lot of it is going to be done by the computer... and so on. It is a valid suggestion.

I personally don't mind having B Spec. I don't use it a lot, but it is useful in situations. I would suggest, instead, an improvement on B Spec. Why not have the ability to race two cars in a championship - you drive one, Billy-Bob Wally (b-spec) drives the other? If you're going to do that, you might as well have the ability to run a team with several B Spec drivers. Imagine running three cars in a 24 hour race - and pulling the trick the GT-40 drivers did in 1969 - a 1-2-3 finish. Now that would be nice (with you in 1st, of course). It allows so much room for team tactics and other things.

If B-Spec was to remain the same, maybe enhance the game by offering some prize or incentive for completing the whole game on A-Spec - similar to how you got the Oreca Viper in GT-3: winnable only once, un-buyable, un-sellable. You could have it like the F-GT in GT4 - no wear/hp loss. Some rare, highly sought after car that people would make the effort to win.

Even if B-Spec was modified in a way similar to my suggestion above, you could still have an incentive prize for the player competing in every race 100% A-Spec. Yes, you could run multi-car races (i.e. three of your cars in a race), as long as the player drives one of them for 100% of the race.

B-Spec does have potential to enhance the game, and not just as a cop-out for the player who doesn't want to run the race. While I can understand some of the reasoning/sentiment for wanting B-Spec gone, I would rather see it improved to enhance the game.

Just some suggestions.


The topic is wholly opinion - and that's fine. I have no problems with anybody wanting spinners/neons/b-spec/no b-spec/damage/no damage etc. They are the people's opinions, and that is worthy of respect. At the end of the day we all need to understand that these are just opinions. While you can offer alternatives/suggestions, as everything is opinion you really can't say 'no, you're wrong'. Anyway, that's my meaningless rant over and done with.
The problem is that the opinions of those wanting the abolishment of B-Spec are being ignored, but those that want it gone are ignoring the other side.

You're missing the point... I'm not asking for B-spec suggestions or a B-spec category to be removed from the index. That would be ignoring the otherside. Rather, I am simply asking that the side I represent is recognized as a valid suggestion like any other.

That said, I still contend that B-spec shouldn't be included in the game. I believe that B-spec is a mis-guided attempt to get players through long endurance races.

I believe that if B-spec were not in the game PD would be forced to use mid-race saves. I also believe it would encourage dynamic weather and track conditions due to the increased player participation.
Finally, I believe the idea of B-spec is a mockery of the pre-existing GT concept of learning to be a capable driver ala license test.

So with those reasons listed, I'm not saying "take down the B-spec suggestions" or "you can't make suggestions for B-spec."
I'm simply saying that some of us might not want B-spec to be part of GT5 and that opinion should be recognized in the index just as every other opinion.

And finally... All of this is a moot point since I've already merged the two threads and now the "Index" is listed chronologically with all of the other posts from the duplicate "things other than cars..." thread.

My concerns here are not so much regarding B-spec as much as they are the idea of a fair minded listing of ideas coming from the minds of GTP members (yes I do consider myself a member as well as a moderator :sly: ).

Since I could see a "fair listing" would not take place, and the duplicate thread was merely one individuals list of acceptable ideas, I decided to merge the threads (as the duplicate thread should have actually been a post in the original thread that was a long terms active thread).

Any way, that's just my take on things and it doesn't really matter... I know PD isn't going to make the changes necessary to play GT5 without B-spec so I certainly can't expect them to remove it. :(
Kent I disagree on not including B-Spec in GT5

Real drivers do not drive enduros greater then 3 hours in length by themselves. The online race I mention later had strict rules against 1 driver teams

I think the better option is to keep B-spec in enduros ONLY, but just like the real thing you should be required to drive your part of the race, usually 1/3, or 8 hours of a 24 hour race etc.

I think it will be very entertaining to enter a 24 hour race at 12 pm, drive the first 2-3 hours and have the game give you a message that your next run will be around 6pm and so on.

I recently ran a realtime online 24 hour endurance race for wrracing at Le Mans. It was very entertaining to say the least to have to wake up at 2 AM in the mourning to drive your 2 hour stint.

