With all due respect Ken, while I understand your dislike for B-spec, and I have even used B-spec much less often then yourself, why are you so concerned with how other players might like to play from time to time to the point where you would want to force them not to ever use B-spec by wanting PD to remove that option from the game?
After all, why stop there? Maybe PD should also remove the option of automatic transmissions and force everyone to always drive in manual? How about also removing viewing options, and force everyone to always drive in cockpit view? ... and so on and so forth.
I also can't see how B-spec can be considered a flaw considering it is only optional. Further more, how does B-spec represent the "lazy" attitude PD has taken with regards to development? It took more developmental resources to add that feature... not less.
I also have a hard time understanding how someone who would use B-spec
"a ton... 19,000 miles worth",
(because it isn't required), but then goes on to slam it and strongly recommend that it not be included in GT5... thus forcing everyone to play the game like they want to... not like they did.
(don't you think that comes off as being rather hypocritical?)
I do understand though why you, and perhaps many others used B-spec to finish some of the long races, but that was your choice. There are many people who do have the time and interest in completing the game without ever using B-spec, and there are other's who don't.
Instead of bashing PD for adding an option that has obviously been very useful for a lot of people, including yourself, they should be congratulated for adding an option that allows each player to decide for themselves how they want to play the game as determined by both their personal preference and time limitations.
Yes, PD could get rid of the long races and get rid of many races and challenges so the time it takes to get to 100% completion is much shorter. However, that really would be taking the lazy development route that you spoke of earlier, and worse yet, it would cripple the game by catering to the lowest common denominator.
Personally, what impresses me so much about games like Gran Turismo, and even Grand Theft Auto
(despite the violence), is that these types of open ended games not only offer the player a vast environment to play in, but they also give each player enough options to play the game the way that they want at that particular time, such that it allows for a wide variety of different styles of gameplay.
IMO, better games have greater options, lesser games have fewer options.
It is that reason why I feel of all the things PD could do to improve the series it would be to add more options, such as to be able to adjust the ability of the AI for any given race, and to specifically select what cars they drive, thus allowing players even more control on creating the exact type of racing conditions they want. For me, I love very close competitive racing, so it would allow me to create a field full of cars and drivers who are capable of turning the same lap times as myself, thus resulting in very exciting close races.
Regardless, as far as the B-spec option goes... If you don't want to use B-spec... don't. It's really that simple. However, to demand that option be removed simply because you don't like it sends a very loud message that only your type of playing style is important, and that all games should be limited to your needs and time limitations without considering the fact that many people have different needs and time limitations.
OK, that's a little more than $.02, but I get a little riled when I hear people demanding fewer options for everyone based on their own personal needs, and their desire to force everyone to play like they do.
BTW: I love the idea of having weather, and accurate time of day enviromental changes for all races... and it would be even better if these were player selected options. 👍
I also agree, that dammage options really need to be made available! That has always been one of my biggest complaints about GT. For those that don't want dammage I am perfectly fine with that, but for those of us who want it, we should have that option!