Here's a link to the live blog of the 24 hour race. I am known as Bulsara

See here's the thing... I believe that without Weather, Car Damage, or Time of Day/ Night, there shouldn't be 24hour races in GT.
If all of those were included I would say go for it and leave B-spec as well as teh 24hr races in the game.

However, those conditions are not going to be met and inturn I feel like B-spec is an element of the game that is not necessary.

Beyond that, I still believe B-spec represents a horrible trend of "not playing" the game while actually playing the game.
I used b-spec a ton... 19,000miles worth. :P
But that was only because many of the races were so darn long I had no choice. :banghead:

I believe B-spec takes away from the overall game experience far more than it contributes. In my opinion, B-spec is the greatest flaw of GT4 and represents the "lazy" attitude PD has taken with regards to development.

What? No weather changes, time of day changes, or mid-race saving? Ah, just throw in a B-spec so they can blast by it at 3X the speed without looking at the race and they will not care.

Get rid of B-spec and PD will be forced to give us a better game- simple as that.
(weather, time of day/night, mid-race saves... I'd trade B-spec for those three any day of the week)
With all due respect Ken, while I understand your dislike for B-spec, and I have even used B-spec much less often then yourself, why are you so concerned with how other players might like to play from time to time to the point where you would want to force them not to ever use B-spec by wanting PD to remove that option from the game?

After all, why stop there? Maybe PD should also remove the option of automatic transmissions and force everyone to always drive in manual? How about also removing viewing options, and force everyone to always drive in cockpit view? ... and so on and so forth.

I also can't see how B-spec can be considered a flaw considering it is only optional. Further more, how does B-spec represent the "lazy" attitude PD has taken with regards to development? It took more developmental resources to add that feature... not less.

I also have a hard time understanding how someone who would use B-spec "a ton... 19,000 miles worth", (because it isn't required), but then goes on to slam it and strongly recommend that it not be included in GT5... thus forcing everyone to play the game like they want to... not like they did. ;) (don't you think that comes off as being rather hypocritical?)

I do understand though why you, and perhaps many others used B-spec to finish some of the long races, but that was your choice. There are many people who do have the time and interest in completing the game without ever using B-spec, and there are other's who don't.

Instead of bashing PD for adding an option that has obviously been very useful for a lot of people, including yourself, they should be congratulated for adding an option that allows each player to decide for themselves how they want to play the game as determined by both their personal preference and time limitations.

Yes, PD could get rid of the long races and get rid of many races and challenges so the time it takes to get to 100% completion is much shorter. However, that really would be taking the lazy development route that you spoke of earlier, and worse yet, it would cripple the game by catering to the lowest common denominator.

Personally, what impresses me so much about games like Gran Turismo, and even Grand Theft Auto (despite the violence), is that these types of open ended games not only offer the player a vast environment to play in, but they also give each player enough options to play the game the way that they want at that particular time, such that it allows for a wide variety of different styles of gameplay.

IMO, better games have greater options, lesser games have fewer options.

It is that reason why I feel of all the things PD could do to improve the series it would be to add more options, such as to be able to adjust the ability of the AI for any given race, and to specifically select what cars they drive, thus allowing players even more control on creating the exact type of racing conditions they want. For me, I love very close competitive racing, so it would allow me to create a field full of cars and drivers who are capable of turning the same lap times as myself, thus resulting in very exciting close races.

Regardless, as far as the B-spec option goes... If you don't want to use B-spec... don't. It's really that simple. However, to demand that option be removed simply because you don't like it sends a very loud message that only your type of playing style is important, and that all games should be limited to your needs and time limitations without considering the fact that many people have different needs and time limitations.

OK, that's a little more than $.02, but I get a little riled when I hear people demanding fewer options for everyone based on their own personal needs, and their desire to force everyone to play like they do. :grumpy:

BTW: I love the idea of having weather, and accurate time of day enviromental changes for all races... and it would be even better if these were player selected options. 👍

I also agree, that dammage options really need to be made available! That has always been one of my biggest complaints about GT. For those that don't want dammage I am perfectly fine with that, but for those of us who want it, we should have that option!
I swear you guys are killing me...

Look, first of all, why does everyone want B-spec in the game so badly?

Moving on though...
I'm not asking for B-spec to be removed because I dislike it. Everyone is simply assuming that I have some kind of hate for B-spec.

I do not dislike B-spec. I dislike what it represents and I dislike what it allows (for PD, not us).

See, I love using B-spec for the italiano cup (to win the alfa 155 touring car doing 2 lap Bspec races) and for the El Capitan enduro (to win the Minolta).

None the less, if B-spec was removed PD would be forced to do a handful of things (lighting changes, mid-race saves, etc) that would contribute to the game far more than B-spec.

My contention is that B-spec allows PD to release a product that is not as quality as it should be. B-spec affords PD the option to make 24hr races without any of the requirements you would expect from a 24hr race.

B-spec allows PD to pump up the quantity of racing in the game without considering the quality of the races (such as the ai or opponents faced).

If PD could get everything right when it comes to these longer races I would be down 100% for B-spec.

However, as it stands, I believe B-spec is enabling PD to release products that are not up to the standards most of us hold (because whether you like B-spec or not, most of us want Weather, Time Of Day, and mid-race saves).

Plus, you guys keep talking about respecting other people's opinions... Well consider this... I'm not saying you all don't deserve to suggest new elements for B-spec, I'm simply saying that I'd like my suggestion to be honor just like so many others (that I would consider much less valuable).

I believe B-spec enables PD to release a sub-par product and the improvements we all want to see will never be implimented for as long as PD has the "b-spec cop-out."

Remember, I only say B-spec is a flaw because of what it enables PD to pass off as a finished product.

No self respecting game developer would have ever published GT4 as it was without B-spec... But with mid-race saves, time of day/lighting changes, the game would have never needed B-spec and our gameplay time would have nearly tripled.

Beyond that, the removal of B-spec would help reduce the number of freeze-ups and overheated systems (because we could do 3 hour stints of racing, save, then return at another time instead of just putting the system on B-spec and hoping for the best as we left the system running for 20 hours). :indiff:

Think about it... I'm not saying B-spec is a bad idea... I'm saying that it enables PD to release a product that is not as quality as it should be.

B-spec is the Gran Turismo equivilent of sweeping problems under the rug.
With that in mind, I'm not saying to not sweep, I'm saying to sweep properly. :sly:

Bottom Line:
I believe that by accepting B-spec we are allowing PD to skip out on providing us with the more important essentials of endurance racing. By refusing to accept B-spec we will be forcing PD to produce a more quality product.
I'm sorry Kent, but I'm affraid there are a great deal of holes in that logic. The fact is that PD can have all of what you mentioned is missing (and what I and others would like to see as well) AND have B-spec as an option. Having one does not preclude from having the others. Your assertion is that B-spec allows PD not to add them... and it doesn't... because after all, many people have finished GT4 without ever using B-spec. If B-spec was required to finish the game for everyone, then you might have a slightly more reasonable arguement. :)
I'm sorry Kent, but I'm affraid there are a great deal of holes in that logic. The fact is that PD can have all of what you mentioned is missing (and what I and others would like to see as well) AND have B-spec as an option. Having one does not preclude from having the others. Your assertion is that B-spec allows PD not to add them... and it doesn't... because after all, many people have finished GT4 without ever using B-spec. If B-spec was required to finish the game for everyone, then you might have a slightly more reasonable arguement. :)

Ah, you've made a mistake (more than one actually)...

First off, I never said it was necessary to use B-spec.

Second off, I didn't say the inclusion of B-spec precluded the inclusion of the other elements.

However, it is perfectly sound logic to recognize that B-spec does allow them to not include those essentials (mid race saves and lighting changes) without negative repercussion.

That my friend is indeed a logical and reasonable argument.
I believe that at this point you are simply trying to put holes in my argument and frankly, this battle ship ain't sinking. ;)

Think about it though... I've never said you must use B-spec to complete the game and I've never said that having B-spec meant you could not have the "essentials."

Remember, preclude means to prevent or not allow the occurance of...
I've been saying the exact opposite... I haven't said B-spec prevented them from including those things, I've been saying it has afforded them the oppurtunity to not include those things without serious consequence.


Without B-spec, the lack of mid-race saves and time of day changes would have been a primary complaint from day-1 for most, if not all of the gaming community.
However, with B-spec you don't need to worry about mid-race saves (as much) and you certainly don't have to pay attention to the fact that the sun stays out for 24hrs (simply because you're not racing but instead, you're just watching a black race manager screen).
Ah, you've made a mistake (more than one actually)...

First off, I never said it was necessary to use B-spec.
Nor did I say you did.

Second off, I didn't say the inclusion of B-spec precluded the inclusion of the other elements.
Nor did I say you did.

What you said, and what I repeated is that B-spec allowed them to avoid adding these features. Not only do you have no proof of this, and is purely speculative, but many people like myself have not had any problems avoiding B-spec without these missing features... although they would have been nice!

However, it is perfectly sound logic to recognize that B-spec does allow them to not include those essentials (mid race saves and lighting changes) without negative repercussion.
For me that is a pretty significant stretch... certainly regarding the lighting part!

I can tell we will have to agree to disagree. ;)

Hopefully PD will add options... not remove them. :)
If by options you mean mid-race saves and time of day changes then I think it is safe to say I agree with you to some extent.

That said...
One thing I would really love to see in GT5 is Ebisu Circuit.
I'd like to see Blimps, Airplanes and Helicopters flying around with Manufacturer banners hanging from the Blimps like in real racing, PD also shows planes and copters in there Demo/preview of games before the start, When will they finally put these in the game and stop teasing?
Nor did I say you did.

Nor did I say you did.

What you said, and what I repeated is that B-spec allowed them to avoid adding these features. Not only do you have no proof of this, and is purely speculative, but many people like myself have not had any problems avoiding B-spec without these missing features... although they would have been nice!

For me that is a pretty significant stretch... certainly regarding the lighting part!

I can tell we will have to agree to disagree. ;)

Hopefully PD will add options... not remove them. :)

That's not cool... Going back and editing after I had responded to the original post... 👎

Digital Nitrate
The fact is that PD can have all of what you mentioned is missing (and what I and others would like to see as well) AND have B-spec as an option. Having one does not preclude from having the others.

Second off, I didn't say the inclusion of B-spec precluded the inclusion of the other elements.

digital nitrate
Nor did I say you did.

Looks to me like you did say I said (or atleast implied) that one precluded the others (if nothing else you interjected that on your own and stated it in a way that implied I suggested the idea).

That said, I can tell you are not ready to accept my opinion as a valid one (not even asking for you or anyone to agree, just simply respect what I have said as a valid opinion).

Furthermore, I still contend that having B-spec does allow them the chance to not include those other options.
Digital Nitrate
Your assertion is that B-spec allows PD not to add them... and it doesn't... because after all, many people have finished GT4 without ever using B-spec. If B-spec was required to finish the game for everyone, then you might have a slightly more reasonable arguement.

If B-spec wasn't availible, 24hour races would be very difficult without mid-race saves and the quality of the game in general would be down-graded due to the more apparent lack of day/night changes in the 24hour races.

Am I the only one who sees something wrong with the idea that I have to defend my opinion despite the fact that I accept other people's regardless of what it may be? :indiff:

So I don't want b-spec, accept it and move on dude!

What you said, and what I repeated is that B-spec allowed them to avoid adding these features. Not only do you have no proof of this, and is purely speculative, but many people like myself have not had any problems avoiding B-spec without these missing features...

Are you saying you did the 24hrs without B-spec or are you saying you avoided it where possible?
Bottom Line:
I believe that by accepting B-spec we are allowing PD to skip out on providing us with the more important essentials of endurance racing. By refusing to accept B-spec we will be forcing PD to produce a more quality product.

I understand what you are saying, I agree the thread needs to list each suggestion by saying "add/remove" to every point where needed.

However, I don't believe B-spec is PD's cover for cheaping out on detail. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I see it as a means to not force a player into spending 24 hours of time going around the same track hundreds of times.

Like I said, B-spec is optional. There's nothing to gain by using it except saving your free time.

Look at it the other way, with B-spec gone, how many people are going to take the time to do all 24/48 hours of racing? They will now miss % and prize cars because they are not willing to put in that kind of time. This is the same reason MMORPGs consume the lives of people. I don't want to be put in the same position.

I know what your argument is and I know how you feel. I felt cheated by GT4 too, it didn't live up to what it should have. Ultimately, I am confident that what was learned from the GT HD experiment and the fact that the next true GT game will have the power of a new system will add up to make GT4 look half-assed (which it was).
I understand what you are saying, I agree the thread needs to list each suggestion by saying "add/remove" to every point where needed.

However, I don't believe B-spec is PD's cover for cheaping out on detail. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I see it as a means to not force a player into spending 24 hours of time going around the same track hundreds of times.

Like I said, B-spec is optional. There's nothing to gain by using it except saving your free time.

Look at it the other way, with B-spec gone, how many people are going to take the time to do all 24/48 hours of racing? They will now miss % and prize cars because they are not willing to put in that kind of time. This is the same reason MMORPGs consume the lives of people. I don't want to be put in the same position.

I know what your argument is and I know how you feel. I felt cheated by GT4 too, it didn't live up to what it should have. Ultimately, I am confident that what was learned from the GT HD experiment and the fact that the next true GT game will have the power of a new system will add up to make GT4 look half-assed (which it was).

Excellent Post.

Not because you almost agreed with me or were understanding of my reasons... But rather, simply because you respected that A) I have a right to my opinion, and B) That an "Index" of suggestions should include all suggestions whether or not the thread creator likes a particular idea.
That's not cool... Going back, editing your post and taking a confrontational tone... 👎
Chill... it wasn't confrontational... I re-read your post and felt it was necessary to defend against your false accusations you made in regards to what quote I attributted to you. And I didn't even use BOLD... which comes off as being very confrontational BTW. :grumpy:

That said, I'm done here...
Apparently you are not done... as I see you editted your post to further the confrontation. 👎

BTW: As much as you have the right to have an opinion, others have the right to question the arguements you use to support it.
Well it seems our roles have reversed and sadly, you posted quotes of my comments nearly an hour after I had cooled off and edited them out of the original post.

That said, we're just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.

I'm suggesting we just move on. 👍
The other big thing I'd like to see is more race variety. PD gives us plenty of JGTC500 races, but no 300 races, even with 6 cars under that category. There are races for production cars only...what about concept car only races? Given the sheer number of them in increases with each GT game, it would only be fair. There is only one series for DTM. It just seems there are too many cars that don't really fit too well in any races. They are either outclassed (eg, GT40 in the enduros) or they destroy the competition. But a lot have no good place to duke it out on a level playing field.
Let me first say that the topic of "B"-spec has been covered in other topic threads in much more detail and the argument for it does not belong in this topic thread. I will also say the same of other major features or lack of features for the game. Allowing the use of "B"-spec in GT4 is a brilliant feature and can only get better. It allows more people to experience the game in my opion with out having to limit the content of the game. Sure if we could all play GT4 24 hours a day 7 days a week then perhaps the feature would not be needed.

On to new and perhaps not previuosly mentioned ideals for new features. This one is in regards to the Mission feature of GT4 which was new for the latest installment. What if players could create their own missions based on many differnt factors. The factors would actually consist of a lot of the pre-race settings and or restrictions that I and others have mentioned many times before. For sake of simplicity, a player could pick a track and then from a variety of options create a mission or maybe group of missions. Then give them names and either share them with others via online game community etc. Granted for me missions is one area of the game that I rarely touch. However I am sure that missions could be set up to be excellent race tutors etc. Imagine being able to pick say 19 cars and put them in a race and then have the mission be for the user to place in the top 5 or top ten in say 10 or 15 laps. You could either preselect the users car or give them boundary conditions that their car would have to meet. Sounds like a lot of fun to me.

Just something that could be added as a extra feature after the main part of the game is rock solid.
If you're going to do that, you might as well have the ability to run a team with several B Spec drivers. Imagine running three cars in a 24 hour race - and pulling the trick the GT-40 drivers did in 1969 - a 1-2-3 finish.

Now that would be a worthwhile b-spec mode. Really having to manage your drivers as opposed to just setting the game on autopilot. It would be somewhat demanding to manage 3 cars on different fuel/tyre strategies, particularly if accidental damage/changing weather conditions forced unplanned stops for repairs/wet tyres etc.

If B-Spec was to remain the same, maybe enhance the game by offering some prize or incentive for completing the whole game on A-Spec - similar to how you got the Oreca Viper in GT-3: winnable only once, un-buyable, un-sellable. You could have it like the F-GT in GT4 - no wear/hp loss. Some rare, highly sought after car that people would make the effort to win.

The best way to encourage using A-spec would be to make the points actually worth something. Instead of getting prize cars for 25%, 50% etc. game completion, give a prize car for every 10,000 A-spec points gained. If this was documented such that the player knew there was an F1 Espace or Veyron available, but only for gaining sufficient A-spec points then I bet they'd put in the effort. To this end I would suggest a 'motorshow' or 'museum' in addition to the auto dealers. Here you would view cars not-available-to-buy with the points required to win listed in place of a cash price.

Even if B-Spec was modified in a way similar to my suggestion above, you could still have an incentive prize for the player competing in every race 100% A-Spec.

Another alternative inspired by GT3 where you won one of four different cars as a championship prize. Re-instate the alternative prize cars, but instead of them being chosen at random have them awarded depending on race difficulty.
Using Audi as an example;
Win an A3 for sub 50 point races.
Win an S4 for 50-150 point races.
Win an R8 for 150+ point races.
Win a TT for running in B-spec.
The prize car thing, no, I use B-Spec on the endurance races because I have no time to win thoes cars any other way. I don;t mind alternate prize cars, but I don;t want to be forced to run an 8 hour race in a-spec because to win the car I want, I already can't do any of the 24hr races because even in b-spec they take too long. What I would suggest would be perhaps have, a: a couple of prize car to win based on accumulated a-spec points, and also perhaps have some special dealership cars that unlock for sale when certain a-spec targets are met. Say for example the R390GT-1 road car, there's only one of thoes in real life, it's a superb performer, and it's very rare. So make it so that in order to buy that car you need not only the 1,000,000 credits, you also need to have accumulated over 30,000 a-spec points or something like that. I'm not saying go mental and tie loads of cars into that idea, just a handfull that will encourage people to not use b-spec all the time. Also halving the prize money when a-spec is used would detter people from abusing it, it wouldn't prevent someone like me from still being able to use it to run the events I don't have time for but it would encourage me to not use it for the events I DO have time for.
Another alternative inspired by GT3 where you won one of four different cars as a championship prize. Re-instate the alternative prize cars, but instead of them being chosen at random have them awarded depending on race difficulty.
Using Audi as an example;
Win an A3 for sub 50 point races.
Win an S4 for 50-150 point races.
Win an R8 for 150+ point races.
Win a TT for running in B-spec.[/QUOTE]

I love this Idea, but it also requires some competent A.I., competent grid selection( if your driving a stock 60s car you shouldn't be racing brand new cars), and a revised point scale.

For example you should lose some points for pushing and wrecking A.I. cars, as well as driving off track. Most 200pt races were only possible for me if I used a modded car with Nitrous, since it was never taken into account. So a 200pt race would have to a bit more realistic to win. Like maybe a 2002 Camaro SS competing against a Corvette GS. But that is also assuming the A.I. is able to race well. Thats my 2 cents feel free to add to it.
I agree with L4S' point - I too use B-spec to race events I don't have time for. I do shorter events on A-spec, simply because I like enjoying the game by driving it - but more than two hours is way off-limit to what I can spend during a regular school-week, which, sadly enough, is most of the year. I agree, PD could make B-spec more detailed - but I don't think such a feature should be scrapped.
As I have mentioned before, PD could add features such as managing a whole team of cars, being able to adjust the setup depending of the performance during an endurance (requires pitstops), and giving more detailed instructions, such as "Go slow on given section" rather than a generic speed.

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